The school is now quite large. The wall stretches continuously to the place where Yao lives. Looking east towards the expressway, looking down on the railway two kilometers away, the red wall expands infinitely, like the bloodstains left by the fighting of the gods. , But in the vast campus, the campus area only occupies less than one-tenth of the space, which seems not to be coordinated.

Li Yun once asked me why I didn't distribute the dormitory and teaching building more scatteredly. I said that I didn't want them to work too hard. After coming out of the dormitory, they would travel a long distance to the teaching building, and then yelling at the cafeteria after class? Then Dai Zong is nothing, what should Wu Yong Jin Dajian do? After they finished lunch, they walked to the teaching building, and when it was time, it was time to have dinner again.

So now the dormitory canteen and the teaching building are built together, although the distance is very moderate, but placed in such a vast land, it seems that there is nothing, the land is vast. When you stand at one point, you can't see the wall in the distance, just like being in the wild.

I want to enclose the wall, which is exactly the same as the Great Wall back then, and a large part of it is out of psychological needs.

The 300 tent was near the school gate, so I had to pass them first, and the high beam on the motorcycle went out. It was so dazzling that the little soldier standing on the opposite side couldn’t see who was coming, and didn’t know how to stop drinking, habitually. Shouted: "Password!"

The moment I saw them, the cold sweat drenched my whole body: the two fighters on the opposite side stood squatting and standing, holding their bows with open arrows in their hands!

I yelled: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, it's me!"

"Xiao Zhuangshi?" The two lowered their bows.

"Who is it?" Yan Jingsheng came out after such a disturbance, and I hurriedly motioned to the two soldiers to hide the bow.

"Director Xiao, what are you doing so late?"

"...Send a teacher who teaches Chinese."

Yan Jingsheng put on his glasses, only to find that there was another sitting in the car. He smiled and said hello to Li Bai: "Hello, hello, I will be a colleague from now on, just call me Xiaoyan."

"This is Teacher Li." I was busy introducing Li Bai. Li Bai just passed Jiu Jin at this time. The sleepy guilty came up, and the small bun was blown away by the wind. He nodded vaguely at Yan Jingsheng, just like the old celestial celestial being.

Yan Jingsheng frowned and said, "Did he drink?"

Li Bai heard the word wine, half asleep and half awake, yelled: "Wine!"

Yan Jingsheng wrapped his clothes tightly, and whispered to me, "Can this person be a role model? Don't teach the children badly."

I heard how close I was, and the children, his "children" almost shot me as a hedgehog just now. I said impatiently: "Okay. Go and rest."

Yan Jingsheng reluctantly grabbed Li Bai and said, "Hey, let me ask you, what kind of phrase is'beautiful puppy'?" I swept across my eyes and suddenly found that the tents of the Liangshan heroes were all empty. He grabbed Yan Jingsheng and asked, "Where is the person on the other side?"

"You ask them, they all moved into the dormitory?"

"Ah? Didn't you mean to move together the day after tomorrow?"

"They said that if there is a house, why live in a tent, they moved in collectively as soon as the construction team left today."

I scolded: "These live bandits!"

Yan Jingsheng smiled and said: "In fact, what they said is quite right, why bother to embarrass yourself for the show?"

Unexpectedly, when he understood, I said: "Why don't you follow, you are also a teacher."

"I am used to being with children, and I think they are more and more cute."

at this time. The group of "cute children" he was talking about has been outflanked in two ways, and I don’t know how many bows have been pointed at me as they stick out from the depths of the grass. As an elite unit that has been in a dangerous environment all year round, of course not. Maybe they were still indifferent under such a big movement. In less than a minute, they had walked around from behind the tent group and surrounded me. It's hard for them to keep some people in the tent to keep snoring.

Fortunately, Yan Jingsheng had bad eyes. He only saw the soldiers suddenly appearing from both sides and Xu Delong who hid the dagger on the inside of his wrist. He said strangely: "Why are you still not sleeping. Where did you go?"

