The End of Technology

Chapter 171 The decision-making perspective of big things covering up wrong things (Silver Alliance

Chapter 171 The decision-making perspective of big things covering up wrong things (Silver Alliance update 620)

When the sun woke up China from its sleep the next morning, countless Chinese netizens suddenly discovered that the trend on the Internet had changed.

In the past, we only saw foreign scientists and Chinese experts and celebrities telling the Chinese people painstakingly and tirelessly to eat less meat to avoid damaging the environment. After all, if the average person in China eats one more pound of meat, not only will there be more particles in the atmosphere, but the number of forests in the Amazon rainforest will also decrease.

The world's meager resources cannot support a country with a population of 1.4 billion people from eating meat for every meal. For this reason, some people have specifically defined so-called civilization. Eating less meat and more vegetarian food is a kind of civilizational progress. More nutrition experts have concluded through scientific analysis that the average Chinese people consume about 80 grams of meat per day, which is enough to ensure nutrition.

But it seems that those scientists and celebrities never discuss how much meat foreign people should eat.

This time, Chinese netizens had their eyes opened. One of the world's most well-known big names in science and technology really took the lead in speaking out, calling on citizens to eat less meat. For a while, many young Chinese netizens didn’t know what to say.

After all, this situation is so surprising that many people have even begun to wonder whether there is any latest research proving that eating meat is not beneficial to health, or even harmful. After all, the individual influence of these people is probably just that, but the combined force of everyone is different. It almost means that the computers and mobile phones of netizens are making the strongest noise.

This is no exaggeration.

After all, the people who spoke included those who made CPUs, graphics cards, storage, wafers, OEMs, as well as large software companies, search engine providers, etc., which really attracted many people who like to eat meat. My friends don’t know what to say.

This statement also made another group excited.

"Look, I have long said that vegetarianism is the symbol of civilization. Mr. Pat Gelsinger said it so well. If animals also have souls, who would want to be eaten alive?"

“As someone who has been a vegetarian for many years, I feel fulfilled.”

"Who said they only want Chinese people to eat less meat? Stand up and walk around twice?"

For a time, Huaxia Network became more and more popular due to the content of these video speeches, and even suppressed the long-discussed semiconductor dispute.

Of course, careful netizens have discovered through statistics that these big guys who suddenly posted videos on the Internet calling for vegetarianism are all top figures in companies within the World Semiconductor Alliance, including the chairman, CEO, and president of those groups, and it seems that they are also There is no absence.

This is indeed a very interesting discovery. Because except for the leaders of these high-tech companies in the World Semiconductor Alliance, no bosses from other technology companies followed suit. For example, Microsoft, a well-known software provider, and Apple, the world's largest company, as well as Boeing, Airbus, and other companies that belong to the high-tech series.

Just at this time, the Yanbei Large Chip Research Center, which was revealed at the forum in March, made a major breakthrough. Chinese scientist Ning Ji led the relevant team to overcome the technical bottleneck and developed a new three-dimensional chip structure of silicon-based carbon tubes. News about the official launch of a technology that is likely to represent a new direction in chip development have begun to flood the Chinese network.

This wave of news definitely belongs to export to domestic sales.

Because the videos that are popular on the Chinese Internet are the English subtitled versions that are now popular on the foreign Internet. Moreover, when it was transmitted to China, it was improved, and the content describing the technical details in the text when Ning Zi gave a report was abandoned. Instead, the entire video was edited into several short segments of tens of seconds. The content of each short segment was The content is almost always explosive.

"This is an idea I had two years ago and planned to put it into practice in Huaqing. However, due to some well-known reasons, I had to give it up temporarily."

"There is no doubt that our technology is world-leading. Because the radius of silicon atoms is larger than that of carbon atoms, although this technology has just started, it may be able to break through the nanometer limit faster than the original silicon-based chips."

"Although the manufacturing process still requires the intervention of light, it does not require complex equipment such as photolithography machines to intervene in the production process like traditional silicon-based chips. Therefore, in the future, this kind of three-dimensional chip manufacturing will no longer need to be upgraded. Photolithography technology. As we all know, it is extremely difficult to upgrade photolithography technology on a smaller scale, which is also the condition for us to overtake in corners."

