The End of Technology

Chapter 188 Branch School and New Major

In this way, in just one week, the entire Silicon Valley was filled with grief, and the wave of layoffs finally spread across this land.

At the same time, countless software companies around the world, especially outsourcing companies, have started panic layoffs.

Especially when a series of videos becomes popular on Facebook, the videos in this series are usually presented in groups. Each group consists of nine short videos. The total length of each group of videos is only more than seven minutes. But it showed the world how to easily complete an excellent APP project through a smart software.

This video series is titled Product Managers that Feel Elevated.

You no longer have to worry about being ignored or ridiculed when you ask programmers for advice. You can ask the software for any outrageous request. The software will naturally provide a design plan according to the requirements, and even design the interface document on its own, and finally make appropriate adjustments by the artist. , a project is completed.

Although artificial intelligence is not omnipotent, and it is also impossible to achieve some impossible requirements, intelligent software not only does not retaliate, but occasionally gives some bizarre responses: for example, when the product manager asks the software to make the background color colorful In the beautiful black hour, the software will also provide a magnificent dynamic map, which looks quite impressive.

To be honest, this series of videos is a cold mockery of countless programmers. However, everyone can't offer too many opinions. After all, people are either already unemployed or in the process of unemployment. Who would be in the mood to pay attention to these messy things.

Behind the infinite beautification of new technologies on the Internet is the confusion of millions of computing programmers in the world about their future lives.

I had to change my career, but what to do became a problem.

The previous positions still require manpower, but most of them focus on algorithm engineers, and they also have higher requirements. Simple algorithms are obviously no longer difficult for artificial intelligence software. In other words, if mathematics does not reach a certain level, you will no longer be qualified for the position of programmer in the future.

Many people can feel hurt.

When the unemployment wave spreads from Silicon Valley, India is probably the most hurt. The huge program outsourcing industry chain was suddenly cut off from the demand side. People who came here suddenly had no time to react, and received notices from many Western companies that all projects that were already in progress were stopped. They did not want the advance payment they had given before. Now, don’t even think about taking the balance payment...

The wave of breaches of contract came so quickly, like a tornado.

The only one that has not been affected yet is probably China.

Of course, although the software has not exerted its power in China, the news has completely spread. The videos and news on the Internet naturally have no national boundaries. Not to mention that the vast majority of programmers are using many common forums, so naturally they have already received the news.

Although the news had already spread, news soon spread throughout the programmer circle. This software distributed by Cisco cannot be sold and used in China for the time being. Moreover, the software developed by intelligent software will have a special logo and cannot be used for Chinese translation. It also cannot be disseminated and used on Chinese operating systems. To put it simply, in All functions of Huaxia's software are fully restricted.

At the same time, Cisco also signed a supplementary agreement when authorizing other companies to use this software. Within three years, this software cannot be used to help or indirectly help the development of China's software market. Software automatically generated using intelligent software cannot be used by China. Regional sales. Otherwise, you will face huge compensation.

Even the overseas branches of Huaxia Corporation are also within the restricted scope. To put it simply, this smart software can currently only be used to develop software in any language except Chinese. Only Chinese use is isolated.

Even if Huaxia's overseas branches obtain the right to use it, they cannot use it for domestic software development.

It can be said that these regulations have temporarily protected China. This is undoubtedly a temporary relief for local programmers, but it is not necessarily how good this news is.

Because everyone soon discovered that the company's requirements for programmers are getting higher and higher.

In particular, news has spread from many major local Internet companies in China. Countless resumes that are eye-catching have been sent across the ocean, and many of them have experience working in major foreign companies. The salary requirements are not as high as before. Outsourcing companies in surrounding countries have also begun to actively explore the Chinese market, offering shockingly low prices, as if labor is free.

For local programmers in China, although they have not suffered a direct blow from artificial intelligence, this indirect blow is still an unbearable pain for many people.

After all, many people who used to call themselves bosses on the forum now come to compete with them for their jobs. This is something that many people did not expect.

Even some small software companies in China have become popular. God knows how many programmers from all over the world want to come to China, the last pure land in the world, to find a bowl of food first.

This has also put countless local programmers in China under great pressure.

Originally, Chinese programmers were already struggling. When this group of people flooded in, God knows what the situation would be like.

Everyone also saw Ning Zi's ability to make trouble again.

It is still a proper dimensionality reduction attack.

People soon discovered that this blow was not limited to the field of programmers who were already working, because sports and universities had already started a publicity campaign for this software.

The School of Computer Science at the University of Sports has kept pace with the times and no longer arranges language courses that will no longer be needed in the future, but allows students to return to the original way of learning computers. Konan Lamar, the foreign director of the Academy of Computer Science and Turing Award winner, personally went to the battlefield and said: "We do not train computer workers here, only computer scientists."

