173 – 52. I’ll go back

Golgotha Hill.

A cross-shaped mark was left where Elijah disappeared.

A trace believed to be a stigmata upon the earth.

A campsite was set up around the traces.

“Whoa…” .”

Lindell came out of one of the tents and sighed.

“Oh, are you awake?”

Richard, Argon, and Hermis raised their hands and greeted.

Lindell, who had been on alert the day before, didn’t wake up until after noon.

“Yes…. “Is there any news?”

“No. “There is nothing today either.”

This is the campsite where many of her knights, including Elijah’s personal guard, stay.

Elijah and Judah are waiting for the return.

But there is no news yet.

Actually, it might be right to wait here.

When will they return and how will they return?

I don’t know anything.

This is the place where the two disappeared, so I just wait here.

I stay on alert every day in case it comes while I’m asleep.

“Is Yuel still like that?”

Right after Judah disappeared along with Elijah.

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Yuel curled up there and slept the whole time.

“Yes. “He doesn’t even want to wake up.”

“Is it okay to just sleep like that…? .”

“The congressman is constantly checking. “There are no health problems.”

“Then that’s a good thing.”

“Go and eat first. I must be hungry. “We need to do some patrolling around the area.”

Just as we don’t know when it will come, we can’t be sure where it will appear.

Therefore, they guard the vicinity of the stigmata and also patrol the area.

“Yes. Bye. “I’m going to go eat.”

Lindell headed to the eatery.

It is only called a restaurant, but it is not actually an independent space.

She just set up a long table on one side of the campground.

She didn’t have a specific time to eat.

At their seats are Dylan, Shylock, Jerry and Faline. Finally, Bols, the wizard of the mansion, was also sitting.

They were talking, but their expressions were serious.

I wonder if the story is serious, and Lindel is discovered one step late.

Dylan noticed first and said hello.

“Ah, Lindell. You woke up. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes. I slept soundly. But what are you all talking about so seriously?”

“I plan to go look for the young lady and Judas.”

“… Yes? “Are you two back?”

“I don’t know that yet.”

Next Shylock explained.

“The point is this. There’s no guarantee those two will come back here. “It could appear in a completely unexpected place, right?”

“That’s right.”

“If we return to a different location and we find out late, something might happen. For example, what if you come back to the middle of the demon world and find yourself passed out? “You have to expect the worst.”

Finally, Boles spoke.

“So, why don’t we divide the people who will guard this place into the people who will go find it? Going on a long expedition. As a wizard, I guard this place in preparation for any unexpected situation….”


An explosion sound came from nowhere.

Everyone’s heads turned.

Dust rose from the place where the stigmata appeared.

The dust cloud moved very quickly to the east.

As if some superhuman was running away at full speed.

“… “What is that?”

“Who runs so quickly?”

Everyone is puzzled.

Someone shouted loudly from the direction of Stigmata.

“The lady is back!”

It was Richard’s voice.

As if to confirm what he had just heard, Argon shouted loudly.

“The young lady has arrived!”

We all ran quickly together.

At the spot where the stigmata appeared, Hermis was checking Elijah’s condition.

“Miss! Miss!”

But Elijah closed her eyes and did not open them.

She looks sound asleep.

“What happened? “When did you arrive?”

Richard answered.

“We don’t know exactly. While I was patrolling, I suddenly heard an explosion and came back to find the young lady there. By the way, what was that explosion sound earlier?”

“I don’t know. Rough footprints appeared to the east….”

“The lady came?!”

Councilor May came running up to her face, panting as she had just woken up.

She hurriedly checked Elijah’s pulse and breathing.

“He is alive. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her body. She doesn’t seem to have any injuries. “I’ll have to move it and check for more details.”

By that time, Yuel also opened his eyes and woke up.

Yuel went straight to Elijah and touched her face.

“Okay, he’ll wake up soon.”

May spoke reassuringly, and Hermis carefully picked Elijah up and carried him to a nearby tent.

We will briefly treat you before transferring you to a safer residence.

Yuel was walking along with Elijah and glanced back at her.

Her stigmata upon Elijah’s return.

Several of her personal guards stayed around and discussed.

“Why doesn’t Judah come…?” ?”

“Are you coming at a different time? Or is it a different location?”

“Isn’t that Judas from earlier?”

“She is the most likely…. Why is Judas running away like that? “Isn’t it a little strange?”

“Whoever it is, we can’t just let it go like this. “We need to quickly form a chase team and chase after him.”

Yuel was staring blankly as Dylan made decisions and gave instructions.

If Judah and Elijah had seen Yuel, they would have wondered why he was so relaxed, but there was no one here who could read Yuel’s expression.

Soon Yuel turned his head and crouched down in front of the tent where Elijah had entered.

Elijah has returned.

It was the third day since she disappeared.


Elijah woke up one day after being discovered.

The first thing she found when she woke up was none other than herself.

“Where is Judas?”

It was the name of the savior who brought him from death.


May hesitated in speaking.

“Where is Judas?”

“That’s it…. “I haven’t found it yet.”

“… “You didn’t find it?”

“Yes. It looks like you didn’t arrive at the same place as the lady. “I don’t even know if she ever arrived.”

Elijah returned to where she had disappeared.

However, Judah does not know. She

She came back to a different place.

Or maybe he didn’t come back.

Elijah recalled what happened in her underworld.

She was unconscious at the time, but she remembers it now that she has returned.

Not everything, but part of it. Even that is a bit blurry.

Judas came into his own black sun.

After she was taken out of there, she even met Maria.

“… ….”

Elijah looked away.

The wall facing the bed.

A huge crystal is leaning.


