The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 271 Spell

Frank's residence is in a mid-to-high-end apartment building in the business district. Compared to his office, his residence is quite spacious.

A troublesome police officer was guarding the door of the apartment, but he was quickly dispatched with a sleeping spell. Xing Ze pulled up a chair and let him collapse on it.

"Berk should send more people." John said, "Since there are magic circles and spells here."

Xing Ze didn't think anything of it. He reached out and turned on the light in the room and said, "Burke has his own plans, and I am very interested in him. Tell me about him, J."

John shrugged his shoulders, "There's nothing to say. Like Benson, he was originally an Auror. After experiencing some things, he was recruited by the Key Hall. He has been working in the Key Hall since then.

"As you can see, he is getting old, so he retired here and became a liaison officer. Whether it is the Key Hall or the Ministry of Magic, they will place personnel in important Muggle departments to facilitate grasping important information at the first time. Information……"

"Like when are they going to launch missiles at us?"

John smiled and took out the wine from his pocket, "Absolutely. Look, the blood mark."

Xing Ze looked at the bookshelf used to hide the compartments. There was half a bloody handprint on the side of the shelf. He sniffed and said, "Do you smell it?"

"What? Whiskey?"

"The smell of Heliotrope poison still hasn't dissipated."

John put away the flask and smelled the surroundings vigorously. There was indeed some faint smell of Heliotrope poison in the air, but it was not obvious anymore.

"You have such a bad nose."

Xing Ze walked into the cubicle and turned on the light in the room. He saw various magic circles and spells covering the wall.

Although John had no ability in reasoning, his knowledge in magic was much higher than that of Xing Ze. He walked to the middle of the room and walked around, pointing at one of the magic circles and saying: "The magic circle to resist the devil is the castrated version. "

Then he pointed to another incantation and said: "It covers the magic pattern, but the core incantation is missing. Well, it seems that these people are still very immature in magic knowledge. As for the other ones, especially those painted on That one at the back of the bookshelf, I have no idea.”

Xing Ze also looked carefully at the strange spells and magic circles. He frowned and said, "They are indeed not very good at magic. But they are very good at dream knowledge."

"Let me guess, boy, do you want to say that these spells I don't recognize are related to dreams?"

"Some of them have appeared in Benson's notes." Xing Ze walked to the bookshelf. "The Nodens War Seal can be used to resist powerful dream objects. But...but it is somewhat incomplete."

"Is it possible that you have read all Benson's notes?"

Xing Ze turned his head, with an expression that said otherwise.

"For Merlin's sake, those translations are as thick as bricks. I think you should get a girlfriend, or a boyfriend."

"Haha, it's very interesting." Xing Ze took out his notes and copied some of the more important spells and magic circles, then tore them out and gave them to John.

"Eadwin may be able to know something, take it back and let her see it. Do you still remember Frank mentioning SUE, or anything else that needs attention?"

"SUE?" John stuffed the paper into his pocket, "No. Most of the time he and I met were sarcastic and taunting each other."

Looking at Xing Ze who was deep in thought, John patted him on the back and said, "I'm sorry, kid, I can't help you with anything."

"I don't mean to blame you. What's more, the clue is not broken yet, it is just messy now."

"It seems to me that it has been broken. Frank's whereabouts are unknown, and his team, if it is what you said, is probably lying on West's autopsy table now. And all the information Frank investigated has also disappeared. ”

"There are six people in total, J. But there are only four bodies, not to mention Frank, and there is one person."

"But he's also missing."

"Don't forget there is another person."


"Head chef at Margaret's."

John's eyes widened slightly, and he suddenly realized: "He was always present when Frank was talking to that woman. He must know something."

Xing Ze nodded and said: "In addition, Frank has recently been tracking down a person named Kimball. He has been to the underground archives of the police station to check information. I guess it has something to do with this. He also asked Burke to buy a Ticket to Telford.”

"Telford? I think it's in south Wales, near the Iron Bridge."

"You know that place?"

"It's very close to the Severn Valley." John took a sip of wine. "There is a steel bridge, the first bridge made entirely of steel in the UK, just upstream of the valley. So that place is also called the Iron Bridge. .You know, Benson...

"I see."

John waved his hand and said: "You don't understand, kid. Listen to me, that place is very evil, and anyone who has anything to do with that river valley is bound to be up to no good. I think you still..."

"Abandon the investigation?"

"No, no. Just do it for a show, don't take it too seriously. Investigate for a few days, or a week or two, and then tell A that you failed. He will definitely find someone else to continue."

Xing Ze shook his head and said, "Do you know A?"

"I don't understand, but I don't want to understand either."

"But we all know one thing, he doesn't like useless people."

"That's why I have to try my best to get more support from the Ministry of Magic."

"This is your job." Xing Ze said, "My job is to prevent him from affecting us in a short time so that you can complete your work."

"You could die."

"Maybe. Given that the last investigation was far worse than this one. I think I can get through it."

"Okay, okay, it's up to you." John compromised, "But don't forget, if you die, the existence of the Round Table will be meaningless."

"You make me sound like some kind of mascot."

The two looked at each other and then laughed.

The morning in Liverpool is still foggy. When Xing Ze arrived at Ruiben's house, the sun was rising and the mist began to slowly dissipate.

He parked the car, stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, Superintendent Ribbon opened the door for him, "Welcome, sir, I think you haven't had breakfast yet."

He brought Xing Ze to the restaurant, where a black lady was busy at the stove.

"Hey, honey."

"Hey." Mrs. Woflin took the time to turn around and smile at Xing Ze, "Breakfast will be ready soon. I hope you don't suggest toast and sausage."

"Of course not." Xing Ze sat down at the dining table, "Isn't Roman coming?"

"He's still sleeping." Riben sat at the head seat of the dining table and opened the newspaper at hand, "But I think he is avoiding you."

"Ribben!" cried Mrs. Wofflin, frowning.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about that. Have you read today's paper, sir?"

Xing Ze shook his head.

The superintendent pushed the newspaper to Xing Ze, "The media is reporting on the four unknown corpses."

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