Chapter 41

[Uchiha Izuna: Nani? 】

[Senju Tobirama: Ling Yu, you think about it! 】

[Senju Hashirama: @Danzo, take a look, take a look! What have you forced the children into! 】

In the live room.

After seeing Ling Yu’s awe-inspiring words, the big guys were not calm anymore!

Even a little embarrassing!

[Ohnoki: Unexpectedly… a child can have such a courage! 】

[Fourth Raikage: Danzo just gave you a Three Tomoe Sharingan… Is it worth the risk of his life? 】

[Terumi Mei: Oh! So moved! Ling Yu, my sister completely approves of you! 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Danzo! You are not as good as a child! 】

[Uchiha Izuna: Exactly! Ling Yu was obviously kidnapped by Danzo Morality, but she still wanted to repay her favor! 】

[Killer Bee: Moved! I’m so touched that I want to sing…][Fourth Raikage: Ahem, than, I’m so moved, I won’t be able to sing…]

For a time, the big guys changed their views on Ling Yu!

Also refreshed his knowledge!

It turns out that he is such a great person!

This is not foolishness!

This is called repaying grievances with virtue!

This kind of quality, even the bosses of the hostile village have to appreciate it!

Had to give a thumbs up!

“There is a conspiracy!”

“There is definitely a conspiracy!”

At home, Danzo gritted his teeth!

After being scammed by Ling Yu, it is hard for him to believe that all this is true!

The sight of the few Sharingan being stepped on is still vivid!

“Co-author, I’m not a human being inside or outside?”

“This stinky kid…”

Danzo, who had suffered so much, couldn’t help but rubbed the remaining one eye.

Staring at the live broadcast room!

He wanted to see what answer Ling Yu could make!

[Ling Yu: Everyone, seniors, please declare in advance that I will only answer once, regardless of right or wrong, it is also considered the kindness of Lord Danzo. 】

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: You… hey, okay, but I can only answer once! 】

[Senju Tobirama: In that case, we won’t stop you anymore, Ling Yu, let’s talk about your views! 】

[Uchiha Izuna: Ling Yu answered the questions twice, so I have some experience…]


For a time, the big guys also looked forward to it.

After all, the ten-second countdown to chase your life is coming soon.

If you don’t figure out the correct answer, you will die!

[Ling Yu: As Danzo-sama and Izuna-senior said, this time, I really have to rely on experience to answer the question…][Ling Yu: Just follow… the experience of the first live broadcast! 】

[Ling Yu: For the first time, it was the scene of Master Fourth Generation playing against Nine Tails. The cause of death was that Nine Tails was sealed…][Ling Yu: And Danzo-sama this time… the opponent is the powerful Sasuke who owns Mangekyō. According to my estimation, he was not killed by Sasuke, but he can’t kill Sasuke! 】(Read more @

The corners of her mouth were slightly upward, and Ling Yu typed slowly.

For acting, you have to perform a full set.

Only in this way can we clear our own suspicions to the greatest extent!

[Rosa: Well, the analysis makes sense. 】

[Ohnoki: What happens afterwards? 】

[Fourth Raikage: Ling Yu, you go on. 】

[Ling Yu: Okay, everyone can see the background in the screen. The live viewing angle is limited. Except for Sasuke, there are only the blue sky above and the bridge underneath. 】

[Ling Yu: Master Danzo will definitely not touch the sky… If you learn from the answers from the first live broadcast…][Ling Yu: I guess one, seal! 】

[Ling Yu: I guess Master Danzo died because of sealing a bridge! 】



what’s the situation?

Upon seeing this, the big men in the Ninja World couldn’t help but questioned three times!

[Danzo: Puff ha ha ha! Outrageous, too outrageous! The old man will die because of sealing a bridge? Ling Yu, you have to have a degree of nonsense, right? 】

The old silver coin suddenly smiled!

The heart is worthy of being a child!

This imagination is rich!

Throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone who died because of the sealed building!

[Rosa: @ Ling Yu小友, it’s right to learn from successful experience, but it’s a bit outrageous for you to copy it completely. 】

[Ohnoki: Harm, I thought I could infer a decent answer, it was the first time I learned it completely! 】

[Terumi Mei: Ling Yu, your answer is so outrageous, maybe the Distinguished Heavenly Gods Mangekyō who just got it has been deprived…][Senju Tobirama: Very possible! The more outrageous the wrong, the greater the punishment! 】

[Tsunade: Hahaha! it is good! It’s best to deprive that Distinguished Heavenly Gods, and see what else this stinky kid can use to threaten me! 】

The big guys seem to comfort Ling Yu, but they actually expect Distinguished Heavenly Gods to be deprived!

After all, the existence that can tamper with the will is terrifying!

And Tsunade is also a little excited!

She was really afraid that Ling Yu would really do to herself one day…

That’s not a guarantee of innocence…

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Tsunade! Pay attention to your words! 】

The old monkey is angry!

Ling Yu is such a loyal person, Distinguished Heavenly Gods puts the old monkey in his hand to be most assured!

Didn’t see Danzo cheating him so much, did Ling Yu still complain with virtue?

What a noble quality this is!

Not to mention being Captain Anbu, it is not impossible to succeed Hokage in time!

From this moment on, the old monkey’s appreciation of Ling Yu has reached an unparalleled level!

Just imagine, Ling Yu is so interesting to Danzo, then to himself, Grandpa Third Generation…

Still not loyal to the bones!

[Tsunade: Hmph, smelly old man, you know who is your apprentice when talking to outsiders! 】

Tsunade said with some dissatisfaction.

It is inevitable that I feel a little sour…

[Ling Yu: @Tsunade, you mocked me just now… If Distinguished Heavenly Gods is not lost this time, I will show it to you when I meet you! 】

[Tsunade: Humph! I bet you got the wrong answer this time! 】

Tsunade said coldly.

Immediately, the beautiful eyes turned, and the plan was on my mind!

[Tsunade: Smelly boy, dare you make a bet? 】

【Ling Yu: Oh? Come on, what to bet? 】

[Tsunade: Just bet you can get it right this time! I bet you can’t! 】

[Tsunade: If I win…how about you give me that white tooth short blade? 】

[Ling Yu: Uh, you are not a swordsman, what do you want a sword for? 】

[Tsunade: White Fang and Short Blade, well-known in the Ninja world! It will definitely sell for a good price if you take it out! 】

[Hatake Sakumo:? ? ? 】

[Hatake Kakashi:? ? ? 】

The two men of Hatake’s family are dumbfounded!

What the hell?

The famous white tooth short blade, are you going to use Tsunade to change money for gambling?

Is this something human can do?

[Tsunade: Ahem! Stop talking nonsense, just say gambling or not! 】

Tsunade said awkwardly.

And also knew that he had just made a mistake.

But she would never want to miss this opportunity!

On the one hand, he sold his white teeth for money and continued to drink and play money.

On the other hand…break the curse that you will lose every time you gamble!

[Ling Yu: Okay, just a knife, just gamble, but if I win, you have to… marry me as a wife! 】

[Tsunade: Ha ha, no problem, if Danzo really died because of sealing a bridge, let alone be a wife, be a cow and be a maid, and be accompanied to the end! 】

[Tsunade: I don’t believe…Nani? 】

Suddenly, Princess Tsunade was stunned!

Just because a sentence was not completed yet, a mechanical ethereal voice rang out in the live broadcast room!

Ps: Thank you for the monthly pass sent by the boss at the beginning of ‘t20’!

Thanks for the monthly pass sent by “Hua You”!

Thanks to the “You Ming” boss for sending in a series of reminders! The big guy is spending money! .

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