Lynn came out of the cave after destroying the core of the Firegolem.

"Princess Dwarf, this is amazing!"


That's your beloved child!

Around Lynn, a group of yellow earth fairies came together to praise her for helping us find the nucleus.

"Thank you all for your cooperation.Thanks to everybody, I saved your life. "

Lynn looked down at the fairies with her eyes closed and said the words of hard work.

Indeed, without their cooperation, we would not have been able to tackle this dilemma.

"" "Lightning" "

The fairies were flattered by the princess and her beloved Lynn.

"You can always count on me!"

"I'm waiting for you to call me!"

"Princess, see you again!"

With words of farewell in their mouths, the fairies disappeared into the earth.

Lynn waved his hand until the last one of them disappeared.

When I finished, I looked into the cave opposite the side where the nucleus was hidden.

And he looks around at all of us.

"Now, let's go get the 'good stuff'!"

Everyone nodded and entered the cave with Lynn at the forefront.

Then there were two chests lined up on top of the magic team deployed where Lynn first pushed the switch, which was a trap.

And the red stone half buried in the wall that Lynn first found is safe.

"Let's dig this out first...."

Lilyn carefully digs out the small pick from the bag.

Wait a while...

"... I got it!"

From the sense of accomplishment, Lynn smiles and brings the red stone.

"Can you take a look?"

That's what Lynn will give it to me in my hand.

I checked it with the eyes of the expert...

[Flame King's Tears]

Classification: Gems and materials

Quality: ultra-high quality

Rare: S

Details: The Flame King worried about the world and shed tears.Crystal of that emotion (since, appraisal level, lack of alchemy skills).

Feelings: appraisal level, insufficient alchemy skills

... it happened before.Something like that.

... what is it?

Ah, "Tears of the Ice Queen", which I found when I went to fetch the "Millions of Years of Ice Mine"!

They also had insufficient appraisal levels and smelting skills.

I explained the result to everyone.

"So, until you know how to use it, can you leave this with Daisy?"

Looking around, Lillin checked, and no one objected.

Well then, say hello!


So I cherished the stone in the pochette.

Now, there are two chests.

"... this kind of thing is kind of like a trap."

That's what Marc is saying.

... speaking of which, there was only one last time I opened the chest.And even though Mark just opened it carefully...

"Is there a trap in the treasure chest?"

I had never seen a treasure chest before, so I didn't know it was a trap.So I listened to it honestly.

"Oh, there are artificial traps like exploding when you open it, poison fog, etc."

Mark tells me that there are a lot of members who might accidentally open something like that.

Then again, if the chest itself was a monster pseudo.


"... does that mean you look like a treasure chest and you're a monster sometimes?"

"Oh, I call it Mimic."

I wondered what a nuisance it was.

Because I can't wait to open two treasure chests.

I wouldn't be disappointed if it was just a monster! Terrible!

I can't believe you're playing with people's minds!

I stood in front of two chests.

"... Crate! I'll definitely see through that trap!"

Declare that and stare at the expert.

First of all, the first.

Treasure chest

Category: Reward Pouch

Quality: Normal

Rare: C

Details: Regular Crate. There's no trap.

Feelings: It's okay!

And the second.

[Treasure chest?]

Category: Reward Pouch?

Quality: Normal

Rare: C

DETAILS: A monster in a chest.However, sometimes they actually have the contents.

Feelings: Am I a treasure chest, too?I guess it's okay to open it.

I point to the second one with a twitch.

"It's probably a trap! Mimic!"

"Oh, Daisy would be so helpful."

Letie was honestly admiring me for seeing through the trap.

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