205 – 72. Things like this should be made fun of (2)

There are two council members residing in the imperial palace.

May and Gail.

Among them, May is a young woman, so she examines Elijah more often than Gail.

Regular health checkups, things like that.

In particular, he knew how to take care of animals, so after Judah and Elijah brought their dog family, they met more often.

Today was the day to regularly check Elijah’s health.

May said.

“Isn’t there anything that makes you uncomfortable?”


“There are no medically confirmed abnormalities, which is proof that you are healthy.”

Elijah looked at May blankly and said.

“You have a hard time every time.”

“Yes? Oh, hey, it’s no big deal. “Thank you for knowing.”

“I have been seeing animals for a long time, ever since I was a child.”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“I recently found someone I’m in love with.”

“Yes. That’s right too…. Yes?!”

May, who was organizing the examination tools, was so surprised that her hair stood on end.

“Your Majesty? That, that, what, yeah… ?”

“Because it just looks like that.”

Elijah said indifferently.

Actually, there was no particular reason other than that.

She wasn’t trying to tease or probe in detail.

She just felt that way, so she just asked.

Because May has changed recently.

For example, my makeup has become thicker and I also wear perfume.

The old May didn’t do that.

Furthermore, the smile on May’s face these days was a completely different and exciting emotion from usual.

Even if there was no physical evidence such as makeup or perfume, Elijah would have known right away.

The smile that made her look happy to others made her reflect on herself.

‘Was I like that in the past?’

She learned something late.

When Yuda and I liked each other but couldn’t say it.

It is said that most people who frequent the mansion knew about the two people’s feelings.

Elijah had no idea. She

Especially at a time when she didn’t even realize that she liked him.

‘Is that what happens when you fall in love?’

Unlike her calm self, May was not like that.

“Well, it looks like that…” . “Is it noticeable?”


“Really?! What do we do….”

She was a clue that only the astute Elijah could recognize, but Elijah did not bother to correct her.

“I’m sorry. Your majesty….”

“Huh? “I have nothing to be sorry about.”

She answered calmly as Elijah played with the black cat doll.

“It’s not like there’s a clause saying you shouldn’t date.”

“That’s right….”

“And the opponent is the captain of the Royal Guard?”

“Okay…. Yes, yes? How did you get to that….”

May was unable to come to her senses due to Elijah’s speaking style that shook her and shook her.

“Just feel it.”

There is at least some basis.

May’s radius of action is extremely narrow, as she does not do anything other than work.

The person Mei often meets is herself. She or she is a member of the same council, Gayle.

However, Gail is excluded because she is not in the right age range and is already married.

Secondly, the Royal Guard comes to mind.

Every time the Royal Guard goes out to the Demon World and returns, they have a conversation with the congressman.

Among them, the guard captain spends more time talking separately with the legislator.

For this reason, she simply chose General Dillon of the Guard as the most likely target.

Elijah spoke calmly as he looked at May who was silent due to her embarrassment.

“Just don’t make a fuss.”

A complex love story that unfolds between servants.

That happens often.

I don’t think May is the right person for that, but Elijah urged her to do so.

You can’t be sure about anything with people.

I don’t want it to be noisy for no reason.

“Yes, Your Majesty….”

Elijah watched May retreat and checked her watch.

‘The Judas movement is over. ‘I have to go see it.’


“May? “Is this the Representative May we know that Dylan likes?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Richard confirmed it.


Judas smiled and was impressed.

It was a very fitting combination.

Dylan is blunt and quiet, but honest and sincere.

May is quite similar.

Her large glasses and black hair braided into pigtails.

A typical style that seems to know nothing but studying.

Although his speech is calm and delicate, he is secretly strict when working.

“This suits you surprisingly well, doesn’t it? No, but how did it happen like that? “When?”

“Every time she goes out into the field and returns, doesn’t the entire Guard get checked by a member of the National Assembly?”

“Oh, right.”

“Gail and May, you two take turns watching each other? “Then the lawmakers and the Royal Guards have no choice but to meet naturally and often, right?”

“Oh, that’s right.”

