164 – 49. The Prophesized Savior (4)

I looked up at the sky.

The place where the sun-eating beast was resurrected.

The point where the evil god of the void swallowed the sun.

There are countless stars in the pitch-black night sky.

A spot in the middle where darkness stirs.

I shouldn’t be able to see it, but I can see it.

The evil god of the void.

The sun trapped in this guy’s mouth.

When I saw that, I had unfounded confidence.

I can prevent this phenomenon.

I can kill that beast.

I can get rid of that evil spirit.

‘The price is…’ .’

Close and open your eyes slowly.

Crazy fire power flowing through the body. That is the power of the sun.

And the energy of the moon accumulated in the body over a long period of time.

The two fused powers filled my entire body.

I think it will take me somewhere.

I feel like I can accomplish something.

You can do it.

Even though I’ve never done it before.

Even without trying it.

I was sure.

What John said comes to mind for a moment.

Humans cannot become gods.

That is correct.

But if you are not human.

If you give up your personality, you can reach godhood.

Only when you reach godhood can you destroy those evil spirits forever.

And now, you can do it.

I was sure.

Belatedly, I became aware of the great warmth holding my hand.

“… Miss?”

A low voice that makes you feel reassured just by hearing it.

I slowly turned my head.

I saw Judas.

A miracle came to me.

My color. Anemone.

The face was colored with anxiety.

How do you know me so well?

One second passes like an eternity.

How nice it would be if time stopped like this.

If we were stuffed without facing any end.

If I could just hold you and spend eternity in that beauty.

I end up shaking my head.

I know that cannot be done.

The big hand grabbed me more tightly.

I shook off his hand and backed away.

I picked up the sealing chalice that rolled at my feet.

Now I understand why I was so drawn to this.

“Lady… ?”

Judas looks at me in disbelief.

It was not a reaction to rejection.

What can I do?

And now he guessed what I was going to do and his eyes looked frightened.

‘As expected, you know me too well.’

What should I say?

This will probably be our last.

There are many things I want to say.

There are many things I want to do.

There are so many things I haven’t done yet.

All the future.

Before you just fold it up and bury it, you have to capture it in this moment.

It must be conveyed in just one word.

It is difficult.

The first thing that comes to mind is, I’m sorry.

I have no choice but to do it this way.

And again, bad words made arbitrarily out of selfishness.

Apologising once is not enough, so you have to apologize again.

But I didn’t want to do that.

The words I am about to say are probably the last words I have left for you.

I don’t want to be left feeling sorry.

Then how about saying thank you?

5 Years since I met you.

If it weren’t for you, I would have lived without knowing joy and satisfaction.

As the countless experiences you have of me in places other than here prove it.

I would have become such a strange person.

Can I be satisfied with just saying thank you?

There was more sincerity left than that.

But as expected, it cannot be taken out.

The last words will have no echo.

How sad a confession without an answer is.

Confession with only an answer is no different.

So, just.

I smiled at you.

Language is just a means of communicating.

Therefore, sometimes language cannot completely convey all intentions.

It is an imperfect means.

Also, the emotions contained in language are lost in the process of transmission.

I want to give this heart to you as fully as possible and reassure you.

It would be impossible.

And we have a bit of a connection even without language.

So, I just laughed.

Still, if you have to say something.

I am.

“… Are you okay.”

It was the answer to everything.

Just like what you said one day, holding me as a child suffering from nightmares.

I really am.

“It’s okay.”

It’s okay if it disappears like this.

If I could save you.


Judas rushed towards me, stretching out his hand.

This is the hand I want to hold.

You have to push it out.

The moment I approached, a golden flame rose up around me.

The flames spinning like a whirlwind blocked him.

Flashes spread out in all directions.

Brighter and dazzling than ever.

But my eyes were fine even in that flash.

I just looked straight at the evil spirit.

“Miss! It’s not possible… !”

Judas tried to approach with his arm in front.

But the firestorm continued to push him back.

It was just standing still.

Even though you knew it was dangerous and meaningless, you had to achieve what you wanted to do.

That sight was more dazzling than the flash of light that had put the world to sleep, and I was embraced by you like a moth jumping into a fire.

I covered my eyes even though I knew it was a collision.