"I developed a special EDA software - SB. I started designing this software when I was in Huaqing, but later I gave up temporarily because I needed to prove myself on a mathematical level. Practice has proven that our EDA software can The design of a three-dimensional chip is also a milestone in the history of EDA software."

Yes, there are short videos on both sides, which complement each other on the Chinese Internet, and then start to trigger hot searches.

The hot search about Ning Zi is that he has developed a new chip, which is new from structure to materials to manufacturing methods; on the other side are the traditional semiconductor manufacturing giants, starting to talk about what everyone should do Eat more vegetables and less meat.

Perfect magical realism.

For countless ordinary people, there is almost nothing to say except "fuck". But since not much news has come out yet, it seems that everyone can only wait and cherish it.

At this time, the bad guys discovered that Huaqing's official WeChat account and official website were moved at the same time.

"The news has just been confirmed from the China Chip Scientific Inspection Center. Congratulations to @Yanbei Sports University Chip R\u0026D Center for exploring a new path for independent chip research and development under the leadership of Ning Ji. Although the latest silicon-based CNT three-dimensional chip uses It is a 180nm process technology, but in tests it has shown performance that is not inferior to that of the traditional 60nm chip process. This also means that China will be able to produce high-performance chips even without EUV lithography machines in the future."

"Academician Ding Chenggong of our school who participated in testing the new chip said that its new chip with the same gate length consumes at least three times less power than silicon-based semiconductors and runs three times faster. There is no doubt that the chip developed by Ning Zhe The new chip is not only the result of his hard work, but also a breakthrough in Huaxia Technology. It is also an important milestone in the history of chip development for all mankind, and every Huaxia researcher will be proud of it."

"The ancients say that those who have passed cannot be admonished, but those who have come can still be pursued. Missing in the past does not mean that there is no future that cannot be dealt with. On this happy day, Huaqing Chip Institute, Huaqing Institute of Microelectronics, and Huaqing Institute of Integrated Circuits, We are willing to work with Yanbei University Chip R\u0026D Center to write a new chapter for the development of China's semiconductor industry."

Hua Qing was really too proactive this time. Before anyone could react, he posted three Weibo posts at six in the morning.

Not only that, but a virtual banner was hung on Huaqing's official website, "Warm congratulations to Ning Ji from Hua Xia Yanbei University of Physical Education for overcoming the world's chip problem."

This is indeed a bit excessive, because at this time, even the official website and official WeChat account of Lianda have not had time to officially announce the news.

Countless netizens woke up from their sleep and had just eaten a round of melon. When they thought of Huaqing, they clicked on Huaqing's Weibo and saw these three consecutive pinned Weibo posts filled with joy, which immediately shocked many happy netizens. Not anymore.

Don't play like this. Is this saying what they want to say and leaving them with nothing to say?

Obviously this is looking down on people, but there is no doubt that the scene style in the comment area has eased a lot.

"Hey, I have realized this a long time ago. Huaqing is already the well-deserved number one university in the world!"

"Let's do some popular science. I am willing to serve the city pommel horse from now on to fight for me. Brothers, come and watch the grand recognition scene."

"When I edited these Weibo posts, did my heart bleed?"

"Attention everyone, the editor of Yanbei Sports University's Weibo is calling the editor of Huaqing Weibo: Hey, brother, please delete it first and let me post it, otherwise our KPI will be gone."

"After the score line was eighteen points lower than the opponent's, I finally woke up."

At the same time, an inspirational story about scientists compiled by March also became popular on the Internet through hot searches.

A young man was determined to make a great career at the top university in China in terms of engineering. However, he died before his ambition could be realized and was driven away. After learning from the pain, I realized that my influence was too small and that technology could not save China. I gave up work and started studying mathematics. I overcame two major mathematical problems in one fell swoop and became famous all over the world.

After becoming famous, the young man chose a new starting point and regained his former ideals at China's number one sports university. In just one year, he turned his former ideals into reality and developed the chip. Although I haven't seen the true appearance yet, after professional judging, I am leading the world. I wonder who else is there in this legendary life?

Even many of Ning Zi’s previous comments were uncovered by netizens.

"No accountability, no forgiveness."

"Sorry, I have a slight social fear."