Seeing that it was me, Xu Delong waved his hand far away, and the bow and arrow disappeared. He said with sloppy eyes, "We couldn't sleep, so we went for a walk."

Yan Jing said to me vividly: "Have you seen it? All the students in the school are so excited that they can't sleep anymore."

I wiped my sweat and said, "Teacher Yan, go and rest first. Tomorrow, you can let the students move to the dormitory as well. Just leave the tent."

Yan Jingsheng nodded and said, "This method is good." He said to Xu Delong and the others. "You also go to bed early. If you really can't sleep, recite words and formulas..."

I’m really scared. If I want to go to school, I’ll run into a teacher like Yan Jingsheng, maybe I’ll be admitted to university, so I’m definitely unemployed now...

After Yan Jingsheng left, I glanced at the dagger in Xu Delong's hand and the bow that the soldier standing guard had thrown in the grass, and said solemnly: "Don’t you let you put away all your weapons? Any of these will provoke me. Do you understand if you are in trouble?"

Xu Delong has rarely seen me being so serious, and said a little discouragedly: "We don't want the previous two camp visits to happen again. This is simply our shame!"

"Then you can make something simple and not life-threatening. Remember to use modern materials."

Xu Delong said: "Okay, I get it."

I asked him: "Isn't there any campers coming again?"

Xu Delong shook his head: "Maybe he realized that we have strengthened our vigilance, so he will not come again for the time being. I have arranged a secret whistle."

"It may be that you are really too nervous, I can't think of how there would be your enemies in modern times-where is your secret whistle?"

"I don't know, mobile."

I'm sweaty, I hope no one who loves petty and cheap people will hit my school. Except for Zhongnanhai, I really can't think of a place more heavily guarded than this.

Leaving the 300 barracks, I took Li Bai to the dormitory building, and I saw many rooms on the first or two floors were *** brightly lit, and occasionally there were a few outrageous laughter from the heroes. It seems that this group of live bandits are very happy to have a new environment.

I carried Li Bai into the building, wanting to find him a room casually, I opened a door, and saw the leopard Tang Longzheng shirtless and Li Kui and a few heroes gambling; I opened the second room, Dong Pinghe Lin Chong was chatting; when he opened the third room, Jin Dajian was already asleep; in the fourth room, An Daoquan was living in Duan Jing as a fleeting year, and seeing him as a fleeting disadvantage, he died at the end of the year; the fifth room was no one, the toilet...

I pushed open the sixth room, and then

Pestle into the two round and big mimi, Hu Sanniang didn't know that she had hanged so high in Gan Shi. Before I twitched my nose, she had jumped down and pinched me in her armpit and twisted my scalp with her fist. I squinted my eyes and glanced upwards, and saw the towering sex, and by the way, I saw the TV stand above. It turned out that Sanniang Hu was practicing pull-ups. 93b303

Rolling my head in her arms, I yelled: "Let go of me, do you know who I am supporting?"

"The king of heaven, I will talk after you finish beating." Hu Sanniang continued to twist my scalp. Li Bai was lying on the bed with no one to support him. He was not stupid enough, and he knew that he would choose a soft place to lie down.

Hu Sanniang immediately threw me down, and the eagle grabbed Li Bai like a chicken, cursing: "Drunks dare to lie down on my old mother's bed."

"That person is Li Bai!" I shouted.

Hu Sanniang stopped abruptly, looked at me and said, "Li Bai, who wrote the poem?" Her voice was a little trembling.

I am overjoyed. It seems that under Li Bai's reputation, even bandits have to give three points of courtesy, and there is a bridge between female bandits and poets!

Female bandits are generally forced to be helpless. In fact, they are already tired of the days when snow in white comes and go like wind. In their hearts, the most thirsty man is often the princess who is full of economy...