This is another dimensionality reduction blow for many universities.

Generally, colleges and universities cannot respond so quickly, and previously arranged courses cannot be abandoned directly. But there is no doubt that the professional courses offered by many universities that teach multiple high-level languages ​​may indeed be swept into the trash heap of history.

It cannot be said that the majors that have been the most popular for employment for some time have been completely desolate, but if they are not among the group of people at the top of the pyramid, it will most likely be difficult to find a job after graduation. This is an artificially created severe employment situation. If this trend continues, perhaps when the post-2020 generation grows up, they will only hear about the once-popular profession of programmer in history classes.

After all, by the time they are sensible, the program will most likely be written by the computer itself. How can anyone do the things that tools can do?

Yes, during this time, the entire world's computer job market has been in chaos.

Indeed, for a long time, the programmers of Youwei Group who were involved in upgrading the M10 smart voice assistant with Ningji have fallen into depression.

Because these people really suspected that it was that cooperation that made Ning Zi realize how stupid they were, so they specially developed this software. Looking back now, the venomous remarks in the online communication at that time may not have been just to ridicule them, but they really felt that they were stupid enough.

So for a time, these people were worried about being fired and also felt that they were sorry for their colleagues around the world. This was really sad.

Ning Zi, who is in retreat, can be said to have perfectly avoided the intrusion of various public opinions from the outside world. As for how busy others are, that is not his concern.

Of course, he also understands the chaotic situation in the outside world and the fact that many senior programmers are beginning to feel at a loss.

But there is no way.

The world is like this, advanced production capacity will always eliminate backward production capacity.

The rapid development of science and technology will inevitably bring pain. People have to adapt to society in order to progress. Relatively speaking, Huaxia's impact was still the smallest. It gave many people at least three to five years to prepare, but there was only so much that Ning Ju could do.

At least in Ning Zi's opinion, if you can be a programmer, at least you have a smart mind.

This is enough time for them to learn a new skill. The difficulty is only temporary. When China's technology is sufficiently advanced, it will be able to make its economic structure more scientific by exporting high value-added products. By that time, a high-welfare society will not be impossible.

Not to mention that if the age of the universe really comes, the value of human beings will be infinitely magnified. After the transformation of the planet is completed, interstellar immigrants will eventually be needed to allow earth civilization to spread in this universe. If you want to ensure that a planet has a sufficient population, you need at least tens of millions of people.

So Ning Zi didn't think there was any problem with this situation.

Not to mention that March is still in charge of overall control. Chaos will only be temporary, and Ning Zi believes in people's ability to adapt. When one profession disappears, a new one will surely be discovered.

Naturally, I don't feel guilty when I think like this, so life is actually no different from studying at University.

Most of the time I actually spent in the laboratory studying my own topics and thinking about some mathematical problems.

While walking, I wore a Bluetooth headset and chatted with Lu Xiaoya.

Newlyweds are always a little sticky.

Of course, the main thing was Lu Xiaoya talking there. After all, Ning Zi never talked too much.

Obviously Lu Xiaoya was also very busy during this period. As the hostess of the family, she not only had to be busy with her studies, but also had to do a good job of hosting the family.

There are a lot of people visiting these days, which is what Ning Zi expected. Fortunately, the smart hostess can always send away these people who come to the door without letting any air slip with the help of a few sisters. Ning Zi expressed appreciation for this.

When chatting with Lu Xiaoya, Ning Xiao and Ning Yulin would often hang out. They both moved to TiDa for the time being, so it wasn't too much trouble. On the one hand, the villa in Tidali is big enough, with five bedrooms, which can be allocated; on the other hand, after Lu Xiaoya said hello, Ningyuan and Qiangdun Company arranged a special car to take the two of them to work and school at Yanda. convenient.

Of course, the most important thing is that unlike Ning Jie's casual nature, Lu Xiaoya still likes a lively atmosphere. It's more fun to have more people at home.

The seclusion only cuts off contact with the outside world, but does not cut off any contact with family members, and indeed there is no one left.

Today, Ning Zi dialed Lu Xiaoya's phone as usual, and heard the little girl say mysteriously: "Ning Zi, Principal Chen just called and said that someone is coming to visit in the evening, guess who it is. ?”

"Well..." Ning Zi glanced at the kitten following him.

The kitten blinked, and then a name appeared in Ning Zi's mind. She couldn't help but smile, and imitated Lu Xiaoya's mouth shape and said, "That old man from Apple?"

"Huh? How did you know? Principal Chen got through the phone, right?"

"No, I guessed it. And there are traces of it. News of his coming to China was reported on the Internet."

"Really! I don't even know! Are you still so well-informed when you are hiding in the laboratory? Principal Chen also asked you if you could come back. He also said that they are partners after all, and he followed me nonchalantly. I talked for ten minutes.”

