Chapter 98

[Hint, Uchiha Madara’s answer: The people who will dig Uchiha Madara’s heart in the future are Black Zetsu and Uchiha Obito. 】

【correct answer! 】

[Reward: Rinnegan (one)! 】

The mechanical ethereal sound rang!

The whole live broadcast room suddenly boiled!

[Rosa: @Obito, good fellow, can’t you think of you still having this trick? 】

[Ohinoki: God’s stepping back to the horse! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Obito has clearly broken with Madara. It is reasonable to pay him in the future. The question is, does he have this strength? 】

[Terumi Mei: Obito Mangekyō’s ability is Hollow, but… after all, it’s Mangekyō. How could it be possible to beat Rinnegan? 】

[Ghost Lantern Moon: It’s hard to tell, it belongs to the big brother’s world after all, we don’t understand…][Third Raikage: Who is that Black Zetsu? The system prompts that he is a product of spiritual will? 】

[Senju Hashirama: Nani? Spiritual product? 】

The big pillar stayed!

Immediately as if thinking of something!

[Senju Hashirama: Fuck! Can the spirit be pregnant? 】

[Ohnoki: The spirit of God’s horse is pregnant! 】



All of a sudden, there was a loud noise in the live broadcast room!

The big guys are all shocked!

Although the big guys didn’t expect Obito to be able to dig out Madara’s heart, they still can barely accept it.

But what is the one called Black Zetsu?

Spiritual will?

15   That thing can give birth to babies?

Just when the big guys were all puzzled.

The live broadcast revealing the answer has appeared!

In the live screen:

“Using Infinite Tsukuyomi to create a fantasy world without the hateful Chakra…”

“Led by me, the strongest Chakra owner…”

The background is desolate.

The moon in the sky is scarlet.

At this moment, Lord Madara is speaking very confusing words just like the leader of the disappearance.

“And you are me! You are not Obito!”

“Because Uchiha Obito owns Uchiha’s Chakra…”


“This is hell, have you forgotten!”

“Come on, come on Madara, you will be the savior from today!” Lord Madara waved to Obito.

Obito seemed to have been caught in an evil spirit, and couldn’t help walking towards him!

At the same time, the surrounding dirt, Minato, Gaara, Kakashi and others, stopped in time!

But they were all handled by Madara!

Obito, finally came to him!

“Come on!” Lord Madara said very satisfied.

He also stretched out a hand.

It probably means: happy cooperation, let’s shake hands with Brother Tu!

Obito was expressionless and walked slowly in front of him.

Also stretched out a hand.

Just when Madara thought that Obito was going to reach a consensus with him…


Obito’s hand pierced into Madara’s heart without warning!

“You bastard!” Lord Madara looked dumbfounded!

The picture is frozen!

The first famous scene of digging a heart is over!

The big guys in the group are all f*ck dumbfounded!

[Rosa: Fuck! My native guy Niubi! This acting skill is definitely at the celebrity level! 】(Read more @

[Ohnoki: Especially the dull look, the pace of cerebral thrombosis…Even the old man thought he was bewitched by Madara! 】

[Terumi Mei: This acting is absolutely impossible for someone who has not had a cerebral thrombosis for ten years! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Puff hahaha! That’s too strong, right? It seems that even if Madara is resurrected, he will eventually be defeated? 】

[Senju Hashirama: @Madaira, compared to Obito, you look so dull…especially with that awkward look…hahaha, laughed to death, old man! 】

【Uchiha Madara: Am I special? ? ? 】

The big guys all laughed!

Crazy ridicule!

And Lord Madara directly doubted life!

Did you get paid for by that silly roe deer Obito?

Don’t you say that you are stupid than him?

In the future, can you make that kind of low-level mistake? ? ?

For a while, I felt depressed and irritable!

And there was a very unclear premonition!

Obito betrayed him, but the product of his own spirit and will, Black Zetsu…why did he turn against him?

Even though the system answer has been hammered out, he still couldn’t believe it!

At this moment, the second picture about the answer also appeared!

In the live screen:

“Everything is over…”

“I, will be the savior!”

Madara’s body was covered with dust.

At this moment, he already has double Rinnegan.

There is also a nine-hook jade Rinnegan on his forehead!

However… just as he was going to do something…

At the moment when he is most proud of…


Black hand!


A black hand stabbed out of his back!

Straight out of my heart!

“Wrong… Madara…”

“You have never been a savior… this is never over!”

Black Zetsu’s hoarse and frantic voice sounded!

“Why do you say that you are different from Obito?”

“Madara Yo, in fact, you are also in an illusory dream…”

“That’s the dream I painted for you!” Black Zetsu said quietly.

Really think you are the final behind-the-scenes boss?

Lord laughed directly!


Lord Madara was shocked!

And I was surprised to find that, with the ability to destroy the world, he couldn’t move after being cut out of his heart at this moment!

I can only listen to Black Zetsu telling him some heart-wrenching things!

“This is impossible!”

“Absolutely, you…you are the product of my will!” Master Madara gritted his teeth!

He couldn’t believe all this!

What does it mean?

The product of my will betrayed me?

Can I kill myself? ? ?

“Hehe, you are also wrong, my consciousness… is Kaguya!”

The voice fell.

Madara’s body has experienced severe swelling!

Chakra surges stronger than Ten Tails!

Madara also let out a miserable cry!

Unbelievable, proud like Lord Madara, how much pain it took to make such a scream!

“Black Zetsu…what are you talking about!”

“Infinite Tsukuyomi is Uchiha’s technique to bring permanent peace to the ninja world!” Madara said unwillingly!

All of this has really subverted all his cognition!

“Hehe, what is your basis for saying this?” Hei Jue sneered.

Master Madara gritted his teeth: “This is the record of Sage of Six Paths on the stele!”

“It’s written on the stele!”

Black Zetsu sneered again: “Madara Yo, I live longer than you… I have a lot of time to find and correct the stone monument left by Yui!”



In the live broadcast, Madara was so stupid at the time!

This is like someone thinking that they have found a martial arts cheat book and discovered after decades of crazy practice that this is a pirated cheat book?

Are all fake?

What’s this special? ? ?

Been tricked? ? ?

Really treat me as a tool person?

“Haxi Hot Mom…”


“What am I…what’s wrong!” Madara said unwillingly.

At the last moment of this life.

The only person he thought of was his old opponent, Hashirama…

Immediately afterwards, Lord Madara’s body has expanded into a huge sphere!

After that, the meat ball began to shrink gradually, turning into a woman’s appearance!

A scarlet eye opened from his forehead!

A beautiful woman appeared in the picture!

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya!

Since then, the picture freezes!

Although the answer has been completely revealed, the big guys in the entire live broadcast room are completely stunned!

Without him, the amount of information this time…

It’s too big!

It has exceeded everyone’s cognition!

And at this moment, Lord Madara in the Pure Land World… has also completely fallen into a runaway!

Co-authoring my two life’s hard work… Are you helping Black Zetsu find a mother? ? ? .

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