199 – 71. Sea Trip (2)

“You may come in.”

After Elijah gave permission, the door was carefully opened.

Soon several sailors entered inside, each holding a tray in their hands.

Put them down one by one on the table.

Judah and Elijah sat calmly.

There was no sign of the heated exchange we had just had.

Captain Gabriel, who came in first, said.

“Currently, we are sailing smoothly with a favorable wind, but sometimes the ship may heave depending on the situation. “We will do our best to make things go as smoothly as possible, so even if we falter, we ask that you both understand with great generosity.”

Judas spoke indifferently.

“That’s about it. “Isn’t it natural for a ship to shake?”

Elijah, who was sitting next to him, also added a word.

“I didn’t feel the boat shaking while I was waiting. It seems to be better than expected. “This ship and the skills of the captain and crew.”

A word of moderate praise.

In order to maintain morale, it is important to pay attention to the feelings of subordinates.

Gabriel smiled gentlemanly and maintained his solemn military demeanor as much as possible.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. Well then, I hope you have a nice meal. When you finish eating, you can call the crew waiting outside.”

All the food was already on the table.

Gabriel took the sailor out.

Elijah naturally moved to sit next to Judah and said.

“Eating while sailing is something new.”

A room located at the aft end of the ship.

You can see the sea through a not-so-big round window.

The ship moves along the cool blue waves without a single obstacle.

Eating there was truly something new.

This was especially true of food ingredients.

“This is my first time seeing food like this.”

“Wow. “It’s an ingredient that’s hard to find even in palaces.”

Crayfish, shrimp, fish not seen in the palace, etc.

It was a meal filled with fresh seafood.

Due to the problem of spoilage during transportation, most of the food ingredients were not easily distributed to the inland palace.

“Thanks to being on a boat, I get to eat meals like this.”

Juda, who eats well without any restrictions, was happy to see this new diet.

I was about to pick up the pre-dinner bread with a somewhat happy heart, when Elijah spoke.

“Oh, that’s right. Judas, you have to have that.”

“Huh? That?”

Elijah held out one of her hands.

Then, a flat, fat glass bottle appeared above her.

It was a summoning magic using teleportation.

If you remember the coordinates of a specific object, you can retrieve it like this.

“That magic I was researching a few days ago… “Yes, but what about that thing on her hand?”

“What Judas eats often these days.”

“Oh, no way.”

What was in the glass bottle was a reddish pink cream.

To be exact, it was tomato cream cheese.

Elijah made it recently, and it suits Judah’s taste so well that he eats it with every meal.

“Did you study magic to move this?”


The sight of her speaking as if it were obvious was so lovely that Judah kissed her cheek.

“Thank you.”


Elijah smiled like a child as he felt her pressing his cheek.

She tried to open the lid, but it didn’t open easily.

Judah said while looking at Elijah who was groaning.

“I will open it.”

He took the bottle and seemed to apply a little force, and the lid opened easily.

“… ….”

Elijah was dumbfounded, and she looked at him, recalling what she had just seen.

A big, clumsy hand that held the lid as if it was going to crush it.

The muscles of the forearm that wriggled when applying force.

A slightly raised tendon.

So, I just took off the cap of the glass bottle.

But why does such a strong impression remain in my mind and warm my whole body?

Because it’s something you can’t do?

No matter what, I just opened the lid.

It’s not something that can be objectively said to be great.

Even though Elijah knew everything, it was difficult for him to stabilize his heart that was beating like an idiot.

Just opening the cap of a glass bottle.

Is it because I feel strange and embarrassed to talk about it, or is it because of the man who pretends not to be like that and is infinitely wild and captivating when he puts it off?

“… Huh?”

Judas looked at Elijah, who suddenly became quiet.

“Why…?” .”

His mouth became stiff as he tried to speak.

The expression Elijah was making now was one he knew very well.

Red cheeks.

Tightly closed lips.

Slightly drooping eye corners.

When I look up, my eyes sparkle slightly.

This is the facial expression she makes when she is very desperate for a certain desire and gives her silent signal.

Judas also reflexively tensed his body.

I glanced around.

“… Here? Now?”

While she was worried about whether the soundproofing would be okay, Elijah grabbed her hand and brought it to her chest.

“… !”

It passes through a large, soft volume that can be felt even through clothes, and reaches the center of the chest.

It was a place where the heart beat.

The body temperature transmitted through the cloth was hot, and the pulse was strong.