“Meanwhile, as the commander of the guards, Dylan sometimes speaks separately with the congressman. Well, I report to see if any of the children are currently hurt, and I also hear from the doctor if there is anything particularly painful. And then, just like that May!”

Richard snapped his fingers and grinned.

“Aren’t you saying you got hit in the eye?”

“Wow, this is very romantic.”

Judah’s whole body was itching to go tease Dylan.

Unlike Galahad, who tries to pretend to be solemn, Dylan is truly a blunt person to the core.

I was really looking forward to seeing what kind of reaction there would be.

“He said he was coming now, right?”

“Uh. It’s a mess to make fun of the kids. “I was picking on him too and ran to tell you.”

“As expected, there is only one senior.”

“Of course you idiot.”

“Then let’s wash first and then I…” .”


Elijah’s voice suddenly intervened.


Judas was surprised and muttered, and Richard bowed his head modestly.

“I meet your great majesty.”

“Yes. “Did you just come back?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“Oh, surprise me….”

Judah tried to calm her racing heart.

“Wash and what? But why are you taking your clothes off? “What if someone sees it?”

“Oh, I was originally going to take a shower, but I got caught by Richard, so I had to stop.”


Elijah was about to tell her that she didn’t have to wash, but she stopped.

It wasn’t a place just the two of us.

“But what were you talking about?”

“Dylan said there’s someone he likes.”


“… Uh? “Did Ellie know?”

Elijah shook her head.

“I heard that May also has someone she likes.”

“No way…” !”

“I haven’t heard who it is, but I think it might coincide with the timing.”

It was shocking and tremendous news.

I thought one-sided unrequited love had just begun, but it turned out to be two-sided.

The truth that she needed to find out for a long time was revealed at once thanks to Elijah’s intuition.

“Then each other… !”

“I don’t think this is the time. “I have to wash up first.”

Judah decided to wash up quickly to make fun of Dylan.

As Elijah walked often, she followed him by his side.

I wanted to go in together, but I decided to hold out.

Instead she waited outside the bathroom.

I could hear the sound of water dripping inside as he was washing.

Judas asked first.

“What was Ellie doing before she came to me?”

“Thinking of Judas.”

“That’s what I do every day.”

“Wow. And I got regular checkups from May.”

“… Ah. Today is the day. Then I guess I should get it from Uncle Gale too. So did you hear that?”


“Is there anything wrong with your health?”

“Wow. “They say I’m healthy.”

“I’m glad.”

“Wow. “Judah will be healthy too.”

“Because I receive love from Ellie every day, I can’t help but be healthy.”


Elijah smiled happily and suddenly asked.

“Judas. It was a long time ago. “You said everyone noticed it except us.”

“Ah, they said so.”

“I guess when you like someone, it’s bound to show on the outside.”

“I see… ? “Did May do that too?”

“Wow. It’s hard to say…. She sparkled like never before. Was I like that in the past?”

“Hmm. Well…. “I’m not sure because Ellie has been shiny and pretty since long ago.”

“Hmm…. What is that.”

Elijah was embarrassed and grumbled for no reason.

If Judas had been next to her, he would have hit her head, but since he wasn’t there, he only pounded her bottom with his feet.

Just by hearing the sound, Judah could clearly see what Elijah was doing, so he ended up laughing.

Judas came out, shaking her head with a towel.

Elijah was waiting right in front of her.

Her face is full of charming smiles as she looks up.

The woman behind her said, jumping up and down.

“Kiss, kiss.”

It’s a cute thing that I see every time, but I still can’t help but fall for it.

At this point, she would have adapted and gotten used to it, but that’s not the case at all.

To be honest, she doesn’t even want to do that.

I want to be cute for the rest of my life, and it probably will be that way forever.

‘The cutest thing about her is that she has no awareness or awareness that she is being cute.’

As she lowered her waist slightly, Elijah hugged her neck.


After washing with cold water, her cold lips take away her warm body temperature.

“Yuda smells good after washing up.”

“What smell?”

“A cool, um, soft soapy scent?”

“Do you like that smell?”

“Wow. But I usually like Judas’ scent too. “The scent you get after washing it doesn’t last for a long time, so you smell it more because it’s rare.”

Chatter chatter. Sparrows are chirping.

