179 – 56. Confession

“Mom, are you in any pain? Can you see clearly ahead? “How are your ears?”

Elijah touched Mary’s face here and there and asked her questions.

Maria forgot her words for a moment and just stared at her. Although she stayed by her side, she spent five years as a stranger.

After those five years, Elijah, who calls herself her mother, seems to have grown up quickly.

Although she is still cute and adorable like a child, she has also become proud.

“Yes. Are you okay. Looks good. “I can hear the sound well.”

It was fortunate, but Elijah and Judah were a little puzzled.

When Judas and Gawain woke up, their eyesight and hearing did not recover right away.

Mary held Elijah’s hand and said to Judas.

“He asked me to tell you something.”

“Yes? “Who?”

“That’s…. “I don’t know exactly, but I think he might be like a god.”

Elijah tilted his head because he didn’t understand, but Judah understood right away.

Who is the target?

“Even the third gift was delivered without fail.”

“It’s the third gift….”

She remembered the words she had heard before leaving for Elijah.

I prepared a gift for you.

If we think about the third thing, first of all, Mary’s quick and sure resurrection and recovery.

What about the second?

Probably, the memory that returned when I kissed Elijah.

There is no evidence, but it is probably correct.

Originally, there should be no chance of regaining memories.

It had to be just a wishful thinking, but he actually came up with it.

There must have been help from God.

Then what is the first one?

“Even when I went out to meet you at the ferry port, that voice guided me.”

The last question has also been resolved.

The first gift was to help Mary lead.

I felt a little sorry for being forced when talking to God.

Not much, but a little.

“Thank you so much. “It’s all thanks to you.”

Maria bowed her head politely.

“Uh, ah, no, not that far….”

Judah shuddered at the somewhat excessive greeting.

Besides, Elijah smiled softly and said.

“Thank you, Judah.”

She gently guided her own hand.

She naturally sat next to Elijah.

No matter what happened so far.

Whatever it was, seeing Elijah smiling and being so pure and happy made her think that everything was fine.

Because she had been fasting for a long time, Maria was also in a hurry to eat.

Elijah ordered to bring her some easy-to-digest soup.

While waiting, she explained things to Maria.

It was unconventional from the first remark.

“I have become emperor.”

A nonchalant statement, as if he had picked it up off the street.

But it was a vocabulary unfamiliar to Maria.


Although she was Archduke Balak’s concubine, Maria was not even treated as a proper concubine.

In fact, she was treated as a non-existent wife.

Born as a low class citizen, raised as a low class citizen.

But when she came to her senses, she found that she had become the Empress Dowager, the emperor’s mother.

“Well, well, that, so easily…” . “Is that something that can happen?”


“Well, I see…” .”

Elijah is her daughter, and she knows how amazing she is.

Even minus her positive bias as a mother, her excellence of Elijah is an objective fact.

Nevertheless, this far exceeded expectations.

Elijah then went on to list the things she had handled on her own, just as she had done with Judah.

Maria listened to her story while soothing her stomach with her soup.

It was mind-boggling to me, a low-class citizen, but the more I listened, the calmer I became.

Elijah was just proud.

Even though she didn’t do anything nice, she suddenly became a full-fledged adult.

“Ellie, you’ve grown up before you know it. “I’m proud and confident.”

Elijah answered with a confident smile.

Like a proud adult.

In fact, there is still a childlike side to her in her heart.

Elijah also knows.

But she could not be seen by Maria.

It was like a fate that her adult children had to protect in front of their parents.

She was fine because she could pamper Judah to her heart’s content instead.

After Mary finished eating, Elijah spoke to the two people.

“There is a place I would like you to go with.”

The two readily agreed.

The place she was brought to was Gethsemane.

The garden where Mary’s tomb is located.

“I thought it might be okay to get rid of it now.”

“… ….”

On the anniversary of Mary’s death, Elijah visited her tomb.

She became more determined, and she cried and hugged her tombstone.