“Why, why suddenly….”

“… “It’s because of you.”

“What am I…?” .”

“I don’t know. “Anyway, it’s all your fault, so take responsibility.”

“Umm…. Well, that’s nice, but how should I take responsibility….”


Elijah sighed deeply and played with his hands.

I mutter in a regretful voice.

“I don’t know if the soundproofing is good, and I don’t know when and what will happen on the sea…. I guess I’ll have to endure it. “I feel like I want to take him to a cage.”

Bird cage.

The name of the space just for the two of us under the mountain soon became known as Birdcage.

“Then I can’t guarantee when it will come out…. “It won’t work.”

“Hmm. I guess….”


The woman who was giving Judas’ hand suddenly raised her head.

“If you hold on and do it, wouldn’t it be even better?”

I have never endured this before.

When the two had a desire, they shared it and resolved it as soon as possible.

This is because I have never stayed for a long time in a place that I am not sure is safe.

So, what if you keep that anxious heart for a long time and then release it?

Wouldn’t it be that much better? I came to an obvious yet somewhat expected conclusion.

“What…. “I guess so, I guess?”

“Hmm. Ok, fine. “Then you have to endure it.”

Elijah patted Judah’s thigh and said,

“Let’s eat quickly first.”

“… “At this point, stroking her thighs is even more unbearable.”

“Huh? Ah.”

Elijah quickly realized and smiled.

A mischievous laugh full of playfulness.

I deliberately placed my upper body close to his arm and asked.

“Why? “How do you feel?”

“I want to do something bad that I shouldn’t do…” .”

Judah’s situation was difficult.

She doesn’t want to put her body on top of Elijah in this place where the soundproofing is not good.

She herself cannot use teleportation.

Therefore, she has to wait impatiently until it arrives.

“Hmm, that still doesn’t work.”

Elijah deliberately mixed in her nasal voice and whispered tickling words in her ear.

Her dainty hands gently caressed her thighs.

She felt his arm wrapping around her waist twitch.

“You can’t do that in this place where the soundproofing isn’t perfect, right? So, wait until you get off the boat. “After that, I’ll let you do anything.”

“It would be better to sneak into the cage at night….”


“… You’re not going to stay still, are you? Me too? “Can you bully someone with just the right amount of stimulation?”

“Wow. Do whatever you want. “I can bear it.”

Elijah did not flinch even when she provoked him.

Which of the two has a stronger sexual desire?

Although their superiority and inferiority cannot be determined, Elijah has a clear advantage in terms of her patience and perseverance.

“Can you stand it while stimulating me and seeing me like that?”

She was a complete outsider.

Judah did not have the confidence to endure Elijah like that.

“Ha…. Driving me crazy.”

Judah wiped her face and sighed deeply.

Elijah chuckled and took off her body.

“Okay, I’ll stop for now.”

Now I just step back.

I plan to provoke and harass you again at the next opportunity.

All the way through.

“Let’s eat quickly. “I must be hungry.”

Elijah thought that life on a ship would be quite fun.

“… Okay. “Let’s eat quickly.”

Judah was sure that she must be quite strong.


After finishing their meal, the two watched the sea from the deck.

I passed the saluting sailors, navigators, deck captain, captain, etc. And took a seat at a high place.

A sailing ship sails across the vast sea that extends beyond the visible field of view.

The sound of water splitting.

Noise from sailors handling sails.

Captain’s instructions. The sound of the wheel turning.

The smell of the sea, the wind passing by my ears, etc.

For these two who were new to the sea, it was a mysterious sight in itself.

The two were looking at the sea in silence, with their shoulders touching and their hands clasped.

Judas was looking out into the deep sea and thinking.

‘I want to swim.’

It’s my first time in the sea, but I tried swimming.

As part of physical training.

I’m confident that I’m pretty good at it.

‘Ocean swimming may be different from indoor swimming.’

But wouldn’t it be worth it if it were on the coast?

Well, no matter where you drift, Elijah can rescue you with her teleport.

‘Does Elijah know how to swim?’

Now that I think about it, she has never played in the water.

She sometimes plays in the bathtub, but you can’t call it swimming.

‘Swimming…. Elijah swimsuit…. No, I have to endure it, I’m in big trouble.’

It was an intuitive and obvious flow of thought that was almost animal-like, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Since her patience is already being tested by Elijah’s prank, I can’t help but be even more curious about her swimsuit.

