The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 353 Go to the Military Headquarters and Confess the Truth (2)

"There are many disabled instructors in Longshan Branch. Their injuries are all uniform. They were burned at high temperature in a sealed space. Neither the school nor them said how these injuries were caused. There is a common injury time in the case, the Republican Calendar 299 June 15, 2009, but there is no relevant news on that date. I asked experts, if the heavy damage left by burning alive in such a narrow environment in the cockpit of the mecha, it must be some kind of training accident in the military. suppressed the news."

The minister opened his mouth, thinking of that day.

"That day, Ke Bo accepted the information left by Jiang Yan, and developed a new mecha test machine, which was fine during the usual test, but something went wrong during the real-person formation test. All test mechas were scrapped, and all the test mechas participated in the test. The elite mecha soldiers in the army are just at the age they can fight, and they are all severely injured and disabled. The healers of the treasures of the two countries have seen it, and they all said that they can’t be cured, and they will be like this for a lifetime.”

The minister clenched his fists as he spoke.

"Damn those bastards!"

"It's pretty darn good."

Cen Wen has already set up a meat grinder in his mind, pushing those guys down one by one to grind them into meat paste, and then filling them into sausages for His Majesty the King of Wanhua United Nations and everyone in the Presbyterian House to eat together.

"I heard that those people are treated well. How far should they be cured?"

"It will heal, including the unsightly burn scars on their bodies, and they will be back to how they were before they were injured."

The minister nodded happily, all he could think about was that the wounded and disabled soldiers in the army could be saved.

"Since Ke Bo still bears the title of mecha master, he will be under the control of the military department. Be optimistic about him. If he wants to come to Li Nanxing, let him come."

"Okay." The minister nodded without hesitation, "If there is an opportunity, if he doesn't mention it, we will take the initiative to send him there."

"That would be great."

The minister hesitated for two seconds and asked with a little uncertainty.

"Master Cen, do you think Jiang Yan is still alive?"

Cen Wen remained expressionless, neither nodded nor shook his head, and only clicked his tongue after a while.

"Ke Bo himself said that she escaped at that time, and that epoch-making mech was successfully developed. Do you think such a smart person really died?"

The minister was silent and unable to answer. This is also a question that has plagued many people for so many years.

Is Jiang Yan alive or dead?

Cen Wen gently tugged at the collar of his shirt, "Minister, is there anything else you want to say? The oxygen is almost exhausted, don't you feel hot?"

"Oh, it's weirdly hot."

The minister quickly lifted the seal of the room, and fresh air came in the next second. The two of them took a few deep breaths at the same time.

As soon as his mind cleared up, the minister remembered a few words from the second half of Shani Pala's confession video.

"Master Cen, you want to go to Wanhua United Nations through the introduction of Shani Pala?"

"Yes, I have to go there. There is no reason why they keep reaching out to make troubles. I also really want to make troubles in their land."

A sentence suddenly came to the minister's mind.

When the boss goes out to fight, not a single blade of grass grows.

"Understood, do we need to create opportunities on our side?"

"It doesn't have to be deliberate, it seems that I am planning something. My focus is always on Li Nanxing. When they find that I am difficult to kill, they will naturally change their tactics. With Shanni Pala's lobbying, I will set foot on them sooner or later country."

"Okay, then let's wait for the opportunity."

The minister understood what Cen Wen meant. Wanhua was important but not that important in her eyes. If there was a chance, she would do it, and if there was no chance, she would wait for the opportunity.

"Master Cen, I need to make a copy of your two videos."


Cen Wen took the power barrier and the small cane, and the minister called the deputy minister in charge of intelligence to send two brand new storage disks, a new optical computer and a new bracelet.

The deputy minister quickly came in with his things, and at the same time as he stepped through the door, His Excellency the Minister sealed the entire room again.

Both the new light brain and the new bracelet are for Cen Wen. Now that she has a military registration, she should have switched to military equipment. In fact, she can get the same model from the Longshan Military Academy when she returns to Li Nanxing, but the functions given by the military department are not the same as those given by the military. The permissions are different, including the configuration, which is the most advanced level. If there is any malfunction in the future or if you simply want to trade in the old for the new, you have to go through the military channel, and you can't change a single screw by yourself.

Cen Wen took out his own adapter, inserted the storage disk and connected it to the bracelet, imported the two videos into the two storage disks respectively, and the deputy director took out a safe optical computer to check the safety of the two storage disks first, and finally checked Those two video content.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but if you look at it, you will have the same reaction as the previous minister.

"Cobb, I knew it was not a good thing to be with this old thing!"

The deputy minister was furious and had no image at all. Fortunately, the room is closed now, no matter how much he yelled, he couldn't get out the door.

Cen Wen immediately applied a healing technique to forcefully cool down his feverish brain and calm down, otherwise his blood vessels would be fatal when he was old.

"Deputy Minister, calm down, please calm down, the oxygen in this room is limited."

The deputy director took a long breath, collected himself, pulled out the storage disk, packed it in a special storage box, and affixed a label written in code words. Outsiders could not understand what content and secret level those words represented.

"Minister, I will issue a military order, and I will personally supervise and investigate this matter."

"Don't get excited." The minister turned his gaze to Cen Wen, "Master Cen, do me a favor."

Cen Wen nodded knowingly.

"Find out all the people in Capital Star, and use the excuse of the new year to recruit them together, and I will let them explain everything."

"Yes, thank you."

"Small, call me when you're done. I'm going to build a new house on Li Nanxing, but now all the big markets are on holiday. I'll stay for a few more days after the New Year."

"Okay, let's keep in touch."

Cen Wen's words were tactful and straightforward, and everyone understood that she had to buy things for the new house, so she wouldn't leave so quickly, and the military department had enough time to do things.

Shaking hands and saying goodbye to the two ministers, Cen Wen disappeared in place.

The vice minister in charge of intelligence stared at the place where Cen Wen disappeared, blushing with excitement.

"Who is similar, I think it's the return of the boss!"

"No matter what you think, hold back and let the outside world think that she is a similar person. Be optimistic about online public opinion, and don't go on the topic of the return of the boss, especially beware of arousing suspicion from Wanhua United Nations."


The deputy minister stood at attention with a snap. There is no idiot sitting in this position. If Wanhua United Nations confirms that this Cen Wen is Peter Cen Wen, it may trigger a new war.

The Republic, which has only passed three hundred years since its founding, is still just a newcomer to the big interstellar family.

"I'm going to raise her file to the top secret level immediately, and no one can check it except ministers and state-level officials."


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