The Fifth Point Guard

Chapter 23: The future is ours

Shentong opened the door, and there were already people in the gym.

Arenas, Jefferson, Woods.

"Hey, Shen, you are late."

Arenas' vest has soaked in sweat.

"So ... this is the second round of training in the offseason?" Shen Tong asked the three people to put down their sports backpacks.

"Not training, but fighting!" Arenas solemnly said, "I want to prove to the NBA that they made me the biggest mistake in the second round!"

Watching Arenas training full of fighting spirit on the field, Woods changed his sweatshirt and said to Shen Tong: "The boy Gilbert is so energetic, we can't be seen flat."

Lorraine Woods was also selected in the second round, even lower than Shentong.

It seems that he is holding his breath.

Arenas training on the stadium is very serious, Shentong can even see the energy bursting inside Arenas and the burning fire on him.


"20, 21, 22! Beautiful, Shentong won again!"

Jefferson's voice resounded through the arena.

"Damn it, you're almost there!" Arenas, 21 of 25 shots, was very annoyed.

Offered to compete with Shentong's three-pointer Arenas for three consecutive games.

Five positions, each position throws five goals.

The endings are in agreement.

"Well, I have to admit, I'm really not as good as the three-pointer in the training, but! I can get more three-pointers in the game."

Arenas finally gave up the fourth inning.

"Hey, Gilbert, you didn't say that just now." Jefferson said with a frowning smile.

and many more...

this is...

As Shentong was about to laugh at Arenas, a familiar scanning barcode appeared in his sight.



Name: Gilbert Arenas

Available: "Basic Dribble" (White Skill Book)


Shentong quickly put the skill book into the bag.


Skill book: "Basic Dribble" (white common)

Learning conditions: None

Details: Players with outstanding dribble have a certain probability of dropping.

Dribble, the most basic practice of basketball, improves the feel and reduces mistakes.

Practice good dribbling requires a lot of perseverance, can withstand loneliness, to become a king.

When you can dribble the ball with both hands, you will understand the essence of dribbling.


Shentong can't wait to open this skill book about dribbling.

The first thing that catches my eyes is the list of skill books.

The first part, high and low dribble;

The second part, emergency dribble;

The third part, changing hands and dribbling;

Chapter 4, behind the dribble;

Chapter 5 ...

Open the first chapter: high and low dribble.

The book first explained the high and low dribble separately.

High dribble: Generally used for fast dribbling between moves without defensive obstruction.

Low dribble: often used to get rid of defense.

Turn another page.

Records the action method and action points of high and low dribble.

Including dribbling, the head of the tiger rushes forward, legs slightly bent, binocular head-up, etc.

Shentong looked at it for a long time, the words were understood, and there were also puppets with example movements drawn on the book.

But I always feel that if I study on my own, I'm afraid it will do more with less.

Pictures are always dead.

The skill of dribbling is not the same as defense.

Defense can verify what you have learned in actual combat. You can verify each other through the content of defense and skill books.

But dribbling is different.

Dribble does not interact with the outside world, and can only practice in silence.

This makes it easy to take detours.

It would be nice if someone could guide yourself.

Just thought of this, Shen Tong suddenly felt his shoulders were patted.

"Hey, buddy, what is stupid, what are you thinking?"

Shentong looked at Arenas wiping his sweat.

"I was thinking how good I would be if I could dribble like you."

This is Shen Tong's words.

In Arizona, Arenas 'ability to control the ball is absolutely unique. Even Jefferson, the team's second owner, is far from Arenas' dribbling level.

"Hey, Shen, do you want to learn dribbling with me?"

"Of course!" Shen Tong was overjoyed.

With Arenas as his own dribbling instructor, plus the theoretical guidance of "Basic Dribbling", Shentong feels that before the start of the new season, his dribbling can be completely improved!

"Want to have the ability to actively create shooting opportunities?"

Arenas reminded Shentong that his three-pointer was indeed accurate, but very dependent on the support of his teammates.

The Chicago training camp game is a good reminder of Shentong, with or without the passing and support of teammates, how will their play differ.

Be a three-pointer standing on the court?

That was clearly not what Shentong wanted.

Looking at the repeated selling of Arenas, Shentong said angrily: "Speak, what are the conditions."

Arenas smiled and whispered, "The one under your pillow ..."

Shentong said quickly: "Deal!"

Damn, how did he know.


After the draft holiday, the wild cats were not idle.

"Shen, pay attention to the height of the ball rebound should be maintained between the waist and abdomen, coordination of hands and feet, pay attention to rhythm."

After getting "Flower Girl", Arenas really became Shentong's dribbling instructor.

Of course, to teach Shentong to practice dribbling, Arenas also has his own plan.

Shentong, who has emerged in the team, the level of single defense is the best in the team, so Arenas also hopes that Shentong can become his one-on-one attack and defense practitioner.

While Arenas is defending, Shentong can practice his dribbling skills.

And when Arenas attack, they can face Shentong's defense.

Arenas's abacus, but also with Shen Tong's mind.

During training with Arenas, Shentong's dribbling and single defense capabilities are improving rapidly.

On the other side, Jefferson and Woods also formed a pair of stadium CP.


Time passes slowly ~ ~ Arizona's gymnasium is full of wild cats throbbing hormones.

One day, when all four were tired on the floor ...

Shentong felt that his basketball level has never been so powerful.


Lock the gate of the stadium.

This is the last day of the four Shentong people training here.

Within a week, they will go to their respective selected teams to participate in the training camp and preseason games held by the teams.

"Hey, my brothers, today is the last day. Good luck to everyone." Arenas said.

"See you in the NBA!" Jefferson replied.

Including Shentong, everyone is full of longing and longing for the NBA.

Arenas took a spray bottle from his backpack.

"Gilbert, what are you doing?" Woods asked.

Did not answer, Arenas just came to the wall next to the stadium.

There is a poster hanging on the wall.

That was given to this year's graduates by the University of Arizona.


The future is yours.

Arenas covered yours letter y with a white spray.

"Yeah ~~"

Shentong immediately met.

Good job!

The warm sunset pulled out a long back.

The four of them stood side by side and slowly walked out of Arizona's school gate.


Thefutureisyours ...


The future is ours.

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