154 – 46. Judah’s Past (2)

While staying at his home, Elijah signed a document.

Massacre of Badrahem.

What was the title?

I don’t remember.

But I know Narsisi’s intentions.

They were trying to suppress her spirit by having a village close to where Elijah had previously been annihilated in the name of Elijah.

At that time, she was scared and didn’t want to get hit again, so she signed in a panic.

By the way, Judah is from that village.

She herself killed Judah’s family and neighbors.

Judas was raised as an assassin assigned to kill Mary and himself.

To him, he had the right to kill himself.

‘… ….’

Elijah saw Judas crouching in her closet.

I felt pitiful and sorry.

It hurts like a knife growing out of my heart.

How scary must it have been in here?

And how angry must he have been before it came to him?

I can’t even imagine.

I wanted to hug you.

Even though this is a fake world that embodies his memories.

Even if it’s a fantasy.


‘… ‘Hey, who is it?’

It’s Judas, but I don’t think it’s Judas.

It looks the same.

In fact, the owner of this memory is Judas, so this boy must be Judas.

However, he is not the Judas he knows. I’m sure.

There is no basis.

Just instinct.

‘What…? . I don’t know, but it’s not Judas. It’s strange….’

Judah’s words suddenly come to mind.

He said that he was not the real Judas, but that he was someone from another world.

‘I came from another world…. So what is this memory? Who is this kid? Isn’t that what it means….’

It was a problem that could not be solved no matter how much we thought about it.

Leaving behind an uneasy feeling of discomfort, Elijah left with another memory.

I became more curious about the past than this.


Selenium was a village close to the city, and Badrahem was a peaceful and friendly village.

The cute wooden houses are crowded together to form an idyllic landscape.

Judas’ father, David, was a shepherd in the village.

Judah also helped his father with his work.

It was a certain future that I would one day take over the family business.

It was a peaceful daily life, just taking care of the sheep that flocked around like dark clouds.

There were no wild animals nearby that could eat the sheep.

The shepherd dog that accompanied him was the most fearsome beast in the area, so there was nothing more to say.

It was an infinite peace that seemed to last forever.

For Judas, the village he was living in was like the paradise described in the Bible by the priest.

Judas gathered the sheep into the fence and was on his way home.

A group of children of the same age came running from the entrance of the village.

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“Judas! “The adults are going to see the witch in the forest!”

“She’s not a witch, she’s a fairy!”

A mother and daughter live in the forest near Badrahem.

I don’t know the detailed story.

Judah heard that around the time he was born, a couple came to the village as if they were running away.

At the time, the woman was pregnant.

The villagers hurried to welcome her guest.

Because the situation was urgent, she gave birth in her stable, as many women do.

The then-born girl lay down on dry straw and cloth in her empty horse feed trough, and cried for the first time in her life, receiving congratulations from the villagers.

Anyway, it is said that the child and her mother are hiding in the forest of the village.

For some reason, the man left.

The children do not know why this is so, as the details are kept a secret by adults.

Judas only knows what he roughly picked up.

Other than that, all I know is that he was born in the same year as me.

I have never actually seen it. I’m not that curious.

Her children had all kinds of imaginations about the mother and daughter.

A witch living in the forest, a warlock who ran away, a guardian deity of this village, or a mysterious fairy, etc.

“Let’s follow along secretly!”

The children made suggestions with shining eyes, but Judas was not very interested.

“Do it yourselves. “I want to rest.”

The boy with golden eyes had little motivation for everything.

The friendships are not bad, and the home environment is also very good.

Both of my parents are fine and kind to me.

Judas was just bored every moment.

But I had no desire to leave in search of something new and stimulating.

I felt like I would always live like this in blank peace, and although it was boring, it wasn’t a bad thing.

I just wanted it to go like that.

In a boring paradise, leisurely.

And then tragedy came without warning.

It was more terrible than any natural disaster.

It was a time when I was playing hide and seek with the village children.

I didn’t really want to do it, but they made such a fuss about not having enough people, so I had no choice but to join them.

Judas was hiding in the closet of his house at the time.

Soon, the girl playing tag will go from house to house, and she will come here.

Then her mother Judah will tell her that she is not at home now.

She thought so.

But the guest who came was not a child, but a knight in black armor.


Before my mother could ask, the knight stabbed me with his sword.

It was truly a strange sight.

The appearance of a sword penetrating a person’s body.

“Ah… ?”

I met the eyes of my collapsed mother.

Judas covered her mouth.

Her mother’s eyes quickly look elsewhere.

To hide her own existence from her enemies.

“Who are you! “What are you doing this for?”

David pointed the pitchfork and shouted.

I lifted the tool reflexively, but I couldn’t fight.

The opponent is a knight.

You can never win.

“I’ll give you anything…” ! If you need money, you can do it! So please, just take your life….”

Then, the knight took off his helmet.

Short blonde hair and indifferent red eyes were revealed.

Showing her face in this situation meant that I would definitely kill her.

The blonde knight swung his sword without a care in the world.

David was cut.

She caught the sight in her eyes as Judas held his breath in her closet.

Her memories were engraved into her brain.

A flashing blade.

Parent’s death.

Splashing blood and dying figures.

And, a knight with red eyes and blonde hair.

After killing his parents, he set fire to their house and left.

Acrid smoke seeps into the closet.

Judas crouched down and stayed still.

Before her body froze, the screams from outside still continued.

It seemed like the enemy who attacked was not just the knight.

