The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1098: Half-Holy Fall


Originally, the Demon Lord Kyle was about to escape back to the Demon Realm, but no one thought that Wang Feng could actually use a spear to nail him to the door of his house, so that he could not set foot in the Demon Realm and lost his life.

In the mid-Xuanming realm, the half-holy who surpassed the peak of the reincarnation realm was killed, and Wang Feng created a miracle today.

When I was on the earth, I found the ancient corpse with a long spear. That day, the ancient corpse was snatched by the dark soul organization, and the long spear was snatched back to the dragon soul organization by Wang Feng and others.

The ancient corpse was regarded as a fairy corpse by Emperor Xuanyu and the others, which meant the corpse of a fairy, and as a spear that accompanied the corpse to sleep, it was naturally also a fairy.

This gun is called the Great Gun, which is really brought by Wang Feng from the earth.

"This... how is this possible!"

Seeing that Wang Feng used a sharp spear to kill a strongest person, in Wang Feng's realm world, the Dragon Soul Captain and them all showed incredible colors.

They kept the gun after Wang Feng left the earth, but what they didn't expect was that the gun was so terrifying.

A semi-sage fell in this way, and was nailed to death by Wang Feng on the door of space.

He only almost returned to the Demon Realm. When he came, he was full of spirits, thinking that he could lead the army to level the middle three days, but now, he died at the door of his house, and he didn't even see what he looked like in the third three days.

"it is good!"

There was silence for almost half a minute, and there was a sound of applause on Zhongsantian, and with this sound, there was an overwhelming applause. This sound concealed all the sounds and became this world. The only one.

A semi-sage was nailed to death by Wang Fengsheng on the door of space. For all the monks in the middle three days, it was no different from a boost of morale. Wang Feng completed a feat, killing with the strength of the mid-Xuanming realm. A half holy died.

"come back!"

Looking at the sharp spear inserted on the door of the space, Wang Feng stretched out his hand and shouted, and then the spear detached itself from the body of the demon Lord Kyle and flew back to Wang Feng's hand.

After knowing that the ancient corpse was an immortal, Wang Feng paid attention to this spear. The thing he asked for from the Dragon Soul Captain and them was completely used as a hole card.

Just like what he imagined, a weapon that accompanies the immortal corpse to sleep, it is really terrifying.

At the beginning, Wang Feng had studied this sharp spear on the earth. At that time, he could only see that there were countless formations in it, but now it seems that only fairy weapons can do this.

Putting the sharp gun into the dantian, Wang Feng's body also quickly fell into the void. The blow of the sharp gun just sucked almost all the power in his body, so now he can't do even the most basic flight.

Fortunately, at this time Liu Yidao was quick and quick, and came to Wang Feng's side to support him in an instant.

There is no doubt that Liu Yidao's heart was shocked at this moment, because he did not expect that the sharp spear was so terrifying that even the semi-sage would be crucified alive.

At that time, he could see with his own eyes that Wang Feng had brought this great gun over. At that time, he thought there could be something strange about the things on this earth, but now it seems that he was blind at first and did not recognize the real treasure. .

Compared with this long gun, the horror of the sword he used can only be regarded as rubbish.

"Is it okay?" Looking at Wang Feng's pale face, Liu Yidao quickly took out several tenth-grade sacred pills and fed them into his mouth, and asked.

"It's okay, it's just taking off." Wang Feng said reluctantly.

"Recover well first, I'll take you out of here." Liu said with a knife, and ran to the vicinity of Yi Long with Wang Feng.

Yi Long and the others are all masters in the reincarnation realm. With them, even those who want to deal with it can't find a chance.

They all say that the heart of harm is indispensable, and the heart of defensiveness is indispensable. Now the situation here is chaotic, and it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no one to blame, so he can rest assured if Wang Feng is placed in his brother.

The applause was one after another, the monks in the middle three days were very excited, and compared with them, the army of the Demon Territory was tragic. Their Kael Demon Lord was dead, a semi-sage.

Fear permeated their camp like a plague. Some people who hadn't really participated in the war could not even rise to the heart of fighting. They fled madly into the other side of the space gate, which was the territory of the Demon Realm.

The army of the Demon Realm came quickly, and now they are retreating fast. Where they left, monsters with human heads and beasts died one after another. They were all creatures of the Demon Realm.

Under the catastrophe, the army of the Demon Territory died and I don't know how many creatures are left. Today, only a very small part of the creatures remain, because most of the creatures of the Demon Territory cannot even retain their bodies under the tribulation.

The ones who can really leave the dead body are the more tyrannical ones.

This battle was won in the middle of the third day, and the Demon Territory army retreated. Only a dozen Demon Emperors were still entangled with Emperor Xuanyu.

However, at this time, the Demon Emperors also discovered the following situation, and they kept roaring, but no matter how they roared, the demon domain army that had retreated did not come out again.

They have been frightened out of their courage, how could they dare to come out and make trouble.

"Don't yell, your descendants are just a group of mobs. It's best if you die." At this time, Emperor Xuanyu spoke, trying his best to suppress the opponent's mind.

"The three days between me and you are endless, wait, and sooner or later the three of you will be destroyed by our demon." A demon emperor said, and then he began to back away.

Countless Demon Territory armies have retreated, and they also need to rest temporarily, because there is no Demon Territory armies, just because they, the Demon Emperor, want to destroy the middle three days is just nonsense.