While Judah was looking at the sea and thinking like a wild animal, Elijah was just infinitely comfortable.

Being on the ship was work, but compared to the workload usually handled at the palace, it was a vacation.

I quickly put all my work aside for a few days to meet the sailing schedule.

It seemed as if the fatigue from the past was blown away by the cool sound of the ocean splitting.

It was perfect to have Judas next to me.

I was really looking forward to what would happen after the voyage was over.

Then she suddenly had a question, so she called Gabriel.

“What should we do if we encounter pirates while sailing?”

“It depends on the size of the pirate in question, but generally, they choose to detour or, if not possible, flee. “We fight back only when it is necessary, but not very often.”

Pirates are usually people prepared for plunder.

For an ordinary ship to respond, it would be tantamount to suicide.

“On the other hand, all ships heading to the Beersheba Peninsula, including the trade ship in question, were instructed to appoint a wizard each to respond.”

“I handled it as I said before.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Elijah suggested it.

Assigning a wizard capable of long-distance magic to each ship so as not to be disturbed during the voyage.

Among Gabriel’s answers, what Elijah was curious about was the former.

What does an ordinary ship do when it encounters pirates while sailing, not a special ship like this?

She was also considering the state of her empire after the conquest of the Demon World.

‘If you lift the blocked trade routes one by one, routes to other continents will also open up.’

I had to think about how to interact with the unknown world.

Of course, once the conquest of the demon world is over, Elijah will play around with Judah all day.

It is better for her to decide early on if she is going to go and have her subordinates explain the details at that time.

I can’t rest completely, but sometimes I have to do important work.

Elijah glanced up at Judah.

My ears are red because I’m thinking about something.

I am really looking forward to the reaction upon arrival.

His eyes widened as he looked at the sea, and he pointed somewhere.

“Huh? “What is that over there?”


Elijah also looked at the same place.

Something gray-white and streamlined rose above the deep blue sea.

It soared in a short parabola and then sank repeatedly.

There were dozens of such objects.

Gabriel said.

“It’s a pod of dolphins. “In summer, they travel north in groups in search of cool sea water.”

The boat gradually got closer to the pod of dolphins.

It ran parallel to the pod of dolphins at a distance that was close enough but not enough to collide.

They did not get scared or back away even at close range, but jumped onto the sea and swam forward.

Judah and Elijah were spellbound by the mysterious spectacle.

Dozens of gray-white dolphins squealing and jumping as if having a conversation.

The sight of them splashing in the sea water looked like they were playing.

“It’s amazing….”

It was a mysterious and beautiful spectacle.

Judah took a peek at Elijah.

The face is completely fascinated, like a child seeing an animal for the first time.

The red eyes sparkle purely.

That image was so precious that I wanted to protect it.

He gently hugged her shoulder and kissed her head.

Elijah smiled brightly and responded by kissing Judah on the lips.

The two hugged and looked at the group of dolphins.

The natural visitor and the sailing ship sailed side by side on the sea for quite some time.

During this time, Judah and Elijah never left their place even for a moment.


The sailing ship sailed to the Beersheba Peninsula without any major difficulties.

Arrived in three days as scheduled.

It was quite late afternoon when we docked at the port.

Elijah notified Gabriel.

There are more important things than seeing and seeing what the peninsula is like.

The fact that his body was sweet was a secret that only Judah and himself knew.

“I will hear a detailed report tomorrow morning. “I was tired from the long voyage, so I decided to relax on land.”

“Yes. “I understand, Your Majesty.”

As soon as Gabriel finished answering, the two of them disappeared.

Elijah and Judah came to a private place dug under the mountain.

It was a birdcage.

When they arrived, the two were already hugging each other tightly and kissing passionately.

There was no calm or affectionate foreplay.

I was ready to get straight to the point.


At that moment, Judah lifted Elijah up and hugged him.

Surprised, Elijah wrapped her arms around his neck and hung on more anxiously.

Judah approached her bed just as she was, laid her down on her back, and climbed on top of her.

When he slightly parted his lips, his gaze was more intense than ever.


A low, wet voice.

Elijah unconsciously shrugged her shoulders and swallowed her saliva.

“It was fun teasing you all this time, wasn’t it?”

“… ….”

“I need to get scolded today.”

From noble mtl dot com

What, how, and how much are you scolding?

Even though the words were not pleasant, Elijah somehow began to look forward to them.

As she saw his shadow looming over her own, her heart beat faster.

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