Maria remembers everything that happened every year.

She was about to say sorry, but Elijah grabbed her hand.

My daughter, who had already grown up, spoke first.

“It’s okay.”

“… Okay. “Thank you, Ellie.”

If you dig up the ground under the tombstone, the coffin will come out.

At the time of her death, she was buried with an empty coffin because her body could not be found.

Elijah vividly remembers herself lying down on the coffin and crying.

Maria was not present at that time.

She was just a maid praying, and she was not confident that she could endure the sight of Elijah crying.

About 10 years have passed since then.

The coffin was in a neat state of preservation, belying the time when it was buried in the dirt.

Just like that day 10 years ago.

The inside was also clean.

This was due to the influence of Balak preparing the coffin with the highest quality items that only a great noble would use.

How heinous that was.

I’m not sure now.

I haven’t forgiven him.

However, he doesn’t want to worry about it.

I’m trying to shake it off and move forward.

Judas, with Mary.

I stopped being buried in the past and obsessing over the meaningless things.

There was a small teddy bear lying in the center of the coffin.

This is a doll that Elijah always carried in her arms before being taken to her home.

It has faded after 10 years, but it has not rotted or been eaten by insects.

Judah lifted her doll with her careful hands and handed it to Elijah.

Just the right size to hold with one arm.

This was quite big when I was young.

Because it had been buried in the ground for a long time, it had a unique earthy smell.

He gently stroked the doll.

It is not without the influence of time.

The soft fibers feel worn.

Elijah holding her teddy bear reminded Mary of her younger self.

“Should Mom repair it and give it back to her like new?”

“… Huh. “Please do that.”

After leaving Maria with her doll, he broke her coffin.

The tombstone with the name Maria engraved on it was also broken and all of it was thrown into the place where the coffin was buried.

It was covered with soil and compacted.

All of the difficult past will be buried here and a new beginning will begin.

Elijah was confident enough to do so.


Elijah brought Judas and Mary back to her mansion.

There is still some news left to share.

The point we arrived at was the yard, where many people were busy coming and going.

“Your Majesty… !”

They hurriedly greeted each other, and some of them’s eyes widened when they saw Judas next to her.


Elijah’s Guard.

Now, there were 11 people who became the Imperial Guard.

Because Elijah brought Judah without telling them, they did not even hear of his arrival.

“Judas you… !”

“You man! Where have you been?! “Are you alive?”

“What have you been doing to not come yet?” !”

They come rushing in and ask questions.

Judah almost took a step backwards without realizing it at the sight of 11 large people rushing towards him.


They became aware of Elijah a little late.

“Ah, Your Majesty. “Are you back?”

“I can’t believe you’re going because you have something to do….”

“It is correct to expect. “I went to pick up Judah.”

“I see….”

Eleven people looked at Elijah, then at Judah, and then at Elijah again.

There were many things I wanted to ask Judah.

Elijah glanced at her to see if it was okay to take up Judah’s time, and Elijah nodded slightly.

“Thank you for granting us permission, Your Majesty.”

Of course, I was clinging to his side with my arms crossed.

“What happened?”

“That…” .”

After Elijah ascended to heaven, she opened a portal, met God, and went to the underworld.

In exchange for bringing Elijah, she lost her memories.

While explaining, Judah thought the story was quite unrealistic.

Contrary to concerns, they accepted it without any hesitation.

Yes, Elijah was destroyed along with the evil spirit.

At that moment, all mankind had a dream of Elijah, and she was resurrected on the third day.

Those alone were already unrealistic.

It was also believable that Judas went to the underworld and came back.

“Now that I have somehow regained my memory, I have returned with her young lady.”

She chose not to say how she got her memories back.

“Okay…. Great, uh. That’s good, man.”

Richard sighed, wiping his face.

Dylan nodded his head reassuringly.

“I’m really glad to be back. Judah….”

Lindel, Argon, Dyke, Felin, Jerry, Esmo, Hador, Gauss, Nils.