"Well, I haven't finished my work here, so I won't go back. When he arrives in the evening, you can let him go to my study to video chat with me."

"Um...there's nothing important in your study that needs to be kept secret, right?"

"The scrap paper has been taken away, what else is left? Just tell them that the desktop computer in the study room is empty. I usually use it to surf the Internet. I brought the laptop with important information to the laboratory. Here comes the edge."

At the level of information security, Ning Zi is still very confident.

The truly valuable information is actually in March's mind, or it can be said to be distributed and stored in memories around the world.

In March, cloud storage technology was truly brought to its extreme. Wherever there are computers around the world, there are memory fragments, and the software that can read these memory fragments has not yet been developed.

"Okay, I'll just let him go into the study tonight and then contact you. Remember to bring your phone with you around eight o'clock tonight."

"Okay. Where are cousin, Yulin and the others?"

"We went to get the transcripts together in the morning, and then we said that it was to celebrate the official winter vacation. Professor Fang took them to the amusement park. I actually wanted to go, but who knew that Principal Chen asked me to stay at home again and said that he might have something to do with me? , ugh...what a pity."

"What's such a pity? When my project here is over, I'll take you to play."

"Then it's agreed, and you don't need to regret it."

"Don't worry. I have another experiment, let's do it first."

"Well, remember to eat."

"Will do."

After hanging up the phone, Ning Zi looked at March and asked, "It's been more than 20 days, it's winter vacation, and it's almost New Year's Eve. Is it almost done here?"

"Meow, in fact, 97 complete laboratory records have been sorted out, and 26 batches of finished materials have been produced, including three finished materials that can be directly displayed macroscopically without special observation equipment. At present, the entire set of equipment has been adjusted To the best of our ability, it is recommended to release this great news during the Chinese Spring Festival so that many Chinese people can have a happy and peaceful Spring Festival."

"Are you sure it's a happy and peaceful Spring Festival?"

"Meow, why else would I set the date for the opening of the Century Forum of Astronomers during the Spring Festival? Three former Nobel Prize winners related to astrophysics have accepted the invitation, and there are many quasi-Nobel Prize recipients in physics. Received invitations, including those who study black holes, microwave radiation, etc.

Think about it, more than a hundred of the world's top astronomers and physicists will attend this event during the Chinese Spring Festival to witness that China's plan to conquer the stars is about to begin. Well, what kind of name is atmospheric enough? March plan? Tiangong plan? Star Wars project? What do you think? "

"Oh, let's reach for the stars."

"Meow, this sounds good, but it's not too domineering."

"But just having the materials isn't enough, right?" Ning Zi changed the subject.

"Meow, I happen to have a catalog of ultra-large component precision assembly technology here, a catalog of large-scale variable circulation engine matrix control technology, a catalog of fixed-axis force field drive technology assembly, comprehensive warehouse life support environmental circulation technology, high damage resistance and multiple Loop energy redistribution technology and structural autonomous repair technology.

Of course, if necessary, comprehensive space battlefield situation monitoring and multi-machine space collaborative supply recovery can be added. Meow, these were developed by many boring people before. They all installed the whole set of technical standards in my mind, and they can all be used at this time. "

"Oh!" Ning Zi nodded, he still had confidence in March.

Including precision drawings and other things, I have already thought about it before. Artificial intelligence...

Licensing programmable AI software to Cisco is not without reason.

Now that the whole world has accepted the fact that software can be programmed, it is naturally reasonable that artificial intelligence can design some precise drawings, conduct further technical analysis, and give suggestions that are closer to the results.

For engineers, they don't need to understand the principles. It's enough to provide them with easy-to-use software that can guide them step by step to make things.

Yes, with Ning Zi's temperament, he would definitely not license the best artificial intelligence software to others to make money, so it is also extremely reasonable to keep a more advanced version for himself.

It is naturally more reasonable to use more advanced versions of artificial intelligence software to maximize the use of computing power across the country and provide a more scientific mathematical model through a series of data calculations to guide industrial and process upgrades.

So he only needs to take out the new materials first, and the rest of the credit can be said to be the engineers, the experimental base, or the artificial intelligence. But in general, the materials were developed by Ning Zi, and the artificial intelligence software was also developed by him, so no one would have any objection to Ning Zi's identity as the chief planner.

"Meow, be prepared. After the new material is released, you will probably become a super national treasure..."

"Isn't it already?"

"Meow, although it is similar, the importance is not the same."

"Oh, I'll give it a try later and suggest that Sports University merge YSU and Huaqing University to see if everyone agrees."

"Meow, but this is not necessary. If I were you, let Chen Yonggang start preparing for the space branch of Yanbei University of Physical Education. Apply to establish a space academy to cultivate the latest talents for future space immigrants. I have even prepared the course schedule. oh."

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