The Etiquette of the Soldiers is To Meet Up

Chapter 48: Advanced preparation (below)

Allen has been immersed in the ocean of knowledge all day, reading a whole book of "Common Living Creatures", and then reading a companion book of "Common Extraordinary Plants" written by the druid, and Some legends about high-level transcendents.

   After Allen's attributes exceeded the extreme value, Allen's intake of knowledge has accelerated a lot compared to before, and coupled with the specialization of [Concentration], it can be said that the time has become more powerful.

   The former is knowledge that is worth remembering and learning. This kind of thing will come in handy without knowing when, but it is conceivable that this time will not be too long. The latter is purely pioneering insight. Although the books on the first floor do not record in detail about the Golden Stage and above, this kind of speculation is not forbidden.

  Allen guessed that it was probably to broaden the horizons of executive members and to inspire them to have more motivation to fight for certain abilities, so they didn't completely ban these books.

   Alan stretched a long waist, and spent almost all day reading here today. Except for going out and walking around during dinner, he sat here all the time. Although in terms of his current physical fitness, this is hardly harmful, but this psychological habit is still difficult to eliminate in a short time.

   Allen glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. The time had come to about six o'clock in the afternoon. He thought for a while and got up and left the library management room.

   walked slowly to the cafeteria. After dinner was finished, Allen saw Leonard sitting there for dinner.

Bang, this time Leonard raised his head with some doubts, as if he wanted to see who dared to be so arrogant in front of him. It wasn’t that there were no such people before, but these people often experienced his intimate medical care. After the service, he never dared to appear in front of him again.

I’m a doctor, so it’s normal to help you treat illnesses. What, you said you don’t need to treat illnesses, but you pay attention to tasks. It’s impossible to never know how to do tasks. What, You said it was a small injury, sorry, don't you think I want me to think.

   And Leonard was very smart and didn't mess around. He was just a little rough when choosing the treatment method, and he chose the one that felt more painful, without deliberately tossing the other party. Why don't you choose other methods? Of course, this method is effective, fast, and has no sequelae.

The vast majority of people suffer from this kind of grievance and swallow their anger. After all, this is really nothing. What does the doctor say is that you just accept it, and it’s either treating you indiscriminately, or it hurts a little. .

But there are also those who come to gilded and have no brains to file a complaint. In this case, Mr. Director has moved people away from here in a good manner. You said that you are a gilded guy and still can’t see the form. I'm afraid it's not when a large group of us will be taken into the ditch by you. Punish a general member of our executive department for you, a guy who basically didn't contribute much.

   However, the looming sharp edge in his eyes disappeared the moment he saw the visitor, replaced by a dumb smile.

   "What's wrong with you, so vigorously."

   "Isn't this what I learned from you, let you feel my usual feelings." Allen replied with a smile. "Woke up."

   "Well, luckily, I finally got some energy." Leonard replied after taking a bite of the grilled steak on the dinner plate.

   "Can I ask a question?" Allen asked curiously, "Of course, if there are any taboos, you can just refuse it."

   "Let's talk." After hearing Alan's words, Leonard raised his head, chewed a piece of beef and replied.

"I just wanted to ask, you are a master at the pinnacle of the Black Iron Steps, and you can be considered the No. 1 person when you go out. Why do you seem to die suddenly every time I see you?" Ai Hearing the reply from the other party, Lun also directly asked his own questions. He needed to make false claims with outsiders and strangers, hid a knife in a smile, and said insincere lie, but Leonard did not belong to these people.

"Well, you will understand when you have a deep understanding of the profession of mage." Leonard said hesitantly, not like trying to hide something, but a hesitation that doesn't know how to say it. .

   "Okay, anyway, every time I see you, I think you will die soon. It's better for you to pay attention to your health." Allen didn't care that the other party didn't give this unclear answer.

   "By the way, I saw that your materials have been prepared before, when are you going to carry out the transfer ceremony." Leonard asked after a short steak on the plate.

   "About an hour after eating, it should be about the same time."

   "It's okay, the time period is fine, but you still pay attention, I have applied for a secret room for you, and then you can advance there." Leonard said after listening to the other party's reply.