Although the old Master Li is a little older and a third-to-four-handed product, it shows that he has experienced the vicissitudes of life. A woman's immunity to such a man is inherently low. In addition, the old Master Li is shocked to be stunning, listening to Hu Sanniang. That spring-like vibrato, could it be that Lao Li Youfu, who can score twice, Lao Ji Fuping...

Wait, why doesn't Hu Sanniang's voice sound like excitement but anger? Why is her eyes full of murderous instead of sentimental? Why does her slender jade hand, which has practiced iron-sand palms, raised up against Li Bai's face...

I hurriedly hugged her from behind, dragged her away desperately, Hu Sanniang lifted her limbs off the ground, and pointed at Li Bai yelling: "***When I was a child, the old lady was beaten by the palm of her hand because she didn’t memorize "Difficulties on the Road". The girl’s family had no choice but to dance with spears and sticks. You said you were okay to write any broken poems?"

I pulled her and said, "Don't fight. Don't fight. You were better when you were a kid than when I was a kid. You know fewer poets. We have to memorize Song lyrics and Yuan tunes later."

Hu Sanniang stopped and said, "Forget it, I'm not going to beat the old man, you quickly get him out, and you look annoying."

I stood up Li Bai again and asked her, "Where does Army Master Wu live?"

Hu Sanniang waved his hand in disgust: "How do I know that my old lady, find it yourself."

I had to carry Brother Taibai and jumped all over the corridor, and I made a mistake. Li Bai should be left with Xu Delong. The heroes didn’t catch a cold to this great poet. They heard that this was a poetry fairy. Some came and glanced at them, some ignored them. The best performer was Moyun Jinchiou. Peng, he pointed at Li Bai and said, "This is the one that says'Goose Goose', right?" I glared at him and said no. 93b303

"Oh, that's the one that says ‘the day of hoeing is noon’?"

It seems that Ou Peng and I should have a lot of common languages...93b303

In the end, he arrived in Song Qing’s room. The gentle young man said, “Master Wu doesn’t know where he is, so just put him here. I’ll take care of him.”

Li Bai went to sleep as soon as he lay on the bed. Song Qing wrung a wet towel and wiped his face. I chatted with him for a while, only to realize that the heroes occupied the first and second floors of the four-story dormitory in an illogical order. Most of the rooms are occupied by one person if there is land, and only a few people live together if they are usually available. The current situation is that only a few rooms on the two floors are vacant, and it is no longer possible to coordinate arrangements.

These guys are so free and sloppy. It's also rare to be able to win every battle in the early battles. However, when he met Fang La, who was disciplined, he suffered. The Eight Heavenly Kings treated them more than one hundred, and they just made them 70% to 80%, even though Lu Zhishen, Gongsun Sheng and other powerful figures did not participate in the crusade. It has brought a lot of loss to Liangshan’s strength, but it still shows that there are serious problems within Liangshan, which are almost 1,000 years old.

After I finished my work, I rode back in the car and rustled in the grass in several places along the way. It may be a hare, or it may be Xu Delong who arranged for a lurking little soldier to joke with me. I shouted over there: comrades hard work. Up. Sure enough, nothing happened.

I got on the highway and quickly entered the city. I ran into a red light at an intersection. There was a small cinema on the side of the road. I was boringly lying on the handlebar and watching the giant poster on the top of the theater. Xu and the others played "Injured City". When I saw the red light for 45 seconds, I squinted my eyes to read the brief introduction on the poster. On the top of this movie theater, there is a 20th century X like upwards> two buds that mirror the sky, and it keeps rotating, when it’s light. When I turned to the inside of the roof of the hall, I suddenly found a thin black shadow completely bathed in the beam of light. He was wearing a night gown, half squatting on the roof, motionless. 93b303

I stood up excitedly and shouted, "Brother Qian!"

At this time, the lights turned on, and the shadows disappeared. I waited for time to move down and talk to me. After seeing it in the bar that night, Shiqian never showed up again, probably because I can’t find Liu Xuan, I am embarrassed to come back. , After this incident, he went back to school several times, but most of the time he wandered in the city like Spider-Man, especially at night.

