The End of Technology

Chapter 269 Quiet Floating Ship

How can a person truly be alive?

This can probably be classified as a philosophical question. Philosophical questions often have one characteristic, that is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. So in a sense, philosophy is a very accessible subject. The threshold for real discussion is not high, and those who have slipped through the nine-year compulsory education can often give thought-provoking answers on certain occasions.

For Takeshi Yoshino, after a whole afternoon of mental struggle, he gave his answer.

To prove that he is still alive, he must at least be able to eat a normal meal. A life that depends only on infusion while awake is definitely not considered alive.

So eventually he decided to give in.

He is destined to die anyway, so what else is there to care about? It is enough to be able to have a full meal before death and to be able to die with a smile.

As for recording a video...

Takeshi Yoshino has not forgotten how he ended up in this situation.

If the despicable Koreans hadn't betrayed him first, he might be happily eating fish rolls and enjoying the rest of his life...

So he started recording videos.

What he didn't expect was that before recording the video, Nissen Mountbatten gave him a list and an extremely detailed confession.

Indeed, after reading the confession, Takeshi Yoshino even doubted whether the incident was actually planned by the organization, but he was also kept in the dark. The details are really terrible. It even includes a detailed correspondence list, who called whom and what they said, not to mention various series of emails.


After a brief surprise, Takeshi Yoshino signed the confession readily, and then started recording the video according to the confession details in the confession.

Once one figures it out, recording video doesn’t take much time. In fact, people are more inclined to believe in various conspiracy theories than coincidences.

So there is no need for too many complicated words, just the right environment and the performance of Takeshi Yoshino are enough.

Neeson Mountbatten also kept his word.

A "hearty" meal was placed in front of Yoshino Takeko. Although it was just some leftovers that were reheated and looked a little sloppy, it was indeed a delicious meal for Yoshino Takeko who had been hungry for a long time. After all, the chef's skills were there, and he even prepared a bottle of wine, but no one was there to drink with him.

After watching the video, Zhuo Mingqian also let out a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that he is still under a lot of pressure.

Not to mention how much it costs to have more than 3,000 aerospace ships hanging around the Earth-Moon Channel every day, just the fact that Chen Xi has been unable to show up can be a double-edged sword. As we all know, rescue operations always have a golden cycle. The longer time passes, the less likely it is to find someone. In order to ensure that secrets are not leaked, everyone in the base who knows that Chen Xi has been rescued is under A-level confidentiality control.

Not to mention that the Nuwa has to go to the Saturn system to perform a mission, and the delay cannot be longer.

Fortunately everything is resolved now.

Of course, someone will make up for the cost of the rescue.

Linxiang has been repainted and quietly lifted off, and everything will be on track.

The escape cabin where Chen Xi was located was found and the people were successfully rescued. Except for the temporary physical discomfort caused by entering the hibernation chamber, everything else is fine.

When the news returned to Earth, it was definitely exciting news for the scientists at the base and Chen Xi's family.

At exactly this time, a confession video began to go viral on the Internet around the world. In this era, there are no longer any language barriers. Intelligent Brain will automatically adjust the subtitles of the video according to the language of the operating system. If you don't mind that the dubbing is a bit stiff, you can even have the video broadcast directly in the native language of the machine.

Everything fits together just right.

Chen Xi and Dupont were sent back to the Nuwa by the Linxiang for health monitoring and recovery. After receiving them, Nuwa set off directly and returned to earth orbit to continue the material transfer. More than 2,000 aerospace vessels were responsible for search and rescue missions. Returning to bases across China, the rest continued to urgently send supplies to the Nuwa.

After Nuwa returned to geosynchronous orbit, Linxiang still sent the two people back to Earth.

But this time it was not a quiet return. Reporters followed and filmed the entire return journey, which was broadcast live to the world.

At the same time, on Earth, the large-scale scientific research base of Huaxia Yanbei University of Space Exploration has prepared a grand ceremony to celebrate Chen Xi's return.