   It was purely unexpected to be seen by an outsider like Bright yesterday, but now, naturally, confidentiality is the first requirement.

"You are really careful enough." Allen thought for a while. The other party said it was reasonable, and he really needed a place where he could protect his privacy for his advancement. According to what he understood, he changed his job. The time of the ceremony and the various visions can also reflect the talents of the subject. If it needs to be hidden, a secret room would not be better.

   "Are you ready to eat, let's go." Not long after Leonard finished eating, Alan finished eating too. After saying a word, the two left the canteen together.


   Leonard and Allen walked to the material place like a stroll after a meal, where Dalton, who had been waiting for a long time, brought a cubic metal box over and placed it on the side table.

   "You are finally here, take it away quickly, I'm going to have dinner too." Dalton said with a sigh of relief.

Allen had previewed the relevant process before and didn't say much. He stepped forward and lifted the silver suitcase that didn't seem to be too big, but at the moment when he lifted it up, Allen's heart was shocked, and it seemed that It's not a huge volume, but the weight of this suitcase is beyond his imagination.

   After Alan smiled and said goodbye to Dalton, the two left the materials department and walked to the secret room that Leonard had reserved.

Leonard took out his ID at the door and slid randomly in an inconspicuous place at the door. A bright blue light flashed across the scratches, and dark purple stripes of light and dark emerged from the steel door in front of him, forming a structure. A cumbersome and mysterious pattern suddenly bloomed on the gate like an epiphany. ,

   The next moment, all the patterns disappeared, as if the stars dissipated in the night sky, Leonard walked in without seeing it, and then Alan also entered the secret room.

Allen looked at it and seemed to be no different. Except for the cumbersome and complicated patterns on the ground and the surrounding walls to kill people with intensive phobias, and a set of patterns that had been carved on the ground, the others were just blank. Room.

   "I applied for a room dedicated to the transfer ceremony." It seemed that he knew what Ellen was thinking, and Leonard, who was walking in front, said without turning his head.

   Leonard looked around and checked the traces of patterns that could be on the ground, as well as whether the various magic arrays and constant spells on the surrounding walls were working.

   After everything was checked, Leonard turned his head and looked at Allen and motioned for him to take out his things.

   When Allen saw this, he also put the box he had carried all the way in his hand on a wide and flat ground, and then took out his own certificate engraved with the intersection of black and white swords from his pocket. Allen held the ID and placed it in the groove on the top of the cube suitcase, and the blue light flashed across the suitcase, like a snake swimming across the whole body in an instant.

Click, the sound of the machine extension sounded, and the whole box began to disintegrate. The suitcase had various patterns with industrial beauty. The whole box began to expand along these staggered trajectories. The sound of mechanical operation continued to sound. The silver suitcase is constantly changing form on the ground like a transformer.

However, within a few seconds, the whole box became a small test bench. It was a test bench with complete materials and instructions, and only needed to prepare Alan was shocked when he saw this scene. , But Leonard squatted down like a stranger, and checked the types, ages, medicinal properties of the various materials one by one, and whether the materials were attached with various insidious curse spells.

"Don't worry, I personally checked this." After Leonard's inspection, a gentle and kind voice suddenly came from the void. His mental power subconsciously converged, and the magic particles in the air also Irregular gatherings began, tangible magical auras appeared in the air, but after he reflected the identity of the speaker, he put down his guard.

"Leonard, is there a problem?" Allen immediately reacted when he saw the opponent's reaction. He subconsciously tightened his body and was ready to fight at any time, although he didn't know that he could not see such an invisible enemy. Fight.

   "Daddy, your enemy is really long enough. Can you do it in this kind of place? You really made me miserable." Alan thought helplessly. After all, the secret room is an extremely secretive place by its name. Not everyone is qualified to interfere with the things in it, otherwise there will not be so many people using it, but now the other party can indeed cross this level. Restrictions directly affect Leonard. Either the opponent is strong or the opponent has a high status, and the two generally complement each other.

   "It's nothing, but one of your elders told me that I don't have to worry about these materials." Leonard also replied with a smile.

   "What, that's good." After hearing this, Alan gradually relaxed his body, but Alan's spirit also unexpectedly condensed under the excitement just now, and reached an excellent state.

   "Okay, let's start."

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