The End of Technology

Chapter 185 The future is coming soon

Ning Zi spent a whole day visiting the entire underground laboratory.

In addition to the fact that the entire underground laboratory is indeed large enough, you also need to be familiar with the use of various instruments and equipment and be able to understand the results. Although most instruments do not require him to operate them personally, he must understand the functions of these instruments and equipment because this part cannot be bypassed when giving reports at high-end astronomy forums in the world.

When faced with questions, if he couldn't answer even the most basic questions, although Ning Zi didn't care much, it was not in line with March's plan.

Fortunately, for Ning Zi, it never hurts to learn more. And in fact, the process does not make people feel tired.

After all, there was little cutie Yue Yue by his side, and with all the biosecurity measures around him being almost to the extreme, and Yue Yue controlling all the monitoring and security facilities in the base, the kitten didn't mind talking directly to Ning Jie. Rather than through Penguin software.

In short, March is always extremely rigorous in dealing with such issues.

"Do we really want to disclose the technology of three-dimensional structure chips to them?"

"Meow, of course. We must make full use of all resources. At this time, if you spend your own resources to promote chip technology upgrades, it will not be worthwhile whether it is a big or small account. Except for some core technologies, everything else can be made public, and we have proposed The conditions are extremely harsh, and there are currently only 17 semiconductor companies in the world that can meet the conditions. As long as these 17 companies are grasped, they will ask for whatever we ask for in the future."

"You're too optimistic, March. They'll rebel."

"Meow, resistance is inevitable. Many of the terms in the conditions I designed are controversial, giving them many loopholes that can be exploited. Their legal department will agree after studying it, but what does it matter? Strength is The hard truth is that all human moral norms and universal codes of conduct are based on strong force.

As long as they give us what we need most now, and when they want to use those loopholes to get back everything that should belong to them, they will find that it is just a beautiful expectation, and nothing can go back to who they were before. A time when you can get whatever you want.

Then they will understand that the rules of this world are actually like this. If they want to break the rules set by the strong, they will eventually shed blood. They are reluctant to shed blood, so they can only choose to spend money to eliminate disaster. "

"Um...what if you underestimate their determination?"

"Meow, this involves an issue of collective will, capital will and civilization will. To sum up, as long as we develop according to the predetermined steps, as long as we get the rhythm right, we can combine mankind's collective will, capital will and civilization will. To be unified. To put it simply, they cannot raise the determination to resist at all, because the collective will and the will of capital are intimidating.

In the balance of capital's will, they will find that they have never waited for the right time to explode. Perhaps it will not be until after the review that they will discover that every time they made a decision before, it was the best opportunity, but they have missed it, and in the end they can only accept the fact that they are lagging behind.

If you have not experienced the era of technological civilization, war, and chaos, you simply cannot understand what kind of dimensionality-reducing blow it is when one ethnic group has mastered alien colonization technology while other ethnic groups are still trapped on the earth. Of course, you can imagine what an advantage it would be for one ethnic group to have a backup development base that other ethnic groups cannot reach, even if the earth is destroyed. "

"But the question is, can we really solve the problem of interstellar migration in ten years?"

"Meow, there is no need for interstellar immigration. As long as our mothership has the ability to cruise in the solar system, it is enough. As long as a complete industrial chain is in place and all resources are put into production, according to the shipbuilding process that has been experienced before, the relevant industrialization system After construction is completed, it will be even easier to build a space carrier than today's aircraft carriers.

The bottleneck is only in material manufacturing. This is why I recommend developing robotics first. Facts have proven that industrial robots are the most powerful tool to propel mankind into the cosmic era. Not only can they undertake the construction of motherships, various professional robots can also adapt to various harsh environments on the planet at the fastest speed, becoming the best helpers in planetary transformation. .

In fact, it only requires five years of industrial preparation, and with China's mobilization and resource raising capabilities, it is not a big problem to launch six to eight deep space-class space cruise ships a year. Oh, by the way, a deep space-class cruise ship can carry 20,000 people under normal conditions, and the cargo can support it without docking for a year. It also has the ability to enter the media space.

There are also Feilong series spacecraft that can be used in the atmosphere. Although the Feilong series was originally designed for civil aviation, its biggest feature is that under extreme circumstances, it can quickly complete landing and liftoff without the need for airport support. And its continuous flight capability is extremely powerful. After all, it is embedded with anti-gravity materials, so it can theoretically float in the sky forever.

The biggest problem with this thing is that it is too slow, but it can stay in space for a short time to provide supplies to space cruisers, and it can also maintain alert in the air for a long time. A few ships can achieve global coverage early warning, and in critical situations It can be launched into the air in an emergency to undertake satellite communication functions and is a universal spacecraft.

In addition, the new drone designed with new materials can reach a maximum speed of fifteen times the speed of sound... etc., etc. Do you know why I am confident that I can achieve this in the fastest time? Because if there are ready-made manufacturing drawings and material supplies, you will never believe the potential that Huaxia can unleash.

