The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1024: Night in the palace

?readx; Speaking of this crystal card, the old man's face is also proud of his face. Except for what they can make, other auction houses can't imitate it, because they don't control such technology~

There are not no best spirit stones in the world, but the naturally formed best spirit stones are only a minority after all, because many spirit stone mines cannot produce such a best spirit stone, almost all of them are ordinary spirit stones.

It can be said that this kind of refining technology is unique to the entire Kingdom of God, only their Shenmeng Chamber of Commerce.

"I don't know if you have any spirit stones purified by this technique?" Wang Feng asked suddenly.

"There are such spirit stones, but because of technology, our Chamber of Commerce has very little inventory. Do you want to exchange it?"

"I don't know how to change the law?"

"Referring to various conditions, our exchange price is now five spirit stones in exchange for one. Since you are a major customer of our Chamber of Commerce, I can exchange one million for you here. What do you think?"

"Of course you don't think it is too small, because this is already most of the inventory of our Chamber of Commerce."

"Then give me some in exchange." Wang Feng said.

Right now he has a lot of spiritual stones in his hand, even if he gave Guan Fu a billion, he still left a lot of it. Originally, he thought that the God Alliance Merchant would have a lot of such top-quality spiritual stones. a little.

In the end, Wang Feng successfully exchanged a million top-grade spirit stones and left here with the VIP card given by the old man.

Of course, before leaving, the old man still babbled a lot of compliments, the effect was that Wang Feng would continue to take care of their Shenmeng business after having business.

Wang Feng just said something good about this, and then left here with Guan Fu.

This time he also needed the spirit stone to come here to auction the tenth-grade sacred pill. He will not stay in the kingdom of God anymore, and the ghost will be auctioned here, so what the old man said is completely nonsense.

"Hold on." Before leaving the auction house, Wang Feng suddenly stopped, because at this moment he discovered that there was a large group of people waiting at the door. Almost all of these people were masters. It is estimated that they were blocking him here.

In order to prevent trouble, Wang Feng finally returned to the auction house.

"Why are you back again?" Seeing Wang Feng's return, the old man's face was beaming, thinking that Wang Feng would have some business to do.

"A large group of people blocked me at the door. I want to ask if there is any back door for your auction house to go out?"

"This is of course." The old man nodded, and then said: "Please follow me."

Finally, under the leadership of this old man, Wang Feng finally successfully left the auction house. After leaving, Wang Feng directly changed his appearance and breath, and calmly returned to the tavern with Guan Fu.

The sky is already dark now, and it is time to plot the next action.

Back at the tavern, Wang Feng's Tianyan swept around, until he confirmed that no one was coming, he took the space ring out.

"I don't know how many spirit stones you need to fully activate the power of the gods?" Wang Feng asked Guan Fu.

"At least one billion." Guan Fu thought for a while and said.

"In this case, the spiritual stones in these spatial rings belong to you." One billion spiritual stones was in Wang Feng's expectation, so he did not hesitate at this moment, and directly placed ten spatial rings in front of Guan Fu.

Each of these spatial rings contains one hundred million, so ten rings are exactly one billion spiritual stones.

"Don't you feel heartache at all?" Guan Fu asked suspiciously looking at these spatial rings.

"Compared with his own life, what does Lingshi count?" Wang Feng asked back, and then stopped talking.

There must be masters in the palace of the kingdom of God. If there is a realm of reincarnation, Guan Fu's power of the gods is undoubtedly a killer.

Ten-rank sacred pill is extremely precious to the monks of the kingdom of God, but for Wang Feng, he doesn't care at all, because now he can refine it at will.

"If you find my brother tonight, please save my brother and I will be responsible for dealing with them." Guan Fu said.

"no problem."

Although it is not interesting enough for a woman to show her face, Wang Feng has a heavenly eye. He is indeed the best person to save a person, and Wang Feng can get away as quickly as possible after he saves a person.

If Guan Fu were to do this, she would definitely not be able to do it.

Knowing that Guan Fu did not have such a powerful technique of stealing the sky and changing the sun, Wang Feng could only teach her a simple disguise technique. This disguise technique could not change the breath, but it could be used to temporarily change the appearance.

Although this can't deceive the real master, it should be enough to fool some low-level monks.

"When it gets darker, let's do it." Watching Guan Fu put away these spatial rings, Wang Feng ran directly onto the bed and sat down cross-legged.

Maybe they will fight in the near future, so now is the right thing to take the time to adjust to the best condition.

The sky gradually darkened, and it took only two hours or so before Wang Feng and Guan Fu left, and they headed directly towards the palace.

Because the night was getting late, there were fewer monks walking outside than during the day. By the night, the two of them were rushing to the palace quickly, and they didn't attract anyone's attention.

