The next day, after eating a large number of "health improvement seeds", my stomach became painful, I couldn't eat dinner, and I still had heartburn and couldn't sleep.

The sky is blue and early summer is cheerful.The clouds flowing through the sky flowed fast and the wind stroking my cheeks was pleasant.

Street trees on the street where Atelier is standing also seem pleasant to make a noise.

That morning, I put up an open sign in front of the smelter's shop, and there was a voice from behind.

"Hey, Daisy!"

"Good morning."

It was Marc and Letier.

"Good morning! You're leaving town now?Or do you want to go to our store? "

I asked the two for directions.

"You said you were going to grow the Seed of Speed, right?I want to hear the results. "

Continuing with that kind of mark, Letier kept talking to make up for the words.

"I'm about to get a nomination and go get rid of the beast, but I'm a little bit of an enemy.If it was successful, I would like to buy it. "

I see.

Speaking of which, I just kept the harvested seeds in the vault more and more and forgot to sell them as new products.

Wait a minute.

The two of you go inside, I open this sliding door at the counter, I go inside, I open the vault.

"I'm sure it's around here... eh!"


I wonder if they thought I was acting strange.

... the bag is too big. I can't hold it alone.

"Marcus, give me a hand!"

This is when Marcus, the boy, comes in.

Yes, what is it?

Marcus, who was making the distilled water, stopped the distiller switch and came here.

"If it looks like this, can't you take out that big bag?"

He put his head in the vault and, yeah, he saw me doing it right, and he made a decision.

"Yeah, I think I overpacked one bag."

"I'll take your place. Please step aside."

Marcus offered me, so I followed his words and swapped places with Marcus.

"Okay, well... this should certainly have been subdivided.We'll do it later. "

A boy with a boulder is powerful.

He managed to take it out, wait for Marc and Letier, and carry the bag to the counter.


And the two who were waiting in the bag round their eyes with a goose.

"Hey, this...."

Letie looks stunned.I suppose you imagined it.

"It's all 'The fruit of speed'!"

That's how they sighed when they looked at me with their chests up.

"So, why are you accumulating so much?"

Mark twisted his neck.

"I forgot to sell it."

Marc banged his head vigorously on a wooden counter.

"... I forgot to answer... Everyone wants what they want from their throats."

Sigh again, Marc. This time it was even longer.

"Hmm, this is all I have, so there's no problem selling it, but what about pricing?"

Then Marcus came next to me.

"You're going to make this a new product.It's hard because it's not sold elsewhere. "

It feels the same as a potion bottle. How about a thousand leaves in a bag of five?

"Ah, common sense is good for one use per person, that amount"

Marc agreed with me.

"If you're going to sell a new one, you might want to report it to the Commercial Guild, including the price."

For the time being, I decided to split it it into two people, two bags, and a total of 2,000 lire.

Well then, good luck with your work!

Outside the shop, headed to the northwest gate, where they saw off their backs.

I went back to the store and called Marcus.

"Hey, I need a little advice."

That said, I sat on a chair in the laboratory that came in a little from the store.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"In addition to 'seeds of speed', 'seeds of strength', 'fruits of obebe', and 'fruits of improving physical strength' were also successfully cultivated.I was wondering what to do with these..... "

The efficacy of each species was explained.

"First of all, the" fruit "seems to be difficult to use."

"Yeah, it's subtle if it's a product."

"Like throwing it into the mouth of a healthy enemy and feeding it...."

"Normally, I don't think my enemies will honestly eat what's thrown into their mouths."

That's right... and Marcus agrees with that, and we're both in trouble.

"How about a potion?And I'm going to call the other guy. "

"It works to weaken your brainy enemies!And then, if you have enemies who use magic, if you have low health, you may be able to discourage the magic you can use! "

"Let's give it a try!"

Incidentally, the further problem is the "fruit of improving health".

"If you let it out, it's going to be rivalry....."

"That's right...."

Should I go home and talk to your father after a while?

At least one more time, I want my family to eat it.

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