Judas patted her head while listening to her story.

It’s so cute that you can’t resist petting it.

“Well, Ellie often sniffs.”

“That’s the same with Judas.”

“Because Ellie always smells good.”

After saying that, Judah hugged Elijah around the waist and buried her face on Elijah’s shoulder.

If you take a deep breath, your body will be filled with the soft, sweet scent of her flesh.

Elijah laughed even as she made a snorting sound as if she was tickled.

“Hmm, do you like it that much?”

“I can smell it all day.”


“I myself am not easy….”

“Be quiet.”

Elijah caught his lips with her hand.

Then Judas put her finger in her mouth.

“It looks like our Judah is grinding his teeth like a puppy. “I need to leash her too.”

“I already filled it up….”

From noble mtl dot com

A necklace that only Elijah can take off.

The teleport function can now be replaced with a ring.

But Elijah liked to see her wearing the necklace, so he let her wear it whenever possible.

“So you don’t like it?”

“No, okay.”

Judah also kicks around without opposition from Elijah, as Elijah expects.

“But I’m going to go make fun of Dylan now. Do you have time?”

“Wow. “I have time.”

Elijah tries to stick next to Judah whenever possible.

Sometimes, even when Judah is having a sad conversation with the royal guard, he does not leave.

At first, the guards all felt awkward, but now they have adapted.

Elijah was just standing next to Judah like a shadow.

Naturally, Elijah hugged Judah’s arm.

When I went to the place where the guards were with my arms folded, it was already quite noisy.

“Is that okay for the captain of the guard?”

“Are you dating while your colleagues below you are dying?!”

“This is dereliction of duty! It’s negligence! “You must be severely punished!”

“… Say it right away. Let alone death, even minor injuries were rare, and the reason I went to the doctor was purely as a procedure to prepare for any possible injury or disease….”

“Wow, look at you shamelessly making excuses!”

Even though they were scolding me and asking how that could be possible, everyone had the same smile on their faces.

It looks like he can’t stand it because he’s so excited.

Only Dylan, who was surrounded, was dead.

“In the face of love, you are nothing more than a friend! … Oh, Your Majesty!”

Richard found Judas and Elijah first.

Immediately, the other guards turned their heads and said hello.

“Your Majesty….”

Dylan was so embarrassed that he even stuttered.

The other members of the Royal Guard soon got used to Elijah following Judas next to him.

It was not Dylan, the guard captain.

He still believes that one should be as formal and polite as possible.

That’s why the situation where Elijah was involved in the discussion of this topic was confusing.

I glanced at Judas.

Judas smiled kindly.

She meant that everything had already been said.

‘Is love for someone who is so stubborn and seems to have no desire at all?’

So this situation was more interesting.

Dylan felt a brief sense of betrayal, but it was karma.

He also participated in subtly teasing Judah and Elijah when they were in a relationship.

“I heard that spring flowers have bloomed in the life of our guard captain.”

Judah deliberately imitated her noble, arrogant and elegant way of speaking.

Richard said:

“Yes, Gukseo. “It is said that very beautiful flowers have bloomed.”

Extreme honorifics and sincere speech that would not normally be used at all.

It was all to make fun of Dylan.

“Ah, something so happy can happen. Who broke the heart of that iron-clad man?”

“This is a member of the National Assembly named May.”

“Oh my. “You said that?”

“… ….”

While everyone was laughing, only two people were quiet.

Elijah is not very interested in the topic of conversation.

And Dylan, the core topic of conversation.

He closed his eyes tightly and endured the embarrassment.

“Dylan. “Your complexion looks good today.”

“… Yes. “Your Majesty.”

“What? Why don’t you treat me as casually as usual? Could it be that you are upset now? “That Dylan?”


Dylan wiped his face and sighed.

At that moment, I felt disgusted with Judas and didn’t want to treat him like usual.

It’s just as he said.

I was upset for a moment.

He had no idea that he was such a childish person.

“Love is scary. “I can’t believe Dylan got upset and did something like that.”

“That’s right.”

“You told me to be polite the other day….”

“… ….”

Richard, Judas, and the guards exchanged a word or two and made fun of him.

