The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 246 I have many people

Under the leadership of Xing Ze, traps and alarms were lifted or avoided along the way. Those Aurors looked at the Easterners walking at the front in surprise. Although they had heard about it, it was really unbelievable.

"Merlin's beard." A young Auror who followed Kingsley sighed. He had just been promoted to the Golden Sun due to his outstanding performance in the rescue operations in the previous few days.

"Captain, he has always been..."

Before he could finish speaking, a middle-aged wizard next to him interrupted: "Stop being surprised and pay attention to your surroundings, young man. If you had seen his fight in the winery, you wouldn't That’s it.”

"Is that winery battle you've been talking about real? I mean, he killed Waxy Face all by himself?"

"Not one person," Kingsley interjected, "but...but mostly him."

Most of the Aurors who followed this time had survived the Battle of the Winery and were not crazy. They were very grateful to the Easterner who saved their lives.

After witnessing the terrifying strength of the dream thing, witnessing the bloody battle, and witnessing the unflinching figure of this oriental man. These wizards seemed to regard him as a hero.

Soldiers need heroes. Fearless heroes are their best role models and spiritual sustenance. So these Aurors are loyal to Scrimgeour and to Old Barty. Likewise, they are full of respect for Xing Ze.

This is why Scrimgeour arranged these people into this secret operation, so that even if there were dissent among the team, those who supported him would immediately suppress those dissent.

But now it seems that Scrimgeour's worries are unnecessary. This Oriental who is not good at words has proven himself time and time again with his strength.

Halfway through the trip, the Auror team encountered a patrol of centaurs. These centaurs were obviously quite dissatisfied with the intruders, and the atmosphere became quite tense.

However, there are still understanding people among the horsemen. The horseman named Firenze recognized Xing Ze at a glance. He rushed over, stood between his compatriots and the wizard and shouted loudly: "He is Shafi." Friend of Miss K and Hagrid! He once helped clear out the dark invaders from the Forbidden Forest!"

His roar made the centaurs calm down, and an older man walked out from among the patrollers. His khaki horse body was strong and strong. When he walked to Firenze's side, Xing Ze realized that this centaur wanted to A whole head taller than Firenze.

Kingsley recognized the person at a glance. He also stepped forward quickly and saluted the centaur respectfully: "Taolos the Wise."

"Wizard, there is an agreement between our two tribes. Why did you bring so many people into our territory without permission?"

Kingsley said apologetically: "It happened unexpectedly, dear Tauros. We are tracking down some evil people who are trying to pollute the water source of Hogwarts."

Hearing this, Taolos looked at Xing Ze again, frowned and said, "I saw you in the instructions of the stars."

Xing Ze shrugged his shoulders, "Many people have seen me in various places in recent days. I don't know if I have any privacy, ah, forget it. Dear Tauros, let us pass, although we are guarding the Forbidden Forest. The water source is an agreement between you and Dumbledore, but..."

Tauros smiled and said, "Since you are here, it means that we have the same goal. Not to mention that you are still friends with Ellie and Hagrid. Centaurs will not embarrass their friends."

Having said this, the tall centaur elder looked at the Aurors, and then shouted: "Wizards, let us take you for a ride, come on!"

Kingsley was both surprised and confused. The centaurs are an extremely xenophobic race. Before coming here, he had prepared a series of rhetoric, just to be able to pass safely. Unexpectedly, not only did they pass, they also got help from the centaurs.

With the help of the centaurs, the journey that originally took a while was shortened a lot. After dealing with several secret sentries, Kingsley originally wanted to let his men enter directly, but was stopped by Xing Ze.

"There is a stimulating magic circle around the altar. I have to get rid of that thing first."

After that, he strode towards the altar, but the route he took was very strange. He made a full circle before reaching the center of the altar.

Quirrell's mental state was extremely bad, even worse than Barrow's. Under long-term torture, his mental resistance was almost zero. As long as the Occlumency set by Voldemort is bypassed, Xing Ze can obtain the information.

And the Occlumency technique obviously cannot affect both brains. Perhaps this was not a problem in the Dark Lord's heyday, but now he is so weak that he can only protect one of his brains from being invaded.

When he was talking to Xing Ze, Quirrell's brain was completely open. Xing Ze not only obtained the location of the fragments, but also obtained the locations of all traps and alarms.

Even the magic circle located on the altar, the fragment is under the altar. If someone breaks into this place recklessly, the magic circle will be activated, and the fragments will unseal within a few seconds and fall directly into the underground river.

As Xing Ze moved along the path in his memory, he turned the blue beak into particles and began to destroy the magic circle. This level of magic circle is not complicated, not to mention that he has completely mastered the structure of the magic circle, and it only takes a moment to completely destroy it.

When he walked to the altar, several masked wizards appeared from the other direction. The leader was naturally not an outsider, but the golden mask who had escaped three times - Jamie Avery.

"It's you again!" Jin Mask immediately took out his wand the moment he saw Xing Ze. He knew how powerful this Eastern wizard was, so he didn't dare to neglect him at all.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." Xing Ze greeted politely. It would take some time for the magic circle to be destroyed. He made hand gestures behind his back to signal Kingsley not to worry.

"Today is not a good day for a picnic." Xing Ze tried to stall for time, but Jin Mask obviously didn't intend to let him continue.

Several wizards behind him took out their wands and pointed them at Xing Ze. One of them whistled.

Suddenly, many wizards appeared from where they came out before. Xing Ze roughly nodded, there were at least twenty people.

He surrendered decisively: "Okay, okay, you win, I surrender."

Jin Mask, who had suffered many losses, didn't believe Xing Ze at all. He shouted loudly: "Don't believe him. Haha, I want to see, there are so many people, where are you running to?"

A raven soared into the sky, signaling an attack. The corners of Xing Ze's mouth turned up slightly, "Run? Jamie, I think you got the wrong person."

Jamie Avery was still thinking about Xing Ze's words, but he saw a large group of Aurors pouring out from the woods opposite, the number of which far exceeded the people on his side, not to mention the bunch of vicious centaurs. .

"You know, Jamie?" Before the other party could recover from the shock, Xing Ze secretly pointed the wand at the altar, "After so many things, I understand a simple and easy-to-understand truth - —Don’t think about doing it alone.”

After that, he cast a flying spell, and the fragment immediately flew out from the gap in the altar, and was caught and swallowed by the blue beak in the air.

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