Okay, I won’t ask you anymore. "Reynard said suddenly while looking at Alan, then turned back to his desk and pulled a chair to sit down.

   "Tell me how you feel now." Leonard glanced at Alan and said.

   "I..." Allen replied hesitantly, not to conceal or say anything else, but since he woke up, he has not looked at his attribute panel carefully, without a clear understanding.

   "I feel pretty good." Allen thought for a moment and opened his attribute panel directly in front of the other party. As expected, the other party didn't react at all.

   Allen ignored all the other content, thinking about the reminder before he fell into a coma. He found that his current strength and physical attributes had reached 15 points, and his agility had reached 14 points.

He has read many books in so many days. Basically, he has read all the books in the must-read area for newcomers. Now he can’t say that he is ready for missions, but he already has a general understanding of the extraordinary world. In addition to your own professional knowledge, the rest of the study is to continue to fill in this framework.

  Professionals must go through a revelation ritual, and prospective professionals can break their limits to achieve the black iron level and then continue to practice and grow. The reason why it is said that the common people in the Lost Age were basically black iron steps, and the rest even if they weren't black iron steps were also practiced, this is because the revelation ceremony is very simple.

And theoretically, even an ordinary adult can perform the revelation ritual successfully, but the significance of the revelation ritual is to allow people to break the limit. When converted into attribute points, it should be about one point, not when the attribute points are low. Too much use.

  Allen is not just training these days. He has also used various test data in the training field. There is no way to record and analyze the previous growth.

However, the last time Allen’s agility attribute growth was too late to record. After comparison, Allen found that his agility point increased a bit, and his neural response speed, flexibility, physical coordination and other aspects have basically increased by a quarter. , This is an extremely scary data. Although there is no way to see it too clearly at a lower stage, it is already a huge increase at his level.

   At this point, Allen can clearly figure out that his current strength and physique are basically three times that of an ordinary person at 10 points, and his agility is more than 2.5 times that of an ordinary person.

However, the attribute growth this time is not a sudden change. Allen can clearly feel that he has made bit by bit progress these days, but it has not been shown on the attribute panel. Today, after his own unremitting efforts Efforts, Allen's attributes ushered in a qualitative breakthrough.

   Although I said that I didn't see obvious results because of my exercise and I was a little disappointed, but I did not give up and decadence, and today's incident also shows that Allen's efforts are not meaningless.

Allen looked down at his attributes and pondered, wondering if he could perform the transfer ceremony. Although it seemed that only two of his attributes reached the limit of 15 points, and one of his attributes reached the limit of 16 points, but in Before the transfer ceremony, it is basically enough to reach the limit.

   If Ellen had any thoughts of invincibility of the same rank before, after deeply understanding the essence of the transfer ceremony, he would never have such thoughts again.

The essence of the revelation ritual is to construct a complete ritual to echo the magic particles in the void. In the process, countless magic particles will enter the subject's body to improve his physical fitness. , Whether it is strength, physical fitness, or intelligence, perception, this will be determined according to the subject's ritual type, that is, the direction of job transfer.

   This restriction is not innate, but the physical fitness of the opponent determines the number of items to be promoted. If it is an ordinary adult who has not experienced exercise, the revelation ritual he receives can only increase one of his attributes by a quarter and become a professional, but it cannot achieve the Dark Iron Rank.

   Black Iron Step is a general term for the ability to reach a stage, and those who only pass the revelation ceremony can only be called professionals.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that during the revelation ritual, the quality of the individual is getting closer to its lower limit, then the more benefits you can get in the revelation ritual, not just at that moment. The attributes break through the limit, and the higher the quality of the individual, the more complicated and complicated the revelation ceremony.

It allows the subject to absorb more mana particles, which is extremely beneficial to the opponent's cultivation after the black iron step. With more mana particles in the body, he can practice faster and get through the black. The developmental stage of the iron step.

The black iron step can absorb the free magical energy particles in the air, but the magical energy particles in the air are scarce than in the void, and the black iron step professional can absorb even less pitiful, so it is obtained in the transfer ceremony. How much benefit basically determines the speed of your black iron step cultivation.

   More importantly, the Black Iron Step’s step-up ceremony is provided by the Executive Department. It is a free step-up. It can be said that the stronger you are, the more things you can get in this process.

  According to the truth, Allen should wait until his agility has reached the first limit of 15 points before coming to advance.

But he knew that it would be a long process. The holy light in his body was about to disappear, and there was almost no remaining. This is why in just seven days, Allen can improve all three attributes a little. .