Screams from countless people continue to come in from various directions.

He covered his ears and trembled.

Even that wasn’t easy.

Breathing became increasingly difficult.

By that time, the screaming outside had quieted down.

Judah carefully left the house, covering her mouth and nose.

Shortly after he came out, the pillars of the house collapsed.

Judas fell down in surprise and looked at his house.

A house burning brightly.

The whole village was burning.

There is no more idyllic and boring paradise.


Judas walked around the village for several days.

I walked aimlessly through her ruins.

She didn’t know where to go.

What to do.

Just, she walked and walked through the village where the only living being was herself.

Then, she found a person at the entrance of the village.

The person wearing a white robe was praying for each collapsed house and praying for Buddhahood.

The person found him and approached him.

Judas’ cloudy golden eyes looked up at him.

He said.

“There was someone who survived.”

“… ….”

“Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.”

The man looked down at himself.

It feels like observing the eyes.

Soon the man nods his head.

“You seem qualified. Those eyes. “It is a symbol that will become a child of revelation.”

Child of Revelation.

It was an unfamiliar word.

Even if I knew the vocabulary, I would not have been able to react.

Judas was unfamiliar with this entire situation.

“Let’s get revenge on them.”


“Okay. Plural. “I must take revenge on the world so that it will never make you sad again.”

Judah remembers the moment her parents died.

Black armor.

A burning symbol embossed on the chest.

It seemed impossible to beat that upright figure that killed people like cutting down crops.

“… I don’t know how?”

“I will help you.”

“Who are you?”

Then he grinned.

A light smile that tells you that you can rest assured.

“I am Angra. He serves as the bishop of the Moon God Church.”

Bishop of Angra.

This is a name Judah has also heard of.

The priest who visited the village sometimes mentioned it.

I remember praising him for being a man of great faith.

“And, I know the culprit who made you and this village like this.”

He stretches out his hand and says.

“Why don’t you come with me? “I will help you with your work.”

Everything seems to be going well.

He seems like he will find what he wants and make it come true.

A voice as soft and reassuring as an angel.

Judas held his hand as if possessed.

“I will.”


Judah suddenly opened his eyes.

He said he would follow Angra, but he suddenly lost his mind.

It is an unfamiliar place.

It is very dark, dull, and has a musty smell.

It’s unpleasant.

The basement was not a place for people to live.

It feels like a tomb, or a prison.

I looked around.

You can see children locked in iron bars.

There are many children of similar age to you.

Children gathered together without distinction of gender.

The one thing they all had in common was golden eyes.

Instead, there was no gold as clear as himself.

Light green, yellow, brown, orange.

Children with eyes similar to gold.

While I was shaking with anxiety, someone approached the iron bars.

It was Angra.

“Priest! Here, where is this… ?”

“This is where you will stay from now on.”

“Oh my… “Where?”

“Okay. For your information, this is the center of the demon world. “It would be better for you and me if you didn’t even dream of running away.”

“Ma, ma, devil… ? Why are you putting me in a place like this? .”

He seemed uninterested in Judah’s anxiety or worries.

I only said what I wanted to say.

He didn’t show any kindness when he was first brought in.

“Are you curious about the person who made your village like that?”

“Yes? Ah yes….”

“That person is a child named Elijah. Have you ever heard of it?”


“Oh my. I’ve been so deceived. There must have been a small cabin near your village. “A cabin where a mother and daughter live.”

Judas nodded.

“The girl there was named Elijah. And that child is the daughter of the Bevel family.”

When it comes to the Bebel family, Judah has also heard of it.

She was a member of the Duchy of Batrahem and Bevel, so she couldn’t have known.

“That child was there from the beginning to deceive and kill you. And now he, after completing her rite of passage, is returning home to receive her education.”

Angra continued speaking.

Judas was anxious but listened patiently.

A dangerous place in the middle of the demon world.

Solitary confinement like a prison.

It’s dark and scary.

It was difficult for her to think how she could live here.

I wonder if I will die like this.

The Demon World.

It’s a place where all kinds of monsters and even scarier warlocks roam.

In an isolated environment, Angra was the only person Judah knew.

There was no one else I could rely on.

He was anxious and decided to listen to Angra.

She felt like she could survive only by listening to him.

Angra then poured out her words disparaging Elijah.

He is said to be a dangerous person because he inherits the blood of Balak, has a bad temper, and inherits the power of a wizard.

And again, that power was not the talent of an ordinary wizard, but the power of crazy fire.

It is said that the power, which resembles a distorted sun, is very dangerous.

“It is the seed that will become the beast that will destroy the world in the future. Looking at the evidence, didn’t he go beyond being innocent and annihilate your village that had shown him a favor? Yes?”


Judas was completely immersed in Angra’s words.

It was Elijah who burned his own village, massacred its inhabitants, and killed his parents.

Elijah D. Bevel.

A firm goal was set in my mind.

Elijah must be killed.

“That evil person will kill your family and neighbors, but he will return to his home and live happily without feeling any guilt. Oh, how deplorable! “Can you accept that reality?!”

Judas was not intimidated by the high-handed, threatening attitude.

Rather, I was excited and uplifted by his words.

I was angry.

He recalled the helplessness of that moment when he had to hide and watch his parents die.

“You must receive your fair price and establish proper justice.”


“What you will do is simple and great. I want to take your revenge. Then, the world will be saved.”

Angra smiled at Judah.

Young Judas, who had no choice but to rely on him, solemnly nodded his head.

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