After clarifying the various data in his attribute panel, Allen clicked on the row behind the level. The experience value was 100 points less. Allen looked at this and clicked twice again until the level reached the third level. , The upgrade cannot continue.

   This is what Allen's panel looks like at this time.

   [character level] 3 (100/400).

Alan looked at his panel carefully, and found that after upgrading, he had a speciality point, three attribute points and 70 skill proficiency levels, of which 60 points were upgraded, and the last mission at 10 points. . He fell into contemplation again. To be honest, it wasn't that he didn't know the usefulness of these things, but now he always feels that he is at a loss with these things.

   Let's not talk about the attribute points. Since it has been verified by practice that the attributes can be improved through exercise, although it is not clear how fast this increase is, it is definitely impossible to maximize the value by using it directly at this stage. This kind of precious attribute points should be used at the most critical moments of oneself, such as when you are advancing or breaking the boundaries of attributes.

   Although Alan does not have a deep understanding of the extraordinary world, he has read some documents and writings anyway. In the "Analysis of the Basics of Extraordinary Powers" I read last night, it is clear that the progress of the fighters and the casters in the initial training is relatively obvious, but the more they get to the top, the closer they are. At the limit, this growth slows down, and it may even stop growing.

   In this case, there are corresponding solutions. Either high-priced potions or alchemy potions are used to assist one's breakthrough, or the most **** method is used to break through this level.

Although it is clearly stated in the book that this situation will not appear until you break through the Silver Step. There are basically orthodox and effective ways to enter the Black Iron Step. Normal people can enter, which is because of the advantages and disadvantages of the method and personal talents. The speed of the realm of the level and the abundance of resources is nothing more than a speed. But in the brief record of the prosperous transcendent civilization, even the majority of the people at that time were black iron steps, and the rest were practitioners, and pure ordinary people were extremely rare.

   Therefore, Allen's heart tends to use these attribute points when he encounters a bottleneck later, so as to maximize the use of value.

Allen wanted to understand the matter of attribute points, and couldn’t help but start to burn his brain for that speciality point. There was no way that he had not selected the speciality that he had perceived the attribute to break through the extreme value. Now another one has appeared, and at this time There is no clear option yet. The choice of specialty for this specialty is not the same as the situation where the attribute breaks through the extreme value. After Allen chooses to use it, three specialty will be automatically generated and Allen will select one, and then the remaining two will be hidden. Go, and you may come up with these two options again later, but I don't know which one.

Allen first decisively chose the [Sixth Sense] specialty, because I can already understand that the expertise and attribute points can be obtained through exercise and training after obtaining the vigilance specialty. Then from the previous options, [ Blind Fighting] and [Intuition Dodge] should be obtained through training, while the remaining [Beast Instinct] and [Sixth Sense] are more metaphysical, so from the perspective of value maximization, it is to choose These two are gone.

But for normal people, they would choose the [Sixth Sense]. After all, regardless of the influence of the small strong when they were young, the sixth sense of the force must be higher, although this sixth sense and the other party’s sixth sense are Two different things.

Well, this kind of statement is a bit inappropriate, but in fact, Allen has experienced careful consideration. The descriptions of [Beast Instinct] and [Sixth Sense] are very similar, but there is a little difference between [Sixth Sense] The application range is wider and the potential is greater. Allen will naturally choose the one with higher value.

   After Allen chose his own specialization reward for breaking the boundary, he thought about it, and decisively used his own speciality.

   "Oh." Allen sighed silently, as expected.

   The three specialties that appeared in front of him again at this time were [Toughness], [Blind Fighting], and [Fighting Reflex]. These three specialties are extremely common, belonging to the kind that can be cultivated through acquired training, and there is no such kind of excellent speciality that can be called an extraordinary talent.

Allen uses this specialty at this time, or to do a comparative experiment in the future. Unlike the previous attribute breakthrough, the reward is that all of the specialty is perception type. At this time, the three specialties have two perception types, and One belongs to the physique category, and even broadly speaking, these three specialization categories belong to the category of combatants. There is no specialization of moving spells or combat spellcasting categories. I don’t know if it is the influence of Alan’s own inner thoughts or Alan’s own. The influence of related attributes and skills.

