The Fate of the Gunman

The Fate of the Spearman Chapter 552

Chapter 90 Stable This Time

Fujiwara Bubi and other five people are undoubtedly terrifying existences that Lancer called "senior LOLI control". After all, Lancer can't do the act of stalking and pursuing a LOLI, but these five LOLI control at least They haven't lost their mind yet. Their pursuit of Kaguya Ji is basically an'extracurricular activity', and they have to spare some time every week to complete their work.

For example, Fujiwara Bubi waited for the right minister and had to return to Fujiwarakyo every once in a while to deal with things. Of course, if someone notified him, he had to rush back. Fortunately, there was no major event during this period so the other party could maintain this kind of "fishing" job.

What he didn't expect was that when he just got up and got his clothes ready to go to the palace to report to the emperor, a guard hurried in.

Although the opponent tried to keep himself calm, the heavy breathing still made Fujiwara unable to help but frown. It was not because the opponent was angry, but because the opponent was the guard he arranged at Takeyama. The reason was to protect Hui. Ye Ji, but actually monitors four other'competitors' of her.

"Did something happen?"

"My lord, His Royal Highness Kaguya Ji is about to announce her request to select a husband and son!"

"Prepare the horse!!"

Without hesitation at all, Fujiwara did not hesitate to give up going to the imperial palace and rushed to Takeyama. For him, the Emperor is his son-in-law. It is not a big problem to ask for a leave, but if you miss Kaguyaji What happened there might be the first four old guys!

There is no doubt that Fujiwara did not have the consciousness of being a middle-aged person at this time, but this was also because of the times, and for the minister, no matter how old he was, it was not a problem.

On the other hand, Emperor Wenwu was silently waiting for Fujiwara's arrival in the study. For him, this old man was not only the father of his wife, but also his most important assistant. He was able to succeed him. After a huge effort, it can be said that the two are complementary.

It’s just that recently he discovered that something was wrong with the other party. For example, the meeting that was supposed to be held today was actually asked for leave. This is undoubtedly very strange. He also found his wife, or the current queen, Fujiwara Miyako's daughter.

"Miyako, do you know what's happening lately than waiting for adults?"

As the leader of this country, Emperor Wenwu is not a descendant. The power is used as a mascot stamped by the general's basic functions. The opponent's subordinates not only control the vast majority of the army, but the Yinyangliu is also directly responsible for him. But it is precisely because of this that he trusts his old husband very much, even if the other party's information has been collected, he only checks it regularly, unless his subordinates specifically report otherwise he still trusts the other party.

And Fujiwara Miyako, who was dressed in gorgeous 12 singles, sighed silently after hearing her husband's words.

Her husband doesn’t care, but she cares. She knows her father better. He has always been a more romantic person. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to give birth to a lot of younger brothers and sisters, even she knows it. He didn't know how many daughters there were, but he didn't expect his father to be so unreliable this time.

"It's because of Kaguya Ji."

Speaking of Kaguyahime, the Emperor Wenwu couldn't help being interested, but it was just interest. For him, it was not necessary for him to offend the top ten people in the country for a woman.

Indeed, he is the ruler of this country, but the ruler does not mean that he can do things unscrupulously.

"It's not more than waiting for adults..."

In the end, he just showed a helpless smile and didn't say anything, but that was all, he knew that the other party still had a clear distinction, so he simply waved his hand to let the attendants leave.

Since there is no official business to do, it is rare for him to accompany his queen well. Although the marriage with Miyako Fujiwara was due to political interests, as the two got along, he gradually fell in love with this gentle woman.

However, it is a pity that the wise Emperor Wenwu didn't know that he was the most famous in his descendants, except for the history book, the cuckold character in GAL...


When Fujiwara Bubi waited to ride the carriage all the way to Zhushan, he also looked a little panting. Although he was riding a carriage all the way, he couldn't let his subordinates go up the mountain, right?It was really detrimental to his brilliant and wise image. In the end, four old people with half-white or gray hair were waiting for a strange picture of a middle-aged man panting.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting."

"It's okay, Lord Fujiwara, please sit down."