I waited for a long time before I saw him come down. There was no one on the roof of the movie theater. I was looking around. The taxi driver behind me poked his head and scolded me: "You can't leave, Xu Jinglei is your head?" It turned out that the red light had turned green. I saw someone sitting in his car. I knew that it was a delay in making money, so I spit on him and apologized, and then drove away. Shi Qian wearing night clothes might be inconvenient to come down to me. Meet, the police in our place have a good tradition of hiding themselves. Taxi drivers don’t dare to honk because of this concern. They yell in the car and the sound exceeds 10,000 bezels. It’s okay, but otherwise Be careful to touch the horn in the forbidden area. If you don't punish you, your heart will not be at ease.

Maybe it’s psychological troubles. I always suspect Shi Qian is still following me. Although he may not hear my shout, I always feel that there are dark shadows running in the dark. Sometimes I deliberately slow down, but I am still calm around. Rushui, when I drove into the alley of the pawnshop, Uncle Zhao’s son, Zhao Bailian, didn’t sleep and wandered in the street. The residents of our area were used to it. Sometimes Uncle Zhao took him back after he woke up. Zhao Bailian can spend the night on the street if he overslept.

Zhao Bai’s face was facing away from me. When my high beam hit him, he suddenly looked back, and slammed the mop into the ground with a bloodless face.

His expression was a bit of Yue Zhiyuan's aura, he pointed behind me and sternly, where is Xiaoxiao? "I also turned my head, seeming to see a shadow on the roof, I asked: "Is it Brother Qian? "

As Zhao Bailian asked, a black cat was so scared that he fell out of the room, gave us a grieving look, and quickly ran away.

I admired the white-faced eyes and smiled and said to him: "Why don't you call ‘murderous’?"

Zhao Bailian slowly shook his head: "It's not murderous."

"What is that, shall I take you home?"

Zhao Bai smiled unpredictably, put the mop in his hand and put a dragon out of the water, and then said to me: "I'm hungry..."

I had to start busy again early the next morning. The school will be listed tomorrow. I don’t know how many people will come. It’s not enough if I don’t have a reception. I pulled the yellow pages and called various wedding etiquette companies. Some of them are small companies that have just opened. The office is located in a residential building. There are probably 3 people in the company at most. They can also play tricks at the people’s wedding, relying on their powerful vital capacity to torture the newcomer’s waist by shouting "a bow, bow and bow...". I heard that There was a school covering 800 hectares that did not dare to pick it up, and one that had picked it up originally heard that someone from the tax bureau had gone and regretted it.

A few big companies are bullying their shoppers, saying that they must use their full set of services, including floats, ceremonial guards, tracking videos, a birdman angel group with fake wings, three-level actors from 8 cities, and two The cheering and singing of company employees who can play the harmonica, what irritates me most is that the salute is 500 yuan per shot, and the **** 500 per shot, I might as well go to the Golden Queen to play...

When people are anxious, their heads will be very bright. I suddenly thought: What should I wait for a kid like Sun Sixin? I called and explained the general situation. Sun Sixin asked, "Brother Qiang, how much do you plan to spend on this matter?"

The wedding company counted me 300,000, and I told Sun Sixin: "3!"

Sun Sixin: "I see, I promise to do it well. Tomorrow you can give me a copy of the guest list."

That's the big deal.

I remembered that Lao Zhang asked me to call some friends to join in. It was much simpler. First inform the tiger, and then talk to the ancient master, Chen Kejiao's little girl finally we have a cooperation, and we have also notified them. These people are considered to have a good face; let Du Xing call all his little apprentices, which is almost lively enough Up.

What I didn't expect was that Bai Lianhua called to ask me to get the key. I said that I was not free these days. When she asked, she immediately said that she would go to school tomorrow and hand it to me personally, and see if she could help me.

When the day came, I put on a suit locked in a cabinet for N years, straddled the motorcycle and set off with high spirits.