   This still needs to be compared after the subsequent choices, in order to arrive at an answer that is more in line with the facts. But in any case, this mechanism is beneficial to Allen.

Allen carefully read the explanation of the delay of the specialties, entangled for a moment and finally chose [Blind Fight], because darkness has been the most feared vision thing for humans since ancient times. It can even be said that the gene for fear of darkness is the code passed down in human blood. This kind of inborn fear originated in the ancient times of recklessness. In that era when humans had not yet controlled the flames and lit up the light, everything in the darkness meant death.

   And it takes a long time to overcome this fear. What Allen lacks at this time is time, and he needs to try his best to get stronger as soon as possible in a short period of time. And the most important thing is that when he checked his attribute panel before, he found a [Combat Reflex] feat prompt, indicating that he is now on the right path, and it won’t be long before he can successfully obtain this feat. , Then there is no need to waste a valuable expertise point.

   Allen checked carefully, and found that when there was no other news, he walked out the door and washed briefly, then returned to his room without changing clothes, and still slept in the same clothes as usual.

   Soon, a long and gentle breathing sounded from the room. After so long of panic and fear, Allen could finally enter his sweet dreamland again.

It seems that because of the exhaustion of worries, Allen slept very deep and peacefully. His face was full of calm expressions. Of course, if you ignore the pistol with his right hand lightly on his waist, it is a The picture is perfect.

On the second day, Allen woke up after being lost for three seconds after the big aunt knocked on the door. It seemed that it was because he hadn't been so asleep for a long time. Allen's expression at this time was still a bit trance, and it seemed that he hadn't realized where he was. , But in an instant, his confused eyes have recondensed and become as brilliant as stars.

Allen stood up, looked at his dress carefully in front of the waiting mirror next to the bed, smoothed out the wrinkles on the clothes he slept with because of his clothes, and then simply sorted out his clothes and put himself on his body. After carefully packing up his things, making sure that he has no other mistakes, except the door.

Alan sat at the dining table and finished his breakfast seriously. Today is October 17th, Friday. The two little guys are still sleeping as usual at this time. There are only three people at the table, Alan and Auntie. Allen eats in twos or threes. After finishing my own breakfast, I greeted my uncle and went to Bor.

When Alan was still working in Austin, Alan sometimes went to fix something on weekends. Although he knew that the other party might not care about his contribution, the other party valued this kindness, but Alan himself It’s also pretty good. You don’t forget because of this. How much you do is a matter of ability, and whether you do or not is a matter of attitude. You can’t take the other person’s goodness to yourself for granted, so Alan is still happy to go if he can. Work for Austin.

   But today is not the same as usual. Where did Allen go today not to fix things, but to accept Bol’s practice.

   The injuries he suffered during the practice with Bor yesterday have been healed this morning. If it weren't for the pain that went deep into the bones of yesterday, I still remember clearly that Allen might think it was just a nightmare. But his clear and sober brain told him that it was all true.

   And today, he has to go there to look for abuse after his injury is completely healed.

"Brother Bol, I'm here." After shouting as usual in the underground shooting range, Allen saw Bol sitting and training on his own. It seemed that it was because Bol and Austin greeted him. The shooting range was only used by Bol and Allen, and the large area seemed a bit empty.

   Seeing that Bol was training seriously and didn't answer, Alan didn't bother him. He found a secluded corner and started his daily practice of morning exercise.

   The body is constantly being strengthened, and every part of the body is constantly being stretched and forged and being repaired by a gentle force. Allen repeated the practice of bodybuilding technique over and over again, until he stopped when his physical strength and energy were weak.

   It is true that the energy in the body can continuously repair the wounds of one's body and smooth the fatigue of the muscles, but there is no way to make up for the physical and mental exhaustion.

   After Allen had a good rest, Bol started a daily friendly discussion with Allen. As for whether Alan has just recovered a little physical strength, it is a bit unfair. Where is absolute fairness in this world? Is it possible that the enemy will always come in your heyday?

   Being able to have the power to fight to the death at any time is also an ability. And just after Alan finished training, it's impossible for Bol to put it right. From this perspective, the two are still half a catastrophe.

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