Warrior System – 3


asked Neryl.

“A hero system?”

“We created our own ‘laws of the world’. First, I made the corner stone, which is the core law, and then I started to build the hero system in a way that would benefit mankind.”

“Did we make it?”

“Actually, Maid-sama built the whole framework. We put on the flesh.”

“… … !”

For a moment, the trail taps his knee.

“Right! I think I know now.”

“What, what?”

“I wanted the level to be too intuitive. Little famous, quite famous, hugely famous, chosen by the world.”

“… … .”

“Looking at this naming sense… … No, no.”

Trail looked into the eyes of the party members who did not know my naming sense yet and kept their mouths shut.

Only rain is growing.

“I asked him to fix it, but he inevitably started crying.”

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“Yes. You want to change the subject like that.”

“It’s sincere. I mean, I am trying to get rid of the hero system. But am I the one who created the hero system?”

Bion corrects his posture.

“What we must do is perpetuate and prosper the human race. However, if the energy of wealth continues to accumulate, there may be another existence like the original demon king someday. No, we must have been born if we hadn’t done anything.”

“… … .”

“When that happens, everything is late. So you thought. Don’t let the wealth grow so huge, it’s better to bleed the gas once in a while.”

“So I created a being called the Demon King… … .”

“We created a system of heroes to kill the Demon King.”

She spoke with a slightly dark expression on her face.

“Originally, Maid’s purpose was just that, but I added one more. Let’s present the arms of the world to the hero who killed the Demon King and send them to a new world.”

“… … .”

“When the hero kills the demon king, the wealth energy concentrated in the demon king’s core is also scattered and disappears immediately. We decided to use that huge energy source to create a new world rather than just blow it away.”

“no wonder. If it were my personality, I would never have created a new world.”

“yes. If Maid was only concerned with preventing humanity from extinction, I was also concerned with the spread and development of humanity. of course… … .”

She had a slightly sullen expression on her face.

“Of course, there was a lot of disagreement back then, so we had a lot of fights.”

Neryl intervened with a look of accusation for some reason.

“If you were a maid, you would have hated such troublesome and laborious work. Do you not know Maid well?”

“At least I’ve known you longer than Neryl-san.”

“It’s the same. Because I was in that lab too.”

“Because you can’t remember… … .”

“As you say, it’s more of a problem. Even though I’ve seen you for that long, it means that you didn’t know the character of Maid.”

It was raining hard and he shut his mouth.

But then he says with an angry expression.

“The real winner’s smile is always and now.”

“Aha. Did I even win back then?”

“… … Back to the point.”

“However much.”

what are you talking about

Then Offense opened his mouth.

“If you’re talking about the point, you’re referring to the time when Maid Labs started to creak, right?”

“Why do you think it creaked?”

“Because none of the 300 people there are left now. Because there is only you left.”

“… … .”

“Impelium, Serad, Grade, Lephia, Leon. In the end, all six of us disappeared from the lab. I think there must have been some big noise.”

Bion sighed.

“Mr Offense has been so mean since he was in the lab.”

“I did.”

“Ahaha. Mr. Offense, have you been like this since then?”

“yes. Almost like Mr. Serene.”

“Why me… … .”

“Anyway, that’s right. Something big happened. It was something I never could have imagined.”


She opened the screen again and said.

“Because Action has appeared.”

That was around 180,000 years ago.

A general meeting was being held.

300 people sit in one seat and each speak into a microphone in front of them.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Maid, who sat at the top of the conference room, opened his mouth.

“Everyone, calm your excitement. The important thing right now is not to judge right or wrong.”

“No, I’ll have to ask.”

A researcher who had always followed Maid fanatically said with a cry.

“From this position today, fire that Bion immediately!”

“Right, right!”

“Made-sama obviously didn’t warn you. It is dangerous to present a new world to the warriors.”

“Yeah, I said that there might be a corrupted hero among the dogs.”