The ice space where her mother sleeps.

Mother in the underworld.

Is she really dead?

Can’t she be saved?

Never again….

In front of Elijah, who was looking at Maria blankly, May pursed her lips for a moment.

Elijah washed her face and took care of her heart.

She redefined her priorities.

“I don’t know Judas’ whereabouts….”

“Actually, someone ran out of there just before we found the young lady. We also found traces of him running away. The SS has selected a separate pursuit team and is tracking them. “For now, the most likely target is Judas.”

“You ran away?”

“Yes. That’s the situation. “The destination is believed to be Jericho.”


A place where he once lived alone after letting him go.

Elijah thinks Judah may have gone there. Either he’s on his way.

No basis, just a hunch.

It is an instinct that comes into play whenever I think of him.

I felt like I wanted to go there right away.

I wanted to check if he was alive or dead and hug him.

At the same time, I hesitated.

He paid for his memory in exchange for saving himself.

I don’t know how such a thing is possible.

What are the contents of the memories you took, and how much of it was taken away? Elijah doesn’t know.

But you can guess.

This is an amazing work of bringing a dead person back to life.

I would never have taken it normally.

If so, there is a very high probability that Judas would have forgotten himself.

Because the most important memory to him is himself.

It was not an arrogant or arrogant decision.

She went into Judah’s memories and directly confirmed and experienced his heart.

How much he cares for himself.

He realized how loved he was.

That’s why I was afraid.

It’s hard to face someone who doesn’t remember you.

“Whoa…” .”

Nevertheless, we have to face each other.

It will be so.

You must not avoid it.

But not now.

“Please call Miguel and Gawain.”

May quickly brought the two people.

Elijah decided to check the current situation first.

“How many days has it been since I disappeared?”

“He came back three days later, and woke up a day after his return.”

“Was there a gap of four days? . “What has been the situation so far?”

Before he collided with the evil spirit, Elijah killed the two main axes of the continent.

Balak and John.

Therefore, the position of leader of humanity is currently vacant.

There may be a bloody wind blowing to take that position.

Miguel explained.

“The Helios Empire is in great turmoil. In particular, the truth became known that Emperor John had been consuming the people of the empire for black magic and had even attempted to massacre many people. “The feudal lords and the Senate that supported the existing emperor are working together to stabilize the situation, but it will not calm down easily.”

“I guess so. Then, there would have been an uproar due to the security vacuum….”

“But that’s not necessarily true…. “It’s all thanks to you, young lady.”

“Me? Why me?”

“I don’t know if you know, but…. At the moment of your ascension, all mankind saw the same vision. “It’s like a dream.”

Elijah tilted her head.

“It looked like it was engulfed in flames and disappeared along with the evil spirit. “All mankind saw the sacrifice he made to save this world.”

Elijah did not specifically intend to save this world.

He was trying to save Judas.

The result was the same thing.

It’s a difficult statement to understand, but judging from the expressions on Miguel and Gawain’s faces, it seems to be true.

Elijah first accepted that fact.

“So, what does that have to do with the situation in the Empire?”

“Everyone is waiting for you. “You will return and bring peace to the world.”


A word that suddenly passes by.

Golden eyes are a symbol of the savior.

I glanced at the mirror next to me.

It is a bright red color.

But the last moment before ascending to heaven.

Her own eyes, reflected in Judah’s eyes, were golden.

‘A person who will save the world and bring a new order. A being made of gold….’

I couldn’t help but laugh at the exquisite prophecy.

Anything doesn’t matter.

Is this inevitable or fate?

Even though the world looks up to him as a savior, he actually wants one thing.


The rest is by-products.

Gawain was the last.

“But even in the midst of this, there are some forces trying to seize power.”

“Recite it.”

Gawain mentioned about three forces.

Each of them was a coalition of several families.

“What is your current advantage?”

“Everyone is fierce.”

“Okay…. “It doesn’t really matter who has the upper hand.”

Elijah stood up.

May was worried as the doctor, but Elijah had a lot to deal with now.

“Assemble all remaining personnel in the current mansion.”

Elijah glanced at the window frame.

A place where a flower pot is placed.


The flower, which should have bloomed red, withered and fell due to long-term neglect.

Even after seeing that, Elijah did not waver.

Thinking about the language of flowers, she no longer needed to be shaken.

The red anemones were still in full bloom in her own heart.

Vibrant red color.

And for the anemone in my heart, I decided to use a different flower language than the anemone in reality.

After steeling her heart, Elijah left her bedroom.

She goes out into the yard of the mansion.

People who followed her orders were gathered and waiting.

In front of them, Elijah suddenly declared.

“I will become emperor.”

Elijah decided to become emperor.

She will prepare everything.

As long as Judas returns.

“From now on, this land will be under my control. I will seize the power vacuum. “I am a person who can and should have the qualifications and ability to do so.”

Those gathered affirmed her words with heavy silence.

“Tell those who are currently competing over the continent. Stop the meaningless struggle. And I don’t know what the current situation is in the imperial family, but tell everyone who will listen. “I will visit the imperial palace soon.”


Those who received her orders scattered in perfect order.

Elijah looked down at her right hand.

An ivory ring worn on the ring finger.

This is a pair that shares coordinates with Judas’ necklace.

Every time I touch her, I change her position.

Move it to her left ring finger.

He also wore his necklace around his neck.

Until she gives it to him, she will keep it to herself.

She closes her eyes once and then slowly opens them, speaking as if she is making a promise.

The red eyes were filled with resolute will.


You may not be able to hear it, but I hope you can.

What he said when he brought him in.

That answer.

“I’ll be back soon.”

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