In fact, after a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of all human groups on the earth, your biggest advantage is that as long as the boss is not a pie in the sky, as long as you can really distribute according to work, you can get a matching income for your work, more than 80% The Chinese people can really overcome their natural inertia and work hard to obtain more survival resources. Meow...this is indeed terrible. "

Ning Zi found that in the relatively closed laboratory, March talked significantly more.

He wasn't sure whether this was because the two parties were more familiar with each other and he had already been recognized by the cat, or because intelligent life also had communication needs and a sense of environmental security.

But none of this matters.

Because these analyzes really made him look forward to the future even more.

Whether it is the Feilong in the atmosphere or the deep space series of spacecraft that can cruise in the solar system, if it can be built after five years of preparation, it means that he can take Lu Xiaoya to the universe before he is thirty. Look at the stars.

The ultimate romance for a man from science and engineering.

The most important thing is that when the entire solar system is filled with manned spacecraft produced in China, traveling around and doing scientific research, it is self-evident who has the final say on the small broken ball.

This also means that during his lifetime, he may be able to transform a suitable planet in all aspects based on his theory.

The artificial big light bulb simulating the sun keeps the planet at a suitable temperature in an appropriate orbit, allowing the robot to sow various plants, dig rivers and lakes, and make overall plans for the planet's environment and atmospheric movement. Finally, the big light bulb is used to adjust the planet appropriately. angular velocity, thereby achieving a gravity environment close to that of the earth...

As long as he can successfully transform a planet in his lifetime, it means that mankind can officially enter the cosmic era.

This is very possible.

Because the March database also has a set of life chip maintenance technology, which can be taken out before entering the universe, which can at least ensure that his life span is more than 150 years old. In other words, he still has more than a century to harvest these fruits.

Thinking about it deeply made Ning Zi, a cold-blooded guy, feel a little excited.

Wait, he was clearly asking about three-dimensional chips just now, why did he suddenly talk about space and conquest?

This cat...

But Ning Zi then thought about it, and compared with what they were about to do, that small chip was indeed not that important. To put it bluntly, March's principle has always been that as long as the self-developed technology is sufficient, the rest should be left to others. In the end, it will still be theirs.

After all, the logic of March is always that others may win, but it must not lose even a dime. This is probably the stubbornness of March’s character...

So Ning Zi responded cautiously: "Well, I think all your expectations are correct."

"Meow, of course it's not just about looking forward, licensing the three-dimensional structure chip to external parties is also for the present. What kind of opponent is a good opponent? Of course it is a scattered opponent. Other conditions can be adjusted, but only the SB series EDA is exclusive The rights will not be adjusted, which also means that as long as semiconductor companies get on board, they can only use SB series EDA in the future.

From a long-term perspective, the design of three-dimensional structure chips must rely on the software we provide for a long time, or even permanently; from a short-term perspective, this will cause the three major EDA companies to break with other semiconductor companies that have joined us. . In the future, the world's semiconductor field will be a competition between two markets, the new structure of silicon-carbon combination and the traditional silicon-based chip.

Of course, the final result will definitely be that the new structure will completely occupy the entire high-end market. We do not need to spend any additional resources in this process, because the competition is between current opponents. Of course, we only need to constantly update the SB series of EDA products to ensure that our product's computing power utilization, template updates, etc. are slightly ahead of the other three. This happens to be what I am good at. Look, this is the future you like, isn't it? "

Ning Zi hesitated for a moment and concluded: "You mean dog bites dog?"

"Meow, yes, it's dog eat dog. The uncertainty of the question is, who will be the loyal old dog of the lovely cat in the end? This is worth looking forward to, isn't it?

You see, I am such a kind-hearted cat. I am afraid that the heavy claws on my lower paws will cause some companies to close down and so many people lose their jobs; I am also afraid that they will not be able to develop, so I always hope to give more good things to them. More people share it, right? "

Ning Zi was startled, her eyes moved away from the heavy manual, and she subconsciously glanced at the kitten following her. Is he a kind-hearted cat? Well, maybe it’s just that artificial intelligence has a slight misunderstanding of kindness. Artificial intelligence cannot be omniscient and omnipotent. This is probably evidence.

But Ning Zi still answered firmly: "Yes!"

The world outside the laboratory, as the kind-hearted cat master judged, has become a little chaotic.

In fact, when the cooperation rules were posted on the official website of the Yanbei University Chip R\u0026D Center in March, it was definitely not just the companies in the World Semiconductor Alliance that attracted attention. The mobile phones of Ning Jie and related people were almost exploded. .

Just to respect the word "retreat", Ning Zi ignored the calls and messages.

Of course, those involved were not so lucky.

Of course, the first to bear the brunt is

It's Chen Yonggang.

Principal Chen has discovered that as long as Ning Zi does something, he will always make something that makes him laugh or cry when he is not in school.

It was the same last time, and it will be the same this time.

Without saying hello to anyone, this policy suddenly changed, which naturally aroused a lot of suspicion.

