It's like you have hope for something.

But there was no corresponding return.

Two thoughts are born in that moment.

Either destroy it, or try again, maybe it will be better.

Luo Tian chose the second option.

"I don't believe I can't cure you!"

Luo Tian took Xinya's hand and then grabbed her head.

"Go up!"

Xinya was pushed to the big iron gate by Luo Tian.

The zombie's claws were only two or three centimeters from the tip of her nose.

Xinya screamed in fright, shook her head vigorously, and tried to break free.

The more she struggled.

Luo Tian pressed her harder and harder.

The zombies roared and spewed an unpleasant stench from their mouths. Xinya felt that she was going to die.


"I've let you down again."

"Just let the zombies eat me..."

Xinya closed her eyes in despair, as if she was letting "Two Five Three" Luo Tian handle her.

Luo Tian's fire became even bigger.

"Open your eyes and see."

"Are these zombies scary?"

"They are right in front of your eyes, what can they do to you?"

"Open your eyes!"

Luo Tian's voice was cold and filled with anger.

Xinya was so frightened that she opened her eyes. She looked at the claws dancing in front of her eyes at such a close range, as well as the ugly faces.

She just watched quietly.

He even estimated how many centimeters the zombie's claws were from the tip of his nose.

She is still discerning.

Those ugly faces, that face is a female zombie, and that face is a male zombie.

Xinya remained motionless.

She seemed mesmerized.

If it weren't for the fact that her body was still warm, Luo Tian would have thought she was a dead person.

One minute...

Two minutes....

Until three minutes later, Xinya still didn't move.

She's not stupid either.

A pair of lifeless eyes gradually regained their vitality.

His eyes slowly moved to look at these zombies.

This is the opposite of everything.

From such a close distance, you will get used to it after looking at it for a long time.

Anyway, these zombies couldn't catch her, let alone bite her, so she suddenly didn't feel so scary anymore.

At this time, Xinya felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

She felt like she had grown up.

The zombies that could wake me up in my dreams before were actually no longer afraid of me at such a close distance.

Xinya suddenly felt a sense of joy in her heart.

Pleasure that does not belong to the body.

but from the spirit or soul.

She became short of breath, her cheeks began to flush, and her body began to tremble regularly.

Not a nervous tremor.

More like a tremor of excitement or excitement.

Luo Tian couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

What is this operation?

After the great fear, have you obtained both physical and spiritual satisfaction...

Is this the legendary special physique?

Luo Tian was surprised.

I've never heard of the idea of ​​getting pleasure from fear.

But it's not without precedent.

For those horror novels and horror movies, the largest consumer group is women.

While watching, I screamed.

At the same time, I couldn't help but continue watching. Women like this kind of torture.

I really don’t understand a woman’s heart…

Luo Tian shook his head and then let go of Xinya.

This time Xinya did not step back, but continued to stare at the zombies in front of her.

She watched with fascination.

His eyes were still shining with excitement.

Just like a prisoner who has been in prison for ten years and suddenly sees a naked woman, he is so excited that his eyes can burst into flames.

Luo Tian patted Xinya's shoulder.

Then pointed to the steel pipe she dropped on the ground.

"pick it up."

"You've exceeded my allotted time.

"But for the sake of your progress."

"I'll give you another five minutes to kill them all!"

Xinya came back to her senses from her excitement.

This time she didn't hesitate.

No trembling either.

Instead, he bent down and picked up the steel pipe without hesitation.

Then he held his hands and stabbed a zombie with all his strength.

Only this time the stab was a little crooked.

He actually stabbed half of the zombie's face to pieces.

He had a rotten face.

Such a stab directly exposed the bones inside.


The zombie suddenly became fierce and roared at Xinya.

And shook the big iron door harder.

The clanging sound is very harsh.

Xinya's eyes burst out with excitement again, as if the angrier the zombies were, the happier she felt.

She licked her dry, cracked lips.

Then he stabbed the crazy zombie again.

Now it's too late.

The crazy zombie is opening its mouth and howling.

As a result, he was stabbed/inserted into his mouth by a steel pipe and was directly mouthed to death)..

But the zombie that was killed by the mouth did not fall down.

Because there are more zombies squeezing forward from behind.

Xinya continues to kill zombies.

There's something wrong with how she's acting now.

Flushed/red complexion.

Shortness of breath.

Eyes flashing with excitement.

This made Luo Tian very confused.

What happened to her?

Even if he has adapted from being timid to zombies, he shouldn't be in this state.


It's the state of a madman.

It seems that killing zombies can give Xinya a more satisfying experience than physical satisfaction.

The zombies in the front row are dead/all gone.

Their bodies are stuck and cannot fall down, so the zombies behind them cannot get up.

So Xinya took a few steps forward.

Now she only sees zombies.

It was as if the world had nothing to do with her.

She even ignored the danger of zombies and accidentally got too close. A zombie next to her swung its claws at Xinya.

Luo Tian has quick eyes and quick hands.

He grabbed Xinya's hair and pulled it back.

Xinya fell to the ground.

"Have your eyes grown on your head?"

"Don't you know if keeping an eye on the zombies next to you might pose a threat to you?"

Luo Tian scolded loudly.

Xinya suddenly woke up, recalling the scene just now, she looked at Luo Tian gratefully.

"Look at me/for what?"

"I'm not a zombie."

"Stand up and keep killing!"

Luo Tian turned a blind eye to Xinya's gratitude.

Xinya didn't care about Luo Tian's attitude towards her, but was very grateful to Luo Tian in her heart. 2.7

She stood up again.

There is no longer that morbid excitement in his eyes.

What replaced him was a pair of extremely clear, calm, and wise eyes.

Luo Tian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Could it be that the extreme of things must reverse itself, causing her to transform and sublimate?

Luo Tian is not sure either.

He's just guessing.

In just one day, Xinya experienced the loss of her mother, despair, loneliness, fear, struggle, and humiliation in the apocalypse full of zombies...

Too many emotions are constantly intertwining and changing in the body.

Finally, Luo Tian pushed him in front of the zombies.

It is also equivalent to being pushed to the edge of fear.

Either sink and die in fear, or break out of the cocoon and be reborn in fear.

Maybe Xinya belongs to the latter.

Luo Tian did not interrupt Xinya.

Instead, he lit a cigarette and quietly observed Xinya's actions...

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