The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 248 Charles' Discovery

Early in the morning, Eric came downstairs shaking his head.

They drank a bit last night, but only he and Charles got drunk.

Mike and Clark have nothing to do.


Thinking of Charles, who is still lying on the bed, Eric smiled.

Rookie Charles.

"Dad?" Eric was stunned when he saw Mike put on his sweatshirt, and said, "Are you going for a run?"

While wearing his shoes, Mike smiled and said, "Go for a walk outside, do you want to join us?"

"Wait a moment!"

Eric shook his head, returned upstairs, quickly changed his clothes, and ran down.

At this time, the temperature was still low, and he suddenly came out of the warm house. Eric couldn't help shivering, but when he was stimulated by the cold air, his head was much clearer.

"Let's go."

Mike said a word and moved his legs.

Eric nodded, followed Mike, and the father and son jogged.

It's been a long time since I ran with Eric, but Mike was very happy. Seeing Eric leisurely following him, he said, "I'm going to speed up, keep up."

Eric nodded, adjusted his breathing and followed behind Mike.


It took Mike a minute to bring Eric to his shop.

"How about it?"

Mike looked at Eric, waiting for his son's evaluation.

Eric smiled and said, "It looks good, it feels very warm."

"Good eyesight!"

Mike smiled and said, "Let's go, we'll go back after a while, and we have to make breakfast."


Eric's eyes lit up, he hadn't eaten Mike's breakfast for a long time.

"Eat buns, your favorite food."

Mike smiled and said, "I already adjusted the stuffing for the buns last night."

Eric swallowed, and after seeing Mike running away, he hurriedly followed.

It was said to be a morning run, but it was actually more like Mike taking Eric to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment. Mike introduced while walking. After running for half an hour, the two returned home.

When Mike opened the door, John, who was opposite, came out yawning. Seeing Eric, he said strangely, "Mike, are there any guests so early?"

Mike responded with a smile: "This is my son Eric, he just came back from abroad."

John looked at Eric, smiled, greeted Eric, and said to Mike, "Your sons are excellent."

"I love hearing that."

Mike smiled happily and said, "I'll ask Gwen to bring you some buns later."

John said in surprise: "Bun! I've wanted to eat it for a long time."

Mike smiled and nodded to each other, and went home with Eric.

Because it was Saturday, Clark didn't go to work, and Gwen didn't have to go to school. After the family had breakfast, Mike and Eric took Gwen to buy New Year's goods, leaving Clark and Charles to clean at home.

Charles pressed his hangover-ridden head,

Holding a rag lazily wiping the ashes, and yawning from time to time.

There was a knock on the door, and Charles instantly threw away the rag in his hand, and said to Clark, who was speeding up cleaning, "I'll open the door."

As he walked near the door, his expression changed, and he felt like he had lost something.

Taking a step back, he felt that what he had lost had come back.

What has been lost is his ability?

Charles looked at the door with a solemn expression and tried to use his abilities.

Ability can be used.

A child stood outside the door.

It's the kid from the neighbor's house opposite.

That a mutant!

Charles stepped forward with a strange expression.

In an instant, his ability disappeared again, as if he had never obtained ability, and could not feel the existence of ability at all, and when he stepped back again and walked out of the range of more than one meter around the child's body, his ability resume again.

He sucked in a breath.

Super power suppression!

As long as you get close to him, the ability will disappear.

This kid's abilities are terrifying.

In some ways, his abilities are the nemesis of all mutants, provided, of course, that he gets to the kid's side.

Taking a deep breath, Charles endured the uncomfortable feeling that his ability was suppressed, as if he had lost it, and took two steps to open the door.

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A handsome boy stood at the door.

Luke was wearing a woolen hat and holding a plate in his hand. When he saw Charles who opened the door, he was stunned and said, "You are..."

"My name is Charles!"

"You are Professor X! X-Men!"

Luke opened his mouth wide and looked at Charles in surprise.

From time to time reports of X Academy appeared in the newspapers, and he recognized Charles at a glance.

Charles smiled slightly, and after letting Luke in, he closed the door, turned his head and made a gesture to Luke: "Shh, help me keep it a secret."

Luke nodded, then said excitedly, "Why are you here? I mean at Gwen's house, could it be that... Gwen is a mutant!?"

Charles shook his head with a smile and said, "No, because this is my home."

"Your house? This is not Uncle Mike..."

Luke seemed to realize something, his eyes widened, and he said in surprise: "You, you are Uncle Mike's..."


Charles smiled.

Luke was already stunned.

"So you're Gwen's brother?"

Luke flushed with excitement.

God, Gwen's brother turned out to be Professor X! The superhero who led the X-Men and built the X-School!

"Hello, I'm Luke, Gwen's classmate, and I'm here to return Uncle Mike's morning plate."

Luke stood up straight involuntarily, and handed over the plate of morning buns with both hands.

Charles took it and said, "Luke, I heard Gwen talk about you."

Luke touched his head and smiled, and said, "Where's Gwen?"

"she went out."

Charles said, touched Luke's head, and said, "Can you help me keep my relationship with Gwen a secret?"

Luke nodded and said without hesitation, "Of course!"

"Thank you, classmate Luke."

Charles said with a smile, and after asking Luke a few more questions, Luke went back.

After sending Luke to the door, Charles mechanically closed the door with a thoughtful look on his face.

That child's ability is very special, it does no harm to people, it just inhibits the ability, so no one finds out that he is a mutant.

And the child himself didn't know, and he didn't even know that he had awakened the mutant ability, let alone control.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the child's ability is like a passive ability in a game, which can be activated for a long time.


A rag hit him in the face.

Charles came back to his senses and grabbed it.

"What are you thinking? Come and clean up, don't be lazy."

Clark said with a smile.

Charles frowned and asked in a low voice, "That kid named Luke, do you and dad know he's a mutant?"

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