When I was about to arrive at the school, I realized that the atmosphere was a bit different. Villagers from nearby Shiliba Townships had spontaneously rushed to join in the fun. Even the grain processing plant in the township gave me 50 sunflower oil as a congratulatory gift. 'S brother-in-law personally transported it.

When I arrived at the school gate, Sun Sixin was already busy, dressed smartly. Then I was fascinated by the flag on the tallest and thickest flagpole: it was actually a United Nations flag! On the small flagpole next to it, the flags of the United Nations Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, OPEC, the Red Cross, and the Environment Agency were flying in turn... a total of eight.

I hurriedly asked Sun Sixin what was going on. Sun Sixin said: I didn’t know that there were so many flagpoles at the gate, and the national flag was not easy to hang at the school gate, so I had to buy some looks in a hurry, so it seemed more formal.

I didn't have any curses anymore. I didn't notice these poles when I came the night before. Later I learned that this was Li Yun's masterpiece. He is used to working in Liangshan. Wherever he goes, he has to erect the 108 heroes to hang the flag. The tallest and thickest one is to hang the "walk for the sky". It was only 8 days before he remembered that it was a school, so left. I didn’t get it again, and it turned out to be what it is today. 93b303

I asked him again how he was at the door and who was in charge. He said: "There is a lady with the surname Bai who is busy, I think she is quite agile, so she came out to pick up the guests."

When I entered the school, it turned out that it was Bai Lianhua who was entertaining him. Today, the leader of Bai Lian was dressed in a beige suit and short skirt. He was glamorous and smiled. The order inside was arranged in an orderly manner: VIP advanced lounge-the classroom was temporarily refitted, and the participants entered. The auditorium is seated and waiting, join in the lively fellows. Children give sweets, men smoke, women are authorized to pick up the pieces of paper piled up after the decoration.

When she saw me coming, she stole the key and gave me the key, saying: "Our Qingshui Homeland heard that Mr. Xiao opened today. The special commission sent me to congratulate him. She also rushed to make some school slogans overnight. Please accept it."

When she said that, I found out that the hall was hanging on "Quality Education", the upper floor of the dormitory was "For all students, for all the students, everything for the students", and the upper floor of the teaching was "Today I use education for talents". Rong, I will be proud of educating talents tomorrow", including the "Welcome leaders and guests from all walks of life" at the school gate are presented by their Qingshui home. Of course, Sun Sixin is also prepared, because it is not atmospheric enough, they are all pasted on the wall.

There are so many people who came to congratulate today. The ancient grandfather of UU Reading did not come. He sent two giant vases that could not even enter the door and placed them at the entrance of the auditorium; Chen Kejiao sent 80 flower baskets, Yan Right in front of the school gate, Tiger brought more than 50 people, and he had already arrived in a black car. He is now in Ping.

The tents of the heroes have been demolished, and only 300 military camps are left standing. I am afraid that they will see so many people in trouble at first, so I have asked Sun Sixin to arrange them in the auditorium early in the morning. Call again when you come, and you can count as much as you can.

Among all the congratulatory plaques, there was a "Hundred Years Tree People" sign that attracted me. It was very ordinary, and it was unremarkable among the exquisite congratulatory plaques sent by the leaders. There is no specific name in the inscription below: Jinting Entertainment Company limited by shares.

How did Jin Shaoyan know that the school was completed today? If he has become the domineering golden one again, what does he mean by giving me this plaque? Is it reminding me that he hasn't forgotten his hatred of a brick, or is it a reconciliation?

I didn’t have time to think about it. Under Zhang’s call, there were a lot of VIPs, including the Director of Education, the Director of the Propaganda Department of the Cultural Bureau, the deputy curator of the People’s Cultural Center, the National Taxation, Land Taxation, the Public Security Bureau, the police station, and the Writers Association. , Film Association, Art Association, Women’s Federation, Family Planning Office, Local Drug Rehabilitation Office...

Damn, in the end even the beggars came!

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