40. Leading, Leading (2)

A large number of troops had already gathered at the south gate.

Crowded up and down the walls.

Above are soldiers with bows and crossbows.

The mercenaries who came to work below.

And people screaming to get outside and run away.

Four people found me among the mercenaries and waved at me.

It is an old relationship that we met by chance while visiting Jericho.

“Oh, Judas is here!”

Brown and Connor.

The two guys who cursed Elijah and me while staying vigil during the first test.

And the other two are Leo and Cooper.

They were two people who blocked the road when I went to find a guy named Envinil.

The four of us met by chance at Jericho while working as mercenaries, and I became part of that gap.

The first day we met and greeted each other, we got to know each other.

Things from the past are buried in the past.

Yes, what happened then is now a thing of the past.

All gone.

“Did you all hear what I said?”

“Yes. Did you say Gigantic Drake?”

“If I do something wrong, I don’t know if anyone will die today.”

“Being a mercenary is such a job.”

A job where you earn money with your life.

That’s right.

There was also Orphe near them.

The husband of Yuridike.

To help me settle down and adjust, the two of them are staying in Jericho.

He lives next door to me.

“Is Orphe also participating in the battle?”

“Because I can’t ignore it.”

He is a fairly skilled knight and has a personality that cannot tolerate injustice.

I used to step out whenever the city was in danger.

‘Yuridike must be nervous again.’

Any time like this, Yuridike really hated it.

But she didn’t show off or prevent her from going.

He said he respects what Orphe is trying to do.

The captain of the guard was giving orders to the soldiers.

Looks like the gate is about to open.

I asked him.

“Is there a wizard in the city by any chance?”

“I told you to bring it anyway. It must have been from the third floor.”

A magic tower with a total of 33 floors.

How many floors you go up is a measure of your skill.

‘It’s the 3rd floor…. It would have been much more useful if it had only been on the 6th floor.’

I can’t help it.

It’s a situation where you have to borrow at least a cat’s hand.

“Is there even a pointed number?”

Looking at me worried, the captain of the guard asked.

It’s because he has a lot of experience with helping me when hunting monsters.

“Tell him to clear Drake’s path with heavy magic. It’s heavy for its size, so it can’t move easily if the ground is unstable.”

I don’t expect much.

Its stride is as wide as its size, so to stop the Gigantic Drake from moving, you have to dig up a huge area of land.

And it is impossible for a 3-story wizard to do that.

‘A situation where you have to make ends meet.’

Still, it’s better than accidentally shooting an ally to help with something like a fireball.

“I will tell you. What else?”

“The arrow is up. Don’t get hit by the people fighting below.”

I said that and put on my armor.

Compared to what I wore in the past, it’s not good.


The triple gate went up with a hard sound.

“Let’s go.”

I took the lead.

Leon, Cooper, Brown, Connor.

A number of mercenaries and soldiers, including four, followed.

If you leave the castle wall, you will find a wide open space.

I can see Gigantic Drake in the distance.

Under the night sky with a full moon.

A drake covered in ivory scales glowed softly against the background of the desert desert.

It’s like a dragon-shaped moon descending to the ground.

It’s so big that it’s far away.


Someone was dazed in admiration.

It was the right size.

This is truly unrealistic.

“That… Are you going to die?”

“I have to try it.”

I drew my sword.

I don’t need a shield.

An enemy whose defense is meaningless.

I said it confidently, but I’m not sure either.

The opponent is too strong.

This is ambiguous.

Not even compatible with me.

If it’s the same attribute, Gigantic Drake has the upper hand.

You may die fighting.

‘But, I have to try. If so, how to….’

Every time I go out to fight, I think of Elijah’s face.

At first, I tried to ignore it, but now I just got used to it.

Let it rise.

It’s hard trying not to come up.

[Magical Liberation (Lv.65)]

Ivory light wrapped around the sword.


Elijah managed to lift her staggering body.

She held on with the pupil of the moon held in her hand as a support.

I was trembling because I didn’t even have the strength.

It was dangerous.

Standing up with difficulty using an unsheathed sword as a support.

If you fall down, you might be cut.

Elijah knew everything but ignored it.

Maybe it would be more comfortable to cut.

I stare at that ink-colored sword with dead eyes for a while, as if possessed.

Everything will be easier if you get cut by that sword.

I soon brushed off my weak thoughts.

I can’t even remember the last time I fell asleep.

I don’t really want to sleep, and when I lie down, I often wake up from nightmares and bad memories.

In that case, it is better not to sleep.

I skipped meals for weeks.

If you put food in your mouth, you will vomit.

I only drink water occasionally.

There was a sense of reward in overdoing the forced march.

You have succeeded in destroying the main stronghold of the Imperial Army and killing Balak’s third pit, Jezebel.

The sun burning in front of her eyes was the result.

I don’t know about the entire Imperial Army, but at least the Bebel family is currently standing in front of a cliff.

It is on the brink of collapse.


As she struggled to raise her body, a brightly shining light bulb entered her eyes.

A huge light swallowed Jezebel’s mansion.

Perhaps now Belle doesn’t know how she died and she was burned.

Blazing golden eyes contain the sun that bloomed from the ground.

She draws a picture of Jezebel, who must have suffered in it.