“Bion is the person who established an alliance with Maid under the pretext of spreading mankind into the universe. In the end, I arbitrarily added rules to the hero system.”

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Maid frowned.

They are pointing fingers at Bion, who has been in control of the world for 180,000 years.

‘You want to look good to me, but?’

Don’t you know that the thing I hate the most is that it’s just that way.


Bion was in one chair, her head bowed like a criminal, and shedding tears.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Maid’s intuition was speaking.

Those are not tears that are made up to escape this position.

She was truly sad.

The law that he came up with, insisted on, and enforced.

The hero who defeated the demon king receives a new world as a gift and leaves there.

Rather than just throwing away the energy of wealth that remains after killing the Demon King, the idea was to use it as a driving force to spread humanity.

It cannot be said that the intention was bad.

‘But it’s all excuses.’

She thought, wiping away her tears.

‘I made an irreparable mistake. I should have listened to Maid then.’

Action seemed to rule the new world well for a while.

But even there, the Demon King appeared every once in a while.

Action has sent down his hero many times, many times, to save his world.

But as it piled up and piled up, it collapsed.

He gave up hope for humanity… … In the end, he erased all the humans in his world.

‘Can I come back and fix it now? The rule of gifting the arms of the world?’


because… … .

Then someone shouted.

“Now I can’t revoke that law! It’s a corner stone rule that we made up in the very early days.”

“I know.”

“No, I didn’t tell Maid. That’s what Bion told me to listen to.”

“As you can see, she is not in a position to answer now. I’ll tell you instead, so please speak calmly.”


The researcher coughed once and said.

“Doesn’t it require the consent of a majority of the human race to revise the core law?”

“… … .”

“I can’t even tell you that the world is revolving around this system, leaving you with consent. Isn’t it?”

“… … .”

“Action has even learned to travel to another world. There, they will change the body to the body and put the powder on it.”

A researcher who clicks his tongue.

“All of this is Bion’s fault. I’m not saying it emotionally, I’m stating the facts.”


Tears fall on the back of Bion’s hand.

Then I heard Neril’s voice.

“Hey, you.”

“you you? neryl. No matter how much Maid’s wife is… … .”

“Why are you talking about such personal things here? And I think you might have forgotten that it was tens of thousands of years ago, but I remember you secretly supported the idea of Rain, right?”

The researcher is startled.

Bion looked up at Neryl, who was sitting next to him.

Although she had been arguing happily for a while over Maid, she was now sincerely defending herself.

‘Mr. Neril… … .’

Then another voice was heard.

“Right. In the first place, the things about the hero system… … No, everything that manages the world has been done by our votes.”

“I voted No. Mr. Xenia.”

“Shall we take a look at the record? Apparently, it was changed from bearer to bearer at that time.”

“Oh, no. What will it be?”

The crumpled researcher quickly shuts his mouth.

Even in Maid’s memory, more than 80 percent of those who supported Bion’s opinion at that time were.

That is why even the head of the research institute himself could not refuse.

Offense says:

“Let’s talk about something more realistic. What about Action? What world is this guy living in now?”

“It’s a world that Sabert manages. This is the world that I received after defeating the demon king of arrogance.”

“Sheesh. It’s a place that has just been built. With Sabert’s ability, you can’t do anything about Action, but that’s a big deal.”

“Maybe we can help… … .”

Then Serena shook her head.

“Won’t it? The energy of 40 billion wealth is our energy source. It has been confirmed that it cannot be used in other worlds.”


“Sabert’s world was created with the power of wealth that came from killing the Demon King of Arrogance. If you use ‘all wealth’ to help him, the world will crumble in its own right.”

The power to manage the world in this lab is the aura of all wealth.

If you tried to use it on a world made of only one specific energy, it would rather destroy the world.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Maid pondered for a while before opening his mouth.

“Let’s try to get in touch with Sabert through the eyes of the omniscient.”

“Yes? Are you announcing our existence? It wouldn’t be a very good response.”

Yes it is.

Because the people who created the system to descend the Demon King are the people sitting here.

