The Existence of Harry Potter

Vol 2 Chapter 6: just kidding

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The sun is shining brightly, just separated by a strait, and Calais, which is only 30 kilometers away from the port of Dover, has a unique French atmosphere, some people call it romance, some people call it freedom, some people call it leisurely...

"France, this is a good place for a leisure vacation!"

Standing on the street of Calais, Ask opened his arms and felt the gentle breeze blowing over him, taking away the kind of ease that was left after he was tired. Just when he closed his eyes and was a little intoxicated, the **** dog who was lying dormant at his feet opened his eyes, stood up quietly, sneakily, and slowly left carefully.

"It would be even better if you could eat barbecue dog meat, are you right, Mr. Black!"

Asker opened his eyes and hooked his fingers. The **** dog, which had already run more than ten meters away, suddenly fell to the ground, and then returned to Asker's feet with a grimacing face under the drag of a transparent rope.

"If you don't want to go back to Azkaban, I advise you, follow me honestly, and don't think about deserting!" Asker squatted down, stroked the dog's head, and said with a smile, just a little bit of his smile There was no smile at all, it looked stiff, and there was no kindness at all.

With good intentions, there are ghosts!

If it weren't for this **** dog, no, **** prisoner... In short, if it wasn't for this **** making trouble, I'm afraid Asker would have met his first love girlfriend long ago, and he wouldn't have been embarrassed by the Dementors. Even if he escaped, he wouldn't let his left hand, which has been injured many times, be injured again...

In the end, one sentence-

If it weren't for this **** bastard, Ask would be alive and well now!

"That's right, it's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

Asker said angrily to the **** dog, the latter rolled his eyes, turned his body with contempt, and turned his **** towards Asker to express his disdain.

"Hehe, don't forget your identity, Mr. Black." Asker sneered and put his foot on the black dog's ass, almost kicking his **** and letting him feel what a ball is. of sorrow. "You'd better not make me unhappy, or I'll hand you over to the Auror. I don't think what awaits you this time is a life sentence, but a Dementor's kiss!"

For those who came out of Azkaban, it would be more appropriate to threaten them with dementors.

This move turned out to be very effective. The **** dog suddenly became honest, and he didn't care that his **** was still aching.

"Bitch, it's hypocritical!"

Asker shrugged his shoulders and swaggered into the distance. The **** dog raised his head slightly, spat at the ground, and followed reluctantly.

As the sun sets, a setting sun spreads across the water, half the river is red and half the river is red. Unfortunately, it is not the third night of the third month of September, otherwise, the dew will be like a pearl moon and a bow.

It's been a good day for Asker, isn't it? As for what the **** dog behind him thinks, does that have something to do with Asker?

"What a beautiful day!"


Going to France this time was just a random move by Asker. Anyway, it must be uncomfortable in the UK, so why don't you come here to relax and play. After all, France is Asker's favorite country. There are colorful and colorful flowers here, there are also all kinds of novel and delicious dishes, and there are warm and generous French beauties here!

Asker may be better. Since the **** dog entered the lively place, his saliva has not stopped, like a small stream, God knows how he made so much saliva.

It's summer, people wear cool clothes, and this street is quite lively. In the evening, the weather is cool, and people who have been sitting at home all day naturally have to come out for a walk. The openness, enthusiasm and boldness of French women, Asker can be regarded as an insight.

"Well, if French women are so warm and generous, what happened last time?"

Asker touched his chin, and he naturally recalled the process of his acquaintance with a French beauty, except that she was finally immobilized by a petrification spell, turned into a sculpture and stood in a square in the center of Paris for a day, other things... ...Well, it should have gone smoothly, both sides have successfully left a deep impression on the other side.

Considering Asker's consistent behavior, the impression he left on French beauties is obviously...

Passing by a cold drink shop, Ask bought an ice cream, licked a sip, it was cold, sweet, and beautiful, not to mention the feeling. The **** dog under his feet stuck out his tongue, smacking his mouth, and obviously wanted to get one to try, but the current shape was somewhat inconvenient.

Asker took out the exchanged francs from his pocket, looked down at the **** dog, thought about it and said to the boss, "Give him one too."

"no problem."

Soon, on a bench by the road, people will see this scene—

Ask is sitting on a chair with one leg crossed, leaning on the back of the chair and eating ice cream leisurely. Under his feet, the **** dog licks the ice cream on the plate with his long tongue, and occasionally touches the ice cream with his paws. Scratch the cream on the nose and look happy too.

Accustomed to being unhappy when others are happy, Ask rubbed the dog's head with a smile and asked in a low voice, "How's the food in Azkaban? Judging from your picture, it doesn't seem to be that good... I'm curious, why don't you choose to commit suicide, don't tell me there are no conditions. Living under the horror of dementors, death is a relief, isn't it?"

Asker succeeded. He succeeded in making the **** dog fall into the memory of the past. It seemed that he suddenly lost his appetite. With a flick of the **** dog's paw, he pushed the ice cream plate aside. Lying on the ground, his body was thrown to the ground, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the eyes of the **** dog were actually filled with tears.

"I'm really a badass!"

