The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 172: Tang Ruxian matte like dragon

To make ravioli noodles, cooking noodle soup is indispensable, and how the noodle soup is cooked is directly related to the final taste of a bowl of ramen noodles, so if you want to eat delicious ravioli noodles, boil The ingredients for the soup must be fresh.

Ye Yefei chose the southern Henan noodles, and the southern Henan noodles are best known as the Nanxian County noodles.

The Jiaxian Roasted Noodle Soup is mainly based on mutton and mutton soup, followed by more than ten kinds of seasoning ingredients such as pepper, pepper, cinnamon, anise, shallot, star anise, and wolfberry. After two to three hours of cooking, a high-quality broth .

Boil soup for a long time, so Ye Fei decides to make soup before making noodles.

打开 He opened the storage compartment for the soup ingredients and saw a long piece of fresh lamb bone in it. From its shape, Ye Fei judged it as a lamb rib.

I just want to know where the lamb ribs are and need the system to provide information.

Ye Yefei picked up this sheep rib with his hands, and there was still a little mutton and sheep fat on it, and the information of this sheep rib had also entered Ye Fei's mind.

散 Free range long-haired Dokun white goat at the foot of Mount Everest North Foot!

羊 The name of this sheep is very long, but Ye Fei was a little dumbfounded when he saw the name. As a chef, he usually researched some precious ingredients.

At the foot of Mount Everest, at the foot of Mount Everest, the long-haired hairy white goat is free-range. This kind of sheep can be said to be the best sheep. Because it grows in the cold place of Everest all year round, its wool is very long and it can withstand the cold. Their own nutrients can be locked in the body to the greatest extent.

The content of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, and collagen in this sheep bone is four to five times that of ordinary goats!

The effect of warming the spleen, strengthening the kidney and strengthening the gluten is three to four times that of other goats!

Don't say a Dukun sheep, it is a skeleton of free-haired long-haired Dukun white goats at the foot of the northern foothills of Mount Everest. It is definitely a treasure that some rich people want to buy!

Ye Yefei didn't expect the system guy to be so arrogant and provided himself with this kind of sheep bone.

However, it is no surprise that he thinks about it, because when he bought the ingredients just now, this lamb rib system received a full 8,000 yuan!

Now seeing the information of sheep bone, Ye Fei thinks it is worth it!

I put the lamb bones on a plate, and then took out the other accessories. Ye Fei found out that this time, the soup used for the soup made with ravioli was more than the soup made with biangbiang noodles.

What just assured Ye Fei is that it is similar to the steps of making biangbiang noodle soup.

Ye Fei didn't grind all the ingredients, cleaned up all the ingredients, washed the lamb bones, and put the boiling pot on the stove, lamb bones, a small piece of lamb, cinnamon, wolfberry, star anise, anise, Put in the peel and other ingredients together, then directly open the fire and start to burn.

After the water has boiled, use a low heat to start the slow cook.

After the soup was on the fire, Ye Fei started to make noodles.

First took out a large blue and white porcelain pot, and then put a small portion of buckwheat noodles in.

The dough of the simmered noodles has a sequence. The buckwheat noodles are made into floc, and then the wheat noodles are put.

Kui Yefei puts the buckwheat noodles in a bowl, then adds an appropriate amount of refined salt, and gently mixes well, and then starts to add water to it.

No more water was added at first, and the buckwheat noodles were stirred into floc. At this time, Ye Fei began to slowly add frost flour in the snow, and then added some water to the noodles according to the condition of the noodles.

At this time, the flour is lumpy, Ye Fei pushes the water away, hands and face.

One of the characteristics of 饸 branded noodles is strength.

And if you want to make the strength of the noodles, the strength of the noodles must not be small.

Ye Yefei used both hands to knead the noodles into different shapes, and finally felt that it was OK before forming the dough.

At this time, Ye Fei also reached the point of three nets, hand nets, pot nets, and dough nets.

After I finished this, the next step is to wake up the noodles, also called noodles.

This is also a very important step. The reason why some people make sautéed noodles is difficult when squeezing noodles is because the process of wake up noodles is omitted, and the good noodles are directly loaded with appliances to start backlog. At this time, The dough is unusually strong, and the backlog is not difficult before hells.

The purpose of awake noodles is to allow gluten to spread out, which is more conducive to backlog formation.

The wake up time is 30 to 40 minutes. This depends on the ambient temperature. Spring and summer are shorter, and autumn and winter are longer.

I let the noodles awake, Ye Fei looked at the soup in the pot.

At this point, the half-pot soup has become oily, and when the lid is opened, a thick mutton flavor comes out, Ye Fei is directly intoxicated.

