Looks decided to be my disciples, and I brought him back to King's Landing.

But before I took him home, I wanted to know the status of his former studio. Depending on your condition, you'll also need to support the equipment you need when you return it to town.

Yeah, well, before he gets back, we'll have to get some land for the herbal fields.

First of all, let's ask the mayor in the conversation we just had.

"Mayor. Instead of keeping the look, the mayor has a wish."

"Yes, do whatever you can!

Even an alchemist who is said to be a nobleman and evaded is a valuable person in a town like this. They raise it for free. It shows us that we will not spare any cooperation.

"First, I'm going to teach him to make a medicinal field and put it into practice. That way, you can have a stable supply of good quality herbs."

A medicinal herb field, huh?

Even though the mayor initially twisted his neck to a speech he could not hear, he nodded "I see."

"In fact, look's father and mother went out to collect herbs themselves and went missing... and lost their lives. Herbal fields, that would eliminate such misfortune."

"If only my father had such an idea....."

Both the mayor and look slowly murmured, remembering what happened then.

"That's why I want you to promise me a medicinal field before you get back from studying."

Yes, I tell you, the mayor was pleased.

Now, let's check out the current status of the Atelier. So I thought, "Well, shall we go see the atelier..." When I said, and everyone raised their hips, the girl who prepared the tea rushed to the look.



Look grabs her shoulders in surprise.

"Look... you'll definitely come back! You didn't forget your promise!

Hmm. That's the relationship, huh? You're younger than me, right?

"I care about this town where Lina lives. I will definitely come back to Lina."

That's how they stare at each other. The mayor is watching without saying anything.

"... I don't like it ~"

When Lynn told her to tear it apart, the two of them who had entered the world noticed that the boys and girls they were in love with were all boiled up like ducks.

And finally, I'm going to his house.

The sign that says "Alchemy", which will be tilted for a long time, covers with dust, opens the door underneath, and enters.

And when the cloth covering the household goods is removed, the terrible dust dances, and the alchemical instruments protected from the dust appear.

"Distillers, beakers, milkpots, heaters... yeah, sure."

As far as the appraisal shows, nothing is broken. Keeping it as cherished as ever will help him when he returns.

"Look, we're staying overnight at the inn in this town tonight. Are you ready to leave tomorrow morning?

In the end, Lina arrived all the way from the mayor's house. After a quick look, she turned her eyes back to look, suggesting that 'it also includes breaking up with someone important'.

"... okay."

Look grasped Lina's hand and nodded softly.

And I can spend the night.

The time has come to leave.

Look packs less luggage in the rucksack. He was to be put in front of Letier and his luggage was in her magic bag.

There, Lina comes to say goodbye.

Look and Lina walk by.

Lina removes the silver pendant from her neck and puts it on the neck of the look, which is still warm for her.

"This is an amulet. Take it with you. And come back safely and give it back to me!

He laughed and said, "Study hard!" and tap Don and look in the chest.

"... thank you. I'm coming."

So, look turns his heel, goes to Letier, gets pulled up by hand, and rides the horse.

I waved goodbye to the people of the town. Then the party runs along the road to King's Landing.

The road is straight for a while, and even if you look back or look back, the town just gets smaller and farther away.

Lina stood at the entrance to the city all the way as one drop-off person and another dropped in.

Look and Lina waved until they couldn't see each other.

The truth is that one of the horses looked back many times, and it was unstable from Letia, but he did not pay attention to the little farewell between the boy and the girl.

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