Ask silently gave himself thirty-two likes in his heart, only to see him smile slightly, the movements in his hands were extremely gentle, and he stroked the **** dog's head all the way to his back, in a cycle. He opened his mouth, his voice was gentle and amiable, but what he said seemed like a thousand arrows shot through the **** heart of the **** dog.

"How does it feel to betray a friend?"

"I heard that the Potters treat you very well. After you were expelled from the Black family, they gave you a place to live, and they gave you family-like warmth... I'm very curious, your Animagus is really A dog instead of a wolf? Haha, it is said that dogs are the most loyal and good friends of human beings, but why do I think your heart is clearly the wolf heart of an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf?"

The **** dog's eyes became sharp, he slightly arched his body, and his face was full of anger. He expressed his dissatisfaction and anger with a slight grinding of his teeth, hoping that Ask would keep his mouth shut.

No one can force Ask to do what he doesn't want to do, no one, including dogs!

"Tsk tsk, angry? Because I talked about your pain?"

Asker slapped the **** dog on the face a few times with his hands, and if he were a human, he would have slapped him a few times. This was already an outright humiliation. The **** dog is also unequivocal, and he bites down in one bite, so Ask's traumatized left hand, just after the fracture of Kangfu, was severely bitten by the **** dog.


As if the plump and juicy tomato had been stomped, the blood spurted out of Asker's hand and shot on his clothes, face, hair, and in the mouth of the **** dog.

"Sirius Black, that's the same for you." Ask didn't seem to feel it, he just sneered and shook his head, as if disappointed, "You are very powerful, you have betrayed the most trusted person in you. The Potters, a curse that killed a dozen or so defenseless Muggles, and bit off an eleven-year-old boy's left hand in one bite... well, you'll only ever dare to be much weaker than you Show your sharp fangs, and for someone stronger than you, you will literally crawl at his feet like a dog..."

The **** dog slowly let go of his mouth, and Asker's left hand was already **** and horrific.

"Nice job, Blake!" Ask raised his left hand and put it in front of his eyes, as if he couldn't feel the pain, but he actually laughed, "I must be very happy with this bite, ah, I'm really good, I He bit off that boy's palm with just one bite, now he won't dare to be rude to me again!" Aske said in a very awkward and contrived voice, with a cold smile, he used his intact right hand The black dog slapped a few more times on the face, and the white palm was stained with bright red blood, shocking!

The **** dog just gritted his teeth, kept his mouth tightly closed, endured the humiliation, didn't say a word, didn't move.

"Come on, why, you confessed this time? Haha, Muggles have something to say, oh, by the way, if someone hits you on the left cheek, you have to send the right cheek to him and hit him again. "Ask forcibly twisted the **** dog's head with his hands, forcing him to look at him, and at the same time patted his other face with his right hand a few times, "Very good, I also do your right face." I've beaten it, it's your turn next, do you want to take a bite of my right hand too?"

Asker stretched his right hand to the **** dog's mouth and shook it like a demonstration, but the **** dog closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and closed his mouth, lying there silently, enduring the humiliation.

"Hey, you won't be really angry, will you?"

Ask suddenly laughed. This time, there was a little more gloating in his smile. The **** dog slowly opened his eyes, and with a snap, a tomato that had been bitten and exploded fell to the ground and was smashed. Raising his head slightly, the **** dog's pupils shrank violently, and then his face was filled with anger, more anger than ever before.

Asker touched his chin with his intact left hand, and licked the ice cream with a smile.

"Just kidding, don't you take it seriously?"

The **** dog bared his teeth and smiled slightly. The things written on his face were very simple.

"I'm also joking with you, you won't be angry!"


In the end, the **** dog didn't really give Ask a bite.

As the night got darker and fewer people were on the street, Ask leaned on the bench and fell asleep unconsciously. However, the **** dog did not feel sleepy at all, lying on the ground, the cool evening breeze blew, and it was very comfortable. The grass under the belly is extremely soft, as if lying on the cloud, fluttering like a fairy. The environment here is better than Azkaban, I don’t know how much better, the difference in the environment may be second, and the most important thing is that there is a little more here——

Freedom and Hope!

Why not choose suicide in Azkaban?

Isn't the answer obvious?

Only by living can there be hope!

Only by living can we pursue hope!

Only by living can we turn hope into reality!

Turning his head to look at Asker, who was sleeping soundly, the **** dog shook his head helplessly. Although it is very hot in summer, the night by the sea is still a bit cool, so whoever is on the bench will be very uncomfortable when they wake up the next day.

Today's children can't take care of themselves at all.

The **** dog thought silently, looking at Ask's sleeping face, he hesitated, this is a good opportunity to escape. No matter who it is, no matter how powerful he is when he is awake, as long as he is asleep, he is just an ordinary person.

A gust of breeze blew, Asker curled up a little, his expression was calm and natural, saliva dripped down the bench along the corner of his mouth, at this moment he looked like a real eleven-year-old boy.

The **** dog stood up abruptly, glanced at Asker, turned around gently, walked a few meters carefully, then let go of his footsteps and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

"Che, did you still choose to run away?"

Asker opened his eyes slightly, and the moonlight was like a gauze, casting a layer of silvery white on the whole land. It was a quiet night, an ordinary night, and a fairly good night.

"Where are you going tomorrow?"

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