The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 355: Good Talents Are Those Who Die

The verification of new machine booting requires a military registration number, that is, the identity number of a soldier, and her machine is the one with the highest authority, and there is a bunch of additional verification information to be filled in, and it is done step by step. After completing this step, submit the information Passed, the next step is to fill in other materials and then submit for approval, and the third step is to fill in individual ones.

After finally getting the optical computer done, I have to do it again on the bracelet. After all the verification is completed, the commonly used software and saved documents have to be installed and imported, and it’s time to go out to attend a certain department’s dinner party.

With the performance at the luncheon, and during the dinner, sure enough, from time to time, someone would come to Cen Wen to chat about the international situation, and in fact, from the conversation, she would test her views on those top powers, especially the Wanhua United Nations.

Cen Wen is always talking about scenes, and she uses all the words that are often heard in international news.

The main theme is a boast, a boastful boast, which sounds like a perfunctory in the social field, but it feels that there is a bit of sincerity in it.

Of course Cen Wen has sincerity, and sincerely hopes that the entire Wanhua United Nations will die badly.

After a dinner party, those tempters set their tone. Cen Wen was a little curious about the powerful Wanhua United Nations, and he had a good impression when he didn't talk about history. When he talked about history, he would feel the murderous intent from top masters.

And the master is worthy of being a master, he can control the power with ease, the murderous aura can only be felt by those who chat face to face, and the people passing by have no reaction at all.

At such a banquet, how many people can stand up to the master's murderous intent and still be calm and composed, without their legs becoming weak.

After the banquet, information from various sources was gathered at the Wanhua United Nations Embassy. Shanni Pala used an encrypted line to communicate with the country and discussed for more than an hour. The joint order from His Majesty the King and the Elder's House issued a beheading order against Cen Wen.

Ke Bo and other people, they are burdened by their families, and they are also villains who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and they are in the right position, and it is the easiest way to use corruption.

Cen Wen is single, with strong combat effectiveness, high social status, and no shortage of money. Instead of dragging her into depravity, it is better to kill her directly, which is more in the interests of Wanhua United Nations.

The failure of the previous assassination allowed Wanhua to find out that Cen Wen was not easy to kill. They simply issued a reward order on the dark web. When Cen Wen left Capital Star, they assassinated her and used her head to receive the reward.

After the banquet was over, when we returned to the hotel, Cen Wen didn't have time to rest, so he sent a message to Jiang Shan first, and then the two met on the holographic network.

Jiang Shan didn't care about Shani Pala. Ke Bo's confession that he was related to the Wanhua United Nations explained everything. Shani Pala's confession was just a lot of evidence. She was more interested in the chat in the military department later.

"I may have been exposed." Jiang Shan said in a low voice and quickly.


"The head of the military department has never changed people. He recognized me back then. When he talked to you about Jiang Yan, any expressions you made had different interpretations in his eyes. Maybe he already guessed from your reaction that Jiang Yan was not dead. , and then stared at your only disabled friend in the past few years, and then took off my vest. Can there be a fool who can sit in such a high position? I am afraid that our files have been raised to only the national level at this moment Officials read."

Because she didn't trust the security of the holographic network, Jiang Shan analyzed it as fast as she could, which made Cen Wen raise her eyebrows.

"So smart? What should I do?"

"Let him do it. When I had an accident and Ke Bo intentionally caused the mech test machine accident, this minister can still sit firmly in his position, which is enough to show how capable he is. Leave him alone and let him do things. In order to remove him before leaving office With these two tainted hats, he is willing to do anything and dare to do it."

"Okay, next step they will gather those people who Cobb confessed to. I promise to help them get their confessions, pull out the carrots and bring out the mud. I will be happy to help them catch the harmful tiger flies all over the world."

"And those people at the dinner party tried to tempt you. It is estimated that Shani Pala will contact her in the country overnight to ask whether she should be beheaded."

"I'm just waiting for them to do it. Those who dare to come are masters. Masters are good, they are rich in nutrition."

Jiang Shan rubbed her forehead, "Don't get carried away, I don't think there will be any more assassinations on Capital Planet, but after you enter space, it may be dangerous."

"That's why it's better not to take a passenger spaceship? Then I'll get a cargo ship?" Cen Wen's eyes lit up, and he had an idea, "Is the design institute still working now? Help me find someone to talk to and see if they have anything special The materials I want, I will take them back by freight."

"It's a way, okay, I'll talk to someone after dawn." Jiang Shan said, rolling her eyes, "You can contact the military department and ask if they will send someone to accompany you to protect you when you return. , You must be able to fly a spaceship."

"Understood." Cen Wen gestured, "Speaking of cargo spaceships, I have several in my space, and they were sent directly by a certain legion."

"Okay, the vehicles are all ready-made, in case of an attack, you can escape flexibly."

In the morning of the next day, Cen Wen sent an email to the Minister of the Military Department with the newly replaced optical brain, then put on makeup and changed clothes and went out to attend the lunch meeting.

When I came back in the afternoon, the minister's reply letter also arrived. In the next few days, an elite team will be dispatched as her exclusive guards to stay in the hotel, so that someone around me can be available at any time. Blend in with the crowd.

Later, the news of Jiang Shan also came, she contacted the design institute, they will rent a transit warehouse in various big markets, and then place an order online, the goods will be delivered to the warehouse, and Cen Wen just collects the goods according to the shopping list .

Based on the purchase volume of the design institute, converted to the transport volume of cargo spaceships, no matter how they can form a large fleet to come back.

Of course, both Cen Wen and Jiang Shan knew that it was impossible for a fleet to have a fleet. If they were attacked in space, how would they drag a fleet to deal with others.

Cen Wen generously stated that while she is in Capital Star, she can buy whatever she wants, including experimental instruments, industrial raw materials, etc., and she can bring them back, otherwise it will be too late to regret it when she returns.

There was no dinner that night, but from tomorrow onwards there will be a continuous New Year's dinner. The most important thing is the central dinner, and I will be at the venue in the afternoon.

After taking a shower, Cen Wen made a first-aid mask, brushed on the bracelet for a while, went to bed early, recharged his energy, and hoped to have a good complexion tomorrow.

A good night's sleep, getting up early, running and cycling in the gym attached to the room, this level of exercise is to her to move her limbs, not even a warm-up.

While she was cycling, looking at the heart rate displayed on the bracelet, and calculating how long it would take to get her heart rate up again, the bracelet reminded her of a new email.

When she clicked on the email, she saw that the guards given to her by the military had already checked into the hotel, and it was the two team captains who sent her the email.

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