These people approached Ning Zi and found that no one answered Ning Zi's phone calls, so they found him.

Others can forget about it and get over it just by chatting, but for some leaders, chatting is obviously useless, and Chen Yonggang found that he always has a few leaders who can accurately ask questions that show his extreme incompetence.

For example, after the old leader couldn't get any useful information from him, he scolded him and finally asked a question: "I don't know this, I don't know that, who is in charge of the official website of your TiDa Chip R\u0026D Center?" , you, the president of the sports university, should know, right? Ning Zi can't find it, and you don't know the person responsible for maintaining the website? Isn't it difficult for you to find him and ask who gave the order to upload these contents? Something?"

Really, after being reminded by the old leader, Chen Yonggang apologized and admitted his mistake as if he was enlightened. He promised to message the old leader as soon as he got the news. So after hanging up the phone, he hurriedly found the person in charge of the backend maintenance of the official website of the R\u0026D center, but Soon Chen Yonggang suddenly discovered that he, the principal, might be really incompetent.

I called and asked around and the answer I got was that I don't know.

This is strange. Whether it is the director of the chip R\u0026D center, the heads of various laboratories, or almost all the staff in Ningyuan from top to bottom, Chen Yonggang has asked everyone who can ask, but no one knows about R\u0026D. Which unit is responsible for the center's official website and who is in charge.

The website registration showed that the person in charge of the registered website was Kim Jong-nam, and Kim Jong-nam's passport was also uploaded. However, when Chen Yonggang asked about Kim Jong-nam, he found that this guy didn't know about it at all. He only vaguely remembered that Ning Zi asked him to jointly register the external websites of Ning Yuan and the R\u0026D center.

But he has never participated in website maintenance, and he has never even seen what the website's backend looks like.

Well, now Chen Yonggang felt that he was indeed quite incompetent.

The backend maintenance personnel for the two official websites were most likely hidden in the University of Sports, but he just couldn't find them.

It is absolutely impossible for Ning Zi to maintain it himself, because Ning Zi does not have the spare time to do such messy things.

Fortunately, Chen Yonggang was single enough and after realizing that his abilities were limited, he still called his leader and responded.

Then I heard a roar from the other side.

"What? You can't find the website maintenance staff? What do you, the principal, do for a living? Come on, tell me, what do you do every day?"

"Well... I have to review this. The main reason is that I put too much energy on providing various services to students, professors, lecturers and R\u0026D personnel, and neglected some management work..."


The snake oil answer, no one can say it is wrong. Of course, it can also be understood literally. After all, Ning Zi from the University of Sports had just upgraded his status from student to professor not long ago. There is such a person in the school, and as the principal, it is enough to do a good job in service.

Although the principal should still steer the development direction of the school and need to do various management tasks.

But the problem is that Chen Yonggang has been bold enough to plan the future development of the university again and again, but every time the development plans he has set are always easily made by Ning Zi, making these plans look outdated; for example, when Chen Yonggang started school, at the school orientation meeting It was announced that it would take five years to make the National Sports University a top-notch research university in China.

It has only been about half a year since this slogan was shouted out, and now it seems that it has been realized ahead of schedule.

The comprehensive transcendence of chip technology, 70% of the leading scientific research figures in Shuangdan University who were in their prime years were poached, and astronomy professors from Yan University and Huaqing University came to the National Sports University to attend lectures, all of which illustrate the meaning of Comrade Chen The plans formulated at that time were somewhat conservative.

His thinking cannot keep up with the development speed of the school, which is somewhat embarrassing.

As for management…

It was his normal job to manage the University, but Ningyuan and the chip R\u0026D center, even though they were branded as the University, it was really hard for him to get involved. This was his agreement with Ning Zi.

Not to mention the chip R\u0026D center and the stall in Ningyuan, which cost tens of billions of investments at every turn. He really wanted to take care of them, but Chen Yonggang knew very well that he had to really listen to the leadership and get his hands in these two places. He was so big. The principalship is almost over.

Chen Yonggang sees this very clearly. To put it bluntly, the National Sports University can usher in the largest development opportunity in history under his hands. To put it bluntly, it is because he knows how to advance and retreat thoroughly enough. Not to mention that TiDa's success in becoming what it is now, and being able to become a vice-ministerial unit, really depends on the strength of its leaders.

So even if he seemed a little incompetent, he could still answer confidently.

Some things that happened before have proven that when someone wants to pick peaches, there are people who can save him, but anyway, they are not the ones who called him today.

"Hey, old leader, you have to understand. It's the same thing for another person. You know how much funding the sports university gets every year. It's not enough to order some larger equipment for the chip research and development center. I also want to be tough. Yes, take back the management rights of the R\u0026D center, but you are not tough enough without spending any money!

How about you see it this way? You can find a way to make a note and approve some money, and we can also invest 70 to 80 billion in shares. I promise to make these things clear. Not only that, I will ask Ning Zi to discuss with you what decisions the R\u0026D center will make in the future. How about that? "

"go away!"

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