Champion System – 1

next moment.

Suddenly the color of the sky changed.

If it had been a clear autumn sky a while ago… … Now it has become something bizarre that cannot be seen in real life.

The sun disappears and the world is dyed with blood.

We opened our mouths at the sudden and terrifying change.

Xenia said in a trembling voice.

“What, what? What happened?”

“… … .”

“This is ‘the bosom of the world’. Mr. Maid’s world… … Did something bad happen to our world?”

“Calm down, Xenia.”

Bion takes a bite of the sandwich with a calm face.

“Because that’s not what’s happening right now.”


“Don’t you know? You are looking at the ‘Eye of the Battery’ right now. Those are the eyes of an omniscient omniscient.”

“We are looking at the sky.”

“The secret I have to show you this time is on a very large scale. We needed a bigger screen.”

Realizing what he meant, I trembled involuntarily.

“You made the sky your screen window.”

everyone looks at me

Bion nodded quietly.

It’s a story so big that you have to use the entire visible sky as the screen window.

I looked up at the sky again.

From the blood-red sky, something reaches out and descends.

Actually, I wasn’t sure if it was a ‘hand’.

This is because it was so huge that it was difficult to capture the entire image at a glance even with the sky as the screen window.

The only thing he could recognize was a single finger.

Offense asked.

“What are we looking at?”

“This is the moment when the Demon King is about to destroy the world.”


“The Demon King who first descended upon the appearance of a race called Humanity. In other words, he is the Demon King of the Beginning.”

Bion’s face looked very bitter when he spoke that name.

asked Neryl.

“… … He must have been a very strong demon king.”

“Yeah, that’s right. He was truly a demon king who could hold the world in one hand. Literally, not exaggerated or metaphorically.”

“Is the scene we’re seeing ‘the moment the Demon King was about to take over the world’?”

“yes. Right.”

I had goosebumps all over my body.

Taken from

Velocian and Idria were, of course, powerful, and the demon lords of destruction or greed and corruption must have been at peace.

The demon king that the warriors of the pre-Impelium era, which were not recorded in history, must have been great.

‘But no other demon lord would have been like that.’

The original demon king who destroyed the world with one hand.

Lissel opened her mouth with difficulty.

“Wow, what kind of demon king are you?”

“Because he is the original demon king.”

“no. What were names like lies or destruction? What kind of wealth did humans have to create such a demon king?”

Her question was sharp.

Even the ‘false’ that people put in their mouths when they open their eyes does not show such majesty.

Serene listened to Lissel’s words.

“And one more. Where are the heroes of that era?”

“… … .”

“How on earth did the warriors of that era get rid of such a monster demon king? Who did it?”

“I don’t need to answer the last question for now.”

Bion looked up at the sky.

Our heads went up again.


In the beginning, the Demon King grabbed the world in one hand.

All visions we see are collapsing, splitting, and disappearing.

The screen window changed its position to look down on the world from afar.

“… … !”

The overall view of the world I saw while sharing the hobby of Impelium.

A huge hand gripped the world like a round ball.

and smash it

The world is broken.

Without any reversal or hope.

it just ended with that.

Ardwin said in a trembling voice.

“Why the hell is the hero of that era… … .”

“There was none. A warrior.”


“There were no warriors. Because that was before the system was created.”


The screen window disappeared and the sky regained blue again.

Bion said.

“In that era, there was no system, so the energy of human wealth did not create the Demon King. The energy of wealth simply spread evenly among all humans and repeated fighting and killing each other.”

“… … .”

“There has never been a single comfortable day. Wars broke out all over the world. Humanity is weary of a history of slaughter that is repeated over and over again.”

“… … .”

“No, it’s too polite to say that you’re tired. They were on the verge of destruction.”

Bion sighed once.

“The level of civilization development at that time was the maid world… … No, it was a period of development that could not even be compared with the world of any other warriors. In line with the original demon king, it could be said that it was the beginning of mankind.”

“… … .”

“Humanity has created countless weapons capable of destroying itself. The gloomy state of being on the verge of annihilation, when the aura of wealth filled all people and eventually destroyed even themselves. That was the era I showed you.”

We didn’t even breathe for a moment.

Bion continued speaking calmly.

“However, mankind struggled hard against the impending destruction. Humanity, especially the brightest and most respected people, came together to form an organization and start looking for a way to break this endless cycle of war.”

said Neryl, furrowing his eyebrows.

“You started looking for a way? Is that possible?”

“As I said before, it was an era in which civilization developed beyond comparison with today.”

“huh. What was the time when they strangled me with their own hands?”

“Anyway, they have learned how to separate the aura of their wealth.”

I admired it quite a bit.

It was a time when there was no system.

To discover the energy of their wealth without any knowledge, and even to find a way to separate it.

A little while ago, Neryl spoke cynically, but it must have been an era of absurd development compared to now.


“Humanity, who separated the energy of wealth, poured it all into one bowl. Now, with the false belief that if we take good care of this vessel, eternal peace will come to mankind.”

“… … .”

“At that time, the number of humans exceeded 80 billion. “When the feeling of wealth extracted from 80 billion people resided in a bowl, someone robbed it.”


I swallowed saliva without realizing it.

I asked.