Then Richard suddenly spoke.

“So when are you going to confess?”

“Well, well…” .”

“Hey, why are you hesitating! “If you’re sure about it, just go for it!”

“I have the same opinion.”

While Judas was agreeing, Jerry caught him off guard.

“… But isn’t it a bit weird for two people to say something like that?”

“… ….”

All the guards remember the past of Judah and Richard.

Judah to Elijah.

Richard told Beninita about his past, where he was struggling without being able to do this or that.

“Well, that was a long time ago!”

“Oh, that’s right. “Yes, yes.”

While the target shifted to Judah and Richard, only Dylan was serious.

“You do not know His heart… “I don’t know what to do here either.”

It was a pretty serious voice, so everyone listened seriously.

Elijah, who had been quiet, suddenly spoke.

“Do you want to know?”

“… Yes, yes? Your majesty?”

“Do you want to know? May’s heart.”

Dylan doesn’t know the truth that Elijah knows May’s heart.

Nevertheless, she answered as if she had her own answer.

“… Yes. I want to know. If you could know anything….”

“Then check it yourself. “That’s the best way for you and May.”

“… ….”

Dylan was dazed as if he had come to a realization, then slowly nodded his head.


“Are you going to confess today?”

While playing with the puppy in the barn, Judah said.


As for Elijah, she wasn’t particularly interested in whether she confessed it or not.

“I was a bit surprised earlier. “I didn’t know Ellie would say that.”

“I just feel like I’m wandering.”

There was no other intention.

“Because I am an important person to Judah, I cannot act carelessly like I would treat someone else.”

If the people around him are happy, Judah is happy too.

So, looking at his surroundings was no different from looking at Judas.

It was like that for Elijah.

Judah hugged her waist.

“Thank you.”

“Just words?”

When she answered calmly, Judah planted kisses on her lips and all over her face.

The sound of rustling spread throughout the barn.

“Hmph. Good mood.”

Finally, Elijah kissed Judah deeply on the lips.

“It’s cute.”

So what will Dylan do today?

He seemed impressed by Elijah’s words.

I found out the answer the next morning.

Someone approached the guards who were resting after a morning canter.

It was May.

She walked up to Dylan and handed him her water.

Soon, the two started talking in a low voice so that only they could hear.

The excited smiles never left their faces.

Judah, who worked out together, realized something when he saw Dylan.

‘… I wonder if I had that kind of expression too.’

I have never seen Dylan’s face like this before.

If he had such a different expression than usual, it would have been noticeable to others.

“Good to die, good to die.”

Dike muttered dissatisfiedly next to him.

“It’s true that I hope it goes well, but…. “Why can’t I say no when I see it with my own two eyes?”

Several of the royal guards who had not yet been paired, including Esmo, agreed.

“I wanted Dylan to be happy, but…. “It wasn’t like this.”

“No, did you really confess right away? Enjoy the thrill a little more…. Mr. A.”

Only the married men, Judah and Richard, were smiling kindly and also teasingly.

“The weather is nice.”

The sky is clear and the wind is cool.

Spring had come to Dylan, but in reality, it was about to turn into fall.


The conquest of the Demon World proceeded smoothly.

Battles big and small continued to occur, but humanity continued to advance without retreating.

It was thanks to the overwhelming power of Elijah.

Autumn has already become cooler.

In order to form a base in stable terrain, Elijah went into battle with Judah several times in a short period of time, and then took a break.

A field prepared on the palace grounds.

Judas was sitting against a tree, and Elijah was sitting with his back in his arms.

I was watching puppies running around with their ears fluttering and Yuel running in front of them.

Elijah, who was fiddling with her calluses on Judas’ hand, suddenly spoke.



“Those puppies are shepherd dogs. “A dog that herds sheep.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“It is said that a shepherd dog can herd more than a dozen sheep. “Don’t you miss me for some reason?”

“… !”

A flock of sheep lined up in a green field, like grimy clouds.

Puppies running around energetically and herding sheep.

“I missed you so much.”

“I will immediately arrange for a ranch to raise sheep. “To the largest place.”

Like Judah, Elijah began to get excited by her curiosity and curiosity.

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