The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Night Visit

Not bad. Xing Ze thought to himself while walking in the passage of Hogwarts. In just one week, he completed the two things he planned.

Although it can't be said to be a success, at least it has a good start. Now there is one last thing left - to meet with Bishop Andrew.

A cold wind blew in the hallway of the courtyard, which cleared his mind. Xing Ze looked at the snowflakes floating outside. He tightened his coat and vowed to buy himself a warm robe.

There was a person sitting at the door of the room. Xing Ze's night vision was very clear and he could see the person clearly.

"Miss Granger?" Xing Ze shook the sleepy girl.

The girl opened her eyes drowsily. She almost jumped up from the ground and almost hit Xing Ze's nose.

"Take it easy, miss."

"I have something to ask you, something very important." Hermione was like a kitten with explosive fur.

"It's snowing outside, Miss Granger." Xing Ze frowned, "What is this? A little match girl? You have to be grateful that this aisle is not semi-enclosed.

"Otherwise, you will freeze to death at the door. Is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow?"

"About the beating you gave Mr. Barrow Foley."

Xing Ze was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses. He shook his head and said, "I thought someone from the board of directors would investigate this matter."

He saw the girl's frown, so he reluctantly compromised: "Go in and talk."

The fireplace raised a flame, but the warm room did not need it. This flame without heat only served a decorative purpose, just like the crackling sound that came from the fireplace from time to time.

"Would you like anything to warm yourself up with, Miss Granger?"

"No, let's get down to business." Hermione said, "I have to go back to the dormitory later."

Xing Ze raised his hand and looked at his watch, "You have already missed the curfew time, Miss Granger, is this really that important to you?"

"Yes, it's important."

"Well, I did beat him."

Hermione looked at Xing Ze in disbelief, and asked after a long time: "Why?"

"Before I answer you. Let me ask you a question first. What would you do if someone insulted your parents?"

"I'll punch him in the face." The girl barely thought at all.

"Okay, you know the answer."

"You mean Mr. Barrow Foley insulted you?"

Xing Ze nodded, but added: "That happened a long time ago, but I am a grudge-bearing person."

Hermione pouted and leaned her whole body on the sofa, "But violence is never a good thing."

"Yes," Xing Ze agreed, "Violence is never a good thing, but I won't admit my mistake, and I won't feel even the slightest bit guilty.

"Here's what happened, he insulted me once and I punched him. Did I make that clear enough?"

"That's enough." Hermione nodded, "This helps me get to know you better."

"Really?" Xing Ze shrugged, "I'm curious who told you this?"

"Lena Custer. Maybe you should explain to her. She insists that you are a bad person."

"She's right. I've never claimed to be a good person."

"But...but it's different."

"Nothing is different, Miss Granger. Evil is evil, no matter how big or small, no matter what the excuse. I hope this serves as a sufficient warning to you."

"What's the warning?" the girl asked.

"I can warn you not to imitate me and not to use violence."

Hermione jumped off the sofa, "You always talk about great principles, and then do things that go against these principles."

"Who taught me that I am a bad person?" people."

"Teach me a few tricks, sir." Hermione, who was walking in front, stopped and turned around to beg.

"Teach you what?"

"How to hit someone." The girl punched the air, a weak punch.

"You didn't listen to what I just said, did you, Miss Granger?"

"Before that warning, I listened very carefully." The girl laughed.

Xing Ze pressed Fa Hong's forehead and said, "Don't let the other party notice your intentions. Attack quickly and aim at the vulnerable places."

He stretched out his finger and tapped his nose, "Here, and here..." and then pointed to the spleen, liver and kidneys.

"Of course, there is a weakness in men, but it's not convenient to tell you in detail." Xing Ze leaned down, "Besides, the best thing is the nose.

"When you hit a guy in the nose, if nothing happens then run. If he puts his hands over his nose and leans back, you have to take advantage. He's going to expose his weakest spot, If you're quick enough, you can hit him again in the stomach - with your feet or your fists.

"Remember what I just told you, the liver and spleen. These two organs are very fragile and can cause rupture with just a little force. The last possibility is that he will bend down and lean forward..."

Xing Ze stood up from the ground, stretched out his hand and raised his leg, "Then hold his head down and hit his face hard with the kneecap. If you are lucky, he will faint directly."

The girl took a few steps back. She was only half-joking. She didn't expect Xing Ze to explain so seriously.

"In addition, you still need to practice more frequently." Xing Ze ended his lecture.

"Where on earth did you learn all this stuff?"

"Fight club, street combat, and movies." Xing Ze replied, "Okay, let's go back, miss, it's late at night."

The horse charged forward, knocking down the bishop, and the black soldiers behind it shouted.

The White Queen complained repeatedly to Xing Ze to show her dissatisfaction with the move she just made.

"You are a little absent-minded, Xing Ze." Professor McGonagall picked up the ceramic cup gracefully. She didn't like to win without force.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Professor." Xing Ze apologized, "I do have something on my mind."

"You might as well come and listen." The professor took a sip of tea and said, "See if I can be of any help."

Xing Ze withdrew his attention from the chessboard, "It's about a girl - Lena Custer."

When she heard this name, Professor McGonagall's face changed obviously. She put down her teacup, frowned and asked, "What trouble did she get into again?"

"No, professor. I'm just curious about her. This girl, uh, is a little different."

"Ah, you felt it too, didn't you?" The professor straightened his back, "I noticed something strange when I went to pick her up."


"Do you remember the time I used the raven to deliver the message to you?"

Xing Ze nodded, "You explained that the school didn't have enough owls."

"That's right. And the reason for the shortage of owls is because of this girl."

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