Comedy – 3

Neryl tilted her head.

“You think you know?”

“No, but how is that possible? Why is it possible?”

“What are you talking about. Please explain in detail.”

“That’s something I can’t do either. Is it possible to become strong like that in the first place?”

Neryl lightly placed a chestnut on Ardwin’s forehead.

damn it!

It was an incredibly upbeat sound.


“Are you awake?”

“no. I think I’m going to lose my mind…”

“Now explain.”

“That person, no. not a person The author has just opened the door to the underworld.”

At those words, everyone’s heads shook.

Lissel asked.

“You mean the second finger is a necromancer?”

“Perhaps? I don’t think I’ve given any orders.”

“What does opening the gates of the underworld have to do with Kayld becoming stronger?”

“The author is . . . .”

He swallowed one gulp.

“I am feeding the souls brought from the underworld. To the soul of Kayle.”


“Oh, I’d rather watch it together.”

Ardwin’s arm shone brightly.

It’s a spell I’ve used for myself before.

A spell that makes the soul visible to ordinary people who are not necromancers.

Looking at the battlefield through it, a completely different landscape unfolded from before.

‘I’m sure you can see what I’m talking about.’

Every time Florence snaps a finger, dozens of souls appear from somewhere.

She sent the soul she called to Kayle.

Kayle’s soul ate them up.

I didn’t eat it through my mouth like a physical meal, so the expression ‘absorbed’ would be more appropriate.

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Murmured Neryl.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a soul in person. that’s interesting. Little boy, you always see scenery like this.”

“haha. Have you now realized the greatness of this body?”

“Not at all.”


“But if you absorb the original soul, will you become stronger?”

Ardwin replied with a sullen expression.

“I don’t know about that at all. It’s something no necromancer has ever tried. But once you see it, you have to do it anyway.”


“It’s really bad. What will happen to the souls eaten by Kayld like that? Will they never go to the underworld again and be completely annihilated?”

Hey, This hue. hmm read rental boyfriend and ov if u not yet did

Maybe it will.

Even though we knew the answer, we deliberately avoided the answer.

Because his job is his job, Ardwin, who is more sensitive to that kind of thing than others, has a depressed face.

“Isn’t that power of Florence also given to me by Idria?”

“I will. Because Idria is so good at dealing with souls that she can even kidnap Lephia’s soul.”

“Whoa. I have already promised many times, but Idria must die.”

I am one hundred percent sympathetic.

This is after securing the safety of the trail.

[I don’t care.]

‘You don’t care what I care about.’


‘We’ll talk about this later. I have another urgent thing right now.’

Then Ardwin spoke.

“The good news is that it is only temporary. Look, already.”

Ardwin points towards Caled.

Kayld’s soul swelled greatly each time it absorbed the soul sent by Florence.

But after a few minutes it shrinks back to normal.

Each time, Florence snapped her fingers and summoned new souls.

said Jenny.

“That’s fortunate. If you keep getting stronger as much as you feed your soul, it means you become infinitely strong.”

“I know.”

“Then why are you shrinking?”

“Isn’t that digesting and pooping?”

“I am annoyed because I understand.”

Ardwin shook his head.

“I think Maid is right. He is also well versed in necromancy.”

“I had a great necromancer as my companion.”

“ah. Hmmm. Anyway, according to my hypothesis, there is such a thing as a quantity that one soul can absorb. It’s like eating too much food and eating too much and your stomach will burst.”

In other words······.

No matter how strong Kayle is, is that the limit?

I don’t know if it was right after I returned, but I think I can win enough for the country I am today.


‘I didn’t mean to brag. Rather creepy.’


‘Kyled’s soul is so small that it can only digest hundreds of souls at a time. But what about Idria?’


‘What if Florence decides to bring thousands or tens of thousands of souls to Idria?’

Trail remained silent, as if at a loss for words.

‘You must have already experienced it in the atrium estate.’

[Well. Did I miss the time to use the eyes of the battery?]

‘okay. Even then, you had help from Florence.’

At that time, Florence, at least in terms of reflexes, meant that even Idria’s enemy, Bion, was surpassed.

Also, before you can fight Idria, you have to kill Florence first.

This was not an option, it was a necessity.

[If Florence were to die, wouldn’t Idria do the same thing? After all, the powers bestowed on Florence were given to her.]

‘Even if that’s the case, it’s okay. I do not intend to give time to become stronger by opening the gates of the underworld leisurely during the battle.’

Then Offense said.

“There is one more fortunate thing.”


“Firencia doesn’t seem to be able to make monsters stronger.”

“ah. Indeed, it is. Because monsters don’t have souls. They want to feed them, but there is no one to receive them.”

Idria cannot create a soul.

That is why, in the final stages of the operation, they tried to annihilate humanity and abduct their souls.

The monsters she created were just dolls with no ego.

In the end, the only things that Florence can make strong are beings with souls…

Then Neryl clapping lightly.

“The analysis is over, so why not start soon?”


“If I let him go any longer, Kayle’s nose will pierce the sky. Even if dirt gets in my eyes, I can’t see it.”

“Puh. Okay, let’s get started.”

I took the Jewel of Desolation from my arms and handed it to Neryl.

She held the jewel in her hand and gently touched it.

Soon after, an intangible haze rose from among the demons.

said Neryl.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten a jewel.”

Cald was obsessed with his movements.

sword speed. strength.

Full of vitality and confidence throughout the body.

‘Isn’t it possible that even Maid can win now?’

He became stronger with the help of others, but it had nothing to do with Caled’s way of thinking.