Their purpose is only to hold the Great Emperor Xuanyu and the others, and it is the army of the Demon Realm who really fights for them.

"Since I'm here, what are you going to do in such a hurry." At this time, Emperor Xingyu's indifferent voice sounded, as if he didn't want to let these demon emperors go.

The devil emperor is equivalent to the supreme holy realm of human beings. If they can kill all of their holy realms, then this world war can basically be declared over, because without the devil emperor, with their strength, the demon army can be said to be How many people come and die, they won't be taken seriously by them.

"The middle three days is not a place where you can come and go if you want. I said that if I take one more step, my Xuan Yu will make you blood splatter. Now you are all dead!"

The voice of Emperor Xuanyu came, and at this moment only a scream was heard, and the Devil Emperor was injured.


The voice of the Devil Emperor came. At this moment, they had already given birth to the thought of retreat. The Supreme was going to leave. It is difficult for the other Supreme to stay, just like when the God King attacked the Tiandi Pavilion, although there are two ruthless masters and Chu Mengtian Supreme shot, but the **** king finally retreated.

So now this Devil Emperor wants to escape, it is very difficult for Emperor Xuanyu and the others to keep them.

But they can escape, but they have to pay for it.

The sword of rules swept across, and a demon emperor couldn't dodge while fleeing, and was directly stabbed by a sword.

This person had already been killed by Emperor Xuanyu once before, so after he was killed again this time, there was no chance of resurrection, and he died.

This is the first time that a demon emperor in the demon realm has been killed.

"Die to me!"

At this moment, the Great Emperor Xingyu also heard a voice, he also killed his opponent and suppressed the opponent with the stars.

"The old man should really kill a supreme." At this moment, Yun Liudao spoke long, and at this moment his opponent was also blown up by him with a magic stick, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

Since the Great War, almost all the truly powerful supreme have killed the Devil Emperor, so after they killed them again these two times, these Devil Emperors were killed immediately and there was no chance of resurrection.

"You are also dead." Chu Mengtian also said at this time. He took off his opponent's head for a lifetime, and the scene was very **** for a while.

That is the supreme figure in the holy realm, so he can even turn a few figures like this. I am afraid that the Demon Realm can hardly bear such a loss, right?

The Demon Emperors of the Demon Realm fled back into the door of space, and as a price, the four Demon Emperors they left were buried forever in the middle of three days.

"Give these corpses to me, and I will refine them into corpse chiefs." At this time, Master Ruthless said, making Emperor Xuanyu nod their heads.

Although the technique of corpse quib is vicious, but now Zhong San Tian itself is not as supreme as the demon realm, so if there are more corpse quibs to help fight, it is naturally the best thing.

"Everyone take a good rest and prepare for the next battle." The Demon Territory army retreated even with the Demon Emperor, but this battle was not over yet.

The dozens of demon emperors that have come out today are almost all in the early stage of the holy realm, the middle stage of the holy realm, and even the late stage of the holy realm, there are only three. It can be seen that the demon realm has not shaken out all the background, and there must be more tragic next. battle.

The reason why they will retreat so quickly this time is completely because of the unexpected catastrophe. I don’t know how many creatures in the demon realm were killed under the catastrophe. This incident gave them a great shock, and their fear was also extremely high. Normal thing.

"Wang Feng, come here." At this time Emperor Xuan Yu beckoned to Wang Feng.

"Yes." Turning his body, he had just recovered little power, and Wang Feng came next to their group of holy realm supreme.

"What happened to the tribulation before?" Great Emperor Xuanyu asked.

"I don't know." Wang Feng shook his head.

"You can just treat it as God and look down on it." At this time, Great Sage Qilin said.

"Go up aside." Great Emperor Xuanyu glanced at Great Sage Qilin, and then asked, "If you can use this tribulation on a large scale, we will definitely win this battle."

Heavenly Tribulation is the real power of heaven and earth. If Wang Feng can use Heavenly Tribulation, then even if no monks in the middle three days have come to participate in the battle, Heavenly Tribulation is enough to stop all the low-level demon realms here. , Come out and die one by one, and see how they attack for three days.

"I can't control this matter. I still haven't figured out what happened on that day." Wang Feng said.

He didn't tell a lie. Although he used the power of Zhongsantian's rules, it is not yet known whether Najib was the real counterattack against Wang Feng.

So how could he say something that he didn't even figure out himself? If his master kept using Heavenly Tribulation, then Wang Feng would have slapped himself in the face in front of countless So so. How did Wang Feng do stupid things? After all, this matter is not something he can control.

"You don't need to talk about it, but what's the matter with that spear?" Great Emperor Xuanyu asked.

Knowing that his master likes to **** his own things, he has no discipline, so this time Wang Feng has learned to be smart.

"What spear did you say? Why didn't I see it?" Wang Feng asked with a confused expression.


Seeing Wang Feng's appearance, the Great Emperor Xuanyu was really so angry that he was so angry that countless people had seen things that he even pretended to himself, and this pretend was a little too unlike.

"Don't worry, this time as a teacher, I will definitely not grab your things. You take out the spear and everyone observes." Lowering his posture, Emperor Xuan Yu said very kindly.

It's just that his kindness seems to be treacherous in Wang Feng's eyes.


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