After all, I borrowed a carriage from my parents and the four of us, Lily, Marcus and Look, stopped me at the Hohenheim house.

Afterwards, I also reported it to my father and asked him if he would accompany an adult.

"But Daisy himself was invited to be Baron Presley, wasn't he?If there's a word from the other side, why don't you be the representative? "

Yes, your father decided to visit only the children, even though you and one knight at a time.

Sabbath, which is a holiday.

When I arrived at the Viscount Hohenheim's house, the butler of the Viscount who was waiting for me at the front door guided us to the room where the Viscount waited as soon as he heard my name.

"Oh, good to see you!"

The Countess Hohenheim, who was reading a book on the sofa, closed the book, put it on the table, stood up and came towards us.

"Sweet words, a lot of people will bother you.Thank you for inviting me. "

As I greeted him, I urged everyone to line up by hand.

"I'm glad there are so many children who will take charge of the future of the Alchemist!"

The Count of Hohenheim narrowed his eyes after checking the lines of Marcus next to me in turn.

"My name is Bias von Hohenheim and I am the head of the court alchemy division, but I plan to become an alchemy teacher at the National School next year. Best regards."

That said, I shook hands with older Marcus and gently stroked Lily and Look's head.

"Could you tell me their names?"

When you finish stroking the look's head, the Vicomte prompts you to introduce yourself.

"I'm Marcus. As an alchemist, I work as an assistant in Daisy's atelier."

"My name is Lily von Presleria. I'm still studying alchemy."

"I'm Look. I'm studying reading and writing at a church school while staying at Daisy's atelier.I want to go back to my native village in the future and help everyone in my village as an alchemist! "

The Countess nodded, one by one, yes, to each of his greetings.

At that time, somewhere outside the Mansion, Don!and a few loud sounds, gently shaking the ground.

"... Vicomte, what is this...?"

I instructed them to come near to protect the children I brought, and everyone gathered near me honestly.

"... ahh. That's him."

The Vicomte looks out through a large window overlooking the Mansion from the guest room.And I held my forehead by my hand.

"It's not a raid, it's okay to de-alert, Miss Daisy.That's my grandson's.

"... even though I heard a loud noise..."

Walking by the Count and looking in the direction he was looking, there was a small hut, far from the mansion, reminiscent of my old lab, from which white smoke was no longer standing.

After a while, I saw the door of the cabin open, and from there, more smoke spilled out, and a man thought to be a servant and a boy of similar age, Lily and Look, came out with smoke.

The Count opens the window and calls out to the boy.

"Hey, Al! I promised you there would be no explosions!Are you okay? "

Then a boy called Al answered with a grumpy face.

"I wasn't planning on exploding!My grandfather taught me that experimental failure is a problem! "

You complain while rubbing your dusty, sooty face.

"I'm sorry, Vicomte, I don't have enough watch..."

A servant man lowers his eyebrows and lowers his head to the Vicomte in distress.

"You're not bad, don't look down!I'm responsible for what I did! "

Even if you leave aside the fact that the boy had an accident, I'm impressed.

... at that age, I said it was my responsibility to protect my servants.It's hard to do.

I was interested in the boy, the grandson of the Count.

Eventually, a boy named Al, dressed in dirty clothes under the orders of the Count, was to speak on the couch in the guest room.

"Alfred von Hohenheim, my eldest son.He's one of the three boys.I only have eyes on gunpowder research...I'm an alchemist's egg, just like you. Nice to meet you. "

"... thank you very much."

The introduction of the Vicomte revealed the position of the boy.

"Kayaku, just...?"

Lily leans her neck as if she had doubts about the introduction.

"Aren't alchemists the ones who make the medicine that helps everyone?"

Like me, Lily, who first came in from potion-making, might be a natural question.She asked with her mouth shut.

In response to Lily's doubts, the Count Hohenheim smiled and shook his head sideways.

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