The full-level boss is laid off and re-employed in StarCraft

Chapter 246 Start a new medical project (1)

Under the guidance of Minister Chopin, Cen Wen filled out the patent application form on the spot and went through the special application channel within the army. Then the reviewer would contact the garrison over there. As long as it was approved, the patent would come down.

These details have been negotiated by both parties long ago, and they are waiting for Cen Wen to go through the process.

After talking about this matter, Cen Wen left, and went home to prepare the necessary documents, while the legal department drafted the formal contract, and the two parties could sign the contract after reviewing it.

She rode a small bicycle through the small town, and the townspeople she met along the way greeted her warmly, and stopped to chat with her from time to time.

Back home, her smart housekeeper kept the house spotless, and Cen Wen changed the notice on the signboard that had been hanging for two months, saying that he would rest for two days to ease the jet lag before opening the shop.

Then in the past two days, apart from teleporting to Jiang Shan's house for a meal to check her body and treat her, she really didn't go out, and seriously revised the document.

She carried her optical brain with her, and she had already written by hand when she was on the spaceship.

So now just make the last edits.

They said they were going away for two months, but the time difference between the planets is quite large. Now that they are back, it is already the beginning of July. The final exams have passed, and the school is empty. Many students set off to do credit tasks as soon as they finish their exams. up.

Cen Wen was exempted from the exam this time, and she didn't take the exams for the courses she took this semester, and she was directly given the basic subjects and let her pass.

Cen Wen contacted several participating students and learned that they were all exempted from the exam and given basic subject points without making up exams.

Longshan Military Academy's make-up exam fees are notoriously expensive, the reason is that the school's reputation cannot be tarnished, and too many students who failed the exam and said it would damage the school's reputation and affect future enrollment.

The students were full of energy and wanted to team up with Cen Wen to do credit assignments during the summer vacation, but she flatly refused and left her patient for two months. She had to work hard.

Two days later, Cen Wen's small shop reopened for business, and the customers who came to buy vegetables early in the morning were crowded from the door, and they forced to form a long line for half a street.

Every customer who came in to buy things had to stop at the front desk in the foyer for a while to exchange pleasantries with Cen Wen. They all followed the live broadcast of the game for this month, and the most impressive thing was that she was able to find two herds of giant deer as mounts.

As for the scene where Cen Wen rescued people from a group of mutated wild dogs, the townspeople didn't take it seriously. In their hearts, they had long believed that Boss Cen's combat power must be at the ceiling level, and there was nothing to discuss, and those deer were more annoying to them. happy.

Of course, Cen Wen enthusiastically shared with them how docile and lovely those giant deer are.

After the morning rush hour, the patients arrived one after another, and Cen Wen was immediately too busy to have any interest in chatting.

Many of the patients who came here should have gone to the hospital for maintenance treatment a few days ago, but they insisted on taking medicine for a few more days, just to wait for her to open the door.

Every patient who came out of the consulting room said that Boss Cen's treatment was more comfortable and lasted longer.

It was almost noon, and the number of patients coming to the shop gradually decreased. Cen Wen was going to go to the hospital after lunch, where there were still sixteen of her patients.

For her fifteen limited places, the hospital recruited patients with different conditions from various military sanatoriums in Li Nanxing, plus the paraplegic student.

Not seeing each other for two months, she had to see how they were doing now.

She had only visited half of the patients in the hospital when a phone call came in from her bracelet, and when she picked it up, it was the secretary of the cardio-cerebrovascular doctor's office in the hospital looking for her.

A corporate executive in his 120s was just transferred from another hospital. He suffered from cerebral infarction due to work pressure. With the financial resources of the patient's family, he could find a local mid-level therapist to deal with it. However, the family members learned that Cen Wen had returned. I rented an ambulance to transfer to another hospital, and asked her to see it by name.

Cen Wen agreed, and after inspecting the rest of the patients, he turned to see the patient with cerebral infarction.

Nowadays, the average life expectancy of people is about 200 years old, and the 120-year-old patient is in the prime of life. When she became ill, she was working alone in the study at home, her husband was on a business trip, and her child was studying in a university in another star. After coma, she was still alive. Discovered by the smart housekeeper.

I have been treated in a local hospital and went to the treatment cabin for thrombolysis twice, but the person is still in a coma. After a detailed brain scan, it is found that there is still a large blood clot deep in the brain. Either an operation or a therapist .

Both treatment options have risks. Just when he was hesitating, the husband saw the news that the spaceship had landed, contacted Longshan Town Hospital, and decisively transferred to another hospital.

When Cen Wen came to the ward, he first chatted with the husband of the patient who came with him, then read her case, and finally performed a supernatural test on the unconscious patient.

"No problem, I took it. The blood vessels can be opened, but you still have to pay attention to your body after you recover from the illness. You all know that cerebral infarction will recur."

The patient's husband thanked him repeatedly and said that he would stay and wait for the result of the first treatment.

Cen Wen was also unambiguous, and asked the hospital to evaluate that the patient's condition is stable and can accept the treatment of supernatural beings, and it can be done tomorrow.

This assessment was easy to do. In the afternoon, Cen Wen received a call from the hospital in the shop, and made an appointment with her for treatment at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Cen Wen then posted the news in the treatment group, saying only that she was going to give thrombolysis to a patient with cerebral infarction in the morning, and asked the patient who was going to be treated tomorrow to come in the afternoon.

The next day, Cen Wen arrived at the hospital half an hour early to make preparations. At nine o'clock, the robot passed the patient over the bed and transferred him to a special treatment room dedicated to supernatural treatment.

Three hours later, Cen Wen and the patient came out, and the patient woke up that afternoon.

The person is awake, her mind is clear, she speaks fluently, and answers questions about common sense of life fluently, but her body is inevitably accompanied by sequelae of cerebral infarction. The left half of her body is inflexible and slightly hemiplegic, which is consistent with the location of the thrombus in her brain.

But it doesn't matter, the person wakes up first, and then he will be treated later.

With such a serious cerebral infarction, it is expected that a person who successfully wakes up after one successful thrombolysis has met his expectations. Children who cannot catch up in a short period of time on other living stars celebrate the good news of their mother's awakening with their father through video.

The husband stayed with his wife in the hospital for two days before returning home. The long leave he took for his wife’s illness expired and he had to go back to work. The follow-up treatment will not be more dangerous than the initial thrombolysis. He can I safely leave my wife in the hospital and visit her every weekend.

Children who are far away from other planets do not need to take a long-distance spaceship to come back to see their mother for the last time, and can continue her study plan.

Cen Wen created a new group called the hospital treatment group. Including this cerebral infarction patient, there are a total of 17 people. They can discuss their illness, vent their emotions, and maintain mental health in the group.

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