Perhaps the strong man who left this power in the past left behind the majestic power of the sea in the original knight sculpture for the continuation of the inheritance and the transfer of power, but no matter how strong the power is, time can not withstand the destruction. , Alan could perceive the sacred light in it when he got that power, but that power had gradually fallen like a blood-red sunset, and there was no less magnificence left.

   If it is not urgent, Allen can slowly polish his body until the day when his hair is accumulated, but the sense of crisis that surrounds Allen's mind like a phantom makes him feel like on pins and needles.

   Allen lowered his head slightly and looked at his attribute panel. It seemed to Leonard that he was seriously feeling his physical condition. "Moreover, I still have three attribute points, this kind of thing should be used at this time." A thought flashed in his mind.

   "Fortunately, I think your statement may not be accurate." Leonard glanced at the other person, as if he was not satisfied with Alan's words.

   "Do you know what you were doing just now." Like the thunder brewing in the summer clouds, Leonard's words contained unbearable anger.

   "How long have you just started practicing, you have been so eager for quick success and quick gain, have you ever thought about what would happen to you if I wasn't by your side at that time."

   "I tell you, you can only practice again and again until you lose your body, run out of nutrients, and even the sea of ​​spirit will be hit hard." Leonard gritted his teeth and said.

   "Sorry." Allen explained when he looked at the other party, but then realized that the other party really cares about him, and finally only said something helplessly.

   "But, if you are not by my side, or if I am not in the executive department, I will definitely not adopt this extreme method." Allen added at last.

"I won't tell you more. Your behavior is very risky, but the result is very smooth. You are in a very good condition. Although you haven't tested it with standard enchanting equipment, you can basically be sure that you have reached the black iron level. A limit below."

   "Your attribute growth has almost stopped. Of course, there must be room for exploration, but it costs a lot. You can perform a transfer ceremony to advance to the Black Iron Level."

   "Then back to the original question, have you decided which profession to choose?" Leonard looked into Allen's eyes and asked.

   Leonard did not ask Alan if he would continue to exercise until his body really reached its limit. Not only did it take a lot of time, but it was also extremely difficult. After one quality of the human body reaches its limit, other aspects will grow more slowly. This is a rule that has been discovered in the age of loss.

   There were some people who didn't believe this at the beginning, or they thought that they were extraordinary as the chosen ones, and wanted to improve their bodies to perfection. The guy who was recorded as a negative textbook in history was named Wald, the son of the earl. He started practicing at the age of 17. With the support of powerful exercises and sufficient resources, one attribute reached the limit in one month, and five years later. The second attribute reached its limit, and 15 years later, the third attribute reached its limit.

At this point, he was transferred to Black Iron in the collapse, but he was 37 years old, and for so many years he has almost only practiced physical training, without training in various professional occupations, and has not learned the fighting of various occupations. Skills, unable to fight on the battlefield.

The only advantage of    is that he has already reached the limit of an attribute 5 months after the transfer. Although this time is extremely short, the overall time span is extremely long. The playmates of his generation have already advanced to Silver Peak, and even those with superior talents are advanced to gold.

   The opponent who suffered this heavy blow has since become depressed, not to mention continuing to advance to silver, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all day drunk gold and indulged in alcoholism, has already abolished his body in just 3 years, and died within a few years.

   "Of course, this is the moment I have been waiting for." Allen looked at Leonard and laughed.

This ceremony is very simple, the various materials used are not complicated, even in this era when the demonic tide is just emerging, it can be said to be easy to find. Basically, the most common combatant can buy a copy of the material on the market. It only needs 10 Kimptons, even ordinary civilians can easily save it.

   As far as the executive department is concerned, such a piece of material can keep the price within three Kimptons, and it is still the best material. Of course, if it is not an ordinary transfer ceremony, then the cost will be more, but the first time it is reimbursed by the executive department, this is also a way to judge the individual's talent.

"Okay, since you have made a decision, that's fine. After you have rested for a while, go to the materials department to report it, and then wait until you have rested, and when your body and spirit have reached the peak, come and give enlightenment. "

   Allen did not refute the other party's statement. He knew that what the other party said was correct. Although he probably said that he could go now, even if he is exhausted, mentally depressed, and the spiritual sea is almost dried up, he is very confident of success.

   But if it fails, it becomes a joke. Not to mention the executive department, none of the major forces in the empire seems to have failed because of the revelation ritual.

   And to go to the revelation ceremony like this, then it is impossible to maximize the benefits at all, which is unbearable for Allen.

   If he really fails, I am afraid that he will become his permanent black history, and it is not impossible to be laughed at for a lifetime. Alan can't help but shiver at the thought of that situation.


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