What I said was very enthusiastic, but everyone in the room wanted Fujiwara to wait and wait. After all, everyone is not completely without B numbers, whether it is age, appearance, talent, future, or other aspects. Are better than them.

More importantly, this time Fujiwara Nobi waited for someone to be absent, and the'Kaguya Ji' expressed the hope that he would wait for the other party to come and announce it together, which in their opinion undoubtedly explained the advantage that Fujiwara Nobi waited for from the side.

But actually?

Penglai Shan Huiye simply felt that it was troublesome to say it twice, so it's better to get together and finish it at once. It's better to play a game if you have this time.

After the five people sat down, they were also pulled apart soon. Everyone could see Kaguya Ji's shadow through a screen. The expressions on everyone's faces became unconsciously serious. After all, this is related to their happiness in the second half of their lives. 'Thing.

"The adults are here today because there are things I want to get rid of the adults. If the adults can do it, the concubine is willing to marry the adults..."

The five people sitting there obviously didn't say a word, but the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense.

Undoubtedly, they already knew the purpose of each other before, because the old man who adopted Kaguya Ji had already told them about it, but he couldn't help being a little excited when he heard the other party say this.

After all, they have been waiting for this day for a long time!


The door slowly closed, and the five people sitting there had different expressions, but the only thing that was the same was dumbfounded.

They originally thought that Penglai Shan Huiye would make some strange request, but they didn't expect that they would just ask them to find something as a gift for marriage proposal.

In their opinion, this is too simple, and even the other party also gave them a book containing the item, and everyone now has only one thought in their hearts.

'This time it's stable!'

Chapter 91 The Five Problems of Kaguya Ji

Regarding the existence of'Hui Ye Ji', Yin Yang Liao's idea is very simple——————You are the uncle, we will carry it for you on vacation.

Yes, it's that simple.

Although gods are rarely seen except for the shrines, it is a real thing that there are no monsters in the vicinity of the shrines to make trouble. Even the shrines basically guard one acre of land in Yinyangliao because of the order they received.

Although they don’t know why the gods would do this kind of thing, they didn’t dare to speculate at will, so they didn’t dare to neglect the'goddess' who suddenly appeared on the ground, but not neglecting does not mean that they do not have their own little ones. thought.

You five loli controllers want to pursue that Kaguya Ji?Yes, support!

But that's all. In the end, it's just a personal behavior. As long as you don't chaos and pursue pure pursuits, the problem shouldn't be big. Even if the pursuit fails... you will fail. Anyway, you won't lose, but if you succeed, then you will earn. Big.

So when Fujiwara Bubi waited for them to go to the Yin Yang Lao with the book, the people in Yin Yang Lao were also very concerned, but when they really took it out, the people in Yin Yang Lao were also embarrassed.

'The stone bowl in front of the Buddha' The jade branch of Penglai' The fire rat fur' The bead on the dragon's head' The Swallow Amber'

What are these things?

The first reaction of the people in Yin Yang Liao was that Kaguya Ji was actually playing tricks, right?

But then when the five people gave the book they were given by Penglai Shan Huiye at the same time, the people in Yin Yang Liao had bigger heads.

At least the description in the book does not seem to be made up, but according to the description in the book, these things are more strange than one.

The first is the "stone bowl in front of the Buddha". According to the description in the book, this thing is far away in Tianzhu. Even if you take it directly, you don't know how long it will take to go to Tianzhu. If you want to go to Tianzhu, you must first arrive at Datang. It is said that there is a Maritime Silk Road that can reach Tianzhu, but what about after it?What if you can't find it?

In addition, the "fire rat fur" is also considered to be a little eyebrow, or the clothes that can be immune to fire are actually not uncommon, just like the hunting clothes worn by the onmyojis in the Yin and Yang hut can also be immune to the ordinary through special techniques. The flame of fire, but according to the description in the book, Fire Mouse Qi is not only very beautiful in itself, but also not afraid of fire, and even the more fire is used, the more beautiful it will become.

What the hell is this?Is there such a technique?They have never heard of it!

But anyway, there is an eyebrow, let the civil servants who are idle and do nothing to develop this technique by the way when they have nothing to do?

These two still make sense, but the remaining three are really overwhelming.

Penglai’s jade branch is described as a jade branch with many precious stones.

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