The First Evolution

Chapter 148 Back to Camp

And the low neutral voice continues

"Only, long life will also bring a variety of negative effects, especially pollution on the spiritual level!"

"This makes the people of Sarna's family began to change, and some began to become extreme, and some began to become lonely, and some began to fall, and even there was a tendency to destroy."

"Self-destroyed Sarnai, after death, the whole body will disintegrate, returning to the corners of the universe, this stone contains a piece of ashes left after death after death, so The ashes of Salna. "

The explanation of the low neutral voice has ended here. Fang Lin Yan touched again, and actually popped up "whether to listen again".

Obviously, Fanglin Rock is not intended to do so, but income will be in private space.

After entering the private space, Fanglin Rock also saw all the properties of this stuff.

Sarna's ashes


Props righteousness

Ideal items

Material Sarna's ash (trace), silica, nickel, crystalline, maryqi rock

Weight 73743 kg

This is the ash stone formed after the death of higher ethnic Salna.

Note This has some deep-level secrets in the universe, but most of the space is eager to get it, you can choose to sell it directly to the space to exchange the amazing merits.

Even if it is a space bid, you can't satisfy you, you can also try to sell it to the inside shop when you return to space, and you can also sell a good price!

Fang Lin Yan saw this, the testism wants to sell it to the space, the purchase price of the bomb is scared to him!

22 points of merits! !

And look at the description of this stuff, after the return of returnspace, go to the various sales offices inside, and the purchase price is higher.

At this time, Fanglin Rock also understood that Deng this guy's heart is very deep.

He should not be a team leader, so the requirements of the merit value are not high.

After understanding the punishment of the redemption of the props Kamatai Ji, it is useless to use this to himself, but in fact, the space is highly valuable, "Salna's Ashes Stone" belt.

In this case, when the enemy is extracted, at least one-third of the probability will take this stuff away.

Deng this guy saved the rest of the more important equipment, and saved its own combat power.

However, the merit value is that there is no too much use of Deng appeared, but for Fanglin Rock, it is different, the war team is strong or not, there is also a big relationship with his own military!

Simply put, a special squad leading to a general leader, can a special squad of a row?

When the call is supported, the above response is afraid that there is a natural day.

Next, Fanglin Rock looked at the random base attribute value, added to the power, agility, and spirit, and this addition is also a mid-ruled medium.

Although this battle did not kill Deng and Der, but Fanglin Yok first, but the defendant of Deng, it was equivalent to cutting his arms.

Next, it will take the world to force the world, so that it is grateful.

Finally, the harvest of Fanglin Rock will not be less than the bloody key. At least the bloody key is not open, it will not lose this, and Fanglin Rock is also lost.

At this time, in the sky, the sky was flashing, and the familiar giant aiming mirror appeared again! When Fang Linyan suddenly became a spirit, he knew that it was a gum hunter from the capsule technology.

Then, it is also a gorgeous ray that is generally straight, and the center of the swamp is bombarded.

After a few seconds, there was a horrible explosion, and then the black smoke was tumbling, and I rose slowly, and I made a huge cover cloud.

I saw this scene, and if the federal configuration, if the Fanglin Rock, the Fanglin Rock suddenly took a breath.

"Wow! This guy is hitting the energy supply library, this is not as simple as the butt, the federal army is squeeled!"

I looked at the huge cover of the cloud, I went up in the half-air, and then gradually dissipated, and Fang Lin Yan also known that it was time to return to the camp.

He has also caught the dialogue between Deng and That a bonus, the dialogue between Jusi, Shas, which mentioned a person called Hunting.

Listening between their speech, it can be said to this person.

Since this time, the purpose has been reached, then it is no need to take risks in the wild.

Relying on the early warning of the mechanical sturgeon, Fanglin Rock bended with a large circle and finally returned to the C7 secret camp.

It can be seen that because the strong joins of the friendly contractors, so that the biscuit starch is reduced, so they have to take a human hand to build a defensive facility. The door here has established several hidden sniper position.

Fanglin Rock originally thought that it would see many contractors here, but found that there is still a boring, a strange face, no.

He is curious, looking for someone to ask if it is that this is the custom of the shuttle star, which is the position of the camp. The position of the camp is as confidential.

Before, because the camp is not confidential, then the contractors will not add into and out, it is like a public toilet.

And the shuttle star is in the strategic strategy, so it is directly destroyed by the secret camp that leads to the establishment of the secret camp.

In view of this bloody lesson, the C7 camp specially sent a military esteem and two guards, and established a temporary military needs in another cave from five kilometers away.

Contractors usually focus on trading, liaison, etc., as for Fanglin Rock and others carry their boss, then of course it is special.

Fang Lin Yanyue went to see the vultures. I found that although this guy was still soaked in the medical tank, it has turned into a danger. I saw him over and waved.

At this time, Fanglin Ran came to talk to the goat, and the slession came to the command room in the C7 camp.

Here he met Kapas, this burly big man wrapped around the white bandage, and the wound was slightly ooled, and it was communicating with the Damo Middle School, and the two sides discussed very some Intense, it seems to have a certain difference.

In front of them, it is a holographic topographic map that floats with a fern wooker. It can be clearly seen that the above red area is that the blue area has been controlled by the federal army.

At this time, it is already two more than the afternoon. It can be seen that the federal army control has no more than one-fifth of the whole ball fern.

Not only that, the two of the two can be built as a strategic support point is also destroyed as a strategic support point.

And yesterday was sneaked by Fanglin Rock, I went to the base of the forward base. Today, I was gone by the comet.

It can be seen that the contractors and lead hunters attracted by Fanglin Rocks have been to the contractors! ?

However, this is quite normal. Originally the biscuit star will occupy the advantages of land, and the proportion of the federal army is four or six, and the words are playing at all.

This is true that the battle of the Battle of the Bioba Stius Festival is really like this.

It's just that Fanglin Rock gave a task, it directly attracted the large contractors of the capsule technology.

However, there is no one in the federal army, but it can be in the high-level hand of the Star's consortium, and personally lay out! Some of the little skills he used seems to be in a quicker, but it has changed the situation of the entire battle.

According to this way, I can't even fight back, I will directly attack the federal army deputy commander Hank, or at least to drive away!

However, the federal army felt a great pressure, in addition to the troops, it also began to release the new battlefield fern wooker to attract the space warrior to the self-contained.

However, there is a saying that it is strong first. After the shuttle star will take the leader, the pursuit is delayed, hysteresis, and still paying attention.

So once they have steady the situation when they start, if they want to make quick war, they are really difficult.

This is the case, in the first four hours of the Capsule Science and Technology Assistant to arrive, the federal army's offensive is also very crazy, just like a wave of tide, a wave, which is completely suffocated.

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