158 – 47. Kang Je-won, Elijah. (3)

Elijah was always curious.

What is this world that Kang Je-won lives in?

There is no magic, miracles, or monsters.

Status existed in the past, but has recently become a non-existent concept.

Large buildings like magic towers are everywhere, and horse-drawn carriages run densely on every road.

Not all places in the world were like that.

The gap in technological development between countries was extreme.

It made me wonder how such a gap was possible within one world.

I borrowed Kang Je-won’s perspective and accepted it, but it was a strange world that was not only unfamiliar.

And now the answer has appeared before our eyes.

[Elijah D. Bevel]

Image displayed on the monitor screen.

The person reflected in it was clearly himself.

Kang Je-won said as if he were annoyed.

“Why is Elijah an NPC included? She doesn’t know what to do….”


A type of entertainment enjoyed virtually.


Non-playable character.

A character that cannot be selected by the player playing the game.

It can interact with the player, but it does not have independent will.

All you have to do is act and react according to a set pattern.

Elijah confirmed the information through her forced circle’s memories.

Information that is difficult to accept continues to pour in.

The character is Elijah D. Bevel. She uses a magical power called ‘crazy fire.’

Also, the world in that virtual space where that character appeared was surprisingly similar to the world she lived in.

Levantine continent.

Duchy of Bevel. Helios Empire.

Solar Bridge. Wolshingyo. Other religions that have disappeared by current standards.

A sealed evil spirit. Etc.

I couldn’t dismiss it as a coincidence.

‘… ….’

Elijah had to recall her age-old question.

‘Who am I?’

It has been a topic of constant debate in philosophy for a long time.

Who am I?

No scholar has been able to provide a clear answer to that question.

Elijah was not interested in the question.

It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested.

I just realized it.

It is impossible for an individual to give a clear answer to the transcendental question of who I am.

Elijah devoted the time he had to pondering that question to more practical matters.

And now at this moment.

Elijah had to face that difficult question again.

My mind is all jumbled and confused.

Who am I, and is this ‘me’ I am thinking about right now real?

What is the ‘real me’ in the first place?

Everything I have ever lived and experienced, even the world, is fake.

Then, what is your experience?

What are all the memories of what you felt, thought, and did?

‘I don’t know….’

Elijah suffered from mental shock similar to a headache.

But she couldn’t continue to brood.

Even at this moment, time outside will pass.

I can’t tell how much time has passed.

Therefore, I had to return as quickly as possible after confirming the necessary information.

‘First of all…. Let’s see.’

In a confusing situation, Kang Kang-won’s memories flow again.

He was a traveler of this world, that is, the world to which Elijah himself belonged.

Through the means of character, he experienced this world in numerous ways.

Assassin, wizard, knight.

Sometimes they were ordinary farmers, blacksmiths, or wandering mercenaries.

He also became the master of the Assassin’s Guild and the new emperor of the Helios Empire.

All of those experiences were in slightly different time periods, and under the influence of Kang Kang-won, they transformed into completely different futures.

But among them, there was one thing that did not change.

It was none other than Elijah D. Bevel.

She was subtly sharp every time we met, and she killed the character of Kang Kang-won without a moment for her to catch her breath.

Killed just because they made eye contact.

She got a little closer and pretended to accept him, but then he killed her.

She was someone you wouldn’t dare to get close to.

Elijah felt even more confused when he saw himself appearing several times.

‘I really… Who is it?’

She is another version of herself that appears countless times.

Should we view them all as the same person?

Or are they each different people?

Black hair. Red eyes. The magic of crazy fire.

She herself knows, her own personality.

Those that perfectly match her self.

Therefore, it is not wrong to define ourselves as ourselves.

If that Elijah is fake, and Elijah I am also fake.

I was doubtful whether there was such a thing as ‘real’ in the world.

Then, what constitutes the character ‘Elijah’?

Elijah did not know.

However, there is only one thing that makes them different from themselves.

‘Scars on the face.’

Her own face is smooth now.

On the other hand, Elijah, whom Kang Kang-won faces, had a scar running diagonally across her face.

Every person.

‘Why… ?’

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t think of a reason why she would have a scar.

Memories flow again.

Even though Kang Je-won cursed Elijah, he always went to see Elijah.

Once you progressed through the game to a certain extent, the end was the quest for Elijah.

Later, after I mastered the game, I was obsessed with Eliman from the beginning.

They were all in slightly different time zones, but they all had something in common.

All were in the time period after Elijah became her adult.

Elijah picked out a few more things she had in common with herself.

‘After adulthood, the Bevel family virtually ceased to exist. I am left alone. And a maniac who commits murder and arson as a hobby….’

Elijah is far from the commonly referred to ‘good man’.

He knows that too.

However, I was confident that he was not that crazy of a person.

‘When Judas meets me, I am always like that.’

She was somewhat stable now, but there was a lot more Elijah going crazy than her.

What is the difference between yourself and them?

Who am I?

The question becomes even deeper.

‘What does Judas think of me?’

Elijah accepted Kang Kang-won’s gaze.

Unsurprisingly, while playing the game, he did not consider himself a real person.

A fictional character.

He was a fake person.

And I don’t know how it happened, but Elijah met that Kang Kang-won.

Through what I have experienced so far, I was curious about what kind of being Kang Kang-won defined himself as.

I was also afraid.

His words that he likes it.

That feeling.

Are the expressions and actions shown to oneself sincere?

After entering this fake world, is he real or fake?

I am confused as questions that cannot be answered come to mind.

After immersing himself in the game for a few months, Kang Kang-won started working. He got a job as an instructor at a nearby judo gym.

As he met many people there, worked according to his profession, and occasionally met Elijah in the game, his life gradually became stable.

