The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 266 Proper preparation

Xing Ze originally wanted to inquire more about July 15th, but the stand manager was obviously unwilling to disclose more.

So he wisely left the restaurant, planning to go to the previous warehouse to retrieve the car, and then go to the police station to see if there was any new progress.

Just when he walked out of the restaurant, there was a sudden shout from behind. He turned his head and saw a waiter running towards him.

"Hey, sir, you dropped something." The young man with short hair came to Xing Ze and handed over a ball pen in his hand.

Xing Ze looked at the pen he handed him doubtfully and reminded: "This should be the pen from your restaurant."

"Are you asking about Frank?" the young man whispered, "I know a lot about him."

"On July 15th, he came here to have dinner with five other people. I want to know information about those five people. Appearance, height, appearance, gender..."

"Wait, sir, wait." The young man waved his hand, "Do you think I am a saint? Tonight at six o'clock in the Turbo Bar, remember to bring money."

Xing Ze chuckled and said, "How much do you want?"

"It depends on what information you want." The young man proudly slapped the pen in his hand towards Xing Ze, but his hand was squeezed tightly in the middle, and the strong force made him show a painful expression. .

"My time is precious, you'd better not play any tricks."

"Of course, of course, my credibility has always been good."

Xing Ze took the pen from the young man's hand and replied kindly: "Thank you, I really need a new pen."

He let go of his hand, and the young man immediately took a few steps back and said angrily: "Damn it, do you need that much strength?"

Xing Ze ignored him and walked to the nearest floo site.

For wizards, phantom displays are mostly used for short-distance movement. The most convenient method for long-distance movement is the floo network, while flying broomsticks are like motorcycles and Thestral carriages are like cars.

Of course, for people who don't know how to apparate or ride a flying broomstick, but who are uncomfortable with the transmission of the Floo Network, the Knight Bus is the best choice.

But just like Muggle transportation, there are places that cannot be reached by any public transportation, such as inaccessible suburbs, villages located in deep mountains and old forests, etc.

At this time, you have to use a broom or a carriage. However, Xing Ze would rather use a Muggle car than a flying broomstick. At least in terms of comfort, there is a big difference between the two. Of course you can also attach a seat to the broom, or use air spells to lift yourself up.

Instead of rushing to drive, he first found a good restaurant to fill his stomach. Investigating a case is not something that can be accomplished overnight. He now has a lot of information at hand and it is very complicated. He must look for a specific direction to investigate. After all, a person's energy is limited.

The Old Record Gang was a breakthrough, but Xing Ze was unfamiliar with this area. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot defeat a local gangster. He did not plan to provoke the local gangs rashly, but planned to hand them over to the police.

Although he does not have his own team this time, he can get good support from both the Muggle and wizard sides. So overall, it should be easier than the previous investigation.

However, this is all based on no lies. A is obviously hiding something, and the "Snake's Teeth" is definitely not that simple.

At least one great detective is missing now, and his life or death is unknown. According to John's description, Mr. Frank still has some abilities. If his magic props can really resist ordinary spells, many wizards will be unable to do anything to him.

Like every other world and country, the wizarding world also has geniuses, idiots and ordinary people. People like Dumbledore must be in the minority, while ordinary people like Ron Weasley are the mainstream group of wizards.

But even among these people, most of them have not received systematic magic teaching. They rely more on the teachings of their parents, and some are even completely self-taught.

There are many wizards who regard school as a prison, and it was even widely spread for a period of time. These Western wizards who pursue freedom are actually not much different from Western Muggles.

They would rather believe that if they go to Hogwarts, they will be brainwashed by Dumbledore and become his subordinates, rather than learn magic knowledge systematically for free, even though they know clearly that self-taught magic can easily lead to obscurity, thus making themselves Or one's own child becomes an Obscurial.

These stupid people reminded Xing Ze of some patients who were circulated on the Internet in his previous life - they regarded the doctor's words as nonsense, but believed deeply in their own theories.

After enjoying a plate of spaghetti and beef soup, Xing Ze sorted out almost all the information he had collected so far.

He planned to continue to follow the matchbox clue, and left the Old Record Gang to the Liverpool police for investigation.

Judging from the information currently available, the five people Frank met on July 15th are likely to be related to the four unknown corpses.

He paid, walked out of the restaurant, and licked his mouth. He hasn't been back home for a while since he went back last New Year's Day. Although his busy mother was less homeless than him, Xing Ze began to miss the authentic Chinese food instead of the weird and improved Chinese food here.

Before going to drive, he had to go to a place, Gringotts' branch in Liverpool, where Burke gave him a check for three hundred gold galleons, and he needed to withdraw part of it and exchange some into pounds.

Although money is not the only key to open the door to the truth, you have to admit that it is the most useful. Just like tonight, it will play a very important role.

An hour later, Xing Ze returned to the police station. Ruiben probably greeted the police station, and Xing Ze was not blocked at all when he entered.

He asked the reception desk where Ribbon's office was, and then headed straight there, but when he passed the gang investigation team, he spotted Ribbon's figure.

Ruiben also saw Xing Ze, and he immediately opened the door and called Xing Ze in.

There were seven or eight people sitting in the room. Except for the three men in suits sitting near the coffee machine, the others were all wearing casual casual clothes and had many tattoos on their bodies. These guys feel more like street gang members than police officers.

"Let me introduce you." Ruiben stepped aside so that Xing Ze could be fully displayed in front of everyone, "Special investigator, um——"

"Li, just call me Li." Xing Ze took over.

"Yes, Special Agent Lee. From Scotland Yard," the superintendent added, pointing to the three men sitting at the coffee machine, "Jelland, Franklin and Carmichael from the CID."

After introducing the three people, he introduced the other people in the room. The police officers in civilian clothes belonged to the special gang investigation team. The reason why they were dressed this way was to better blend into the neighborhoods where gangs were located.

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