The Fate of the Gunman

The Fate of the Spearman Chapter 911

Accompanying Lancer’s adventure is that his name is sung in several worlds, and whatever he does is enough to make him leave his name in history, and he did not know what he did. how many.

Countless worlds are singing his name, whether it is fear, fear, hatred, worship, gratitude...

Countless emotions are intertwined, but they have cast his experience far beyond ordinary heroes. After all, even if their lives are full of adventures, they are limited to their own world, but Lancer is different.

The power of countless worlds poured into his body almost instantly, and the power of terror almost tore his body, but the blazing phoenix fire healed his wounds, and the dazzling blue The Holy Light is soothing his spirit.

Among the dazzling light is the blazing phoenix flame; under the entanglement of death breath is the ice that freezes the soul.

The forces caused by the gathering of diametrically opposed forces attracted countless people's attention.

Whether it was Matthew and Fujimaru Tatsuka who were facing the enemy, or'Solomon' who was attacking with all his strength, or Gaetia, they were all attracted by the sudden burst of aura.

The two people who didn't know whether the coming was an enemy or a friend invariably gathered their strength to deal with the'accident' that might not happen.

But when Leonai, who had finally repelled the enemy, turned around, an unexpected name appeared!


'Gatia' did not expect that the man who interfered with his plan at the initial singularity would actually appear at this time, but then the smile on his face became even more cruel.

No matter why the opponent appears here, he will definitely kill the opponent to complete his'great vision'!


ps: There are too many things today... There is no time code word when I go to work, but this chapter code is out...

Chapter 2 Terrifying Rank Card




Muscle strength: A++

Durability: A++

Agility: A++

Magic: B++

Lucky: E

Treasure: EX

Retain skills

God of Hunting EX

Ghoul species, giant beasts, monsters in ancient dragon legends and even the goddess of hunting are all prey

(Deals additional 100% damage to non-human targets)

Devil EX

Tell the dead bird, the executioner, the rebel, the first king of ghosts, countless worlds spread the fear of the devil

(All attributes are enhanced +, except for luck)

Hero EX

The warrior of the holy light, the blue star, the king of magical girls, the god of hunting, countless worlds sing the story of heroes

(All attributes are enhanced +, except for luck)

You are all my wings B

The legendary big stallion, countless men admire the existence of jealousy and worship

(Stamina, endurance, magic power, holy light, blood energy recovery speed increased)

Geis A

The blessings of the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows to the disciples

(Increased damage and hatred to enemies with undead attributes)

Undead A

Even if he was covered in blood, he still survived from the battlefield countless times

(Immunity to a death attack, there is a certain probability of getting'Perseverance' status after receiving fatal damage)

Rank skills

Mind (pseudo): A

Clairvoyance: D

Hold treasure


Grade: EX


Distance: 1

Maximum capture: 1


Tell the dead bird

Grade: A+

Type: Treasure for people

Distance: 1

Maximum capture: 1

Description: The dead bird will bring the shadow of death to all enemies

Effect: The enemy's resistance to death is reduced

(Resident Treasure)

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