The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1006: Cursing power

The magic Liu Yidao was seen from the historical records. At the beginning everyone said that this technique was too vicious, and was finally strictly forbidden by the major forces, but there were always people who secretly passed this technique down, and this killing **** did not know. Where did it come from? ,

But no matter where he got it from, at least this magic technique had existed before, so at this moment Liu did not hesitate at all with a knife, and the powerful spirit power swept Wang Feng and withdrew.

Killing the gods is bound to die, and his vengeance is to be avenged, so they have no reason to stay here and suffer the curse of the killing gods.

Cursing is not a good thing. If you are hit by a curse, it will make people unable to survive, and Liu Yidao will not take that risk.

But can they really escape?

"As long as there is a place where the rules of heaven and earth exist, you don't want to escape the curse." At this time, the murderous roar echoed in the entire void, and then Liu Yidao heard the muffled sound from Wang Feng.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yidao asked.

"Leave here quickly." Wang Feng responded, and then stopped talking.

Just like what the killing **** said, the curse he made was really impossible to escape. Although Liu slapped his flesh and walked away in time, just just now, Wang Feng still sensed an evil. Power entered into his body.

It was as if a fire had entered his body, at this moment Wang Feng only felt pain in his whole body, which made Liu Yidao leave here quickly.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out of this place first." Looking at Wang Feng's appearance, Liu Yidao knows that he must have been slapped. It was Wang Feng who had provoked him and took the blame, so Liu Yidao was also very ashamed now.

One or two space shuttles, and soon Liu Yidao took Wang Feng to an uninhabited mountain range. The Killing God used this taboo technique, and he was definitely dead, but now Wang Feng was under the curse, and he didn’t know how to do it. What to do.

All soul power withdrew from Wang Feng's body, and then Liu saw Wang Feng fall directly to the ground, convulsing all over.

"How are you?" Liu Yidao asked Wang Feng's shoulder.

"Don't worry about me, cover this place with formations." Wang Feng made a vague voice.

At this moment, he was enduring a great deal of pain, and a force that didn't know where it came from was torturing him. At this moment, Wang Feng actually wanted to curse.

This time, he was hit by a willow sword and suffered a disaster of innocence. This matter had nothing to do with him, okay?

Is the power of cursing only the body but not the soul?

Although he wanted to curse, Wang Feng didn't want to speak anymore, because he clenched his teeth and was suffering from the pain.

Slowly spreading his soul power, Wang Feng wanted to find out what caused him to become what he is now.

With the development of the perspective ability, Wang Feng quickly discovered the weirdness, and black runes appeared in many places in his flesh and blood.

These runes are like a series of scars imprinted in his flesh and blood, this thing must be the curse of the reincarnation of the hundred prisons.

Just after sweeping a bit, Wang Feng saw countless such runes. At this moment, his physical body was densely occupied by such runes, everywhere.

Enduring the severe pain, Wang Feng urged the green glaze lotus tree to move.

After the last change, the strength of the colored glaze green lotus tree has definitely increased a lot, but Wang Feng is not sure how much it has increased. Now it is his first operation after the sapling has been increased.

One after another, green rays of light diffused out from the green glaze green lotus tree. I thought that the runes would disappear one by one.

But what disappointed Wang Feng in the end was that wherever the rays of light passed, as if no runes were found, the green glaze lotus tree actually lost its effectiveness.

The curse of this Hundred Hells Reincarnation is really vicious, and even the colored green lotus tree can't help it.

To run his own power, Wang Feng found that there was no obstacle, his meridians were still circulating, but the only thing that made him painful now was that he couldn't eliminate these runes, which meant he had to endure such severe pain.

If this pain persists all the time, then Wang Feng is still practicing a fart. This killing **** also left a big problem for Wang Feng after his death.

Forcibly enduring the pain, Wang Feng sat cross-legged on the ground.

"let me help you!"

Just then Liu Yidao walked up, this place has already been arranged by him, and even the Venerable will not be able to discover the existence of the two of them even through this place.

Wang Feng was cursed because of his persistence, so now he has to find a way to help Wang Feng.

"It's useless." Hearing Liu Yidao's words, Wang Feng spoke, and then he said: "You only need to protect my safety. I will find a way to solve these problems by myself."

Wang Feng didn't believe that Liu Yidao could help him with things that could not even be dispelled by the colored green lotus tree and his own strength, so all he could do now was endure the pain.

It's not that Wang Feng has never experienced the extreme pain in the world, but now that these sharp pains are coming from every inch of his flesh and blood, it really made Wang Feng suffer.

After just a short while, Wang Feng felt that his body didn't belong to him anymore. All he could sense was the pain.

Even at this time, his power began to collapse, and every pore seemed to be a catharsis.

"This **** who kills a thousand knives." Seeing Wang Feng's changes, Liu yelled at him, but he couldn't help it.