“You robbed me? It must have been a project that risked the fate of mankind, but the security was too lax.”

“Security was perfect. It was just that the person who robbed the vessel was the top person in charge of the project.”

“Does a person in charge of such a job do such a thing? On what basis did you choose?”

“It’s not much different than it is now.”

A ridicule hangs on Bion’s lips.

“There had to be a lot of complicated conditions and tricky tests, but out of the 80 billion people who met those conditions, there were plenty. If expertise, skills, and abilities are all similar, in the end… … .”


“At the end of the day, all that remains is political power. That leader overcame all kinds of sabotage and won the hearts of mankind. After deceiving people’s eyes and ears to seize the organization and power, he eventually elevated himself to a position similar to that of the ‘savior of mankind’. All mankind believed in him and followed him.”

Bion’s words reminded me of something.

As if the guess was correct, she continues.

“To give you an easy-to-understand analogy, the status of the project leader at that time was like a ‘hero’.”

One word to convince everything.


People in this day and age believe my words as a warrior without any doubt.

Neither the lies that Idria had made up nor the existence of Velocian.

Even at the Demon King’s trial, he said that I would take him to the underworld.

I didn’t believe it because the hero just said it.

Neryl opened her mouth.

“indeed… … When you say that, I understand. There was no system, but the project leader was a hero of his time.”

“yes. It would have been no mistake to call him a hero, at least for his stature. Anyway, as I said before, the leader stole the vessel containing the feelings of wealth extracted from 80 billion human beings. What do you think he did with it?”

I can’t even guess

But there were hints.

In the screen window I saw through the sky a while ago, didn’t the original demon king destroy the world?

“Have you ever made a demon king out of a bowl? The primordial demon king I spoke of earlier.”

“What I called the Demon King of the Beginning is just a metaphor. At that time, there was no system, so that huge energy of wealth did not have the same ego and will as the demon lords we know.”

“But you actually destroyed the world. Isn’t that a will?”

“no. It happened out of human greed and mistakes. The person who tried to take the energy of 80 billion wealth and knead it in his hand.”

I could hear what he was saying.

How did you find out? Such abstract words?

‘Yeah… … .’

Of course, ‘because I’ve seen it.’

The final battle with Idria before returning.

What did Cald do then?

I tried to steal Idria’s heart and use it.

But instead, it was eaten by Idria.

“You mean the same thing happened?”

“Yes. Unsurprisingly, the fake hero who tried to play with the aura of wealth accumulated by 80 billion human beings was quickly engulfed by that energy.”

“… … .”

“Of course, since there was still no system, the Demon King was not born. However, a tremendous power that cannot be controlled has gone wild in the hands of a madman, so you can call it the Demon King.”

Xenia shakes her head.

“It is said that the project leader, consumed by that energy, became the original demon king and destroyed the world.”


“How crazy do you have to be to do such a thing?”

“… … .”

“If you can wield such power with one hand, then God… … No, it could have been something that surpassed even God, but I wonder how confident he was to believe that such a feat was possible for him.”

‘Unless you’re quite an idiot,’ added Xenia.


But I already know.

The party members who have heard the story from me will know.

That there was someone who did that ‘something stupid’ before the return.

Bion looked at us quietly.

At that gaze, the party members, including myself, gradually realized it.

Serene said.

“Ah, isn’t it? Isn’t that what I was thinking now?”

“How do I know what you were thinking?”

“That’s what Maid was thinking now.”

“… … .”

“I know a fake warrior who was so stupid and once called the hope of mankind.”

Offense takes her word.

“okay. People gave him unconditional trust just because he was called a hero.”

“… … .”

“The project leaders of that era are the same. You deceived mankind with politics and three tongues and put him in the head of that huge project.”

“… … .”

“damn. Why are there so many overlapping things?”

Bion answers the question that is not the question.

“It’s the same person.”

“… … !”

“Leader of the Humanity Salvation Project. A man who had the same status as a hero. And the soul that eventually became the Demon King of the Beginning.”

“… … .”

“He’s Caled Wake. What… … The last name was different than it is now.”

… … .

You’ve always been and always been a scumbag, Kayle.

I somehow understood.

How Kayle was able to push out Trail’s soul and take over his body.

How he was able to win the battle for physical possession with Action.

It might not have been that difficult if he was the equivalent of a Demon King in the beginning.

Although I still don’t know why Kayld appeared in my world and exists in this age.

“From now on, I will tell you why.”

“I was just thinking to myself.”

“It’s written on my face. Anyway, you should refer to the data screen first. There is no need to watch it on a big screen like before, so please pay attention here.”


This time, Bion brought up a screen of an appropriate size.

“The project I was talking about a while ago attracted talented people in each field. The number was in the tens of millions of units, and of course there were many others who made a name for themselves besides the leader, Kayle.”

“… … .”

“Most of the dogs followed Kayle as their savior, but there are rebels everywhere.”

“… … .”

“From Kayle’s point of view, who could be said to be the head of those rebels, there was one person with a thorn in his eyes. A man who doubted Caled’s plans until the end and pushed him.”

It felt like my heart was going to drop.

There is a history of overlapping Kayle as a project leader and Kayle as a warrior before returning.

What’s different this time around?

“It is you. Maid.”

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