Scream. Struggling. Astonished fear. Stuff like that.

It wasn’t very pleasant.

It was something she had longed for, but it was empty.

The surviving remnants burst out of the site.

It looks like a swarm of insects that have been attacked.

Fire blocked everywhere, and their escape route was limited.

It is a pointless escape.

At the end of the road, elite soldiers, including Elijah’s personal guard, are waiting for you.

A sheep is like hunting.

Those who hurriedly escaped protested with weapons, but it was only for a moment.

By the time the battle was over, the sun on the ground had also faded.

It gets dark quickly.

This is the original scenery.

It was a starry night in the sky.

Elijah approached her bodyguard and gave instructions.

“Check for survivors inside and deal with them. Leave no one alive.”

Eyes glowing with gold, sharp tone.

But her eyes were dark and her lips were dry.

The limbs also tremble faintly.

Dylan looked at her precariously and then just nodded at her.

The advice that you need to rest is meaningless.

Not only myself, but others also did it several times.

But Elijah did not pretend to hear.

Since the day she declared war, she has operated like a machine.

A killing machine to kill enemies.

I had no purpose other than that, and acted as if other things were luxuries.

Although it is said to be the second coming of the age of mythology, she is not a god.

Fatigue builds up in her body.

Spells are also not infinitely usable.

It uses mana and gnaws at the body.

It is dangerous if you do not take enough rest.

But Elijah denied her all rest.

She pushed herself to the limit, like someone who would die tomorrow.

It seemed that he would rather die.

“… All right.”

Knowing all that, Dylan couldn’t stop Elijah.

I just follow the instructions.

I just remembered the last words Judas left. She

She said she wished the lady well.

I couldn’t do that at all.

‘Where are you…. Judah.’

With a sigh, Dylan led the bodyguards.


Elijah felt the need for her rest.

I tried to cover the whole of Jezebel’s site with the sun.

But I was tired and my magic couldn’t work.

I ended up wrapping only a few mansions.

Out of habit, she pulled her scarf up to her nose.

She doesn’t even know why she’s carrying this ragged blanket.

There is no reason why I obsessively search for it every time.

Elijah felt a thirst unknown to her every moment, and she tried to quench it with this scarf.

It’s completely pointless, but I don’t know why it’s doing this.

Especially that thirst.

I want to receive the cold and stable energy with my whole body.

I’ve never received anything like that in my life.

She tried to ignore it, saying it was just an exhausted hallucination.

In just a few weeks, the war seemed to be showing its results.

This is because it is different from a war in which soldiers with spears and swords fight against each other and occupy the land.

Indiscriminate wide-area magic bombardment that actively utilizes the asymmetric power of Elijah.

The opponent was in a hurry to defend.

Though Balak and the leader of the Imperial Magic Division followed her intensively, she was not completely annihilated yet.

The leader of the Imperial Magic Division. Geist.

He was much stronger than the other Imperial Magicians that Elijah had killed so far.

Her talent wasn’t enough to stop her from the front.

‘It’s not long.’

This war was actually a civil war between Elijah and the Bebel family.

The Empire suffered no significant damage.

It didn’t matter.

Elijah has compressed the goals of her war.

The fall of the Bebel family.

That’s enough.

And when it’s over, after visiting her mother’s grave, she will finish it all in front of him.

‘Whatever happens to the rest of the world has nothing to do with me.’

To be honest, now I even think that it wouldn’t be bad if I just died before I reached my goal.

That’s why I don’t rest while feeling the need to rest.

It was somewhat relaxed until the time of the next operation.

Elijah used teleport.

A dark space.

A place dug into the mountain behind the mansion.

Elija didn’t know why he stopped by here or in the next bedroom whenever he had time.

It wasn’t even a conscious act.

She did just that.

Every time she came to this place, it was strange that she brought furniture and household items.

In the corner, there is a bed large enough for two people to lie on.

Not too long ago, she brought it herself.

Today, I brought two cups and put them on the shelf.

Every time she stopped by this place, she brought something big enough for the two of them.

I didn’t know why, but I didn’t have to put up with it because I wanted to.

From noble mtl dot com

She was puzzled by her actions, but she didn’t dig any further.

It’s just that when I come here, my mind is more stable than usual.

Elijah unfolded her map in his head.

She’s not here to rest.

She came to calculate the next strategy in a quiet space.

In this situation, draw a detour or escape route for the enemy.

‘It may be a long way, but if you use the roads or mountain roads near the entrance to the Pandemonium, you can move without being caught by our surveillance. Then no. I have to kill them without missing anything.’

Draw a route along the open map.

Then it stops at one point.

A place like an island, separated from human land.

A fortress city located at the entrance of the demon realm.

It is a suitable place for the enemy to secretly use it.

Whether it’s a midway point for a detour, or a key figure hidden there.

‘Let’s check what kind of place it is.’

I used a teleport and moved to a point where I could see the place from afar.

I can see the walled city in the distance.

For some reason, I felt like I could feel a cold energy from that direction.

Something that seems to quench your thirst.

But, as always, she dismissed it as a hallucination.

‘I’ll have time to look inside.’

After calculating the time, Elijah moved without hesitation.

A fortress city surrounded by walls.

Towards Jericho.

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