He couldn't stop Wang Feng's power from disintegrating, because this was Wang Feng's autonomous action, just like a leaking dam. You can stop here but you can't stop the other. What should be lost has to be lost.

Within ten breaths time, all the power in Wang Feng's meridians collapsed, leaving no trace. Fortunately, without Wang Feng's active activation, there would be no power permeating Wang Feng's cells, so now Wang Feng's entire body is still very powerful.

It's just that this kind of power was hidden in his cells, and even Liu Yidao couldn't observe it.

The dissipation of power didn't have a big impact on Wang Feng, because the power disappeared and he could recover again, but what he lost next made Wang Feng's face greatly changed.

Because at this moment after his power dissipated, his soul actually began to dissipate, and the feeling of dizziness came from his mind. At this moment, his soul power is also like the dam that bursts the bank, crazy. Pouring out.


Seeing this scene, Liu Yidao's expression changed greatly. Of course, he could sense the dissipation of Wang Feng's power, but now that Wang Feng's soul is beginning to disperse, he can't continue to watch this way, because Wang Feng will have to die.

There are many ways to save people in the world, but just waiting to die is absolutely impossible.

Although Wang Feng didn't want him to help, but now Wang Feng is in danger of life and death, even if Liu Yidao saves his old life, he will temporarily save Wang Feng's life.

Wang Feng still had his seniors and masters in the third day of middle school, and Liu Yidao believed that they would definitely be able to cure Wang Feng.

Just before Liu Yidao approached, suddenly a green mask popped directly out of Wang Feng's body. Liu Yidao was directly bounced out by the strength of the green glaze green lotus tree, and he fell to the ground.

The Liuli Qinglian tree didn't come out to protect Wang Feng in time before because Wang Feng was not threatened by life or death, and even the disappearing sapling of power did not change.

But now Wang Feng's soul has also begun to drain, and the sapling finally sensed Wang Feng's death crisis and proactively exploded with divine power.

Inside the mask, Wang Feng is absolutely safe, even the venerable can hardly attack and kill in a short time.

It's just that Wang Feng's physical body is safe, and his soul power is still dispersing at this moment, he has no way to stop it, and he can't stop it.

The green light enveloped Wang Feng's whole body. At this moment, the colored glaze green lotus tree seemed to be exploring where it was that made Wang Feng about to die.

"Isn't it just such a heroic sacrifice?" Doubts appeared in Wang Feng's heart, but no one could answer.

A curse cast by a venerable before his death, Wang Feng was only in the early stage of the Profound Moon Realm, and he could hardly resist it.

If pure power, his powerful physical body can take damage, but this curse is colorless, tasteless and invisible, and the powerful physical body is just a display in front of it.

The power of the curse easily invaded Wang Feng's body, and brought extreme pain to Wang Feng, and now the power of the curse wanted to kill him.

In less than two minutes, Wang Feng's soul power had collapsed by 90%. He felt like he was about to fall asleep. As long as he fell asleep, I was afraid that there would be no chance to wake up again.

After a few more breaths, Wang Feng's soul had collapsed ninety-nine percent. Just when Wang Feng thought he was about to die, he suddenly saw a green light shrouding him.

It was the light of the green glaze lotus tree. At this last moment, it finally found Wang Feng's death crisis and saved the last bit of Wang Feng's soul.

The whole body felt warm, and Wang Feng had no pain at this moment.

It's just that this is just a momentary matter, and the next second he is still suffering that unspeakable pain.

However, no matter how painful he was, he still had no power to pass away. In this green light, the power of the curse could not invade at all.

Wang Feng can be said to be alive now, or he can be said to be dead, because he can't dispel those curse powers. Once the power of the colored glaze green lotus tree is exhausted, it may be the time when Wang Feng died.

The light mask on his body surface has gradually disappeared. This is because the colored glaze green lotus tree has dispersed by itself, regardless of Wang Feng's affairs.

The runes in the body seem to be resurrected at this moment. The things that did not move are all heading towards Wang Feng’s mind at this moment. These runes want to kill Wang just follow These runes came close, and suddenly there was a green light sweeping over them, breaking up these runes.

The runes lurked in the flesh and blood, and the Liuli Qinglian tree did not expel them, and now these runes actually wanted to kill Wang Feng, the owner, of course, the Liuli Qinglian tree could not continue to wait for death.

The two different forces fought in Wang Feng's body at this moment, but Wang Feng's pain continued, and the pain seemed to have doubled hundreds of times, giving him a feeling of stepping into **** right away.

Reincarnation of Hundred Prisons means to completely drive people into reincarnation, but Wang Feng's green glaze lotus tree is too abnormal, and these runes can't get close at all.

A piece of death came, and the green glaze lotus tree was unstoppable.

And as these runes moved in unison, the colored glaze green lotus tree also burst out with an incomparable green light. The runes that were originally hidden in the flesh and were not found by the power of the sapling were now wiped out by the colored glaze lotus tree.

At this moment, the saplings began to take the initiative.

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