Chapter 223

“It’s better to give up long ago…”

“The previous efforts were all in vain and useless!”


At this moment, live broadcast.

The Ninja Allied Forces are frustrated!

Everyone has completely lost their fighting spirit!

Yeah, since it will eventually fail, then…the meaning of resistance, does it really exist?


“Yes, don’t do anything…I will take you to the world without regrets!” Obito said with satisfaction.

these people…

Have you finally agreed with my point of view?

Finally, like me, abandon this false world?

At this moment, Obito’s heart is happy!



“Hi…hi…” Prince Ming gritted his teeth and shed tears.

Staring at Obito fiercely!

But… I can’t say a word!

He could not refute everything Obito had said!

However, at the moment when everyone is helpless and all thoughts are lost…



A bright purple cold light flashed!

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Sasuke drove Suzuo and cut off a branch of the sacred tree!

“Naruto, are you giving up?”

“Then I will go by myself!” Zuo Er Shao sneered.

Leave everyone a lonely back, Uchiha’s totem is printed on the clothes!


The huge Suzuo appeared in front of the sacred tree!

“Go ahead, Shigeo!” Sasuke ordered!

Shigego quickly covered Sasuke with the power of the curse!

But that’s the move…


I saw Naruto, who was half kneeling on the ground, with his head down…

Suddenly, a touch of golden yellow rushed into the whole body!

“I can feel it!”

“That’s Naruto’s heart!”

When the angle of view changed, Yamanaka Ino exclaimed!

She could clearly feel that heart full of depression…At this moment, she became high-spirited again!


When the angle of view changed, Naruto’s glowing face appeared!

The indomitable firmness was restored in his eyes again!


Looking at Sasuke’s upright back, many memories came to Naruto’s mind!

Screen switching.

That was when I was young.

Little Naruto looked at the back of Sasuke, who was just as lonely as herself.

I want to go forward and shout, but I don’t have the courage…

“At that time, I should have stepped forward to call you…”

“After that, I couldn’t help thinking, if I stopped you then, would we have become good friends long ago and help each other out of each other’s haze?”

Naruto’s words resounded throughout the live broadcast room.

Also through Ino’s technique, it was shown to everyone in the Ninja Alliance…(Read more @

“So…” [The picture turns, that is the scene of Naruto sitting alone on the swing in front of the ninja school…]

“I…” [During the ninja school, Naruto looked at Sasuke’s back. 】

“I…” [Picture of Sarutobi Hiruzen’s funeral. 】

“I…” [Asuma dangles a cigarette with a smile on his face, the scene turns, the scene on Asuma’s tombstone. 】

“I…” [Laughing with Mrs. Jiraiya, and then turn to the scene in front of Jiraiya’s grave. 】

The regretful memories and words belonging to Naruto resounded in the mind of every ninja coalition!

As soon as the screen turns, several people appear!

At the same time, a period of extremely burning blood bgm appeared!

Princess Tsunade is rushing to support!

The evil-faced Konoha Leng-kun Orochimaru!

Itachi supports the elderly Nagato…

Little Sakura hugs the dead mother-in-law of a thousand generations…

The killed Neji…

The faces of countless people quickly switched in Naruto’s mind!

In the end, it turned into Naruto’s resolute face: “I don’t want to regret it anymore!”

“I don’t want to be annoyed anymore [Why didn’t you do it then]!”

“Besides, we have done so much…”

“I can’t assume that none of this exists!”

“Sasuke, I’ll go together too!”


A golden light flashed!

The huge golden yellow Nine Tails appeared in front of Susanoo of Sajiyo!

At this moment, he was completely awakened!

At this moment, the shock to the big guys in the live broadcast room is also unprecedented!

[Fourth Raikage: Good boy! Naruto really cheered up again! 】

[Rosa: The blood of the old man is burning! 】

[Ohnoki: Yeah, it’s really not easy! After all, Obito’s words are too confusing! 】

[Terumi Mei: Thanks to Sasuke brother this time, I didn’t expect him to be so reliable at the critical moment! 】

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Perhaps this is a rare moment of success in Sasuke’s life, right? 】

[Killer Bee: It’s incredible! 】


For a moment, the big guys all sighed!

Who can imagine that the last thing that gave Naruto’s inner strength was Sasuke, who has always been a traitor?

Can’t help but admire him!

[Uchiha Izuna: Good! It’s worthy of being a descendant of my Uchiha! 】

[Uchiha Madara: Sasuke… Has he always been wearing the dress with the Uchiha totem? well! 】

· ·····Find flowers·····

The two bosses of Uchiha suddenly felt that there was a face on their faces!

When the most handsome figure appeared…

On Sasuke’s back, Uchiha totem is printed!

It seems to say to all the people in the world: You can always believe in Uchiha!

【Uchiha Mikoto: As expected of my good son! 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: It’s really good this time! 】

[Rosa: This is the power of love! Someone once said that I still don’t believe in unlimited love, but this time I believe it! 】

[Fourth Raikage: The old man believed it too! Naruto was sprayed to cry by Obito originally, and sprayed to despair, but Sasuke did not have any comfort, just an understatement, and re-inspired the blood in Naruto’s heart! 】

[Killer Bee: This is love, I can’t say it clearly! 】

[Ghost Lantern Moon: (Naruto: Obito’s fascination is less than one ten thousandth that Sasuke loves me!) True love is invincible, true love will win! 】

.. …. …….

[Uzumaki Naruto:? ? ? 】

[Uchiha Sasuke: Humph, this time you have seen Ben…Nani? 】

[Uchiha Sasuke: Wdnmd! 】

Young Master Zuo is square again!

His uncle!

It’s hard to pretend to be a success!

I am easy!

I’m planning to scream!

result? ? ?

Has it become the power of true love again?


At this moment, the young Master Zuo is simply wanting to cry without tears!

[Senju Hashirama: Puff ha ha ha! Good boy, I didn’t think that the old man’s words had any effect, but Sasuke’s words inspired Naruto! 】

[Senju Tobirama: So, how did you laugh, big brother? 】

[Ohnogi: The First Generation mouth escape skills are not full yet, right? Not enough…][Fourth Raikage: Well, the speech is not good, no one is answering, but a large group of people will refute you, hahahaha! 】

[Terumi Mei: Compared to Naruto, Sasuke, and even Obito, it’s a bit inferior? 】


All of a sudden, the big guys started to joke!

It’s a depression to make a big pillar!

[Senju Hashirama: Humph! Who said that Naruto would not educate people? 】

[Senju Hashirama: I will too! 】

[Senju Hashirama: Huh? You see, isn’t this the picture of me educating people? 】

Suddenly, the big pillar was excited!

Just because of this moment the picture in the live room is turned!

I’m on the stage again!

Are you going to start preaching?

Da Zhuzi was excited and rubbed his hands in anticipation!

However, what he didn’t know was…

Once this live broadcast was exposed…

The majesty of his god of ninjas will completely destroy nothing left! also.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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