Chapter 46


“Sleep well…”

early morning.

Ling Yu yawned and stretched her waist.

Slowly opened his eyes.

[Rosa: Yo, Ling Yu got up so early? 】

[Ling Yu: Okay, good morning bosses. 】

[Onoki: Good morning, everyone, except Konoha. 】

[Fourth Raikage: Haha, I saw Tsuchikage playing with it as soon as I opened my eyes! ~】

[Senju Hashirama: How did Konoha provoke you? The tail beast was given to you by the old man! ungrateful! 】

[Senju Tobirama: Brother, stop scolding…Who can do something like a split-tail beast? 】

[Terumi Mei: Look, we don’t need to provoke, Konoha’s people will do it by themselves! 】

[Senju Hashirama: What am I special? ? ? 】


Well, just after a whole night of rest, the energetic bosses scolded each other again!

This is no longer a personal grievance, or a quarrel based on preferences.

It’s a struggle between politics and knowledge!

In the live broadcast room, everyone in the Ninja World was included, even the tail beast, the Summoning beast.

Although a large number of civilians voluntarily withdrew, there are still a lot of others!

By discrediting the hostile village, it causes internal discord and loss of public image, and even indirectly affects the amount of entrusted tasks of the hostile village…

Simply put, hey, this thing is necessary!

Otherwise, the big bosses are too busy with official duties. Who would waste time in the live broadcast room just to make a quick talk?

Movies, the time of big brothers is very precious!

“These guys won’t let anyone live for a while.”

“Noisy, noisy, I went to class…”

After taking a glance in the live broadcast room, Ling Yu simply rinsed and walked out the door.

Well, Yamato, who was good at greening last night, has repaired the door.

“Ling Yu early!”

“Ling Yu-kun… early…”

As soon as I opened the door, I saw two beautiful shadows waiting for him.

Hinata, Ino.

The two little girls each carried a basket in their hands.

Obviously, it is a loving breakfast for Ling Yu!

“Morning, Hinata, Ino.”

“Let’s go.”

Ling Yu smiled slightly, and moved forward and naturally grabbed both of them’s hands.

Waiting for myself to go to school in the morning is a habit I have developed many years ago.

[Rosa: Tsk tsk, Yan Fu is not shallow! 】

[Terumi Mei: Good men must be liked by many girls. 】

[Ohnoki: Well, this is. When the old man was young, there were also many girls who pursued him. The Ling Yu boy has a tenth of the old man’s demeanor. 】

[Fourth Raikage: Puff! Lord laughed! Just like you, who is not as tall as a stool, which woman will look for you if she is blind? 】

[Rosha: Yes, and your waist and kidney are not good at it, right? 】

[Loess: Damn it! Don’t scold my father and mother! 】

[Ohnoki: Am I riding a horse? ? 】

Tsuchikage’s mouth twitched.

The old man just pretended to be forced.

And shouldn’t we join forces to black Sarutobi Hiruzen?

His uncle!

Sure enough, the so-called Allied forces are unreliable…

[Namikaze Minato: Ling Yu, this kid…It’s really good, but it’s just a bit too bothersome…]

The little sun murmured weakly.

In the eyes of most people in the ninja world, one thing is always dedicated.

But Ling Yu hugs left and right, Minato can’t agree.

[Ghost Lantern Huan Yue: This is true. If you can’t eat grapes, you will say grapes are sour? Why is it better than your son who likes men? 】(Read more @

[Uzumaki Kushina: Damn it! Bastard, Mizukage! 】

[Namikaze Minato:…]

Minato got angry.

In fact, the Mikoto couple didn’t feel like it.

But I dare not stand up and speak…

Because they know that as soon as they show up, Sasuke will be sprayed…

Although at this moment, most of Konoha’s members under the age of 12, including Sasuke, have withdrawn from the live broadcast room.

“Ino, you are beautiful today!”

“Hinata, your piff is getting smoother…”

“Wait for school…no, we still have to wait three months…”

In the live broadcast room, the big guys are still struggling.

Ling Yu ignored those.

The beauty is on the side, who has the mind to chat with a group of immortals?

Accompanying Ino and Hinata, talking and laughing, came to the Ninja School classroom.

But the ass is not hot yet.

The live Q&A is here again!

[Rosa: Here again? 】

[Ohnoki: Good guy, this is really a day without stopping! 】

[Uchiha Obito: This time…I will never lose again! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Haha, you selfish guy is gambling with your life…][Hatake Kakashi: Obito, stop it, it’s all punishment outside! 】

[Nohara Lin: Kakashi is right…]


With the arrival of the live broadcast, the big brothers regained their spirits.

The live broadcast this time is not so scary.

The background is just a classroom of the Ninja School.

At this moment, there are three students inside.

They are: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto.

“Hey! Naruto, can you be quiet?”

During the live broadcast, little Sakura said impatiently.

Just because Naruto looked around at the door of the classroom.

As if waiting for something.

· ·····Find flowers·····

“What’s the matter? Only the instructor of our seventh group has not come…”

“Let him be late!”

“Got a lesson…”

Smiling badly, Naruto stepped on the desk and clamped a blackboard eraser to the door.

A simple little trap is complete!

At this point, the live broadcast screen is frozen!

At the same time, the sound of the system rang!

[Question time: Will Jōnin Hatake Kakashi, the guide who is about to enter the door, be hit by the blackboard eraser? 】

[Reward for correct answer: Ninjutsu, Earth Style-Huangquan Marsh! 】

[Punishment for wrong answer: Random deprivation of things that the wrong answerer owns, including but not limited to Chakra, ninjutsu, blood limit, life, soul…]

[Rosa: Kakashi? It seems that Naruto Sasuke and Sakura are all in the same class…][Fourth Raikage: Not necessarily? 】

. … …

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: No, the prediction of the live broadcast is very accurate. The three people are divided together, which is something I have decided in my mind. 】

The old monkey came out to explain.

And I can’t help but sigh again, the prediction in the live broadcast room is really terrible!

Although I have made an internal decision, I haven’t informed anyone yet!

That magical live room will know!

[Terumi Mei: Obviously, this time is a multiple choice question, just need yes or no. 】

[Ohnogi: I wanted to run into luck, but unfortunately a ninjutsu is not worth the old man’s risk…][Fourth Raikage: Well, it’s really not worth it. 】


The big guys shook their heads when they saw this.

Questions that can only rely on guessing are not the same as selective questions.

For example, when it is really impossible to choose a question, you can also pick up a few death row prisoners from the village and force them to answer!

But the kind of guessing by luck, if you click the back, how many people are not enough to punish!

“I will endure…”

“Can’t be impulsive anymore!”

“This kind of reward is not worth the risk…” Obito said to himself.

He urgently needs to prove himself.

But it’s not the kind without choice.

There is an Earth Style Yellow Spring Marsh, and nothing can be reversed.

He is waiting for a reward that can completely come back!

[Hatake Kakashi: Everyone, since the live broadcast question mentioned me, it would be a bit shame not to answer it next time. 】

[Hatake Kakashi: Haha, this level of trap, do you want to hit me too? 】

Sneered disdainfully!

Kadian said: A trap ten times more dangerous than this can’t get me!

This time, his confidence is bursting!

[Hatake Kakashi: Instruct Jōnin Hatake Kakashi not to be hit by the blackboard eraser! 】also.

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