Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 2334: Healing 5 (supplement)

She feels that the condition proposed by Mr. Bamboo will definitely be super-perverted. She has to listen first.

"Receive the Lord as a disciple!"


"This monarch is willing to worship the girl as a teacher, learn the array, poison, medicine and face change." Bamboo Jun looked serious.

Gu Xiwei: "..."

This is really the most cold and uncomfortable in the devil world, the most unpredictable and unpredictable Mr. Zhu?

Wouldn't it be someone who lost it? !

Since he explained so openly and honestly, Gu Xiyu did not go around with him and opened his own conditions.

She promised to consider accepting him as a disciple, provided that he showed his performance...

If it is just to teach the face-changing technique, it is just an exchange, she does not suffer.

But if he is accepted as a disciple, then she should take a good look at him.

After all, he really accepted him, then he is her disciple of the mountain. If the character is too bad, it is not good for the church apprentice to sell the master!

Bamboo raised his hand and opened a door in the air, disappearing from the entry.

Gu Xizhen saw that he used it a few times to understand that his door is like a portal. Once opened, he can go anywhere in the devil.

Just like the last time he opened and sent her into the blooming place, this time it was a desert.

No wonder that in the legend about this geek, there is one of his most devils, this portal is simply the magic weapon to escape...

Gu Xizhen was lying on the bamboo chair. She knew that she was hurt. Even if Zhu Zijun picked up the herbs, she refining the corresponding pills, and she could only press the toxic pressure and could not eradicate it.

If you want to completely solve it, I am afraid that you will need to ask the court for another half of the antidote.

And Zhu Zijun has already had a big trouble in the county government, naturally let the people there have prepared, I am afraid that there is more defensive than the iron barrel.

What's more, Yuanyuan was injured again. Now, Emperor Yuyi is afraid to be guarded by her side to treat her.

Even if Zhu Jun once again smashed the county government, he would not be able to get close to the Yuanyuan, and he would have to be killed by Emperor Yi...

So she still has to think about other ways.

She was lying on the bamboo chair in a groggy way, and the time slowly slipped over and the moon gradually faded into a silhouette. The east showed a white belly, and the red sun rose.

The temperature in the desert rises rapidly as the sun rises.

When she was in the night, she was still cold with a blanket on her body, but after dawn, she was still wearing a veil.

Although she used silver needle surgery to discharge a lot of poison, but the poison on her body is still raging, still hurt, or no strength, the whole portrait was pulled out of the bone like a bamboo chair, the hot sun is on the body, she Full of sweat, I feel like I am going to be sunburned...

Although this method of her defense can prevent the beasts in this desert, she cannot cover the direct sunlight.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter. She was severely dehydrated under heavy sweat. She rubbed her lips and softly took a bottle of water from the storage space.

I didn't expect the hand to be too soft. The bottle of water didn't hold it. I fell to the ground with a slamming sound, and the water sprinkled on the ground.

Gu Xizhen: ""..."" Is this the day to die for her?

Her thoughts didn't turn over, and the water sprang up and suddenly rolled over like a pan.

"Hey!" A loud sound, a red snake from the sand, this snake is about a long time, a head has a big fight, just in the place of less than three feet away!

It saw that Gu Shizhen was instantly standing up!

Gu Xizhen lay there and it had a big eye to the small eyes -

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