I wanted to say one last thing, but my voice didn’t come out.

The body was turning into gold.

I look down at my shining hand.

My face is reflected in the shiny skin.

Golden eyes.

I remember something I once heard and laughed at.

‘Golden eyes are a symbol of the savior.’

I wasn’t interested.

The world, destruction, and salvation.

It was worthless to me.

Some people laughed at it and ignored it.

I just thought it was an old, outdated phrase.

Now I know.

It is not completely wrong.

Judah’s face appears when he looks up.

His eyes are a dazzling golden color than mine.

You saved me.

That is nothing short of saving my world.

‘So this time, I will save this world you are in.’

That too is about saving my world.

‘Because you became my world.’

Your body gradually rises on the golden air current.

You are moving away.


Even that call becomes distant.

Consciousness becomes blurred, as if falling asleep.

Farther, further.

And higher.

I remembered.

The horizon gets smaller and smaller, and soon the round land appears.

Brown desert and blue sea.

Further beyond is the green land.

Above, a silent star shines in the distant darkness of the void.

It’s a scenery that reminds me of the fresh grassland I saw with you on a Yuel ride one day.

A past that I long for even the cool air that fills my lungs.

Like consciousness, the body also fades away.

My broken body becomes particles of golden light and is drawn towards the sun.

It turns into fire and spreads towards the evil spirit.

Even from this far and high up, I could see exactly where you were.

I said to myself a greeting that did not reach me.

Like a whisper, like a good night.

A lie that I will see again when the sun rises and I open my eyes in the morning.



A land where the sun has disappeared.

For a moment, all mankind was blinded.

A golden flash flew from somewhere and obscured my vision.

In that flash.

All humans saw the same scene.

The flames rise and swirl.

A woman rode the fire and soared toward the sun.

She was made of gold, riding in a chariot of fire, and in her hand was a golden cup.

When she finally reached the evil spirit, the pitch-black evil spirit caught fire.

The beast screamed and burned.

Unquenchable flames were burning all over my body.

The woman willingly became firewood and fueled the fire, and she burned the evil spirits.

The two beings who became ashes were placed in the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail disappeared beyond the void.

A place where beasts and women disappeared.

The sun that had been swallowed up shone brightly.

A priest who knew Elijah muttered absentmindedly.

The savior written in the prophetic books.

A being that shines in perfect gold.

“Elijah is the man….”


After seeing the vision, Judas slowly opened his eyes.

The sun shone on the hill of Golgotha.

The clear sky was dazzling.

It was broad daylight.

“… ….”

He saw the place where Elijah had been standing.

There was no one.

Only a cross-shaped scar remained on the floor.

Before I leave, I think about her appearance.

A smiling face.

It’s okay.

“What on earth…?” .”

He walked weakly.

He stood on the right side of the cross and knelt down.

His hands grip the floor.

“What’s okay?” .”

The sun-eating beast is dead.

It was not sealed, but disappeared from the world.

From now on, evil spirits will never come back to life.

The world and humanity finally achieved complete salvation through Elijah.

But there is no Elijah in that world.

She sacrificed herself and destroyed the evil spirit.

He could not save Elijah.

Again, that’s like saying she couldn’t save herself.

I gritted my teeth.

Would it have been better if he had died instead?

It is an arrogant assumption.

She doesn’t even have the power to destroy evil spirits.

I feel like the world has become empty.

Now, what should I do?

Why would I create this world without you? .

‘… ….’

A beam of light passed through his mind.

It’s been a while since I remembered the status window.

There is one reward that I received someday and put off choosing.

[Special reward: One-time portal opening ticket.]

[Open the portal: Through the portal, you can travel anywhere and become or achieve anything.]

[Example: You can return to the original world and live the life you wish.]

‘Helps you go anywhere and do anything… Dimensional door….’

His golden eyes sparkled with life.

Swallow your saliva once.

I wonder in my heart.

‘If anything is really possible…. Is it possible to bring Elijah back from the dead?

[…] ….]

‘So, I don’t know, but if concepts like God, soul, and the afterlife exist in this world…. Wouldn’t it be possible to bring Elijah from there? Please, I’m willing to pay any price….’

[The user’s specific wishes have been detected.]


[Would you like to go through the portal now?]

‘… Yes.’

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