In just a few minutes, he lost two younger brothers, and the eldest had already fallen into madness, staring at the child with a fierce face, and the tail behind him was swinging wildly!

However, the child did not pay attention to the crazy boss, skillfully dug out the third man’s bag, and ate it in front of the boss, calm and calm.

Staring at the seemingly simple but extremely cruel child in front of him, the boss’s heart was completely filled with anger!

He has killed his two younger brothers one after another, and now he eats his brother’s Hebao in front of himself, how can such an act look like humiliation, the humiliation of Chiguoguo!

The anger in the boss’s heart turned into a monstrous hatred, and under the strong stimulation, his body actually underwent strange changes!


A burst of bone crisp sounds sounded on the boss’s body, and the Hezi at the end of his spine was constantly churning like boiling water, gradually condensing into a pitch-black armor that wrapped his body!

And the tail he behind him seems to have become thicker, the breath on the boss’s body has also added a bit of violent aura, the saliva in his mouth is like a spring, and the reason in his eyes is even more pitiful, like a fierce beast!

If a little knowledgeable white dove or a species of Kaoru sees the change of the boss, they must be able to see that this is not the form of a half-heteroist?

It turns out that the boss is also a co-owner!

That’s for sure! In order to survive, in order to protect his two younger brothers, the old nature will try his best to improve his strength, and isn’t it equivalent to a shortcut?

It’s just that the boss is very cautious when he is together, and even his two younger brothers hide it, which also leads to the frequency of his co-chatter is very low, and although his strength has improved, he has never been able to reach the level of a half-heterometer!

But I didn’t expect that today, under the stimulation of the child, the resentful boss actually got such a breakthrough!

Looking at the change of the boss coldly, the child’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the eyes of He under the demon mask were full of deep guard!

Although the child does not understand the reason for the change in the boss, he can easily smell the breath of the boss and become more dangerous!

If the victory and defeat between the two before was still five or five, then at this moment it is already three or seven, or even two or eight!

The gap between the half-heter and the ordinary species is huge, if it were not for the child’s body also showing signs of becoming a half-heter, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, I am afraid that the battle between the two sides will be a one-sided situation!

There is no way, the situation of children is extremely dangerous now!

An enemy stronger than him has a will to kill him, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he will not spare his enemy!

In the face of such a desperate situation, the child just bowed on guard, with a grin on his face, it was a kind of indifference with a crazy smile, and his eyes were even more excited, without fear!

Ignorant, so fearless?


Unanimously, the two shot at the same time!

Like two bolts of lightning, one black and one red, they disappeared in place in an instant, and then collided together in an instant, erupting into a strong shock wave, shaking the ground with smoke and dust to cover the figures of the two.

“Bang bang!!”

One after another collision sounds continue to sound, red and black figures in the smoke collide straight back, no skills, no fancy, no dodging, yes, only collision, and collision!


Finally, the high-intensity collision was simply not something that the child’s small body could withstand, and after a few breaths, the child was knocked away by the huge force of the boss, piercing the abandoned house where the child was hiding through a big broken hole.


Without the slightest pause, the child buried by the pile of stones quickly threw himself to the side, and in the next moment, the pile of mud and rocks had been smashed by the boss’s tail, and even the earth trembled!

This shows how terrifying the power of the boss is!

After becoming a half-heterogene, the strength of the boss can already be regarded as S-class, and the child is only a strong person in A-class at most, and the gap between the two sides is not a star and a half!

Fortunately, the half-heter usually loses his mind due to the difficulty of controlling the rioting Hezi in the body, and can only rely on instinct to fight, so the strength of the boss’s S-class body has not been fully exerted.

Coupled with the fact that the child’s fighting instinct is much stronger than the boss, this allows the child not to lose so quickly in this unfair battle!


The child’s breathing has become rapid, the high-intensity battle has caused the child’s physical strength to lose rapidly again, and the boss who is a half-heter has lost his mind, and his physical strength seems to be endless.

It’s just that the child doesn’t think about whether he is going to lose this kind of thing, and all his thoughts are on how to defeat his opponent!

Yes, it sounds funny, children even protect themselves is a problem, how else to beat the opponent?

But this is the case, maybe simple, maybe ignorant, the obsession in the child’s heart is to defeat the enemy, whether it is the boss standing in front of him at this moment, or other enemies in the future!

But how can you defeat the enemy in front of you, who is much stronger than yourself?

Rival? The opponent is stronger than the child, how to fight head-on?

Outsmart? Just kidding, although the boss has lost his mind, the child’s IQ is not high enough, okay?

Anyway, the child can’t think of a way to defeat the opponent, so he can only rely on his strong intuition to try to dodge the boss’s never-ending attacks, and retain his physical strength as much as possible.


The bright red and blackened tail slammed into the wall, easily destroying it, and the already abandoned house became even more shattered.


The child crawled left and right like a monkey, relying on his agile speed to dodge the boss’s attacks one by one, and then ran towards the next house.

Procrastinate! This is already the most suitable method at present, since you can’t fight head-on, then you can run through, right?

Tail Hyuk’s physical qualities are mediocre, the speed is not very prominent, although the strength is strong, but compared to the child’s amazing speed is still weaker, which also leads to the boss is not so simple to hit the child!

So the scene became a little funny.

The child turned into a dog walker, running around with a half-heel, while the eldest was unfortunately reduced to the captain of the demolition brigade, and while being used as a dog by the child, he also worked tirelessly to demolish the abandoned houses one by one to facilitate the future reconstruction project, which is really singing and crying!

(After making up for yesterday’s two changes, there are three more today!) Please support, please collect!! Help order a favorite! Thanks ~~)

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