"Suppress your breath, we will definitely be able to rescue your brother." Seeing Guan Fu's breath a little unstable, Wang Feng reminded.

"I beg you for everything." After a glance at Wang Feng, Guan Fu's face was determined.

This time she was going to fight with the master. She knew that her chance of surviving was very slim, so she might not be able to follow Wang Feng.

As long as she can save her brother, even if she loses her life in the palace, then she can die and stare.

Not far from the palace, the two of them stopped, just like the palace on the mainland. The palace of the Kingdom of God was built extremely magnificently, although the sky was completely dark now.

But the palace is filled with luminous strange orbs everywhere, and the lights of various colors illuminate the palace, and the dreamlike scenes shrouded here are very beautiful.

However, the scenery is pleasing to the eye, but at the moment Wang Feng and the two of them are not in the mood to watch, because they will immediately do an extremely dangerous thing.

The palace is very quiet, and the monks who are active in it should have already sat down to practice. The powerful aura is enveloped in the sky above the palace. There are indeed masters sitting here.

"Damn it, I still haven't sensed my brother's breath." Guan Fu said at this moment, his face very ugly.

"Don't panic, describe your brother's appearance to me, and I will help you to see it." It is convenient to have sky eyes. This palace is a deep water pool. If her brother is imprisoned here, he will naturally have to break through. If he is not imprisoned If you still break here, you are a fool.

Finally, Wang Feng learned about the appearance of her brother from under Guan Fu, opened his eyes, and Wang Feng soon began to sweep the palace.

Of course, Wang Feng would not go to the place where the aura was strong, because it would scare the snake, and finally after a sweep, Wang Feng found a young man imprisoned in a powerful formation.

This boy and Guan Fu's description is eight. Nine and ten, so he should be Guan Fu's younger brother.

"I have found your brother, and we will sneak in for a while. It would be best if we can take your brother away quietly. If you can't take it, you may need to do it."

"I'm ready." Guan Fu nodded, the joy on his face flashed away.

Fortunately, Wang Feng helped her this time. If it weren't, she wouldn't say she was saving people alone. It is estimated that even she herself will end up here.

Because there are masters sitting in town, Wang Feng finally performed a kind of concealment technique and sneaked into the palace with Guan Fu.

Although this palace has a powerful formation and it is still open, the kingdom of God is too small after all, just like the rare pill, and the formation is far less powerful than the mainland, so Wang Feng sneaked into the palace almost untouched.

It's a pity that Wang Feng doesn't have strong strength. If he has the power of the reincarnation realm, he can break here at this moment, just like Liu Yidao took him to the palace of the Tianyin Empire and the Thundercloud Empire.

Seeing the two guards passing by not far from them, Wang Feng caught the two men directly with a thought.

Without waiting for them to speak, Wang Feng instantly killed the two of them, put on their costumes, and then changed their appearances. At this moment, Wang Feng and Guan Fu started wandering in the palace with a swagger.

Because he knew the place where Guan Fu's brother was imprisoned, Wang Feng went to that dungeon completely purposefully.

However, there were heavy guards along the way, and it took a lot of effort for Wang Feng to get to the outside of that dungeon.

"These people's hearts are really black." Because the two of them are peripheral guards, Wang Feng spent a lot of spirit stones on this journey, which opened up the joints and made it easy to use money.

This is true on earth, and so is the heaven.

Although the strengths are different, this human heart is difficult to change.

"Why are you two here?" At the door of the dungeon, two guards at the Void Realm level stopped Wang Feng and shouted loudly.

"We have given the order from above to take away the young man in custody." Wang Feng straightened his chest and scolded.

That appearance seemed to be more powerful than the guards of the two Heavenly Void Realm.

"But we haven't received any news, and if we want to take away people, how can we let you two come." A guard in the Void Realm said puzzledly.

"What? Do you both dare to violate the above order?" Wang Feng shouted loudly and said: "If we can't bring people up on time, can you both afford it to blame?"

"There is no clear order can't let people go." Although Wang Feng's acting is extremely lifelike, the two people simply don't eat that set.

Only when their voices fell, a guard rushed out of the dungeon and said, "The boy's strange illness has happened again."

This person's complexion is a bit ugly. The boy's strange disease originally had an attack every few days, but now it is happening several times a day. This person is worried that this boy will suddenly die in this dungeon.

The above gave them a clear order to guarantee the life of this young man. If this young man dies under their supervision, I am afraid that all of them will lose their heads.

"I learned medical skills since I was a child and know how to save people. Would you like to let me go in and take a look?" Wang Feng suddenly said.

Right now, there is an excellent opportunity to get in. As long as Wang Feng saves the people, they can go straight out of here.

There are experts in this palace right now, and Wang Feng doesn't want to take risks.

Thank you book friend 14173723 for your generous offer.

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