When you touch the transfer team, the scenery turns around.

Trails and streets built around the world's most beautiful trees.Around there, it's not much different from the village of the sun's elves.

But the appearance of the elves, which were thought to be the people of the land, was very different from that of the people of the sun.

The color of your eyes varies from individual to individual, such as blue, green, or red.And the skin was slightly light black and gray brown.

"... I'm an intruder at a time like this!"

Among them, one of the young elves, who was guarding the bow behind him, reveals his vigilance and points an arrow at us.

"... no. Look closely. I am Ariel, the Princess of the Yang Elves.I'm here to help you.The people I'm with are my friends and people I can count on. "

That said, Ariel put her golden hair in her ear and revealed her elf's characteristic sharp ears, and the other party's attitude finally softened.

"There's a hole in the back of the country overflowing with undead!I don't care if I kill him or not! Can you help me? "

"Of course! Everybody, okay?"

Ariel looks us all in the eye and confirms it.

"" Of course! ""

We will be guided by another elf of the Conductor to a location that is a battle zone.Ariel, on Tyrion, sees a 'hole' in the air.

"Switch to the Holy Flame Series with Holy and Fire Attributes! Let's go!"

Marc, Lynn and Letia rushed to the front.

I'm in the back. Next to me, Ariel on Tyrion came down.

"Even if you take it down, it won't hurt.As long as it's open, it's springing up. "

"In the first place, if we don't do something about that hole, we're not going to solve it."


I wonder what happened.

"What kind of hole?"

"It's not that wide.It's a hole or a rip.... "

Me and Ariel continued to ask questions.

"Can't you bury it?"

I'll talk to Ariel.If you don't want a rift, you can close it, it's a very simple question.

Is that it?

I was wondering if I could cover it with a metal that I don't like Mithrill or something and bond it...

Something like a lace (soul) coming out of a hole is basically not aggressively attacked.

But the elves said, "Don't let Undead in!It seems to be eliminating unilaterally.

Because I haven't used a potion yet.

"Hey, look, there don't seem to be many kids who are willing to fight...."

When I murmured, Ariel nodded vertically as though she was thinking the same thing.

After all, all we missed was flying over and leaving somewhere.

"Hey, Daisy, can you give me a quick appraisal?"

Hmm? Is there something I can think of?

I see with the eyes of the expert a piece of lace that has not yet been defeated and has just emerged.


Classification: Spiritual substances

Quality: Normal

Rare: C

DETAILS: A soul awaiting rebirth in the underworld at the bottom of the earth.Harmless except in part.

Feelings: We're just waiting to be reborn!Put me back in the underworld!

Next, cracks opened in the ground are evaluated.

[Hole to the Underworld]

Classification: Composition of the world

Quality: Normal

Rare: S

Details: Gate leading to the Underworld at the bottom of the earth.Parts of the earth have collapsed due to the weakness of the world's trees.

Normally not. This is an emergency.

Feelings: I don't have enough support for the roots of the world tree... Help me!

... yeah yeah!

"What's wrong? Daisy, were you in such a hurry?"

The results of the appraisal are explained to Ariel.

"Wait a minute, then, if we get rid of them....."

"You're going to lose your soul to reincarnate..."

So the leaf next door made a speech.

"Dear Daisy, let's start by rescuing the world's trees.I wonder if that's a good solution. "

That's how the reef hanged its head.

"Ariel, explain to me that Ariel will not attack anyone but the child who tries to do harm!"

Got it!

After hearing my request, Ariel flew into the battle zone on Tyrion.

Me and Reef stand in front of the world tree.

Painful, painful. Looks like the roots are already falling apart. "

The world tree here was crying too.

... it's been so painful. Wait, I'm going to get you the pain now.

I hugged the trunk of the world tree with my arms extended.

"Hey, Worldwide Tree. Where do you suffer?I want to help you. "

I decided to hold onto the trunk of the world tree and 'feel' it with my eyes closed, just as I did in the Elves of the Sun.

When I meditated, the world tree seemed blurry and shiny even when I closed my eyelids, either because it was special.And in the middle of that, I saw something like a black potato worm at a height that I could easily reach.Like last time, it spits out something that feels heterogeneous, miserable, and dark and not very good.

"... this is it...!"

I stretched out my arm to the "part" of the trunk of the tree while meditating."Topun" feels like my arm is immersed in the water, and my arm is quickly buried in the trunk of the world tree.And then you grab something like that horrible taro.And while grabbing it, I pulled my hand out of the trunk of the world tree.

"Thank you, my dear child. Now... I want you to heal my wounded body, but can you?"

"Of course!"

Promise me, I'll hold Azottrod.

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