"Move about two meters to the left, no need to be too precise."

"I also developed special EDA software-SB."

Really, it’s not that netizens are incompetent and don’t want to find more famous quotes, the main reason is that there are too few Ning Zi who can be found to speak publicly. Although he has often become a frequent subject of hot searches on the Internet in the past two years, it is a pity that Ning Zi never makes any comments after being on the hot searches.

If you want to talk to Ning Zi, you can only find it in a very limited number of videos.

Even the first sentence: "No accountability, no forgiveness." It still came out from someone else's mouth.

"I'm sorry, I have a slight social fear." This was Ning Zi's speech at the Mathematicians Conference.

"Move about two meters to the left, you don't need to be too precise." Ning Zi broadcast live to the world, guiding the well-known American Fermilab Physics Laboratory to complete the lightning test.

As for the last sentence, it was obviously a statement made at the Ningyuan meeting yesterday. It was specifically chosen because the EDA software designed by Ning Ji was named extremely unique - SB. Although I don’t know who I am mocking, it sounds interesting to me.

It was in this situation that Ning Zi opened her eyes.

Obviously, he got up later than usual. The sun had already spilled into the room through the gaps in the curtains, and the light spots happened to be printed on his eyes.

The next second, I felt movement in my chest. I turned my head slightly and saw the squinting eyes of the person next to me. Then my brain began to crazily recall everything that happened during the episode of Real Numbers last night, and the memory caused a certain hormone to start secreting crazily again. The crazy secretion of hormones caused the brain to start directing his arms to start making some movements...

"Ah, what do you want to do again?"

"Review last night's real number set."

"Bah, what you think is beautiful, ah... don't make trouble, there are still exams today."

"Well, you are right, the high school mathematics exam is the most important..."

(Here again, 8213 words are deleted at the request of book friends in the book club.)

When Ning Zi got up refreshed an hour later, she had already begun to conceive of a paper in her mind, "On the Help of Body Flexibility in Learning Advanced Mathematics."

Of course it's just an idea.

After washing up, I came to the living room and turned on my phone. I found that I was still nervous yesterday and had forgotten to charge my phone. At this time, the battery had reached the bottom. And the time has reached half past nine in the morning. This also made Ning Zi feel a little guilty. Because I seem to be really late for the exam.

So I picked up my mobile phone, which had little battery left, and called Chen Yonggang.

"Oh, Ning Zi, you finally answered the phone... Why didn't you reply after I sent you so many messages?"

"I was discussing something very important with Xiaoya, so I didn't take my phone. I want to ask for leave for Lu Xiaoya first. We have more important things to do today, so we may not be able to take the exam today. .”

"Uh? What's important?"

"We are going to register our marriage."

"Oh, this is indeed... wait, what you just said is that you plan to register your marriage? Is it like going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get married?"

"Well, yes, you heard that right. It should be fine, right?"

The other person didn't answer for a while, and Chen Yonggang really didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

In fact, Ning Zi didn't know how to evaluate his own thoughts. After all, it was actually influenced by March. When one thing may have a negative impact, you can try to use a bigger thing to offset all the negative effects of the previous thing.

"Well, Ning Zi, although I think highly of you, aren't you a little too early at your age?"

"Actually, it's not too early. We have both reached the legal age for marriage, and I have already considered it and will be responsible for this decision. Does Principal Chen object?"

"No, no, no, I agree very much. Congratulations, congratulations, oh, I didn't expect that I can eat your wedding candy so early. What a happy event! It's okay, I will say hello to the teacher, what can I do to get married? It's important...wait, what did I just say?"

"Thank you, Principal Chen. As you just said, nothing is more important than getting married. So no matter what, let's wait until we get the marriage certificate before we talk about it. Let's get busy first."

After saying that, Ning Zi hung up the phone, just as the girl upstairs rushed down.

"It's over, it's over, I'm going to be late, it's all your fault..."

"It's okay, I've asked for leave for you."

"Can I take leave for exams?"

"Well, I just told Principal Chen that we have to register our marriage, so you can't take the exam."

The girl was stunned, her suspicious eyes turning on Ning Zi's face...

"You just said, get married?"

"Yes, so first of all, we need to ask your parents for permission. Get ready quickly. We are about to set off."

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