Only after greeting Judas one by one did they become conscious of Mary.

A red-haired maid who was thought to be dead.

Somehow the atmosphere is different from before.

Unlike being harsh and cold, it has become gentle.

Elijah immediately declared in front of them.

“She is my mother.”

“… Yes?”

“The name is Maria. “I will treat you well from now on.”

“Yes, uh, uh, ee, yes?”

Elijah did not have the heart to explain further.

Mary just smiled awkwardly, and Judas motioned for her to take it in stride.

The next place we took them to was the knight training center in the corner of the mansion.

Gawain was there.

Now, he has been appointed as the commander of the Imperial Knights and has received a new disguise status.

After Gawain’s middle name and the name of his teacher, he is now called ‘Galahad.’


He rushed up in a huff and touched Judas’ arms here and there.

While Judah couldn’t see, he was wearing a prosthetic arm on her right arm.

“Oh, where have you been? Are you hurt? What happened…. Ah, ah, my Majesty the Emperor…. Sorry.”

“It’s surprising that you finally recognize it. But I’ll take care of it because I’m worried about Judah.”


“Sir Gawain. Long time no see.”

Judas laughed bitterly.

Every time I look at his right arm, I don’t feel good.

Even though it was an unavoidable situation at the time.

“You don’t have to worry too much because you’re fine.”

“Whoa…” . I’m glad to see you’re okay. “Where have you been?”

Judas repeated what he had told the imperial guard.

From going to the underworld to save Elijah, to losing and regaining her memories.

“That kind of thing…” . So then you have resurrected Her Majesty…? .”

“It’s a bit embarrassing to admit it with my own mouth, but that’s true.”

For some reason, Elijah felt happy at those words and hugged Judah’s arm tightly.

Gawain felt awkward looking at her like that, so he couldn’t look at her clearly.

“Ah, anyway, that’s a good thing. That’s really good. Hmm. And from now on, call me Galahad.”

“Keep that in mind.”

“But next to me….”

Gawain was also conscious of Mary, and this time Elijah spoke briefly.

“This is my mother.”

“… Yes?”

“From now on, she is someone I must serve as the Empress Dowager.”

“… ….”

This time, Elijah did not elaborate further.

I still have something left to show the two of you.

She changed, and Elijah continued to show her the mansion that was also changing.

I hoped the two would adapt quickly.

Miguel, who was the chief butler, was scheduled to become the imperial chamberlain.

Mei and Gale, who were council members of the mansion, also became senior council members of the imperial family.

Bols, hired as a wizard, was appointed as the secretary of the newly reorganized Imperial Wizardry.

The deputy leader was Epona, the lord of the magic tower, and the leader was Elijah himself.

Hermis and Shylock were appointed as elites to lead the imperial knights under Gawain.

“Oh, by the way, the imperial palace is still under construction. Since the palace is so large, it takes a lot of time. Until then, you can just stay in this mansion. “I’ll show you the grounds of the imperial palace later.”

From noble mtl dot com

It was late evening after the introductions were over.

When looking around her kitchen, Mary said that she would like to prepare Elijah’s meal, and Elijah readily agreed.

Currently, Mary was in the kitchen, and Judah and Elijah headed to Yuel’s barn.


No sooner did Judas enter than Yuel ran out to greet him.

“He was really alive!”

Yuel came to the underworld.

I don’t know how this was possible.

I was worried that Yuel might have died, but fortunately he was alive.

She had heard from Elijah that he was healthy, but it wasn’t until she saw it herself that her sense of relief washed over her.

“Oh, bye. Okay, okay. Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. “Are you hurt anywhere?”

Yuda received a warm welcome by stroking and scratching Yuel here and there.

I checked her body here and there, and there were no injuries and she looked healthy.

The only thing that stands out about her is a small pink scar on her buttocks.

Elijah also stood next to her and petted Yuel.

She said, “She heard that you helped. Thank you, Yuel.”