Chen Yonggang, who has already regarded himself as a mascot, presided over the ceremony. Under the attention of hundreds of millions of people, he and Chen Xi's parents boarded the fixed tower where the Linxiang landed. When the hatch of the Linxiang opened, countless shots recorded the scene of Chen Xi's mother holding her daughter in her arms and her daughter crying. Chen Xi's father stood beside his wife and daughter, silently and gently patting them. back.

Although the old man didn't say anything, the camera captured the tears in the corners of his eyes.

Warm pictures are the most likely to arouse people's empathy. They can easily remind people of the heartbreak and anxiety of being a parent whose daughter has been raised for more than 20 years. She has not known whether she will live or die for nearly a week. Fortunately, the outcome was good, and the person was finally rescued, and he seemed to be fine.

There is no record of what was said between the parents and their daughter at this moment.

This privacy remains.

After the tender scene lasted for more than three minutes, Chen Yonggang stood in front of a family of three. In the close-up of the camera, the old principal is wearing a kind smile, but there is a seriousness in his eyes that cannot be erased.

"Chen Xi, you are a student of China University of Space Exploration, and a student of the school's instructor Ning Zi. Please rest assured that what happened to you will not be so simple. The school will give you an explanation. This is Ning Zi. The instructor’s request is also my request!

In addition, in order to ensure that similar things will not happen again in the future, the school is already communicating with relevant departments. Immediately, we will establish a space transportation safety, emergency rescue and investigation committee, which will be fully responsible for formulating waterways, ensuring the safety of facilities and traffic around the waterways, and investigating emergencies.

Although this department has not yet been formally established, we will authorize this department to immediately begin a comprehensive investigation into this attack. You can first think about what compensation you need. Don't refuse it yet. You can consider it carefully before making a decision. As the president of China Space Exploration University, I assure you that those people will pay the price they deserve! Of course, Priority will accommodate all your requests. "

When Chen Xi's family finally left first, it was finally Mr. Dupont's turn to appear.

Different from the warm and tender reunion of the family of three, this friend from the United States gave an impassioned short speech in front of the camera, fully expressing his anger.

Of course, this is what it should be.

No matter who was attacked and whose life was hanging by a thread, he probably wouldn't be in a good mood.

Not to mention that the former old gentleman is almost certain to have decades to live.

So the old gentleman denounced this attack in an impassioned tone in front of the camera...

In a corner under the tower, Zhuo Mingqian watched everything happening on the stage, with a sunny smile on his face again.

At the same time, the first scientific research base on the moon.

Chen Luo, who had accepted the welcoming and comforting ceremony at the same time, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw with his own eyes that Chen Xi was hugging his mother safely.

Yes, the news that Chen Xi had been rescued was kept in the dark even by the senior brother who had been staying on the moon base. You can imagine how strong the feeling of guilt was. After all, the junior sister came to the moon base for his graduation thesis project, and he approved the junior sister’s request for leave...

What makes Chen Luo most uneasy is that after his junior sister's calculations, he re-modified some internal circuits and parts of the structure of Betelgeuse 1, and it has been running continuously without failure for a full 127 hours. Now the electrical energy provided by Betelgeuse 1 has been switched to a self-circulating system. Not only that, there is still a surplus that can supply energy to almost all systems in the base except the life support system.

The machine can already handle the surging heat energy very well, which also means that his graduation thesis will be completed soon.

Of course, the value of Betelgeuse 1 goes beyond that.

In theory, if Betelgeuse 1 can operate safely, the upcoming Betelgeuse 2 will begin to provide energy to Mars. The device equipped with this kind of nuclear fusion has already been successfully developed and is ready. Even the external structure of the brain has been designed.

Just wait until Rigel 1 is taken out, and you can immediately start to build a more powerful Rigel 2 step by step. With enough materials and reliable technology, with the help of the latest N-series robots, Betelgeuse 2 can be produced in up to half a year, combined with the vehicle, and then sent to the outer orbit of Mars to become a continuous mission to Mars. The "little sun" that supplies energy.

