I stared at the goddess with tears in my eyes.

And so.

"..... ah"

A grain of tears overflowed from the inorganic eyes of the goddess statue, which could not have been flushed. And it's passing down your cheeks.

But the last thing that was different from my tears.


Yes, with a hard sound, the tear fell to the floor.

"... eh..."

I was surprised by the tears... no, I stare at a colorless, transparent stone like a jewel that was tears.

Even though I didn't realize it, the eyes of the appraiser were working naturally.

[Tears of the Goddess of the Sky]

Classification: Gems and materials

Quality: Ultra high quality

Rare: S

Details: The goddess of the sky wept over the world. The crystal of that emotion. By melting all their thoughts and recrystallizing them, they can create the highest gemstone.

Feelings: Well done.

... I've figured out how to use it, which I didn't know until now.

Is it because the level of appraisal has increased?

Or is it because everything is there?

Until now, it was said that the appraisal level was insufficient, and it was the first time I knew how to use it.


I wiped my tears with my sleeve and walked in front of the goddess statue.

Lynn called out worriedly to me like that.

"It's okay, Lin.... I know how to use this instead."

I went to pick up the stone that was rolling on the floor. Then, I bent down and pulled it with my finger.

At that moment, the stone touched my fingertips.


That's when I heard a voice in my head.

That's right.

It's not from your ears, it's directly in your head.

... what is it?

It's me.

The stone statue that could not move could be seen with a slight smile on its face as it bent down to pick up the stone.

First of all, thank you for saving the world tree and preventing the world from collapsing. My sister, the son of the God of the earth, the tree of the world shall not wither away. "

The statue of the goddess only tells me one way.

”I answered your desire to save the world. As a result, you have gathered all the stones of our thoughts. Now is the time to use your power as an alchemist and turn it into the supreme thing to save the world.”

The word of the goddess was interrupted there.

Apparently, this was what Nguyen Reel-sama wanted. And this seems to be the last one.

I stood up clutching it.

"... Mr. Administrator"

He nodded with a smile as I asked him if I could take this.

"I'm sure the goddess responded to your tears."... please take it with you. "

Thank you very much.

I lowered my head lightly.

I had all the ingredients Master Nguyen Reel wanted.

And I can make what he wanted to make.

Strangely, such conviction dominated my chest.

Maybe because there was a word from the goddess.

... I'm an alchemist.

What is not worth, what is not worth.

You can draw effects from things that cannot be made effective.

I'll try.

The goddess told me.

It can be transformed into "the supreme thing to save the world".

I squeezed the stone in my hand and pressed it against my chest.

Then, they took my words, "I want to go home and train this quickly." As a result, I decided to hurry back to the capital on Owen's back.

Wu Wen deconstructed the human form and returned to the shape of a red dragon.

Me, Lynn, and Ariel ride Uwen's back with Marc's help. The Marc and Letia jumped lightly.

Reef, Leon, and Tyrion also leaped gently into Wu Wen's back.

"Thank you for your help, janitor." I can't wait to say hello... "

“No, there's something you need to do, isn't there? For that reason, come quickly."

In my apology, the caretaker shook his head to the side with a gentle smile and said, "It's okay."

"... thank you. I don't know if I can do it. I'm not sure.... but I promise you that I will do my best."

"I believe in you, my love."


Then we bid farewell to the people of the sky and returned to the capital.

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