The name of the righteous physical education student has been forgotten.

The deep-rooted corruption and ugly aspects of the sports world have also been scattered to the back of time.

One day, Kang Je-won succeeded in obtaining the ‘Statue of the Sun’ in the game.

She took away what the Emperor of Good in that world wanted to have.

After she was nearly killed while approaching Saint Elijah, who had a scar on her face, she ran away, went into hiding, and took over.

Therefore, it was a separate world independent from the world he possessed.

I used it as soon as I received it.

While playing the game, there was only one thing he wanted to achieve in this game.

He was worried in front of the status window where he was asked to write down his wishes.

What I want to achieve in this game.


I was curious why that happened.

Did he really have to be that kind of person?

If there is a past that must be twisted into a homicidal mania, if that is the case….

[I want to save Elijah.]

It was just pure wind, without any somber intentions.

She wanted to know if she had the potential to grow up to be a different person.

And also, she doesn’t know if she can watch or do it herself.

Of course, what I wanted at that time was an experience as a game.

When I typed that and pressed Enter, the status window disappeared and the sun image also disappeared.

And, nothing happened.

“… What, where is my item? “How did I get that!”

I waited and looked into it separately to see if there would be any changes, but nothing changed.

At that time, that was really all there was to it.

Kang Je-won muttered in despair.

“If you couldn’t implement it, at least say you couldn’t do it…. Ah, a small to medium-sized game.”

Afterwards, he left a bad review on the gaming platform.

[Dog trash game. Even if I were told to pay money, I wouldn’t do it. Data trash that makes you wonder what’s going on in the minds of the development team.]

… A considerable amount of negative reviews starting with .

Even after writing everything down, there was no change.

He was still fine.

That time was Christmas.

A few days after writing that bad review.

A PD from a broadcasting station contacted Kang Je-won.

As the general manager of the current affairs reporting program, he was planning to expose corruption in the sports world.

He chose Kang Kang-won as his helper.

There was no change due to his previous accusation.

The association’s key executives were relieved of their positions, and Yongho University’s faculty was also reshuffled.

On the surface, it certainly seemed that way.

However, the executives were working in similar positions elsewhere, and existing positions were filled with their connections.

The faculty at Yongho University were not much different.

In the end, there was essentially nothing that Kang Kang-won changed.

The PD suggested that they help each other, and Kang Kang-won agreed after much deliberation.

I also quit being an instructor so as not to cause a nuisance to the gym.

I thought it was something I had to do.

I received the call and agreed to the interview that day.

The story got longer, so the coverage ended late at night.

And on the dark road back.

“… ….”

Kang Je-won was lying in his alley, stabbed with a knife.

The cartel in the sports world, including the association, was alive and well.

However, the position of those who lived and waggled with the cartel was ruined.

I couldn’t even raise my head anywhere.

Those who knew but tolerated it.

Or, secretly behind the scenes, people who caught the falling crumbs and fulfilled their interests and desires.

At the same time, they were ordinary people who were no different from Kang Kang-won, who could not be considered powerful people to join the cartel.

They turned their anger towards Kang Kang-won, putting him on a knife and stabbing him.

Kang Kang-won laughed as he looked at the blood leaking from his side.

“You idiot….”

It was a self-mocking laugh.

It was embedded quite deeply.

The cell phone in my hand slips.

I don’t even have the strength to lift it.

Many memories pass by.

It wasn’t a very pleasant experience.

A life that was ignored.

I struggled to avoid the bottom, but that was all.

In the end, he achieved nothing.

It would have been better if I had stayed still.

Like most people, I just closed my eyes and moved on.

I wouldn’t have died in vain like this.

From noble mtl dot com

Although he felt that way, he never once regretted his actions.

What is wrong is wrong.

As his consciousness faded, a rather unexpected thought occurred to him.

As usual when it’s time to fall asleep, I have random thoughts.

‘Elijah…. So what is his backstory….’

I muttered to myself.

His consciousness finally went dark.

And when I opened my eyes again.

‘… ‘I’m tired.’

He was possessed by a game he enjoyed playing.

Exactly, Elijah came to this real world and became a person called ‘Judas.’

‘What kind of person did you possess?’

At the time, Kang Kang-won did not know his identity.

It was a character that did not exist among the characters he knew.

He rummaged through his pockets for information.

Something hard and stinging was caught in his hand.

‘What is this?’

It was a piece of broken glass.

‘Wow Mr. ‘Be surprised.’

I immediately threw it on the ground and covered it with dirt.

Some pieces of paper fell along with the glass pieces.

‘I wonder what kind of trash he’s carrying around in his pocket.’

Kang Je-won thought so.

However, before Kang Kang-won became Judas.

Elijah, who read Judah’s memories, was able to connect the connections that Kang Kang-won did not know about.

A piece of glass.

That is the memorization brought to kill Elijah.

Papered paper.

It is a magic instruction book with a hint to kill Elijah.

Yuda came to him after being trained and raised as an excellent assassin.

Elijah herself always had a scar on her face at the time Kang Kang-won knew.

‘That scar was originally created by a person named Judas….’

However, when a person named Kang Kang-won became possessed, everything changed.

At first he tried to run away from himself.

He implemented the plan step by step using the information he already knew.

Nevertheless, I couldn’t control my temper and unintentionally caught Elijah’s attention.

They became close, and he had her curiosity towards Elijah, and was both afraid and pitying her.

He saved her, wiped her tears and held her when she cried, took pity on her even when she was afraid, and stayed by her side.

A memory of a day spent together like that.

Elijah had to see it.

‘… Omg! ‘W-what are you doing!’

Her younger self kissing Judah’s sleeping cheek.

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