"There is no fishy smell of ordinary mutton, but more of the unique strong flavor of mutton, mixed with the sweet smell of cinnamon, and the faint smell of cinnamon, the unique aroma of star anise, it is really unsettling. what."

I sniffed it a few times, Ye Fei was filled with heart and contentment, and this closed the lid.

He took out a pot of boiling water and put it on another stove, adding half a pot of water to it, and boiling water.

After a while, the dough woke up. Ye Fei took the dough out of the basin, and then kneaded the dough into a strip. The diameter of this strip was about the same as the diameter of the hollow inside the bamboo tube. Use a knife to divide the noodle sticks into two!

Put two pieces of dough into a clean plate, brush a little oil on it, then take a bowl, open the lid of the soup pot, and scoop out a spoonful of broth from the inside.

I took the Luoluo bed, carefully poured it with this spoon of soup, and the soup flowed out of the five small holes under the bamboo tube. Ye Fei quickly caught it with a bowl.

I waited until the soup in the Luoluo bed was cold for a while. Ye Fei took a dough and filled it directly into the Luoluo bed. Then I inserted the piston carefully and the noodles came out.

There are two ways to make sautéed noodles in the pot. The first and most direct way is to place the scorched bed directly on top of the pot, and then let the extruded cylindrical noodles fall directly into the pot.

Another form of ravioli is to squeeze the noodles into a tray first, and then in order to prevent the noodles from sticking together, sprinkle a layer of flour on top of the noodles.

Ye Fei used the first method. He took a look at the half of the pot of water and boiled it. Then he took the lid, then held the bed with dough on the top of the pot, and held the bed with one hand. Body, press the piston with the other hand.

The dough in the bamboo tube was pressed by external force, and punched out along the five small holes below the bamboo tube.

The backlog of dough can be made in one go. Sometimes, if the quality of the dough is not good enough, if you pause in the middle, the noodles will break.

Ye Yefei squeezed as much as possible.

The long simmered noodles are much thicker and thicker than normal noodles. After coming out of the bamboo holes, they fall directly into the boiling water.

Ye Yefei exaggerated, squeezed a ball of noodles, and looked at the water pot, there was almost a large bowl.

Ye Yefei set aside the Luoluo bed and picked up a pair of long ivory chopsticks to gently stir the noodles in the pot.

饸 Do not look thicker than normal noodles, but this thing is very easy to cook. Generally, it can be cooked in boiling water for about three minutes. The time is too long, the noodles are hardened, the taste is short, and the noodles are cooked. Impervious, although the appearance is cooked, but the center part of the noodles is still raw, there will be a white spot, that is, raw noodles.

挤 Squeeze the noodles in the pot, and then see that the boiling water boils again, the water rolls, and the white round thick noodles are tossed up and down in the water, just like dozens of dragons in the river.

Ye Fei stood aside, and the white smoke in the pot burst out. Ye Fei smelled a unique flavor of noodles. The taste had the aroma of frost in the snow, and the aroma of buckwheat noodles. Gluing together and complementing each other has brought Ye Fei an unprecedented experience.

"The rich and fragrant face is really a bit uncontrollable!" Ye Fei sighed.

Ye Fei was very accurate when cooking the noodles ~ ~ Three minutes arrived, Ye Fei turned off the heat directly.

I took a polychrome bowl from the side, and the mouth of the bowl turned slightly outward.

Ye Yefei used a fine hole colander to remove all the noodles in the pot and poured them into a bowl.

At this time, the soup in the soup pot has been cooked. Ye Fei did not turn off the fire at all, but directly turned on the fire, scooped out a large spoon of soup from the soup pot and poured it directly into the noodle bowl.

The noodle soup has just flooded the noodles, and the round noodles are looming in the soup, like the bodies of beautiful white and tender women.

The soup was poured into the soup, and Ye Fei took the piece of mutton out of the pot, and then sliced ​​it three or two times, covering the noodle soup directly.

It's not over yet. Ye Fei took the parsley and green onion segments prepared earlier. After chopped, he squeezed it and sprinkled it in the bowl.

Looking at this bowl of noodles at this time, I saw that the thick soup was like the mist of Xianjia, and the noodles were in the mist. On the top, a few thick lambs exuded a strong aroma. The onion and parsley were burned by the hot soup and emitted Unique and seductive aroma.

Ye Yefei closed his eyes. He didn't look at the bowl of noodle anymore, but felt it with his heart and experienced it with his sense of smell.

The scent of maggots penetrated into the nostrils and directly opened his taste nerves, causing him to float up.


Ye Yefei couldn't help but swallowed, then opened his eyes, took a pair of ivory chopsticks from the side, gently picked a noodle from the bowl, and slowly chewed it carefully in his mouth.

Suddenly, Ye Fei felt that his tongue did not exist, and all the taste buds were beating in the mouth, even cheering ...

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