There is no doubt that this is also an extremely critical link in the Mars transformation plan.

Because it has enough light and temperature, it can simulate the earth's environment, allow air and water vapor to flow, and make the climate on the planet's surface tend to be mild to adapt to human life and reproduction. Instead of letting the so-called interstellar immigrants have no choice but to stay in cities with protective shields and struggle to survive.

According to the design concept of Rigel 2, each recharge can allow it to continue working for three years of Earth time. Its designed service life is ten years, which is consistent with the completion of the Mars environment transformation. Ten years later, a more mature Betelgeuse 3 will take over from the previous generation to power Mars.

Ten years later, the immigration to Mars will probably have officially begun. By that time, Chen Luo feels that he is likely to be known as the father of Mars and the Sun.

Think about it, he could not have succeeded this time without the help of his junior sister, but what happened to him when he returned to Earth after helping him complete the project? Although this was the teacher's order, Chen Luo's self-control these days Responsibility has never diminished.

It can even be said that every additional minute Betelgeuse 1 operates, the more self-blame you feel...

When Dupont Le was making an impassioned speech in front of the camera, Chen Luo stood up. He also planned to go to the mobile phone to make a few phone calls to express his attitude.

The principal was right, his lovely little junior sister must not suffer in vain.

The compensation that should be given can only be more and absolutely not less.

The junior sister is too embarrassed to ask for it, but he, the senior brother, has to help fight for it!

Soon, with the spread of a series of videos, the base soon showed the world what academic anger is.

In one day, the aerospace ships that had completed the transportation mission lined up in a queue to see off the Nuwa, which was sailing to complete the Enceladus migration mission. After that, they did not directly return to the Wu Gang and station at the base. Instead, they entered the Earth's atmosphere. Then they started to disperse and each went to perform different tasks.

Soon, citizens of many well-known cities around the world raised their heads and could see with the naked eye densely packed floating ships floating quietly in the sky above the city.

Yes, these spaceships are doing nothing, they are just floating there quietly, facing the dim light, like a static picture.

It's like a floating building above the base.

Although many models of floating ships have actually been announced on the Internet. But seeing these ships in the video and seeing these ships in reality are undoubtedly two different feelings.

For countless people, looking up and seeing those huge hulls suspended in the air, and reportedly cutting off radio communications, is definitely a very stressful thing. Even if these ships are doing nothing at this time, who can guarantee whether these ships will do something next second?

Not to mention that this quiet levitation also gives people the feeling that everything they do is being watched.

The video recorded by Takeshi Yoshino has been fermenting on the Internet for a whole day. All-purpose netizens from all over the world have already counted the people and units suspected of this attack, which happens to be exactly where these floating boats stayed. One-to-one correspondence.

As long as the IQ is normal, everyone knows what this means.

Disgusting behavior, it's a shame there isn't much way to just make these ships fall out of the sky. Of course, if it really falls, it may be a bigger problem. After all, these floating ships are different from the Fengming series, which can only operate in the atmosphere.

These are all high-end aerospace ships that can adapt to space navigation. In the universe, high-end often means big. After all, if you want to add a gravity system, miniaturized spacecraft certainly don't need these, such as the Fengming series, which can't leave the atmosphere anyway.

But for these floating ships that can travel back and forth between the Earth and the Moon, a gravity system is a must, and the gravity system alone will make these ships look a whole lot bigger, and I don't even dare to curse these ships to fall down. After all, if an accident does happen, God knows who will be hit on the head.

Of course there are complaints, after all, this action is really scary.

Fortunately, when these spacecraft were close at hand, these complaints were not directly directed at the spacecraft overhead, but were transferred to those who provoked these spacecraft.

Of course, you must first pick up the soft persimmons. This is the subconscious logic of people.

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