There is no news that the former warriors who sacrificed their lives to fight the demon king would be pleased.

“I still need to warn you. That’s the bare minimum.”

“Oh, I see.”

So Maid made a connection to Sabert.

However, the return reaction was as expected.

-Did you make the Demon King? Why, why?

“we are… … .”

-Besides, Action was a hero just like me, isn’t it? 𝑀𝑒𝑒 this is so much fun

“… … .”

-It was a toy that rolled on the palms of you, me and Action. Are you happy to deceive people like that?

The conversation that followed was also quite depressing.

As the conversation with Sabert continued, the atmosphere in the conference room only grew stronger.

Bion thought with a tired blue face.

‘Like that… … That’s how you accept it.’

Sabert said that he sympathized more with Action’s heart.

He even said that he would come forward and hold hands with Action, and cut off communication unilaterally.

The meeting was completely frozen and ended in a sluggish manner.

100 years after that.

Everyone at Maid Labs was told that Sabert’s world had been destroyed.

Bion took the screen window.

And he said with a face that looked like he was about to burst into tears at any moment.

“Even after Sabert, Action continued to search for a new world. That movement has been going on for 40,000 years.”

“… … .”

“For what you just saw on the screen, we couldn’t help them. Helping us is going to bring the world down.”

“… … .”

“Maid-sama continued to warn us, but only a few warriors accepted our warning. And even the warriors who accepted the warning could not stop Action.”

They all took a deep breath and exhaled.

It was a gesture to take a moment to breathe.

Ardwin opened his mouth.

“But the people at the institute are a bit like that. They made the same choice, but they only push Rain noona.”

“Because I was the first to propose the idea. And are you calling me as my sister too?”

“I treat everyone equally except for Mr. Offense.”

“Can I put some in too?”

neryl says

“Are you going to be so depressed?”


“It’s only Action. Isn’t Action the only one who has fallen out of the hero system that has been around for 230,000 years?”

“… … .”

“So you can put your tears in. Action is bad, it’s not your fault.”

“Mr. Neril.”

Bion laughed softly.

“Why are you so sweet sometimes?”

“I think it’s a winner’s leeway.”

“Suddenly I’m hot.”

Rissel stepped in to help break the single-heavy atmosphere.

“By the way, Grade-sama and I have been together ever since? It wasn’t a normal relationship either.”

“Yeah, what. Every time I see it, I get annoyed.”

“How was Serene? In fact, this is what I am most curious about.”

“Well, it was similar.”

“It was similar… … I’m sorry. Serene.”

Serene vomited.

“crazy. Are you saying that I’ve been single for 230,000 years?”

“oh. no. Of course, Serene also had a great companion. The similarity is about personality.”

“It’s also a little hot… … After all, who was my companion?”

“Serain must be someone you know well.”

“… … uh? no. Are you kidding me?”

“… … .”

“Don’t roll your eyes.”

“Rather than that, I will tell you why Mr. Serrain was born with the spirit of Florence.”

“Don’t change the subject.”

That’s what I’m curious about too.

However, Ardwin said with his eyes shining, thinking that he would find out naturally in a little while.

“It’s about Serene noona. me? Was I popular?”

“It seems that the topic is moving in a strange way, but Ardwin was popular anyway.”

“ah. Hehe.”

“However, the romantic mood is a bit free-spirited… … .”

“… … .”

“no. It doesn’t matter.”


Xenia punched Ardwin in the head.

“Why, why?”

“You recognized the cotyledon.”

It wasn’t until the time of such an uproar that a perfect smile returned to Bion’s face.

Somehow it looks good

Life at that laboratory, which I can’t even remember, must have been similar to what it is now.

I corrected my posture and said.

“Can you keep telling me?”

“yes. Action, who had been playing chess here and there for 40,000 years like that, took the direction of the ‘made world’.”

“… … .”

“When we found out, you declared this.”


She quietly closed her eyes and said.

“I’m going to get rid of the hero system.”

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