Rather, it feels so good.

It’s good to be strong, but above all…

‘Above all, this shout.’



no shouts are heard

Only then did Kyle realize.

That he wasn’t fighting from any moment.

It was just a repetition of simple tasks like stabbing and slicing meat caught in a butcher’s shop.


This has nothing to do with becoming stronger.

The demons didn’t attack Caled at all.

Rather, they were lying on the floor.

Some have their eyes completely turned upside down, while others have their tongues sticking out.

Then there was a voice that reached Caled’s ear.

“You idiot! Stop it!”


“How many times have I called you, but you can’t hear me? What did you put in your ear?”


Unusually harsh and sharp voice.

He looked back with trembling eyes.

There stood Florence, with a terrifying expression as if she had just come out of hell.

“Can you hear me now?”

“Blood, Florence. How did this happen?”

“Shake. Stay still. I’m thinking about how to fix it right now.”

Firencia scratched her head and called out to Idria.

-Mom. Are you watching?


-really sorry. Suddenly the demons didn’t listen…

-Okay. It’s not your fault.

Idria sighed lightly.


– Ma, is Maid here? Where are you?

– Above the sky.

Florence staggered at those words.

– Agril? You mean you got Agril back?

– I think so.

– No, no matter how much you got Agril back, how did you do it so quickly?

-I do not know. But now that’s not the problem.

Indeed it is

Florence pricked up her ears.

Although she was nothing special by force, she could hear the voices of the soldiers on the fortress wall as her name was the finger of a lie.

“How did this happen?”

“Did the demons just fall down on their own?”

“It almost feels like you’re sticking out your neck. It’s like you want to die on purpose.”

“Caled-sama actually chopped it up.”

“If you’re against monsters like that, you can even kill a child.”

Florence’s lips tremble.

Kayle’s face turned blue as if he had heard their murmurs.

“Why is this happening…?”

“It is a jewel of desolation.”


“It is said that the energy of the demons has been absorbed with the jewel!”

“Yes, you must raise the demons again. give them strength Like it made me strong.”

That’s impossible.

This is because demons do not have souls.

No matter how delicious a dish is, if there is no one to eat it, it is just garbage.

She shook her head, but nothing came to mind.

Florence’s face turns into tears.

‘Did I ruin it? Mom’s plan?’

Florence is on good terms with the other fingers of the lie.

So, there was a time when Idria made fun of Sobius and Hiren.

Was it that karma?

She cried and looked for Idria.

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Just like a child with a crippled knee looking for his mother.

-Mom. me, i

– Come back.

-yes? No! If we step back now, Maid will appear.

And I will instigate the young people to suit my taste.

About the reason why the demons didn’t attack Caled.

Idria and Kyle will shout that they are one.

Having seen the most clear evidence in front of my eyes, it is clear that everyone will pass the Holadang.

– Even so, you have to come back. It’s dangerous there.


That was then.

The cursed voice of Maid was heard from above.

“Kaled Wake! You have finally revealed your true nature.”


“Why? Why don’t you fight more? Why are the demons sticking out their necks to ask you to kill them!”


“Everyone, please listen. Kayle is Idria’s minion. Now that ‘peaceful’ scene is proof of that!”

For a moment, Florence clenched her teeth.

I need to close that mouth.

You must stop talking nonsense.

“Mr. Kayle, what are you doing? Respond quickly.”

“What should I say to counter?”

“Are you really stupid? It’s said that Maid used the tricks that the demons fell. Shout out that it’s a feat to frame you!”


Cale was not in a good mood, but he was able to catch his breath.

He ran up the wall with a force almost kicked in the ass.

And glared at Maid on Agril and shouted.

“You dare to frame me!”


“The demons are controlled by you, aren’t they? It must have been a deliberate attempt to frame me by knocking them down while I was in battle.”


“It is unforgivable to try to engage in such low-key politics with the crisis of the Youngji people in front of us. Come down now!”

That was then.


Suddenly, gold was drawn in the air.

It created a crack.

Now, the people of the Continent know that the invasion of monsters originated from that rift.

It is the power of space.

Still, in the Atrium or Gabriel, Idria showed the power of space to the Youngji people.

Through communication beads or official documents, the news spread across the continent.

So the soldiers had no choice but to shout.


Demon Lord Idria said this in a clear voice from beyond the space.

“It stopped. kayle. It seems like everything has been heard.”

Neryl put the jewel in his bosom.

“I feel like I’m full because of my mood.”

“Good. I will use it for the rest of my life.”

“It depends on how tough battles await. Are you going anyway?”

I glanced down before answering.

Cald was still unconscious and was cutting down the fallen monsters.

Are you in a state of trance?

Firencia is shouting from behind with a terrified expression, but it doesn’t seem to be heard.

“Kyle is helping us. I have a little more time.”

“You still have to hurry.”

“okay. Offense, please take care of me.”

When I said that, the offense had already changed to my face.

After stroking his neck, he answered in the voice of ‘Made Mohan’.

“Aren’t you going to notice?”

“It’s like looking in a mirror.”

“no. But this magic was actually discovered by you once.”

So, it’s thanks to Piglet.

I lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, change my voice.”

“It will hurt.”

“What do you have to endure?”

Offense shrugged and placed a hand on my neck.

‘Wow. It feels like my uvula is twisted.’

[It’s a fresh expression.]

‘It is an honest expression.’

Soon he released his hand.

“I’m not going to scream once.”

“It was breathtaking.”

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My voice in answering that way was not that of ‘Made Mohan’.

It’s a very familiar voice.

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