The residence level of Nguyen Reel-sama, who is my ancestor.

Under Owen's guidance, we were looking around the top floor of the Sage Tower.


I thought it was all books, but there was a shelf full of small boxes.

In other words, it is really suitable for (...) sitting on (...), like (...) sitting on (...).

"Hey, Owen, what's this?"

I reached out and tried to touch it ─ ─ but I thought about it and called out to Owen.

"Oh, that's right. It was collected and made by Nguyen Reel-sama.It's not my full-time job, but Nguyen Reel-sama is a (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...) (...)

... what? You're a wise man, but you wanted to be an alchemist?

I twist my neck.

You're like the opposite of me.

"My main occupation... I was a wise man given by God, but I got extremely tired of it."I was intrigued by the fact that I had a friend who was an alchemist.It's just a hobby, so there's no blessing from God.Looks like you've been struggling. "

Uwen explains it to you, but you want to see it?and touch some boxes.

I nodded to it, put a box on my hand, and opened it.

"The ring... and it has a special effect on it, right?"

When I looked at it in my appraisal, it was a ring that had defensive power on certain attributes.

"Ah, do you understand? Oh, yes!There's one thing I have to apologize for! ”

With that, Owen suddenly bowed his head.

"As the custodian of this tower, I was in a position to protect the legacy of Master Nguyen Reel."But just one thing, while I was away, I took it to the one downstairs... "

Wu Wen explains with her head down.

"That's one of the best Nguyen Reel possessions..."

Owen muttered and bit his lip.

"The ring... downstairs"

"There was someone who got into trouble with the equipment."Such a troublesome fellow. "

Letia and Mark seem to have come to Wu Wen's word.

"Um, that's..."

Ariel glances at her finger where the ring is, and then sends her gaze as if to check with Lin or me.

Everyone saw Ariel and nodded.

"Hey, Wuwen. Is that this stone?"

Ariel walks up to Wu Wen, raises his hand and shows her the back of his hand.

Raising his head and looking at the stone, Wu Wen's eyes turn round.

"... that! Why!"

It seems to be a hit.

The ring that Ariel was wearing on his finger was equipped by the No-Life King, who was on the thirty-fifth floor when we first came to the tower.

It was an unbelievable item that disabled the magic and physical attacks of all attributes (basic four attributes, darkness, light, and sacred and evil).

"Thirty-five-floor no-life king had it, didn't he?"Thanks to this, it was hard to defeat it..... "

Ariel says that and looks at me.

I wonder if that difficulty was because I got over it with my [Green Magic].

Then Wu Wen heard the story and stroked her chest out of relief or exhaled heavily.

"Mistress, fellow citizens, thank you...!"I was worried about what to do. "

"So, is it okay for me to put it on?"Isn't it the legacy of Master Daisy? "

In contrast to Wu Wen, who is relieved, Ariel has a puzzled face.

"I want to talk to my family..."Ariel is a valued custodian, so I want you to follow her now. "

Because Ariel is the princess of the Yang Elves.And she was my only daughter.

We can't let the future Queen of Elves die in custody.

After explaining that, I decided to ask Ariel to keep it attached.

One question came to my mind and I asked Owen.

"Hey, Owen."

"Yes, what is it?"

Nguyen Reel-sama said that he didn't have a full-time job, but he did alchemy, and that he had something made by him, right?

Yeah, that's right!

"... then, is there an alchemy workshop in this tower as well?"

That's right.

Sage Nguyen Reel has grown tired of being only a sage, and she must have slipped into this tower to learn everything, including alchemy.

It can also be imagined from the fact that books from all fields are stored.

And some of the jewelry he made.

Then we should have the tools here to make it.

Oh! Then come here!

With a bright expression, Wu Wen takes my hand and pulls it into the back of the floor.

In the back, there was an entrance without a door, leading to another room.

And there were older types of tools than my workshop.

For example, the distiller is from the old days, when it was still called 'Alambic'.

"... wow!"

Such an alchemy workshop was spread out behind the living floor.

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