Yuel didn’t react in any way, but simply surrendered his head to the two’s hands.

Judas said while stroking Yuel.

“Anyway, a lot has really changed in the week without me. “You must have been quite busy, lady.”

“Right? I’ve been really busy. To be honest, in the rush to get things done, some of the measures were lax, so we have to review them again later…. However. Judah.”


“How long are you going to call me lady?”

“Ah. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty.”

“… ….”

Elijah’s hand that was stroking Yuel suddenly stopped. She pouts

Her lips and she looks up at him.

I think he expressed dissatisfaction with himself, but to Judah, he was quite cute.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Not your Majesty.”


“You know….”

Elijah blushed and hesitated.

The mumbled answer was too small.



“Call me Ellie….”

“… ….”

Judah seemed to know why his heart drops when he encounters such a cute phenomenon.

I just feel that way.

Elijah closed his eyes tightly, as if she was ashamed of what she had said.

“Well, then, um…” .”

Cute is cute, and I was a little surprised.

I never thought Elijah would ask for something like this.

She was a little embarrassed.

No matter what, she is the host, she is the emperor of the new Bevel Empire, the Pope of the Church of the Sun, and a saint….

But that status in the world is meaningless between them.

‘… What exactly our relationship is, I haven’t really defined in words. Anyway.’

Judas was also a little embarrassed.

I’m a little nervous.

He also stopped petting Yuel and took a step away.

For some reason, I feel like I have to take this seriously.

“Well, then will you do it?”

Before he knew it, Elijah was looking up at him with expectant eyes.


After clearing his throat a few times, he slowly opened his mouth.

‘Rice, it’s no big deal. ‘It’s just a shortening of the name, right?’

But for some reason, my lips did not separate easily.

He raised his voice with great difficulty.

“… “Eh, Ellie.”

Elijah’s eyes sparkled with joy and joy.

He liked her so much at her mere calling, and the sight of her was so lovely that Judah called her again with her trembling heart.



No, Ellie jumped into her arms.

I hug her waist tightly.

Judah also wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

“Uh, huh. Judas, it’s me.”

Judah deeply inhaled her body scent.

It has a subtle, gently sweet smell.

He likes this smell very much, which he has smelled since he was a child.

My mind becomes stable.

And more than that….

He grabbed Elijah’s shoulder and gently pulled him away.

“Lady…. Oh, no. Ellie.”

It will probably take a while to change the habit.

It took me a really long time to say this.

I am so hesitant and afraid.

I know Elijah’s heart without having to say it.

Still, I wanted to talk clearly and define the relationship.

Elijah, who had been waiting for his words in silence, also seemed to have noticed something and his eyes widened.

Her face heats up in an instant.

Even though she seems nervous, the corner of her mouth twitches to smile.

Judas spoke with great difficulty.

No, I confessed.

“I like it.”

“… ….”

“I have longed for you as a member of the opposite sex for a very long time. So, I would like you to formally date me. No. Please fellowship.”

Elijah was already smiling brightly.

Tears formed like dew on the tails of her beautifully folded eyes.

She lifts up her tiptoes and pulls Judas by the neck.

He also naturally lowered his head.

Kiss her.

Light touch.

She fell gently and smiled.

“What if I call her Ellie and use her honorific?”

“… Ah.”

‘Then should I say anything now? It’ll take a while….’

Elijah asked with her smiling face.

“How much do you like it? Me?”

“Uh, um….”

Can you express that in words?

How should I say it….


Elijah smiled while looking at Judah who was seriously thinking.

“If you look closely, there is a cute corner.”

“… ….”

“I know even if you don’t say it. I can tell just by looking at you thinking so seriously. Judah.”

“Yes. Baby…. “No, Ellie.”

“Actually, I also had something I wanted to say.”

“What… ?”

Hearing these words, Judah’s soul escaped his body for a moment.

“I want to marry you.”

“… ….”

“No. “Marry me.”

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